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CMSC Manual testing Completeness SNU Score

时间:2024-10-17 15:04:04浏览次数:1  
标签:function use Completeness testing Manual value your hw3 Out

Homework #3Due: Friday, October 18th at 4:00pm CST Table of ContentsHomework #3

Getting started Manual testing Completeness SNU Score

Code Quality

Submission The purpose of this assignment is to give you experience with conditionals, lists, and loops.

As in HW #2, many of the problems specify requirements related to the constructs that you are allowed to use inyour solutions. The purpose of these requirements isto ensure that you get practice with particularprogramming constructs.The grader who reviews your assignment will verify that your code follows these restrictions as part ofdetermining your code quality score.Please note that you will not need to define any new functions to complete these exercises.For all of the tasks, you may assume the parameters have the right types.

Getting started¶ o get started, you will need to pick up the materials for this assignment.

The first step is to navigate to your coursework directory:

$ cd ~/cmsc14100-aut-2024/cs141-coursework-GITHUB_USERNAME

Please recall that the


represents the prompt and is not included in the command. You also need to replace


with your GitHub user name.


git status

to make sure that your local copy of your repository is in a clean state. The output should look

like this:

$ git status .

On branch main

Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'.

If the output does not match, please review the relevant parts of the Introduction to Git (https://uchicago

cs.github.io/student-resource-guide/tutorials/git-intro.html) tutorial. If you run into trouble, please ask for help.

Once you have cleaned up and your repository is in a good state, run the following command:

$ git pull upstream main

This command will likely drop you into an unfamiliar editor window with text similar to the following:

Merge branch 'main' of github.com:uchicago-cmsc14100-aut-2024/coursework-upstream into main

# Please enter a commit message to explain why this merge is necessary,

# especially if it merges an updated upstream into a topic branch.


# Lines starting with '#' will be ignored, and an empty message aborts

# the commit.

If that happens, type


(that is, a colon, followed by the letter


, followed by the symbol


) and then hit


This command will pull the materials for this assignment into your local copy of your repository and will create a


You will find the files you need in the


directory. The file


contains a description of the files in the

directory. Please take a minute to review it before you start work on the assignment.

Manual testing¶

You should plan to test your code manually in


.Run the following at the start of your IPython session to load your code and to set up autoreload so that

subsequent changes to the file will be automatically picked up:

$ ipython3

In [1]: %load_ext autoreload

In [2]: %autoreload 2

In [3]: import hw3

If you get an error saying that the


failed, make sure you are running


from within your



Make sure you set-up autoreload every time you start-up




After the first exercise, you will be required to write docstrings for the required functions.

A docstring should have:

a brief description of the purpose of the function,

an “Args” section that provides the name, type, and purpose of each input, and

a “Returns” section that provides the type of the return value and a brief description of the return value.

Here is how to write the types that you will use in this assignment, for:

an integer, use


as the type,

a boolean, use


as the type,

a color tuple use

(Tuple[int, int, int])


a list of integers, use


, and

a list of color tuples, use

(List[Tuple[int, int, int]])


We recommend writing the required docstring before you write code for an exercise to solidify your

understanding of the purpose of the function, the arguments to the function (including their types), and the

return value for the function (including its type).

The grader who reviews your assignment will check your docstrings to ensure that you have included all the

required information as part of evaluating the quality of your code. Also, please keep in mind that the 80-

character limit on the length of lines applies to your docstrings as well as to your code.

Exercise 1¶

In Homework #2, you wrote a simple function,


, to determine whether an RGB color represents a

grayscale color (that is, do the red, green, and blue channels of the color have the same value.)For this exercise, your task is to write


again, this time using a different set of constructs than you

used in Homework #2. As a reminder,


takes three integer values,




, and


, for the red,

green, and blue channels of a color and returns


, if all three channels have the same value and




You may assume that all three parameters hold integer values between 0 and 255 inclusive.

