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KDD24 推荐系统 论文整理 自用

时间:2024-10-15 12:51:47浏览次数:3  
标签:based Knowledge KDD24 论文 自用 user recommendation model Data



Research Track Papers (55 papers)

Applied Data Papers (25 papers)


Research Track Papers (55 papers)

Harm Mitigation in Recommender Systems under User Preference Dynamics | Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

We consider a recommender system that takes into account the interplay between recommendations, the evolution of user interests, and harmful content. We model the impact of recommendations on user behavior, particularly the tendency to consume harmful content. We seek recommendation policies that establish a tradeoff between maximizing click-through rate (CTR) and mitigating harm. We establish conditions under which the user profile dynamics have a stationary point, and propose algorithms for finding an optimal recommendation policy at stationarity. We experiment on a semi-synthetic movie recommendation setting initialized with real data and observe that our policies outperform baselines at simultaneously maximizing CTR and mitigating harm.

Where Have You Been? A Study of Privacy Risk for Point-of-Interest Recommendation | Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

As location-based services (LBS) have grown in popularity, more human mobility data has been collected. The collected data can be used to build machine learning (ML) models for LBS to enhance their performance and improve overall experience for users. However, the convenience comes with the risk of privacy leakage since this type of data might contain sensitive information related to user identities, such as home/work locations. Prior work focuses on protecting mobility data privacy during transmission or prior to release, lacking the privacy risk evaluation of mobility data-based ML models. To better understand and quantify the privacy leakage in mobility data-based ML models, we design a privacy attack suite containing data extraction and membership inference attacks tailored for point-of-interest (POI) recommendation models, one of the most widely used mobility data-based ML models. These attacks in our attack suite assume different adversary knowledge and aim to extract different types of sensitive information from mobility data, providing a holistic privacy risk assessment for POI recommendation models. Our experimental evaluation using two real-world mobility datasets demonstrates that current POI recommendation models are vulnerable to our attacks. We also present unique findings to understand what types of mobility data are more susceptible to privacy attacks. Finally, we evaluate defenses against these attacks and highlight future directions and challenges.

Meta Clustering of Neural Bandits | Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

The contextual bandit has been identified as a powerful framework to formulate the recommendation process as a sequential decision-making process, where each item is regarded as an arm and the objective is to minimize the regret of T rounds. In this paper, we study a new problem, Clustering of Neural Bandits, by extending previous work to the arbitrary reward function, to strike a balance between user heterogeneity and user correlations in the recommender system. To solve this problem, we propose a novel algorithm called M-CNB, which utilizes a meta-learner to represent and rapidly adapt to dynamic clusters, along with an informative Upper Confidence Bound (UCB)-based exploration strategy. We provide an instance-dependent performance guarantee for the proposed algorithm that withstands the adversarial context, and we further prove the guarantee is at least as good as state-of-the-art (SOTA) approaches under the same assumptions. In extensive experiments conducted in both recommendation and online classification scenarios, M-CNB outperforms SOTA baselines. This shows the effectiveness of the proposed approach in improving online recommendation and online classification performance.

Explicit and Implicit Modeling via Dual-Path Transformer for Behavior Set-informed Sequential Recommendation | Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

Sequential recommendation (SR) and multi-behavior sequential recommendation (MBSR) both come from real-world scenarios. Compared with SR, MBSR takes into account the dependencies of different behaviors. We find that most existing works on MBSR are studied in the context of e-commerce scenarios. In terms of the data format of the behavior types, we observe that the conventional label-formatted data carries limited information and is inadequate for scenarios like social media. With this observation, we introducebehavior set and extend MBSR to behavior set-informed sequential recommendation (BSSR). In BSSR, behavior dependencies become more complex and personalized, and user interest arousal may lack explicit contextual associations. To delve into the dynamics inhered within a behavior set and adaptively tailor recommendation lists upon its variability, we propose a novel solution called Explicit and Implicit modeling via Dual-Path Transformer (EIDP) for BSSR. Our EIDP adopts a dual-path architecture, distinguishing between explicit modeling path (EMP) and implicit modeling path (IMP) based on whether to directly incorporate the behavior representations. EMP features the personalized behavior set-wise transition pattern extractor (PBS-TPE) as its core component. It couples behavioral representations with both the items and positions to explore intra-behavior dynamics within a behavior set at a fine granularity. IMP utilizes light multi-head self-attention blocks (L-MSAB) as encoders under specific behavior types. The obtained multi-view representations are then aggregated by cross-behavior attention fusion (CBAF), using the behavior set of the next time step as a guidance to extract collaborative semantics at the behavioral level. Extensive experiments on two real-world datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our EIDP. We release the implementation code at: https://github.com/OshiNoCSMA/EIDP.

Maximum-Entropy Regularized Decision Transformer with Reward Relabelling for Dynamic Recommendation | Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

Reinforcement learning-based recommender systems have recently gained popularity. However, due to the typical limitations of simulation environments (e.g., data inefficiency), most of the work cannot be broadly applied in all domains. To counter these challenges, recent advancements have leveraged offline reinforcement learning methods, notable for their data-driven approach utilizing offline datasets. A prominent example of this is the Decision Transformer. Despite its popularity, the Decision Transformer approach has inherent drawbacks, particularly evident in recommendation methods based on it. This paper identifies two key shortcomings in existing Decision Transformer-based methods: a lack of stitching capability and limited effectiveness in online adoption. In response, we introduce a novel methodology named Max-Entropy enhanced Decision Transformer with Reward Relabeling for Offline RLRS (EDT4Rec). Our approach begins with a max entropy perspective, leading to the development of a max-entropy enhanced exploration strategy. This strategy is designed to facilitate more effective exploration in online environments. Additionally, to augment the model's capability to stitch sub-optimal trajectories, we incorporate a unique reward relabeling technique. To validate the effectiveness and superiority of EDT4Rec, we have conducted comprehensive experiments across six real-world offline datasets and in an online simulator.

Shopping Trajectory Representation Learning with Pre-training for E-commerce Customer Understanding and Recommendation | Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

Understanding customer behavior is crucial for improving service quality in large-scale E-commerce. This paper proposes C-STAR, a new framework that learns compact representations from customer shopping journeys, with good versatility to fuel multiple downstream customer-centric tasks. We define the notion of shopping trajectory that encompasses customer interactions at the level of product categories, capturing the overall flow of their browsing and purchase activities. C-STAR excels at modeling both inter-trajectory distribution similarity-the structural similarities between different trajectories, and intra-trajectory semantic correlation-the semantic relationships within individual ones. This coarse-to-fine approach ensures informative trajectory embeddings for representing customers. To enhance embedding quality, we introduce a pre-training strategy that captures two intrinsic properties within the pre-training data. Extensive evaluation on large-scale industrial and public datasets demonstrates the effectiveness of C-STAR across three diverse customer-centric tasks. These tasks empower customer profiling and recommendation services for enhancing personalized shopping experiences on our E-commerce platform.

Understanding Inter-Session Intentions via Complex Logical Reasoning | Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

Understanding user intentions is essential for improving product recommendations, navigation suggestions, and query reformulations. However, user intentions can be intricate, involving multiple sessions and attribute requirements connected by logical operators such as And, Or, and Not. For instance, a user may search for Nike or Adidas running shoes across various sessions, with a preference for purple. In another example, a user may have purchased a mattress in a previous session and is now looking for a matching bed frame without intending to buy another mattress. Existing research on session understanding has not adequately addressed making product or attribute recommendations for such complex intentions. In this paper, we present the task of logical session complex query answering (LS-CQA), where sessions are treated as hyperedges of items, and we frame the problem of complex intention understanding as an LS-CQA task on an aggregated hypergraph of sessions, items, and attributes. This is a unique complex query answering task with sessions as ordered hyperedges. We also introduce a new model, the Logical Session Graph Transformer (LSGT), which captures interactions among items across different sessions and their logical connections using a transformer structure. We analyze the expressiveness of LSGT and prove the permutation invariance of the inputs for the logical operators. By evaluating LSGT on three datasets, we demonstrate that it achieves state-of-the-art results.

Relevance Meets Diversity: A User-Centric Framework for Knowledge Exploration Through Recommendations | Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

Providing recommendations that are both relevant and diverse is a key consideration of modern recommender systems. Optimizing both of these measures presents a fundamental trade-off, as higher diversity typically comes at the cost of relevance, resulting in lower user engagement. Existing recommendation algorithms try to resolve this trade-off by combining the two measures, relevance and diversity, into one aim and then seeking recommendations that optimize the combined objective, for a given number of items. Traditional approaches, however, do not consider the user interaction with the suggested items. In this paper, we put the user at the central stage, and build on the interplay between relevance, diversity, and user behavior. In contrast to applications where the goal is solely to maximize engagement, we focus on scenarios aiming at maximizing the total amount of knowledge encountered by the user. We use diversity as a surrogate for the amount of knowledge obtained by the user while interacting with the system, and we seek to maximize diversity. We propose a probabilistic user-behavior model in which users keep interacting with the recommender system as long as they receive relevant suggestions, but they may stop if the relevance of the recommended items drops. Thus, for a recommender system to achieve a high-diversity measure, it will need to produce recommendations that are both relevant and diverse. Finally, we propose a novel recommendation strategy that combines relevance and diversity by a copula function. We conduct an extensive evaluation of the proposed methodology over multiple datasets, and we show that our strategy outperforms several state-of-the-art competitors. Our implementation is publicly available at https://github.com/EricaCoppolillo/EXPLORE.

DisCo: Towards Harmonious Disentanglement and Collaboration between Tabular and Semantic Space for Recommendation | Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

Recommender systems play important roles in various applications such as e-commerce, social media, etc. Conventional recommendation methods usually model the collaborative signals within the tabular representation space. Despite the personalization modeling and the efficiency, the latent semantic dependencies are omitted. Methods that introduce semantics into recommendation then emerge, injecting knowledge from the semantic representation space where the general language understanding are compressed. However, existing semantic-enhanced recommendation methods focus on aligning the two spaces, during which the representations of the two spaces tend to get close while the unique patterns are discarded and not well explored. In this paper, we propose DisCo to Disentangle the unique patterns from the two representation spaces and Collaborate the two spaces for recommendation enhancement, where both the specificity and the consistency of the two spaces are captured. Concretely, we propose 1) a dual-side attentive network to capture the intra-domain patterns and the inter-domain patterns, 2) a sufficiency constraint to preserve the task-relevant information of each representation space and filter out the noise, and 3) a disentanglement constraint to avoid the model from discarding the unique information. These modules strike a balance between disentanglement and collaboration of the two representation spaces to produce informative pattern vectors, which could serve as extra features and be appended to arbitrary recommendation backbones for enhancement. Experiment results validate the superiority of our method against different models and the compatibility of DisCo over different backbones. Various ablation studies and efficiency analysis are also conducted to justify each model component.