Here are some sample uses of this function:

In [2]: hw3.is_grayscale(255, 255, 255) # White

Out[2]: True

In [3]: hw3.is_grayscale(160, 32, 240) # Purple

Out[3]: False

In [4]: hw3.is_grayscale(0, 0, 255) # Blue

Out[4]: False

In [5]: hw3.is_grayscale(0, 0, 0) # Black

Out[5]: True


You may use conditional statements and the integer equality (


)/inequality (


) operators in your solution

to this task.

You may not use logical operators (




, and


), nor may you use arithmetic operations (




, etc)

in your solution to this task.

Automated Tests

To run the automated tests for this exercise, run the following command at the Linux command-line:

$ py.test -xvk is_gray

We encourage you to open a second terminal window (connected to your assigned Linux server using SSH) for



. Also, remember to run the tests in your



Representing colors using tuples¶

In Exercise 1, we represented a color using three integer parameters. We can also represent a color using a

tuple with three integers that have values between 0 and 255 inclusive. Here are some sample colors:

In [6]: WHITE = (255, 255, 255)

In [7]: BLACK = (0, 0, 0)

In [8]: BLUE = (0, 0, 255)

In [9]: MEDIUM_GRAY = (127, 127, 127)

For the tasks that use color tuples, you may assume that the tuples are valid. That is, you can assume a tuple

for a color has three integers with values that range between 0 and 255 inclusive.

We can give names to the individual values in a tuple using Python’s tuple unpacking mechanism, which allows

programmers to specify multiple names, separated by commas, on the left side of an assignment statement andan expression that yields a tuple on the right side. Here are some example uses of this mechanism:

In [10]: r, g, b = (160, 32, 240) # Purple

In [11]: r

Out[11]: 160

In [12]: g

Out[12]: 32

In [13]: b

Out[13]: 240

In [14]: r, g, b = BLUE

In [15]: r

Out[15]: 0

In [16]: g

Out[16]: 0

In [17]: b

Out[17]: 255

Please note when you use tuple unpacking, the number of names on the left side of the assignment statement

must equal the number of values in the tuple that is the result of evaluating the right side of the assignment

statement. For example, if evaluating the expression on the right side of the assignment statement yields a

tuple of length three, then you need to have either one name on the left side of the assignment statement (for

the whole tuple) or three names (one per value in the tuple).

We encourage you use this mechanism when you need to work with the components/channels of a color.

Exercise 2¶

Complete the function,


, which takes a color tuple and returns


if the color is black (


0, 0)

) or white (

(255, 255, 255)

) and


, otherwise.

Here are some sample uses of


that use the color constants defined above:

In [20]: hw3.is_black_or_white(BLACK)

Out[20]: True

In [21]: hw3.is_black_or_white(WHITE)

Out[21]: True

In [22]: hw3.is_black_or_white(MEDIUM_GRAY)

Out[22]: False

In [23]: hw3.is_black_or_white(BLUE)

Out[23]: False

In [24]: hw3.is_black_or_white((160, 32, 240)) # Purple

Out[24]: False


You may use conditional statements, tuple unpacking, and integer equality/inequality operators for this task.

You may not use logical operators or equality/inequality on tuples in your solution for this task.

Automated TestsTo run the automated tests for this exercise, run the following command at the Linux command-line:

$ py.test -xvk is_black

Exercise 3¶

Complete the function


, which takes a list of color tuples, and returns a count of the

number of colors in the list that are neither black nor white.

Here are some sample uses of this function that use the color constants defined above:

In [25]: hw3.count_not_black_or_white([])

Out[25]: 0

In [26]: hw3.count_not_black_or_white([WHITE])

Out[26]: 0

In [27]: hw3.count_not_black_or_white([BLUE])

Out[27]: 1

In [31]: hw3.count_not_black_or_white([(160, 32, 240), (100, 52, 200), (0, 0, 0), (4, 30, 100)])

Out[31]: 3


You may not use logical operators or equality/inequality on tuples in your solution to this task.

Do not repeat the code for


in your solution. Use a function call instead.

See the Code Quality section for hints about how to chose the right looping construct.