Disentangled Multi-interest Representation Learning for Sequential Recommendation | Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

Recently, much effort has been devoted to modeling users' multi-interests (aka multi-faceted preferences) based on their behaviors, aiming to accurately capture users' complex preferences. Existing methods attempt to model each interest of users through a distinct representation, but these multi-interest representations easily collapse into similar ones due to a lack of effective guidance. In this paper, we propose a generic multi-interest method for sequential recommendation, achieving disentangled representation learning of diverse interests technically and theoretically. To alleviate the collapse issue of multi-interests, we propose to conduct item partition guided by their likelihood of being co-purchased in a global view. It can encourage items in each group to focus on a discriminated interest, thus achieving effective disentangled learning of multi-interests. Specifically, we first prove the theoretical connection between item partition and spectral clustering, demonstrating its effectiveness in alleviating item-level and facet-level collapse issues that hinder existing disentangled methods. To efficiently optimize this problem, we then propose a Markov Random Field (MRF)-based method that samples small-scale sub-graphs from two separate MRFs, thus it can be approximated with a cross-entropy loss and optimized through contrastive learning. Finally, we perform multi-task learning to seamlessly align item partition learning with multi-interest modeling for more accurate recommendation. Experiments on three real-world datasets show that our method significantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods and can flexibly integrate with existing multi-interest models as a plugin to enhance their performances.

ROTAN: A Rotation-based Temporal Attention Network for Time-Specific Next POI Recommendation | Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

The next Point-of-interest recommendation has attracted extensive research interest recently, which predicts users' subsequent movements. The main challenge is how to effectively capture users' personalized sequential transitions in check-in trajectory, and various methods have been developed. However, most existing studies ignore the temporal information when conducting the next POI recommendation. To fill this gap, we investigate a time-specific next POI recommendation task, which additionally incorporates the target time information. We propose a brand new Time2Rotation technique to capture the temporal information. Different from conventional methods, we represent timeslots as rotation vectors and then perform the rotation operations. Based on the Time2Rotation technique, we propose a novel rotation-based temporal attention network, namely ROTAN, for the time-specific next POI recommendation task. The ROTAN begins by building a collaborative POI transition graph, capturing the asymmetric temporal influence in sequential transitions. After that, it incorporates temporal information into the modeling of individual check-in trajectories, extracting separate representations for user preference and POI influence to reflect their distinct temporal patterns. Lastly, the target time is integrated to generate recommendations. Extensive experiments are conducted on three real-world datasets, which demonstrates the advantages of the proposed Time2Rotation technique and ROTAN recommendation model.

DIET: Customized Slimming for Incompatible Networks in Sequential Recommendation | Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

Due to the continuously improving capabilities of mobile edges, recommender systems start to deploy models on edges to alleviate network congestion caused by frequent mobile requests. Several studies have leveraged the proximity of edge-side to real-time data, fine-tuning them to create edge-specific models. Despite their significant progress, these methods require substantial on-edge computational resources and frequent network transfers to keep the model up to date. The former may disrupt other processes on the edge to acquire computational resources, while the latter consumes network bandwidth, leading to a decrease in user satisfaction. In response to these challenges, we propose a customizeD slImming framework for incompatiblE neTworks(DIET). DIET deploys the same generic backbone (potentially incompatible for a specific edge) to all devices. To minimize frequent bandwidth usage and storage consumption in personalization, DIET tailors specific subnets for each edge based on its past interactions, learning to generate slimming subnets(diets) within incompatible networks for efficient transfer. It also takes the inter-layer relationships into account, empirically reducing inference time while obtaining more suitable diets. We further explore the repeated modules within networks and propose a more storage-efficient framework, DIETING, which utilizes a single layer of parameters to represent the entire network, achieving comparably excellent performance. The experiments across four state-of-the-art datasets and two widely used models demonstrate the superior accuracy in recommendation and efficiency in transmission and storage of our framework.

Federated Graph Learning with Structure Proxy Alignment | Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

Federated Graph Learning (FGL) aims to learn graph learning models over graph data distributed in multiple data owners, which has been applied in various applications such as social recommendation and financial fraud detection. Inherited from generic Federated Learning (FL), FGL similarly has the data heterogeneity issue where the label distribution may vary significantly for distributed graph data across clients. For instance, a client can have the majority of nodes from a class, while another client may have only a few nodes from the same class. This issue results in divergent local objectives and impairs FGL convergence for node-level tasks, especially for node classification. Moreover, FGL also encounters a unique challenge for the node classification task: the nodes from a minority class in a client are more likely to have biased neighboring information, which prevents FGL from learning expressive node embeddings with Graph Neural Networks (GNNs). To grapple with the challenge, we propose FedSpray, a novel FGL framework that learns local class-wise structure proxies in the latent space and aligns them to obtain global structure proxies in the server. Our goal is to obtain the aligned structure proxies that can serve as reliable, unbiased neighboring information for node classification. To achieve this, FedSpray trains a global feature-structure encoder and generates unbiased soft targets with structure proxies to regularize local training of GNN models in a personalized way. We conduct extensive experiments over four datasets, and experiment results validate the superiority of FedSpray compared with other baselines. Our code is available at https://github.com/xbfu/FedSpray.

Consistency and Discrepancy-Based Contrastive Tripartite Graph Learning for Recommendations | Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

Tripartite graph-based recommender systems markedly diverge from traditional models by recommending unique combinations such as user groups and item bundles. Despite their effectiveness, these systems exacerbate the long-standing cold-start problem in traditional recommender systems, because any number of user groups or item bundles can be formed among users or items. To address this issue, we introduce a <u>C</u>onsistency and <u>D</u>iscrepancy-based graph contrastive learning method for tripartite graph-based <u>R</u>ecommendation (CDR). This approach leverages two novel meta-path-based metrics-consistency and discrepancy-to capture nuanced, implicit associations between the recommended objects and the recommendees. These metrics, indicative of high-order similarities, can be efficiently calculated with infinite graph convolutional networks (GCN) layers under a multi-objective optimization framework, using the limit theory of GCN. Additionally, we introduce a novel Contrastive Divergence (CD) loss, which can seamlessly integrate the consistency and discrepancy metrics into the contrastive objective as the positive and contrastive supervision signals to learn node representations, enhancing the pairwise ranking of recommended objects and proving particularly valuable in severe cold-start scenarios. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed CDR. The code is released at https://github.com/foodfaust/CDR.

Adapting Job Recommendations to User Preference Drift with Behavioral-Semantic Fusion Learning | Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

Job recommender systems are crucial for aligning job opportunities with job-seekers in online job-seeking. However, users tend to adjust their job preferences to secure employment opportunities continually, which limits the performance of job recommendations. The inherent frequency of preference drift poses a challenge to promptly and precisely capture user preferences. To address this issue, we propose a novel session-based framework, BISTRO, to timely model user preference through fusion learning of semantic and behavioral information. Specifically, BISTRO is composed of three stages: 1) coarse-grained semantic clustering, 2) fine-grained job preference extraction, and 3) personalized top-k job recommendation. Initially, BISTRO segments the user interaction sequence into sessions and leverages session-based semantic clustering to achieve broad identification of person-job matching. Subsequently, we design a hypergraph wavelet learning method to capture the nuanced job preference drift. To mitigate the effect of noise in interactions caused by frequent preference drift, we innovatively propose an adaptive wavelet filtering technique to remove noisy interaction. Finally, a recurrent neural network is utilized to analyze session-based interaction for inferring personalized preferences. Extensive experiments on three real-world offline recruitment datasets demonstrate the significant performances of our framework. Significantly, BISTRO also excels in online experiments, affirming its effectiveness in live recruitment settings. This dual success underscores the robustness and adaptability of BISTRO. The source code is available at https://github.com/Applied-Machine-Learning-Lab/BISTRO.

Double Correction Framework for Denoising Recommendation | Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

As its availability and generality in online services, implicit feedback is more commonly used in recommender systems. However, implicit feedback usually presents noisy samples in real-world recommendation scenarios (such as misclicks or non-preferential behaviors), which will affect precise user preference learning. To overcome the noisy samples problem, a popular solution is based on dropping noisy samples in the model training phase, which follows the observation that noisy samples have higher training losses than clean samples. Despite the effectiveness, we argue that this solution still has limits. (1) High training losses can result from model optimization instability or hard samples, not just noisy samples. (2) Completely dropping of noisy samples will aggravate the data sparsity, which lacks full data exploitation.

To tackle the above limitations, we propose a Double Correction Framework for Denoising Recommendation (DCF), which contains two correction components from views of more precise sample dropping and avoiding more sparse data. In the sample dropping correction component, we use the loss value of the samples over time to determine whether it is noise or not, increasing dropping stability. Instead of averaging directly, we use the damping function to reduce the bias effect of outliers. Furthermore, due to the higher variance exhibited by hard samples, we derive a lower bound for the loss through concentration inequality to identify and reuse hard samples. In progressive label correction, we iteratively re-label highly deterministic noisy samples and retrain them to further improve performance. Finally, extensive experimental results on three datasets and four backbones demonstrate the effectiveness and generalization of our proposed framework.

On (Normalised) Discounted Cumulative Gain as an Off-Policy Evaluation Metric for Top-n Recommendation | Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

Approaches to recommendation are typically evaluated in one of two ways: (1) via a (simulated) online experiment, often seen as the gold standard, or (2) via some offline evaluation procedure, where the goal is to approximate the outcome of an online experiment. Several offline evaluation metrics have been adopted in the literature, inspired by ranking metrics prevalent in the field of Information Retrieval. (Normalised) Discounted Cumulative Gain (nDCG) is one such metric that has seen widespread adoption in empirical studies, and higher (n)DCG values have been used to present new methods as the state-of-the-art in top-n recommendation for many years.

Our work takes a critical look at this approach, and investigates when we can expect such metrics to approximate the gold standard outcome of an online experiment. We formally present the assumptions that are necessary to consider DCG an unbiased estimator of online reward and provide a derivation for this metric from first principles, highlighting where we deviate from its traditional uses in IR. Importantly, we show that normalising the metric renders it inconsistent, in that even when DCG is unbiased, ranking competing methods by their normalised DCG can invert their relative order. Through a correlation analysis between off- and on-line experiments conducted on a large-scale recommendation platform, we show that our unbiased DCG estimates strongly correlate with online reward, even when some of the metric's inherent assumptions are violated. This statement no longer holds for its normalised variant, suggesting that nDCG's practical utility may be limited.

Automatic Multi-Task Learning Framework with Neural Architecture Search in Recommendations | Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

Multi-task learning (MTL), which aims to make full use of knowledge contained in multiple tasks to enhance overall performance and efficiency, has been broadly applied in recommendations. The main challenge for MTL models is negative transfer. Existing MTL models, mainly built on the Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) structure, seek enhancements in performance through feature selection and specific expert sharing mode design. However, one expert sharing mode may not be universally applicable due to the complex correlations and diverse demands among various tasks. Additionally, homogeneous expert architectures in such models further limit their performance. To address these issues, in this paper, we propose an innovative automatic MTL framework, AutoMTL, leveraging neural architecture search (NAS) to design optimal expert architectures and sharing modes. The Dual-level Expert Sharing mode and Architecture Navigator (DESAN) search space of AutoMTL can not only efficiently explore expert sharing modes and feature selection schemes but also focus on the architectures of expert subnetworks. Along with this, we introduce an efficient Progressively Discretizing Differentiable Architecture Search (PD-DARTS) algorithm for search space exploration. Extensive experiments demonstrate that AutoMTL can consistently outperform state-of-the-art, human-crafted MTL models. Moreover, the insights obtained from the discovered architectures provide valuable guidance for building new multi-task recommendation models.

RecExplainer: Aligning Large Language Models for Explaining Recommendation Models | Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

Recommender systems are widely used in online services, with embedding-based models being particularly popular due to their expressiveness in representing complex signals. However, these models often function as a black box, making them less transparent and reliable for both users and developers. Recently, large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable intelligence in understanding, reasoning, and instruction following. This paper presents the initial exploration of using LLMs as surrogate models to explaining black-box recommender models. The primary concept involves training LLMs to comprehend and emulate the behavior of target recommender models. By leveraging LLMs' own extensive world knowledge and multi-step reasoning abilities, these aligned LLMs can serve as advanced surrogates, capable of reasoning about observations. Moreover, employing natural language as an interface allows for the creation of customizable explanations that can be adapted to individual user preferences. To facilitate an effective alignment, we introduce three methods: behavior alignment, intention alignment, and hybrid alignment. Behavior alignment operates in the language space, representing user preferences and item information as text to mimic the target model's behavior; intention alignment works in the latent space of the recommendation model, using user and item representations to understand the model's behavior; hybrid alignment combines both language and latent spaces. Comprehensive experiments conducted on three public datasets show that our approach yields promising results in understanding and mimicking target models, producing high-quality, high-fidelity, and distinct explanations. Our code is available at https://github.com/microsoft/RecAI.

Debiased Recommendation with Noisy Feedback | Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

Ratings of a user to most items in recommender systems are usually missing not at random (MNAR), largely because users are free to choose which items to rate. To achieve unbiased learning of the prediction model under MNAR data, three typical solutions have been proposed, including error-imputation-based (EIB), inverse-propensity-scoring (IPS), and doubly robust (DR) methods. However, these methods ignore an alternative form of bias caused by the inconsistency between the observed ratings and the users' true preferences, also known as noisy feedback or outcome measurement errors (OME), e.g., due to public opinion or low-quality data collection process. In this work, we study intersectional threats to the unbiased learning of the prediction model from data MNAR and OME in the collected data. First, we design OME-EIB, OME-IPS, and OME-DR estimators, which largely extend the existing estimators to combat OME in real-world recommendation scenarios. Next, we theoretically prove the unbiasedness and generalization bound of the proposed estimators. We further propose an alternate denoising training approach to achieve unbiased learning of the prediction model under MNAR data with OME. Extensive experiments are conducted on three real-world datasets and one semi-synthetic dataset to show the effectiveness of our proposed approaches. The code is available at https://github.com/haoxuanli-pku/KDD24-OME-DR.

Privileged Knowledge State Distillation for Reinforcement Learning-based Educational Path Recommendation | Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

Educational recommendation seeks to suggest knowledge concepts that match a learner's ability, thus facilitating a personalized learning experience. In recent years, reinforcement learning (RL) methods have achieved considerable results by taking the encoding of the learner's exercise log as the state and employing an RL-based agent to make suitable recommendations. However, these approaches suffer from handling the diverse and dynamic learner's knowledge states. In this paper, we introduce the privileged feature distillation technique and propose the P rivileged K nowledge S tate D istillation (PKSD ) framework, allowing the RL agent to leverage the "actual'' knowledge state as privileged information in the state encoding to help tailor recommendations to meet individual needs. Concretely, our PKSD takes the privileged knowledge states together with the representations of the exercise log for the state representations during training. And through distillation, we transfer the ability to adapt to learners to aknowledge state adapter. During inference, theknowledge state adapter would serve as the estimated privileged knowledge states instead of the real one since it is not accessible. Considering that there are strong connections among the knowledge concepts in education, we further propose to collaborate the graph structure learning for concepts into our PKSD framework. This new approach is termed GEPKSD (Graph-Enhanced PKSD). As our method is model-agnostic, we evaluate PKSD and GEPKSD by integrating them with five different RL bases on four public simulators, respectively. Our results verify that PKSD can consistently improve the recommendation performance with various RL methods, and our GEPKSD could further enhance the effectiveness of PKSD in all the simulations.

Customizing Graph Neural Network for CAD Assembly Recommendation | Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

CAD assembly modeling, which refers to using CAD software to design new products from a catalog of existing machine components, is important in the industrial field. The graph neural network (GNN) based recommender system for CAD assembly modeling can help designers make decisions and speed up the design process by recommending the next required component based on the existing components in CAD software. These components can be represented as a graph naturally. However, present recommender systems for CAD assembly modeling adopt fixed GNN architectures, which may be sub-optimal for different manufacturers with different data distribution. Therefore, to customize a well-suited recommender system for different manufacturers, we propose a novel neural architecture search (NAS) framework, dubbed CusGNN, which can design data-specific GNN automatically. Specifically, we design a search space from three dimensions (i.e., aggregation, fusion, and readout functions), which contains a wide variety of GNN architectures. Then, we develop an effective differentiable search algorithm to search high-performing GNN from the search space. Experimental results show that the customized GNNs achieve 1.5-5.1% higher top-10 accuracy compared to previous manual designed methods, demonstrating the superiority of the proposed approach. Code and data are available at https://github.com/BUPT-GAMMA/CusGNN.

Repeat-Aware Neighbor Sampling for Dynamic Graph Learning | Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

Dynamic graph learning equips the edges with time attributes and allows multiple links between two nodes, which is a crucial technology for understanding evolving data scenarios like traffic prediction and recommendation systems. Existing works obtain the evolving patterns mainly depending on the most recent neighbor sequences. However, we argue that whether two nodes will have interaction with each other in the future is highly correlated with the same interaction that happened in the past. Only considering the recent neighbors overlooks the phenomenon of repeat behavior and fails to accurately capture the temporal evolution of interactions. To fill this gap, this paper presents RepeatMixer, which considers evolving patterns of first and high-order repeat behavior in the neighbor sampling strategy and temporal information learning. Firstly, we define the first-order repeat-aware nodes of the source node as the destination nodes that have interacted historically and extend this concept to high orders as nodes in the destination node's high-order neighbors. Then, we extract neighbors of the source node that interacted before the appearance of repeat-aware nodes with a slide window strategy as its neighbor sequence. Next, we leverage both the first and high-order neighbor sequences of source and destination nodes to learn temporal patterns of interactions via an MLP-based encoder. Furthermore, considering the varying temporal patterns on different orders, we introduce a time-aware aggregation mechanism that adaptively aggregates the temporal representations from different orders based on the significance of their interaction time sequences. Experimental results demonstrate the superiority of RepeatMixer over state-of-the-art models in link prediction tasks, underscoring the effectiveness of the proposed repeat-aware neighbor sampling strategy.

Counteracting Duration Bias in Video Recommendation via Counterfactual Watch Time | Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

In video recommendation, an ongoing effort is to satisfy users' personalized information needs by leveraging their logged watch time. However, watch time prediction suffers from duration bias, hindering its ability to reflect users' interests accurately. Existing label-correction approaches attempt to uncover user interests through grouping and normalizing observed watch time according to video duration. Although effective to some extent, we found that these approaches regard completely played records (i.e., a user watches the entire video) as equally high interest, which deviates from what we observed on real datasets: users have varied explicit feedback proportion when completely playing videos. In this paper, we introduce the counterfactual watch time (CWT), the potential watch time a user would spend on the video if its duration is sufficiently long. Analysis shows that the duration bias is caused by the truncation of CWT due to the video duration limitation, which usually occurs on those completely played records. Besides, a Counterfactual Watch Model (CWM) is proposed, revealing that CWT equals the time users get the maximum benefit from video recommender systems. Moreover, a cost-based transform function is defined to transform the CWT into the estimation of user interest, and the model can be learned by optimizing a counterfactual likelihood function defined over observed user watch times. Extensive experiments on three real video recommendation datasets and online A/B testing demonstrated that CWM effectively enhanced video recommendation accuracy and counteracted the duration bias.

Natural Language Explainable Recommendation with Robustness Enhancement | Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

Natural language explainable recommendation has become a promising direction to facilitate more efficient and informed user decisions. Previous models mostly focus on how to enhance the explanation accuracy. However, the robustness problem has been largely ignored, which requires the explanations generated for similar user-item pairs should not be too much different. Different from traditional classification problems, improving the robustness of natural languages has two unique characteristics: (1) Different token importances, that is, different tokens play various roles in representing the complete sentence, and the robustness requirements for predicting them should also be different. (2) Continuous token semantics, that is, the similarity of the output should be judged based on semantics, and the sequences without any token-level overlap may also be highly similar. Based on these characteristics, we formulate and solve a novel problem in the recommendation domain, that is, robust natural language explainable recommendation. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first time in this field. Specifically, we base our modeling on adversarial robust optimization and design four types of heuristic methods to modify the adversarial outputs with weighted token probabilities and synonym replacements. Furthermore, to consider the mutual influence between the above characteristics, we regard language generation as a decision-making problem and design a dual-policy reinforcement learning framework to improve the robustness of the generated languages. We conduct extensive experiments to demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework.