Automated Tests

To run the automated tests for this exercise, run the following command at the Linux command-line:

$ py.test -xvk count


As we discussed in class, both the logical


and the logical


operators short-circuit. That is, Python stops

evaluating the expression as soon as the answer is known. For logical


, Python does not bother to evaluate

the second operand if the first operand evaluates to


. For logical


, Python does not bother to evaluate

the second operand if the first operand evaluates to



This concept extends to loops as well: a loop can short-circuit using


or a


to stop the computation


A simple lab instrument¶

The next three problems concern the same simple lab instrument. During a given run, the instrument generates

a sequence of integer values. When the machine is working properly the values it generates will fall between

specified lower and upper bounds inclusive. The machine signals failures by generating values that fall outsidethe specified bounds; some failures yield values strictly less that the lower bound and some yield values that

are strictly greater than the upper bound.

If lower is 0 and upper is 10, then, for example:


is normal,


is normal,


is normal,


signals a lower failure,


signals an upper failure.

In these tasks, you will be writing functions to determine whether failures occur and if so, whether a certain

failure (the first or the last) is less than the lower bound or greater than the upper bound.

We have defined the following constants to use as return values:


signals that the failure of interest is less than the lower bound,


signals that the failure of interest is greater than the upper bound, and


signals that no failure occurred.

Exercise 4¶

Exercises 4 and 5 require you to implement the same computation using different constructs. Implementing the

same computation twice will give you practice with different mechanisms and will help you see the relationship

between the two approaches.

Write a function


that takes a list of integers generated by our instrument in the order

they were generated, the lower bound, and the upper bound and returns:


, if at least one failure occurred and the first failure has a value strictly less than the lower bound,


, if at least one failure occurred and the first failure has a value strictly greater than the upper bound,


, if no failures occurred.

As noted above, we have defined constants for




, and


for you to use as the return values

for your function.

Here are some sample uses of this function:

In [34]: hw3.which_comes_first_break([], -10, 10) # NEITHER

Out[34]: 0

In [35]: hw3.which_comes_first_break([-21], -20, 10) # LOWER

Out[35]: -1

In [36]: hw3.which_comes_first_break([11], -20, 10) # UPPER

Out[36]: 1

In [39]: hw3.which_comes_first_break([10, 20, 15, 0, -1, 1, 12, 13, 21], 0, 20) # LOWER

Out[39]: -1In [40]: hw3.which_comes_first_break([10, 20, 15, 0, -1, 1, 12, 13, 21], -1, 21) # NEITHER

Out[40]: 0

In [41]: hw3.which_comes_first_break([10, 20, 15, 0, -1, 1, 12, 13], 1, 19) # UPPER

Out[41]: 1

The first example returns


, which is the value of


, because there are no values in list and thus, no

failures in the list.

In the second example, the list contains one value and that value is less than the lower bound, and so the result



, the value of



In the third example, the list contains a one value and that value that is greater than the upper bound, and so

the result is


, the value of



In the fourth example, the result is


because the list contains failures (




). Since the first failure

value (


) is less than the value specified for the lower bound, the result is



In the fifth example, the result is


because there are no failures: all the values fall between the lower

and upper bounds inclusive.

Finally, in the sixth example, the result is


because the list contains failures (




, and


) and the first

failure (


) is greater than the value specified for the upper bound.


Your function must stop looking values in the list as soon you find a failure value, that is, your function must


For this exercise, you are required to use


to affect the short-circuiting.

See the Code Quality section for hints about how to chose the right looping construct.

Automated tests

To run the automated tests for this exercise, run the following command at the Linux command-line:

$ py.test -xvk first_break

Exercise 5¶

Your task is to complete the function


, which implements the same computation as


using a different method for accomplishing the short circuiting.


Your function must short-circuit.

For this exercise, you are required to use


to affect the short-circuiting.

See the Code Quality section for hints about how to chose the right looping construct.