Item-Difficulty-Aware Learning Path Recommendation: From a Real Walking Perspective | Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

Learning path recommendation aims to provide learners with a reasonable order of items to achieve their learning goals. Intuitively, the learning process on the learning path can be metaphorically likened to walking. Despite extensive efforts in this area, most previous methods mainly focus on the relationship among items but overlook the difficulty of items, which may raise two issues from a real walking perspective: (1) The path may be rough: When learners tread the path without considering item difficulty, it's akin to walking a dark, uneven road, making learning harder and dampening interest. (2) The path may be inefficient: Allowing learners only a few attempts on very challenging items before switching, or persisting with a difficult item despite numerous attempts without mastery, can result in inefficiencies in the learning journey. To conquer the above limitations, we propose a novel method named Difficulty-constrained Learning Path Recommendation (DLPR), which is aware of item difficulty. Specifically, we first explicitly categorize items into learning items and practice items, then construct a hierarchical graph to model and leverage item difficulty adequately. Then we design a Difficulty-driven Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning (DHRL) framework to facilitate learning paths with efficiency and smoothness. Finally, extensive experiments on three different simulators demonstrate our framework achieves state-of-the-art performance.

GPFedRec: Graph-Guided Personalization for Federated Recommendation | Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

The federated recommendation system is an emerging AI service architecture that provides recommendation services in a privacy-preserving manner. Using user-relation graphs to enhance federated recommendations is a promising topic. However, it is still an open challenge to construct the user-relation graph while preserving data locality-based privacy protection in federated settings. Inspired by a simple motivation, similar users share a similar vision (embeddings) to the same item set, this paper proposes a novel Graph-guided Personalization for Federated Recommendation (GPFedRec). The proposed method constructs a user-relation graph from user-specific personalized item embeddings at the server without accessing the users' interaction records. The personalized item embedding is locally fine-tuned on each device, and then a user-relation graph will be constructed by measuring the similarity among client-specific item embeddings. Without accessing users' historical interactions, we embody the data locality-based privacy protection of vanilla federated learning. Furthermore, a graph-guided aggregation mechanism is designed to leverage the user-relation graph and federated optimization framework simultaneously. Extensive experiments on five benchmark datasets demonstrate GPFedRec's superior performance. The in-depth study validates that GPFedRec can generally improve existing federated recommendation methods as a plugin while keeping user privacy safe. Code is available https://github.com/Zhangcx19/GPFedRec

Dataset Regeneration for Sequential Recommendation | Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

The sequential recommender (SR) system is a crucial component of modern recommender systems, as it aims to capture the evolving preferences of users. Significant efforts have been made to enhance the capabilities of SR systems. These methods typically follow the model-centric paradigm, which involves developing effective models based on fixed datasets. However, this approach often overlooks potential quality issues and flaws inherent in the data. Driven by the potential of data-centric AI, we propose a novel data-centric paradigm for developing an ideal training dataset using a model-agnostic dataset regeneration framework called DR4SR. This framework enables the regeneration of a dataset with exceptional cross-architecture generalizability. Additionally, we introduce the DR4SR+ framework, which incorporates a model-aware dataset personalizer to tailor the regenerated dataset specifically for a target model. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the data-centric paradigm, we integrate our framework with various model-centric methods and observe significant performance improvements across four widely adopted datasets. Furthermore, we conduct in-depth analyses to explore the potential of the data-centric paradigm and provide valuable insights. The code can be found at https://github.com/USTC-StarTeam/DR4SR.

User Welfare Optimization in Recommender Systems with Competing Content Creators | Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

Driven by the new economic opportunities created by the creator economy, an increasing number of content creators rely on and compete for revenue generated from online content recommendation platforms. This burgeoning competition reshapes the dynamics of content distribution and profoundly impacts long-term user welfare on the platform. However, the absence of a comprehensive picture of global user preference distribution often traps the competition, especially the creators, in states that yield sub-optimal user welfare. To encourage creators to best serve a broad user population with relevant content, it becomes the platform's responsibility to leverage its information advantage regarding user preference distribution to accurately signal creators.

In this study, we perform system-side user welfare optimization under a competitive game setting among content creators. We propose an algorithmic solution for the platform, which dynamically computes a sequence of weights for each user based on their satisfaction of the recommended content. These weights are then utilized to design mechanisms that adjust the recommendation policy or the post-recommendation rewards, thereby influencing creators' content production strategies. To validate the effectiveness of our proposed method, we report our findings from a series of experiments, including: 1. a proof-of-concept negative example illustrating how creators' strategies converge towards sub-optimal states without platform intervention; 2. offline experiments employing our proposed intervention mechanisms on diverse datasets; and 3. results from a three-week online experiment conducted on Instagram Reels short-video recommendation platform.

Graph Bottlenecked Social Recommendation | Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

With the emergence of social networks, social recommendation has become an essential technique for personalized services. Recently, graph-based social recommendations have shown promising results by capturing the high-order social influence. Most empirical studies of graph-based social recommendations directly take the observed social networks into formulation, and produce user preferences based on social homogeneity. Despite the effectiveness, we argue that social networks in the real-world are inevitably noisy~(existing redundant social relations), which may obstruct precise user preference characterization. Nevertheless, identifying and removing redundant social relations is challenging due to a lack of labels. In this paper, we focus on learning the denoised social structure to facilitate recommendation tasks from an information bottleneck perspective. Specifically, we propose a novel Graph Bottlenecked Social Recommendation (GBSR) framework to tackle the social noise issue. GBSR is a model-agnostic social denoising framework, that aims to maximize the mutual information between the denoised social graph and recommendation labels, meanwhile minimizing it between the denoised social graph and the original one. This enables GBSR to learn the minimal yet sufficient social structure, effectively reducing redundant social relations and enhancing social recommendations. Technically, GBSR consists of two elaborate components, preference-guided social graph refinement, and HSIC-based bottleneck learning. Extensive experimental results demonstrate the superiority of the proposed GBSR, including high performances and good generality combined with various backbones. Our code is available at: https://github.com/yimutianyang/KDD24-GBSR.

Conversational Dueling Bandits in Generalized Linear Models | Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

Conversational recommendation systems elicit user preferences by interacting with users to obtain their feedback on recommended commodities. Such systems utilize a multi-armed bandit framework to learn user preferences in an online manner and have received great success in recent years. However, existing conversational bandit methods have several limitations. First, they only enable users to provide explicit binary feedback on the recommended items or categories, leading to ambiguity in interpretation. In practice, users are usually faced with more than one choice. Relative feedback, known for its informativeness, has gained increasing popularity in recommendation system design. Moreover, current contextual bandit methods mainly work under linear reward assumptions, ignoring practical non-linear reward structures in generalized linear models. Therefore, in this paper, we introduce relative feedback-based conversations into conversational recommendation systems through the integration of dueling bandits in generalized linear models (GLM) and propose a novel conversational dueling bandit algorithm called ConDuel. Theoretical analyses of regret upper bounds and empirical validations on synthetic and real-world data underscore ConDuel's efficacy. We also demonstrate the potential to extend our algorithm to multinomial logit bandits with theoretical and experimental guarantees, which further proves the applicability of the proposed framework.

Revisiting Reciprocal Recommender Systems: Metrics, Formulation, and Method | Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

Reciprocal recommender systems~(RRS), conducting bilateral recommendations between two involved parties, have gained increasing attention for enhancing matching efficiency. However, the majority of existing methods in the literature still reuse conventional ranking metrics to separately assess the performance on each side of the recommendation process. These methods overlook the fact that the ranking outcomes of both sides collectively influence the effectiveness of the RRS, neglecting the necessity of a more holistic evaluation and a capable systemic solution.

In this paper, we systemically revisit the task of reciprocal recommendation, by introducing the new metrics, formulation, and method. Firstly, we propose five new evaluation metrics that comprehensively and accurately assess the performance of RRS from three distinct perspectives: overall coverage, bilateral stability, and balanced ranking. These metrics provide a more holistic understanding of the system's effectiveness and enable a comprehensive evaluation. Furthermore, we formulate the RRS from a causal perspective, formulating recommendations as bilateral interventions, which can better model the decoupled effects of potential influencing factors. By utilizing the potential outcome framework, we further develop a model-agnostic causal reciprocal recommendation method that considers the causal effects of recommendations. Additionally, we introduce a reranking strategy to maximize matching outcomes, as measured by the proposed metrics. Extensive experiments on two real-world datasets from recruitment and dating scenarios demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed metrics and approach. The code and dataset are available at: https://github.com/RUCAIBox/CRRS.

DFGNN: Dual-frequency Graph Neural Network for Sign-aware Feedback | Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

The graph-based recommendation has achieved great success in recent years. However, most existing graph-based recommendations focus on capturing user preference based on positive edges/feedback, while ignoring negative edges/feedback (e.g., dislike, low rating) that widely exist in real-world recommender systems. How to utilize negative feedback in graph-based recommendations still remains underexplored. In this study, we first conducted a comprehensive experimental analysis and found that (1) existing graph neural networks are not well-suited for modeling negative feedback, which acts as a high-frequency signal in a user-item graph. (2) The graph-based recommendation suffers from the representation degeneration problem. Based on the two observations, we propose a novel model that models positive and negative feedback from a frequency filter perspective called Dual-frequency Graph Neural Network for Sign-aware Recommendation (DFGNN). Specifically, in DFGNN, the designed dual-frequency graph filter (DGF) captures both low-frequency and high-frequency signals that contain positive and negative feedback. Furthermore, the proposed signed graph regularization is applied to maintain the user/item embedding uniform in the embedding space to alleviate the representation degeneration problem. Additionally, we conduct extensive experiments on real-world datasets and demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed model. Codes of our model will be released upon acceptance.

CoRAL: Collaborative Retrieval-Augmented Large Language Models Improve Long-tail Recommendation | Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

The long-tail recommendation is a challenging task for traditional recommender systems, due to data sparsity and data imbalance issues. The recent development of large language models (LLMs) has shown their abilities in complex reasoning, which can help to deduce users' preferences based on very few previous interactions. However, since most LLM-based systems rely on items' semantic meaning as the sole evidence for reasoning, the collaborative information of user-item interactions is neglected, which can cause the LLM's reasoning to be misaligned with task-specific collaborative information of the dataset. To further align LLMs' reasoning to task-specific user-item interaction knowledge, we introduce collaborative retrieval-augmented LLMs, CoRAL, which directly incorporate collaborative evidence into the prompts. Based on the retrieved user-item interactions, the LLM can analyze shared and distinct preferences among users, and summarize the patterns indicating which types of users would be attracted by certain items. The retrieved collaborative evidence prompts the LLM to align its reasoning with the user-item interaction patterns in the dataset. However, since the capacity of the input prompt is limited, finding the minimally-sufficient collaborative information for recommendation tasks can be challenging. We propose to find the optimal interaction set through a sequential decision-making process and develop a retrieval policy learned through a reinforcement learning (RL) framework, CoRAL. Our experimental results show that CoRAL can significantly improve LLMs' reasoning abilities on specific recommendation tasks. Our analysis also reveals that CoRAL can more efficiently explore collaborative information through reinforcement learning.