Automated testsTo run the automated tests for this exercise, run the following command at the Linux command-line:

$ py.test -xvk first_return

Exercise 6¶

Write a function


, which takes a list of integers generated by our instrument, the lower bound,

and the upper bound and returns:


, if at least one failure occurred and the last failure was a value strictly less than the lower bound,


, if at least one failure occurred and the last failure was a value strictly greater than the upper bound,


, if no failures occurred.

Here are some sample uses of this function:

In [43]: hw3.which_comes_last([], 0, 20) # NEITHER

Out[43]: 0

In [44]: hw3.which_comes_last([-1], 0, 20) # LOWER

Out[44]: -1

In [45]: hw3.which_comes_last([21], 0, 20) # UPPER

Out[45]: 1

In [54]: hw3.which_comes_last([10, 20, 15, 0, -1, 1, 12, 13, 21], 0, 20) # UPPER

Out[54]: 1

In [55]: hw3.which_comes_last([10, 20, 15, 0, -1, 1, 12, 13, 21], 0, 25) # LOWER

Out[55]: -1

In [56]: hw3.which_comes_last([10, 20, 15, 0, -1, 1, 12, 13, 21], -10, 25) # NEITHER

Out[56]: 0


See the Code Quality section for hints about how to chose the right looping construct.

Automated tests

To run the automated tests for this exercise, run the following command at the Linux command-line:

$ py.test -xvk last

Exercise 7¶

Complete the function


, which takes a list of integers and returns


if all the values in the list

are the same and



Here are some sample use of this function:

In [57]: hw3.are_all_same([])

Out[57]: True

In [58]: hw3.are_all_same([1])

Out[58]: TrueIn [59]: hw3.are_all_same([1, 1, 1, 1])

Out[59]: True

In [60]: hw3.are_all_same([1, 1, 1, 1, 2])

Out[60]: False


Your function must short-circuit. Note that converting the list to a set would violate this restriction.

Automated tests

To run the automated tests for this exercise, run the following command at the Linux command-line:

$ py.test -xvk same

Exercise 8¶

Complete the function


, which takes a list of intermediate scores for a game, a lower

bound, an upper bound, and a bonus value and returns a final score. The intermediate scores, the bounds, and

the bonus value are all integers. The final score is the sum of the intermedi代 写CMSC  Manual testing  Completeness   SNU Score ate scores plus, possibly, a bonusvalue. The bonus value is added to the final score if there are more intermediate scores with values strictlygreater than the upper bound than intermediate scores with values that are strictly less than the lower bound.For example, given the list:

Here are some sample uses of this function:

In [61]: hw3.compute_final_score([], 0, 10, 10)

Out[61]: 0

In [62]: hw3.compute_final_score([-21], -20, 20, 10)

Out[62]: -21

In [63]: hw3.compute_final_score([21], -20, 20, 10)

Out[63]: 31

In [64]: hw3.compute_final_score([-21, 21], -20, 20, 10)

Out[64]: 0

In [65]: hw3.compute_final_score([-21, 21, 22], -20, 20, 10)

Out[65]: 32

In [66]: hw3.compute_final_score([-21, 21, -22], -20, 20, 10)

Out[66]: -22

In [67]: hw3.compute_final_score([8, 10], 0, 10, 10)

Out[67]: 18


See the Code Quality section for hints about how to chose the right looping construct.Automated tests

To run the automated tests for this exercise, run the following command at the Linux command-line:

$ py.test -xvk final

Exercise 9¶

Complete the function


, which takes a list of color tuples, and returns the index of the first

element that is either black or white. The function should return


if neither black nor white occur in the list.

The return type for this function can be written as

(int | None)


Here are some sample uses of this function:

In [69]: hw3.get_first_bw_idx([]) is None

Out[69]: True

In [70]: hw3.get_first_bw_idx([WHITE])

Out[70]: 0

In [72]: hw3.get_first_bw_idx([BLUE, (0, 255, 0), BLUE, BLUE, BLACK, (255, 0, 0), MEDIUM_GRAY, WHITE, BLAC


Out[72]: 4


Your function must short-circuit once it finds the first occurrence of black or white.