Unveiling Vulnerabilities of Contrastive Recommender Systems to Poisoning Attacks | Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

Contrastive learning (CL) has recently gained prominence in the domain of recommender systems due to its great ability to enhance recommendation accuracy and improve model robustness. Despite its advantages, this paper identifies a vulnerability of CL-based recommender systems that they are more susceptible to poisoning attacks aiming to promote individual items. Our analysis indicates that this vulnerability is attributed to the uniform spread of representations caused by the InfoNCE loss. Furthermore, theoretical and empirical evidence shows that optimizing this loss favors smooth spectral values of representations. This finding suggests that attackers could facilitate this optimization process of CL by encouraging a more uniform distribution of spectral values, thereby enhancing the degree of representation dispersion. With these insights, we attempt to reveal a potential poisoning attack against CL-based recommender systems, which encompasses a dual-objective framework: one that induces a smoother spectral value distribution to amplify the InfoNCE loss's inherent dispersion effect, named dispersion promotion; and the other that directly elevates the visibility of target items, named rank promotion. We validate the threats of our attack model through extensive experimentation on four datasets. By shedding light on these vulnerabilities, our goal is to advance the development of more robust CL-based recommender systems. The code is available at https://github.com/CoderWZW/ARLib.

EAGER: Two-Stream Generative Recommender with Behavior-Semantic Collaboration | Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

Generative retrieval has recently emerged as a promising approach to sequential recommendation, framing candidate item retrieval as an autoregressive sequence generation problem. However, existing generative methods typically focus solely on either behavioral or semantic aspects of item information, neglecting their complementary nature and thus resulting in limited effectiveness. To address this limitation, we introduce EAGER, a novel generative recommendation framework that seamlessly integrates both behavioral and semantic information. Specifically, we identify three key challenges in combining these two types of information: a unified generative architecture capable of handling two feature types, ensuring sufficient and independent learning for each type, and fostering subtle interactions that enhance collaborative information utilization. To achieve these goals, we propose (1) a two-stream generation architecture leveraging a shared encoder and two separate decoders to decode behavior tokens and semantic tokens with a confidence-based ranking strategy; (2) a global contrastive task with summary tokens to achieve discriminative decoding for each type of information; and (3) a semantic-guided transfer task designed to implicitly promote cross-interactions through reconstruction and estimation objectives. We validate the effectiveness of EAGER on four public benchmarks, demonstrating its superior performance compared to existing methods. Our source code will be publicly available on PapersWithCode.com.

Warming Up Cold-Start CTR Prediction by Learning Item-Specific Feature Interactions | Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

In recommendation systems, new items are continuously introduced, initially lacking interaction records but gradually accumulating them over time. Accurately predicting the click-through rate (CTR) for these items is crucial for enhancing both revenue and user experience. While existing methods focus on enhancing item ID embeddings for new items within general CTR models, they tend to adopt a global feature interaction approach, often overshadowing new items with sparse data by those with abundant interactions. Addressing this, our work introduces EmerG, a novel approach that warms up cold-start CTR prediction by learning item-specific feature interaction patterns. EmerG utilizes hypernetworks to generate an item-specific feature graph based on item characteristics, which is then processed by a Graph Neural Network (GNN). This GNN is specially tailored to provably capture feature interactions at any order through a customized message passing mechanism. We further design a meta learning strategy that optimizes parameters of hypernetworks and GNN across various item CTR prediction tasks, while only adjusting a minimal set of item-specific parameters within each task. This strategy effectively reduces the risk of overfitting when dealing with limited data. Extensive experiments on benchmark datasets validate that EmerG consistently performs the best given no, a few and sufficient instances of new items.

A Hierarchical and Disentangling Interest Learning Framework for Unbiased and True News Recommendation | Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

In the era of information explosion, news recommender systems are crucial for users to effectively and efficiently discover their interested news. However, most of the existing news recommender systems face two major issues, hampering recommendation quality. Firstly, they often oversimplify users' reading interests, neglecting their hierarchical nature, spanning from high-level event (e.g., US Election) related interests to low-level news article-specifc interests. Secondly, existing work often assumes a simplistic context, disregarding the prevalence of fake news and political bias under the real-world context. This oversight leads to recommendations of biased or fake news, posing risks to individuals and society. To this end, this paper addresses these gaps by introducing a novel framework, the Hierarchical and Disentangling Interest learning framework (HDInt). HDInt incorporates a hierarchical interest learning module and a disentangling interest learning module. The former captures users' high- and low-level interests, enhancing next-news recommendation accuracy. The latter effectively separates polarity and veracity information from news contents and model them more specifcally, promoting fairness- and truth-aware reading interest learning for unbiased and true news recommendations. Extensive experiments on two real-world datasets demonstrate HDInt's superiority over state-of-the-art news recommender systems in delivering accurate, unbiased, and true news recommendations.

Pre-Training with Transferable Attention for Addressing Market Shifts in Cross-Market Sequential Recommendation | Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

Cross-market recommendation (CMR) involves selling the same set of items across multiple nations or regions within a transfer learning framework. However, CMR's distinctive characteristics, including limited data sharing due to privacy policies, absence of user overlap, and a shared item set between markets present challenges for traditional recommendation methods. Moreover, CMR experiences market shifts, leading to differences in item popularity and user preferences among different markets. This study focuses on cross-market sequential recommendation (CMSR) and proposes the Cross-market Attention Transferring with Sequential Recommendation (CAT-SR) framework to address these challenges and market shifts. CAT-SR incorporates a pre-training strategy emphasizing item-item correlation, selective self-attention transferring for effective transfer learning, and query and key adapters for market-specific user preferences. Experimental results on real-world cross-market datasets demonstrate the superiority of CAT-SR, and ablation studies validate the benefits of its components across different geographical continents. CAT-SR offers a robust and adaptable solution for cross-market sequential recommendation. The code is available at https://github.com/ChenMetanoia/CATSR-KDD/.

Towards Robust Recommendation via Decision Boundary-aware Graph Contrastive Learning | Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

In recent years, graph contrastive learning (GCL) has received increasing attention in recommender systems due to its effectiveness in reducing bias caused by data sparsity. However, most existing GCL models rely on heuristic approaches and usually assume entity independence when constructing contrastive views. We argue that these methods struggle to strike a balance between semantic invariance and view hardness across the dynamic training process, both of which are critical factors in graph contrastive learning.

To address the above issues, we propose a novel GCL-based recommendation framework RGCL, which effectively maintains the semantic invariance of contrastive pairs and dynamically adapts as the model capability evolves through the training process. Specifically, RGCL first introduces decision boundary-aware adversarial perturbations to constrain the exploration space of contrastive augmented views, avoiding the decrease of task-specific information. Furthermore, to incorporate global user-user and item-item collaboration relationships for guiding on the generation of hard contrastive views, we propose an adversarial-contrastive learning objective to construct a relation-aware view-generator. Besides, considering that unsupervised GCL could potentially narrower margins between data points and the decision boundary, resulting in decreased model robustness, we introduce the adversarial examples based on maximum perturbations to achieve margin maximization. We also provide theoretical analyses on the effectiveness of our designs. Through extensive experiments on five public datasets, we demonstrate the superiority of RGCL compared against twelve baseline models.

Large Language Models meet Collaborative Filtering: An Efficient All-round LLM-based Recommender System | Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

Collaborative filtering recommender systems (CF-RecSys) have shown successive results in enhancing the user experience on social media and e-commerce platforms. However, as CF-RecSys struggles under cold scenarios with sparse user-item interactions, recent strategies have focused on leveraging modality information of user/items (e.g., text or images) based on pre-trained modality encoders and Large Language Models (LLMs). Despite their effectiveness under cold scenarios, we observe that they underperform simple traditional collaborative filtering models under warm scenarios due to the lack of collaborative knowledge. In this work, we propose an efficient All-round LLM-based Recommender system, called A-LLMRec, that excels not only in the cold scenario but also in the warm scenario. Our main idea is to enable an LLM to directly leverage the collaborative knowledge contained in a pre-trained state-of-the-art CF-RecSys so that the emergent ability of the LLM as well as the high-quality user/item embeddings that are already trained by the state-of-the-art CF-RecSys can be jointly exploited. This approach yields two advantages: (1) model-agnostic, allowing for integration with various existing CF-RecSys, and (2) efficiency, eliminating the extensive fine-tuning typically required for LLM-based recommenders. Our extensive experiments on various real-world datasets demonstrate the superiority of A-LLMRec in various scenarios, including cold/warm, few-shot, cold user, and cross-domain scenarios. Beyond the recommendation task, we also show the potential of A-LLMRec in generating natural language outputs based on the understanding of the collaborative knowledge by performing a favorite genre prediction task. Our code is available at https://github.com/ghdtjr/A-LLMRec.

Continual Collaborative Distillation for Recommender System | Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

Knowledge distillation (KD) has emerged as a promising technique for addressing the computational challenges associated with deploying large-scale recommender systems. KD transfers the knowledge of a massive teacher system to a compact student model, to reduce the huge computational burdens for inference while retaining high accuracy. The existing KD studies primarily focus on one-time distillation in static environments, leaving a substantial gap in their applicability to real-world scenarios dealing with continuously incoming users, items, and their interactions. In this work, we delve into a systematic approach to operating the teacher-student KD in a non-stationary data stream. Our goal is to enable efficient deployment through a compact student, which preserves the high performance of the massive teacher, while effectively adapting to continuously incoming data. We propose <u>C</u>ontinual <u>C</u>ollaborative <u>D</u>istillation (CCD) framework, where both the teacher and the student continually and collaboratively evolve along the data stream. CCD facilitates the student in effectively adapting to new data, while also enabling the teacher to fully leverage accumulated knowledge. We validate the effectiveness of CCD through extensive quantitative, ablative, and exploratory experiments on two real-world datasets. We expect this research direction to contribute to narrowing the gap between existing KD studies and practical applications, thereby enhancing the applicability of KD in real-world systems.

CheatAgent: Attacking LLM-Empowered Recommender Systems via LLM Agent | Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

Recently, Large Language Model (LLM)-empowered recommender systems (RecSys) have brought significant advances in personalized user experience and have attracted considerable attention. Despite the impressive progress, the research question regarding the safety vulnerability of LLM-empowered RecSys still remains largely under-investigated. Given the security and privacy concerns, it is more practical to focus on attacking the black-box RecSys, where attackers can only observe the system's inputs and outputs. However, traditional attack approaches employing reinforcement learning (RL) agents are not effective for attacking LLM-empowered RecSys due to the limited capabilities in processing complex textual inputs, planning, and reasoning. On the other hand, LLMs provide unprecedented opportunities to serve as attack agents to attack RecSys because of their impressive capability in simulating human-like decision-making processes. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a novel attack framework called CheatAgent by harnessing the human-like capabilities of LLMs, where an LLM-based agent is developed to attack LLM-Empowered RecSys. Specifically, our method first identifies the insertion position for maximum impact with minimal input modification. After that, the LLM agent is designed to generate adversarial perturbations to insert at target positions. To further improve the quality of generated perturbations, we utilize the prompt tuning technique to improve attacking strategies via feedback from the victim RecSys iteratively. Extensive experiments across three real-world datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed attacking method.

Performative Debias with Fair-exposure Optimization Driven by Strategic Agents in Recommender Systems | Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

Data bias, e.g., popularity impairs the dynamics of two-sided markets within recommender systems. This overshadows the less visible but potentially intriguing long-tail items that could capture user interest. Despite the abundance of research surrounding this issue, it still poses challenges and remains a hot topic in academic circles. Along this line, in this paper, we developed a re-ranking approach in dynamic settings with fair-exposure optimization driven by strategic agents. Designed for the producer side, the execution of agents assumes content creators can modify item features based on strategic incentives to maximize their exposure. This iterative process entails an end-to-end optimization, employing differentiable ranking operators that simultaneously target accuracy and fairness. Joint objectives ensure the performance of recommendations while enhancing the visibility of tail items. We also leveraged the performativity nature of predictions to illustrate how strategic learning influences content creators to shift towards fairness efficiently, thereby incentivizing features of tail items. Through comprehensive experiments on both public and industrial datasets, we have substantiated the effectiveness and dominance of the proposed method especially on unveiling the potential of tail items.

Improving Multi-modal Recommender Systems by Denoising and Aligning Multi-modal Content and User Feedback | Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

Multi-modal recommender systems (MRSs) are pivotal in diverse online web platforms and have garnered considerable attention in recent years. However, previous studies overlook the challenges of (1)noisy multi-modal content, (2) noisy user feedback, and (3) aligning multi-modal content and user feedback. To tackle these challenges, we propose Denoising and Aligning Multi-modal Recommender System (DA-MRS). To mitigate noise in multi-modal content, DA-MRS first constructs item-item graphs determined by consistent content similarity across modalities. To denoise user feedback, DA-MRS associates the probability of observed feedback with multi-modal content and devises a denoised BPR loss. Furthermore, DA-MRS implements Alignment guided by User preference to enhance task-specific item representation and Alignment guided by graded Item relations to provide finer-grained alignment. Extensive experiments verify that DA-MRS is a plug-and-play framework and achieves significant and consistent improvements across various datasets, backbone models, and noisy scenarios.

How to Avoid Jumping to Conclusions: Measuring the Robustness of Outstanding Facts in Knowledge Graphs | Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

An outstanding fact (OF) is a striking claim by which some entities stand out from their peers on some attribute. OFs serve data journalism, fact checking, and recommendation. However, one could jump to conclusions by selecting truthful OFs while intentionally or inadvertently ignoring lateral contexts and data that render them less striking. This jumping conclusion bias from unstable OFs may disorient the public, including voters and consumers, raising concerns about fairness and transparency in political and business competition. It is thus ethically imperative for several stakeholders to measure the robustness of OFs with respect to lateral contexts and data. Unfortunately, a capacity for such inspection of OFs mined from knowledge graphs (KGs) is missing. In this paper, we propose a methodology that inspects the robustness of OFs in KGs by perturbation analysis. We define (1) entity perturbation, which detects outlying contexts by perturbing context entities in the OF; and (2) data perturbation, which considers plausible data that render an OF less striking. We compute the expected strikingness scores of OFs over perturbation relevance distributions and assess an OF as robust if its measured strikingness does not deviate significantly from the expected. We devise a suite of exact and sampling algorithms for perturbation analysis on large KGs. Extensive experiments reveal that our methodology accurately and efficiently detects frail OFs generated by existing mining approaches on KGs. We also show the effectiveness of our approaches through case and user studies.

Self-Supervised Denoising through Independent Cascade Graph Augmentation for Robust Social Recommendation | Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

Social Recommendation (SR) typically exploits neighborhood influence in the social network to enhance user preference modeling. However, users' intricate social behaviors may introduce noisy social connections for user modeling and harm the models' robustness. Existing solutions to alleviate social noise either filter out the noisy connections or generate new potential social connections. Due to the absence of labels, the former approaches may retain uncertain connections for user preference modeling while the latter methods may introduce additional social noise. Through data analysis, we discover that (1) social noise likely comes from the connected users with low preference similarity; and (2) Opinion Leaders (OLs) play a pivotal role in influence dissemination, surpassing high-similarity neighbors, regardless of their preference similarity with trusting peers. Guided by these observations, we propose a novel Self-Supervised Denoising approach through Independent Cascade Graph Augmentation, for more robust SR. Specifically, we employ the independent cascade diffusion model to generate an augmented graph view, which traverses the social graph and activates the edges in sequence to simulate the cascading influence spread. To steer the augmentation towards a denoised social graph, we (1) introduce a hierarchical contrastive loss to prioritize the activation of OLs first, followed by high-similarity neighbors, while weakening the low-similarity neighbors; and (2) integrate an information bottleneck based contrastive loss, aiming to minimize mutual information between original and augmented graphs yet preserve sufficient information for improved SR. Experiments conducted on two public datasets demonstrate that our model outperforms the state-of-the-art while also exhibiting higher robustness to different extents of social noise.

Going Where, by Whom, and at What Time: Next Location Prediction Considering User Preference and Temporal Regularity | Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

Next location prediction is a crucial task in human mobility modeling, and is pivotal for many downstream applications like location-based recommendation and transportation planning. Although there has been a large body of research tackling this problem, the usefulness of user preference and temporal regularity remains underrepresented. Specifically, previous studies usually neglect the explicit user preference information entailed from human trajectories and fall short in utilizing the arrival time of next location, as a key determinant on next location. To address these limitations, we propose a Multi-Context aware Location Prediction model (MCLP) to predict next locations for individuals, where it explicitly models user preference and the next arrival time as context. First, we utilize a topic model to extract user preferences for different types of locations from historical human trajectories. Second, we develop an arrival time estimator to construct a robust arrival time embedding based on the multi-head attention mechanism. The two components provide pivotal contextual information for the subsequent prediction. Finally, we utilize the Transformer architecture to mine sequential patterns and integrate multiple contextual information to predict the next locations. Experimental results on two real-world mobility datasets show that our proposed MCLP outperforms baseline methods.

Mitigating Negative Transfer in Cross-Domain Recommendation via Knowledge Transferability Enhancement | Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

Cross-Domain Recommendation (CDR) is a promising technique to alleviate data sparsity by transferring knowledge across domains. However, the negative transfer issue in the presence of numerous domains has received limited attention. Most existing methods transfer all information from source domains to the target domain without distinction. This introduces harmful noise and irrelevant features, resulting in suboptimal performance. Although some methods decompose user features into domain-specific and domain-shared components, they fail to consider other causes of negative transfer. Worse still, we argue that simple feature decomposition is insufficient for multi-domain scenarios. To bridge this gap, we propose TrineCDR, the TRIple-level kNowledge transferability Enhanced model for multi-target CDR. Unlike previous methods, TrineCDR captures single domain and targeted cross-domain embeddings to serve multi-domain recommendation. For the latter, we identify three fundamental causes of negative transfer, ranging from micro to macro perspectives, and correspondingly enhance knowledge transferability at three different levels: the feature level, the interaction level, and the domain level. Through these efforts, TrineCDR effectively filters out noise and irrelevant information from source domains, leading to more comprehensive and accurate representations in the target domain. We extensively evaluate the proposed model on real-world datasets, sampled from Amazon and Douban, under both dual-target and multi-target scenarios. The experimental results demonstrate the superiority of TrineCDR over state-of-the-art cross-domain recommendation methods.

How Powerful is Graph Filtering for Recommendation | Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

It has been shown that the effectiveness of graph convolutional network (GCN) for recommendation is attributed to the spectral graph filtering. Most GCN-based methods consist of a graph filter or followed by a low-rank mapping optimized based on supervised training. However, we show two limitations suppressing the power of graph filtering: (1) Lack of generality. Due to the varied noise distribution, graph filters fail to denoise sparse data where noise is scattered across all frequencies, while supervised training results in worse performance on dense data where noise is concentrated in middle frequencies that can be removed by graph filters without training. (2) Lack of expressive power. We theoretically show that linear GCN (LGCN) that is effective on collaborative filtering (CF) cannot generate arbitrary embeddings, implying the possibility that optimal data representation might be unreachable.

To tackle the first limitation, we show close relation between noise distribution and the sharpness of spectrum where a sharper spectral distribution is more desirable causing data noise to be separable from important features without training. Based on this observation, we propose a generalized graph normalization (G2N) with hyperparameters adjusting the sharpness of spectral distribution in order to redistribute data noise to assure that it can be removed by graph filtering without training. As for the second limitation, we propose an individualized graph filter (IGF) adapting to the different confidence levels of the user preference that interactions can reflect, which is proved to be able to generate arbitrary embeddings. By simplifying LGCN, we further propose a simplified graph filtering for CF (SGFCF) which only requires the top-K singular values for recommendation. Finally, experimental results on four datasets with different density settings demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of our proposed methods.

Diffusion-Based Cloud-Edge-Device Collaborative Learning for Next POI Recommendations | Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

The rapid expansion of Location-Based Social Networks (LBSNs) has highlighted the importance of effective next Point-of-Interest (POI) recommendations, which leverage historical check-in data to predict users' next POIs to visit. Traditional centralized deep neural networks (DNNs) offer impressive POI recommendation performance but face challenges due to privacy concerns and limited timeliness. In response, on-device POI recommendations have been introduced, utilizing federated learning (FL) and decentralized approaches to ensure privacy and recommendation timeliness. However, these methods often suffer from computational strain on devices and struggle to adapt to new users and regions. This paper introduces a novel collaborative learning framework, Diffusion-Based Cloud-Edge-Device Collaborative Learning for Next POI Recommendations (DCPR), leveraging the diffusion model known for its success across various domains. DCPR operates with a cloud-edge-device architecture to offer region-specific and highly personalized POI recommendations while reducing on-device computational burdens. DCPR minimizes on-device computational demands through a unique blend of global and local learning processes. Our evaluation with two real-world datasets demonstrates DCPR's superior performance in recommendation accuracy, efficiency, and adaptability to new users and regions, marking a significant step forward in on-device POI recommendation technology.