Your solution may not repeat the code for determining whether a color tuple is black or white.

Your solution may not use the list


operator or the list


method. (Please note that you may use the



keyword in a



Your solution may not use the





See the Code Quality section for hints about how to chose the right looping construct.

Automated tests

To run the automated tests for this exercise, run the following command at the Linux command-line:

$ py.test -xvk idx


Recall that you will receive two S/N/U scores for this assignment: one for completeness and one for code


Completeness SNU Score¶

Your completeness score will be determined solely on the basis of the automated tests, which provide a

measure of how many of the tasks you have completed and the complexity of those tasks.Grade

Weighted test score


at least 90%

Needs Improvement at least 50%


less than 50%

For example, if your implementation has a weighted test score of 92%, you will earn a S (Satisfactory) score for


To determine your weighted test score, run the following at the Linux command-line (within your



$ py.test -v

$ python3 grader.py

or you can run the one line version:

$ py.test -v; python3 grader.py

Code Quality¶

You are expected to adhere to the class Python Style Guide (https://uchicago-cs.github.io/student-resource

guide/style-guide/python.html#python-style-guide) . The guide covers many parts of Python that are not relevant

for this assignment.

Here are some common code quality mistakes that we will be targeting in this assignment. Remember to review

the code quality hints from HW #2 as well.


Review your code to verify that you followed the requirements/restrictions listed with the questions.

Defined constants

Use the constants defined for




, etc instead of the associated integer value.


Do not include conditional branches that have no computational effect. Do not write:

# Not good

if <some boolean expression>:


x = x + 1



x = x + 0

or this:

# Not good

if <some boolean expression>:


x = x + 1else:



(Recall that we use angle brackets to signal a placeholder. For example,

<some boolean expression>

should be

replaced with an actual boolean expression.)

Write this code instead:

# Good

if <some boolean expression>:


x = x + 1

Similarly, do not use


in the



# Not good

if <some boolean expression>:





x = x + 1

Write this code instead:

# Good

if not <some boolean expression>:


x = x + 1

Don’t use


in this context either.

Choice of Loop

Make sure to choose the right loop style for your problem.

If you are working with the values in a list, write your code like this:

# Good

for val in lst:


<do something with val>

If you need to do a task that requires both the index and the value of a list element, write code like this:

# Great

for i, val in enumerate(lst):


<do something with i and val>

If you need to do a task that requires both the index and the value of a list element, code like this is usually

considered poor style in Python (even though it will feel normal to those of you with Java or C experience):

# Not good

for i in range(len(lst)):


val = lst[i]


<do something with i and val>

There is no reason to use a


loop for this assignment.

DocstringsMake sure you have provided a complete and accurate docstring for every function. A complete docstring

contains a brief description of the purpose of the function, a description of the each input (including its type) and

a description of the return value, including its type (assuming the function returns a value).

The two most common mistakes are not writing a docstring at all and writing a docstring that does not include

the types of the inputs or the type of the return value.

Overly long or complex code

Avoid writing code that has more cases than needed.

Avoid repeating code Reuse earlier functions when appropriate. Note that it is OK to use the same loop header multiple times, but not

the same loop body.While these are the main things we care about in this assignment, please remember that it is not possible for us

o give you an exhaustive list of every single thing that could affect your code quality score (and that thinking in

those terms is generally counterproductive to learning how to program; see our Mistakes are an essential part Gradescope will upload your files directly from your GitHub repository, so it is important that you remember to

commit and push your work!(If you have trouble with the link, you can find a link for Gradescope in the list of applications on the left side of

our Canvas site. Follow the link and then click on Homework #3.)Under “Repository”, make sure to select yourcmsc14100-aut-2024/cs141-coursework-GITHUB_USERNAMErepository.

Under “Branch”, selectmain.Make sure to check the results of the autograder on Gradescope. If your score is not what you expect, check tomake sure you pushed your work to the server! If you pushed your work to the server and the score is still notwhat you expect, check your code to look for problems that you might have introduced as part of your final codequality check.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/comp9313/p/18472027


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