Retrieval-Augmented Hypergraph for Multimodal Social Media Popularity Prediction | Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

Accurately predicting the popularity of multimodal user-generated content (UGC) is fundamental for many real-world applications such as online advertising and recommendation. Existing approaches generally focus on limited contextual information within individual UGCs, yet overlook the potential benefit of exploiting meaningful knowledge in relevant UGCs. In this work, we propose RAGTrans, an aspect-aware retrieval-augmented multi-modal hypergraph transformer that retrieves pertinent knowledge from a multi-modal memory bank and enhances UGC representations via neighborhood knowledge aggregation on multi-model hypergraphs. In particular, we initially retrieve relevant multimedia instances from a large corpus of UGCs via the aspect information and construct a knowledge-enhanced hypergraph based on retrieved relevant instances. This allows capturing meaningful contextual information across the data. We then design a novel bootstrapping hypergraph transformer on multimodal hypergraphs to strengthen UGC representations across modalities via customizing a propagation algorithm to effectively diffuse information across nodes and edges. Additionally, we propose a user-aware attention-based fusion module to comprise the enriched UGC representations for popularity prediction. Extensive experiments on real-world social media datasets demonstrate that RAGTrans outperforms state-of-the-art popularity prediction models across settings.

When Box Meets Graph Neural Network in Tag-aware Recommendation | Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

Last year has witnessed the re-flourishment of tag-aware recommender systems supported by the LLM-enriched tags. Unfortunately, though large efforts have been made, current solutions may fail to describe the diversity and uncertainty inherent in user preferences with only tag-driven profiles. Recently, with the development of geometry-based techniques, e.g., box embeddings, the diversity of user preferences now could be fully modeled as the range within a box in high dimension space. However, defect still exists as these approaches are incapable of capturing high-order neighbor signals, i.e., semantic-rich multi-hop relations within the user-tag-item tripartite graph, which severely limits the effectiveness of user modeling. To deal with this challenge, in this paper, we propose a novel framework, called BoxGNN, to perform message aggregation via combinations of logical operations, thereby incorporating high-order signals. Specifically, we first embed users, items, and tags as hyper-boxes rather than simple points in the representation space, and define two logical operations, i.e., union and intersection, to facilitate the subsequent process. Next, we perform the message aggregation mechanism via the combination of logical operations, to obtain the corresponding high-order box representations. Finally, we adopt a volume-based learning objective with Gumbel smoothing techniques to refine the representation of boxes. Extensive experiments on two publicly available datasets and one LLM-enhanced e-commerce dataset have validated the superiority of BoxGNN compared with various state-of-the-art baselines. The code is released online: https://github.com/critical88/BoxGNN.

Bridging Items and Language: A Transition Paradigm for Large Language Model-Based Recommendation | Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

Harnessing Large Language Models (LLMs) for recommendation is rapidly emerging, which relies on two fundamental steps to bridge the recommendation item space and the language space: 1) item indexing utilizes identifiers to represent items in the language space, and 2) generation grounding associates LLMs' generated token sequences to in-corpus items. However, previous methods exhibit inherent limitations in the two steps. Existing ID-based identifiers (e.g., numeric IDs) and description-based identifiers (e.g., titles) either lose semantics or lack adequate distinctiveness. Moreover, prior generation grounding methods might generate invalid identifiers, thus misaligning with in-corpus items. To address these issues, we propose a novel Transition paradigm for LLM-based Recommender (named TransRec) to bridge items and language. Specifically, TransRec presents multi-facet identifiers, which simultaneously incorporate ID, title, and attribute for item indexing to pursue both distinctiveness and semantics. Additionally, we introduce a specialized data structure for TransRec to ensure generating valid identifiers only and utilize substring indexing to encourage LLMs to generate from any position of identifiers. Lastly, TransRec presents an aggregated grounding module to leverage generated multi-facet identifiers to rank in-corpus items efficiently. We instantiate TransRec on two backbone models, BART-large and LLaMA-7B.

Probabilistic Attention for Sequential Recommendation | Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

Sequential Recommendation (SR) navigates users' dynamic preferences through modeling their historical interactions. The incorporation of the popular Transformer framework, which captures long relationships through pairwise dot products, has notably benefited SR. However, prevailing research in this domain faces three significant challenges: (i) Existing studies directly adopt the primary component of Transformer (i.e., the self-attention mechanism), without a clear explanation or tailored definition for its specific role in SR; (ii) The predominant focus on pairwise computations overlooks the global context or relative prevalence of item pairs within the overall sequence; (iii) Transformer primarily pursues relevance-dominated relationships, neglecting another essential objective in recommendation, i.e., diversity. In response, this work introduces a fresh perspective to elucidate the attention mechanism in SR. Here, attention is defined as dependency interactions among items, quantitatively determined under a global probabilistic model by observing the probabilities of corresponding item subsets. This viewpoint offers a precise and context-specific definition of attention, leading to the design of a distinctive attention mechanism tailored for SR. Specifically, we transmute the well-formulated global, repulsive interactions in Determinantal Point Processes (DPPs) to effectively model dependency interactions. Guided by the repulsive interactions, a theoretically and practically feasible DPP kernel is designed, enabling our attention mechanism to directly consider category/topic distribution for enhancing diversity. Consequently, the <u>P</u>robabilistic <u>Att</u>ention mechanism (PAtt) for sequential recommendation is developed. Experimental results demonstrate the excellent scalability and adaptability of our attention mechanism, which significantly improves recommendation performance in terms of both relevance and diversity.

Applied Data Papers (25 papers)

DDCDR: A Disentangle-based Distillation Framework for Cross-Domain Recommendation | Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

Modern recommendation platforms frequently encompass multiple domains to cater to the varied preferences of users. Recently, cross-domain learning has gained traction as a significant paradigm within the context of recommendation systems, enabling the leveraging of rich information from a well-endowed source domain to enhance a target domain, often limited by inadequate data resources. A primary concern in cross-domain recommendation is the mitigation of negative transfer-ensuring the selective transference of pertinent knowledge from the source (domain-shared knowledge) while maintaining the integrity of domain-unique insights within the target domain (domain-specific knowledge).

In this paper, we propose a novel Disentangle-based Distillation Framework for Cross-Domain Recommendation (DDCDR), designed to operate at the representational level and rooted in the established teacher-student knowledge distillation paradigm. Our methodology begins with the development of a cross-domain teacher model, trained adversarially alongside a domain discriminator. This is followed by the creation of a target domain-specific student model. By employing the trained domain discriminator, we successfully segregate domain-shared from domain-specific representations. The teacher model guides the learning of domain-shared features, while domain-specific features are enhanced via contrastive learning methods. Experiments conducted on both public datasets and an industrial dataset demonstrate DDCDR achieves a new state-of-the-art performance. The implementation within Ant Group's platform further confirms its online efficacy, manifesting relative improvements of 0.33% and 0.45% in Unique Visitor Click-Through Rate (UVCTR) across two distinct recommendation scenarios, compared to baseline performances.

GradCraft: Elevating Multi-task Recommendations through Holistic Gradient Crafting | Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

Recommender systems require the simultaneous optimization of multiple objectives to accurately model user interests, necessitating the application of multi-task learning methods. However, existing multi-task learning methods in recommendations overlook the specific characteristics of recommendation scenarios, falling short in achieving proper gradient balance. To address this challenge, we set the target of multi-task learning as attaining the appropriate magnitude balance and the global direction balance, and propose an innovative methodology named GradCraft in response. GradCraft dynamically adjusts gradient magnitudes to align with the maximum gradient norm, mitigating interference from gradient magnitudes for subsequent manipulation. It then employs projections to eliminate gradient conflicts in directions while considering all conflicting tasks simultaneously, theoretically guaranteeing the global resolution of direction conflicts. GradCraft ensures the concurrent achievement of appropriate magnitude balance and global direction balance, aligning with the inherent characteristics of recommendation scenarios. Both offline and online experiments attest to the efficacy of GradCraft in enhancing multi-task performance in recommendations. The source code for GradCraft can be accessed at https://github.com/baiyimeng/GradCraft.

MMBee: Live Streaming Gift-Sending Recommendations via Multi-Modal Fusion and Behaviour Expansion | Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

Live streaming services are becoming increasingly popular due to real-time interactions and entertainment. Viewers can chat and send comments or virtual gifts to express their preferences for the streamers. Accurately modeling the gifting interaction not only enhances users' experience but also increases streamers' revenue. Previous studies on live streaming gifting prediction treat this task as a conventional recommendation problem, and model users' preferences using categorical data and observed historical behaviors. However, it is challenging to precisely describe the real-time content changes in live streaming using limited categorical information. Moreover, due to the sparsity of gifting behaviors, capturing the preferences and intentions of users is quite difficult. In this work, we propose MMBee based on real-time <u>M</u>ulti-<u>M</u>odal Fusion and <u>Be</u>haviour <u>E</u>xpansion to address these issues. Specifically, we first present a Multi-modal Fusion Module with Learnable Query (MFQ) to perceive the dynamic content of streaming segments and process complex multi-modal interactions, including images, text comments and speech. To alleviate the sparsity issue of gifting behaviors, we present a novel Graph-guided Interest Expansion (GIE) approach that learns both user and streamer representations on large-scale gifting graphs with multi-modal attributes. It consists of two main parts: graph node representations pre-training and metapath-based behavior expansion, all of which help model jump out of the specific historical gifting behaviors for exploration and largely enrich the behavior representations. Comprehensive experiment results show that MMBee achieves significant performance improvements on both public datasets and Kuaishou real-world streaming datasets and the effectiveness has been further validated through online A/B experiments. MMBee has been deployed and is serving hundreds of millions of users at Kuaishou.

Achieving a Better Tradeoff in Multi-stage Recommender Systems through Personalization | Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

Recommender systems in social media websites provide value to their communities by recommending engaging content and meaningful connections. Scaling high-quality recommendations to billions of users in real-time requires sophisticated ranking models operating on a vast number of potential items to recommend, becoming prohibitively expensive computationally. A common technique "funnels'' these items through progressively complex models ("multi-stage''), each ranking fewer items but at higher computational cost for greater accuracy. This architecture introduces a trade-off between the cost of ranking items and providing users with the best recommendations. A key observation we make in this paper is that, all else equal, ranking more items indeed improves the overall objective but has diminishing returns. Following this observation, we provide a rigorous formulation through the framework of DR-submodularity, and argue that for a certain class of objectives (reward functions), it is possible to improve the trade-off between performance and computational cost in multi-stage ranking systems with strong theoretical guarantees. We show that this class of reward functions that provide this guarantee is large and robust to various noise models. Finally, we describe extensive experimentation of our method on three real-world recommender systems in Facebook, achieving 8.8% reduction in overall compute resources with no significant impact on recommendation quality, compared to a 0.8% quality loss in a non-personalized budget allocation.

Controllable Multi-Behavior Recommendation for In-Game Skins with Large Sequential Model | Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

Online games often house virtual shops where players can acquire character skins. Our task is centered on tailoring skin recommendations across diverse scenarios by analyzing historical interactions such as clicks, usage, and purchases. Traditional multi-behavior recommendation models employed for this task are limited. They either only predict skins based on a single type of behavior or merely recommend skins for target behavior type/task. These models lack the ability to control predictions of skins that are associated with different scenarios and behaviors. To overcome these limitations, we utilize the pretraining capabilities of Large Sequential Models (LSMs) coupled with a novel stimulus prompt mechanism and build a controllable multi-behavior recommendation (CMBR) model. In our approach, the pretraining ability is used to encapsulate users' multi-behavioral sequences into the representation of users' general interests. Subsequently, our designed stimulus prompt mechanism stimulates the model to extract scenario-related interests, thus generating potential skin purchases (or clicks and other interactions) for users. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to provide controlled multi-behavior recommendations, and also the first to apply the pretraining capabilities of LSMs in game domain. Through offline experiments and online A/B tests, we validate our method significantly outperforms baseline models, exhibiting about a tenfold improvement on various metrics during the offline test.

Cross-Domain LifeLong Sequential Modeling for Online Click-Through Rate Prediction | Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

Lifelong sequential modeling (LSM) has significantly advanced recommendation systems on social media platforms. Diverging from single-domain LSM, cross-domain LSM involves modeling lifelong behavior sequences from a source domain to a different target domain. In this paper, we propose the Lifelong Cross Network (LCN), a novel approach for cross-domain LSM. LCN features a Cross Representation Production (CRP) module that utilizes contrastive loss to improve the learning of item embeddings, effectively bridging items across domains. This is important for enhancing the retrieval of relevant items in cross-domain lifelong sequences. Furthermore, we propose the Lifelong Attention Pyramid (LAP) module, which contains three cascading attention levels. By adding an intermediate level and integrating the results from all three levels, the LAP module can capture a broad spectrum of user interests and ensure gradient propagation throughout the sequence. The proposed LAP can also achieve remarkable consistency across attention levels, making it possible to further narrow the candidate item pool of the top level. This allows for the use of advanced attention techniques to effectively mitigate the impact of the noise in cross-domain sequences and improve the non-linearity of the representation, all while maintaining computational efficiency. Extensive experiments conducted on both a public dataset and an industrial dataset from the WeChat Channels platform reveal that the LCN outperforms current methods in terms of prediction accuracy and online performance metrics.

ERASE: Benchmarking Feature Selection Methods for Deep Recommender Systems | Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

Deep Recommender Systems (DRS) are increasingly dependent on a large number of feature fields for more precise recommendations. Effective feature selection methods are consequently becoming critical for further enhancing the accuracy and optimizing storage efficiencies to align with the deployment demands. This research area, particularly in the context of DRS, is nascent and faces three core challenges. Firstly, variant experimental setups across research papers often yield unfair comparisons, obscuring practical insights. Secondly, the existing literature's lack of detailed analysis on selection attributes, based on large-scale datasets and a thorough comparison among selection techniques and DRS backbones, restricts the generalizability of findings and impedes deployment on DRS. Lastly, research often focuses on comparing the peak performance achievable by feature selection methods. This approach is typically computationally infeasible for identifying the optimal hyperparameters and overlooks evaluating the robustness and stability of these methods. To bridge these gaps, this paper presents ERASE, a comprehensive bEnchmaRk for feAture SElection for DRS. ERASE comprises a thorough evaluation of eleven feature selection methods, covering both traditional and deep learning approaches, across four public datasets, private industrial datasets, and a real-world commercial platform, achieving significant enhancement. Our code is available online for ease of reproduction.

Contextual Distillation Model for Diversified Recommendation | Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

The diversity of recommendation is equally crucial as accuracy in improving user experience. Existing studies, e.g., Determinantal Point Process (DPP) and Maximal Marginal Relevance (MMR), employ a greedy paradigm to iteratively select items that optimize both accuracy and diversity. However, prior methods typically exhibit quadratic complexity, limiting their applications to the re-ranking stage and are not applicable to other recommendation stages with a larger pool of candidate items, such as the pre-ranking and ranking stages. In this paper, we propose Contextual Distillation Model (CDM), an efficient recommendation model that addresses diversification, suitable for the deployment in all stages of industrial recommendation pipelines. Specifically, CDM utilizes the candidate items in the same user request as context to enhance the diversification of the results. We propose a contrastive context encoder that employs attention mechanisms to model both positive and negative contexts. For the training of CDM, we compare each target item with its context embedding and utilize the knowledge distillation framework to learn the win probability of each target item under the MMR algorithm, where the teacher is derived from MMR outputs. During inference, ranking is performed through a linear combination of the recommendation and student model scores, ensuring both diversity and efficiency. We perform offline evaluations on two industrial datasets and conduct online A/B test of CDM on the short-video platform KuaiShou. The considerable enhancements observed in both recommendation quality and diversity, as shown by metrics, provide strong superiority for the effectiveness of CDM.

Understanding the Ranking Loss for Recommendation with Sparse User Feedback | Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

Click-through rate (CTR) prediction is a crucial area of research in online advertising. While binary cross entropy (BCE) has been widely used as the optimization objective for treating CTR prediction as a binary classification problem, recent advancements have shown that combining BCE loss with an auxiliary ranking loss can significantly improve performance. However, the full effectiveness of this combination loss is not yet fully understood. In this paper, we uncover a new challenge associated with the BCE loss in scenarios where positive feedback is sparse: the issue of gradient vanishing for negative samples. We introduce a novel perspective on the effectiveness of the auxiliary ranking loss in CTR prediction: it generates larger gradients on negative samples, thereby mitigating the optimization difficulties when using the BCE loss only and resulting in improved classification ability. To validate our perspective, we conduct theoretical analysis and extensive empirical evaluations on public datasets. Additionally, we successfully integrate the ranking loss into Tencent's online advertising system, achieving notable lifts of 0.70% and 1.26% in Gross Merchandise Value (GMV) for two main scenarios. The code is openly accessible at: https://github.com/SkylerLinn/Understanding-the-Ranking-Loss.

Beyond Binary Preference: Leveraging Bayesian Approaches for Joint Optimization of Ranking and Calibration | Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

Predicting click-through rate (CTR) is a critical task in recommendation systems, where the models are optimized with pointwise loss to infer the probability of items being clicked. In industrial practice, applications also require ranking items based on these probabilities. Existing solutions primarily combine the ranking-based loss, i.e., pairwise and listwise loss, with CTR prediction. However, they can hardly calibrate or generalize well in CTR scenarios where the clicks reflect the binary preference. This is because the binary click feedback leads to a large number of ties, which renders high data sparsity. In this paper, we propose an effective data augmentation strategy, named Beyond Binary Preference (BBP) training framework, to address this problem. Our key idea is to break the ties by leveraging Bayesian approaches, where the beta distribution models click behavior as probability distributions in the training data that naturally break ties. Therefore, we can obtain an auxiliary training label that generates more comparable pairs and improves the ranking performance. Besides, BBP formulates ranking and calibration as a multi-task framework to optimize both objectives simultaneously. Through extensive offline experiments and online tests on various datasets, we demonstrate that BBP significantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods in both ranking and calibration capabilities, showcasing its effectiveness in addressing the limitations of existing methods. Our code is available at https://github.com/AlvinIsonomia/BBP.

Ads Recommendation in a Collapsed and Entangled World | Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

We present Tencent's ads recommendation system and examine the challenges and practices of learning appropriate recommendation representations. Our study begins by showcasing our approaches to preserving prior knowledge when encoding features of diverse types into embedding representations. We specifically address sequence features, numeric features, and pre-trained embedding features. Subsequently, we delve into two crucial challenges related to feature representation: the dimensional collapse of embeddings and the interest entanglement across different tasks or scenarios. We propose several practical approaches to address these challenges that result in robust and disentangled recommendation representations. We then explore several training techniques to facilitate model optimization, reduce bias, and enhance exploration. Additionally, we introduce three analysis tools that enable us to study feature correlation, dimensional collapse, and interest entanglement. This work builds upon the continuous efforts of Tencent's ads recommendation team over the past decade. It summarizes general design principles and presents a series of readily applicable solutions and analysis tools. The reported performance is based on our online advertising platform, which handles hundreds of billions of requests daily and serves millions of ads to billions of users.

Non-autoregressive Generative Models for Reranking Recommendation | Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

Contemporary recommendation systems are designed to meet users' needs by delivering tailored lists of items that align with their specific demands or interests. In a multi-stage recommendation system, reranking plays a crucial role by modeling the intra-list correlations among items. The key challenge of reranking lies in the exploration of optimal sequences within the combinatorial space of permutations. Recent research proposes a generator-evaluator learning paradigm, where the generator generates multiple feasible sequences and the evaluator picks out the best sequence based on the estimated listwise score. The generator is of vital importance, and generative models are well-suited for the generator function. Current generative models employ an autoregressive strategy for sequence generation. However, deploying autoregressive models in real-time industrial systems is challenging. Firstly, the generator can only generate the target items one by one and hence suffers from slow inference. Secondly, the discrepancy between training and inference brings an error accumulation. Lastly, the left-to-right generation overlooks information from succeeding items, leading to suboptimal performance.

To address these issues, we propose a Non-AutoRegressive generative model for reranking Recommendation (NAR4Rec) designed to enhance efficiency and effectiveness. To tackle challenges such as sparse training samples and dynamic candidates, we introduce a matching model. Considering the diverse nature of user feedback, we employ a sequence-level unlikelihood training objective to differentiate feasible sequences from unfeasible ones. Additionally, to overcome the lack of dependency modeling in non-autoregressive models regarding target items, we introduce contrastive decoding to capture correlations among these items. Extensive offline experiments validate the superior performance of NAR4Rec over state-of-the-art reranking methods. Online A/B tests reveal that NAR4Rec significantly enhances the user experience. Furthermore, NAR4Rec has been fully deployed in a popular video app Kuaishou with over 300 million daily active users.

Optimizing Novelty of Top-k Recommendations using Large Language Models and Reinforcement Learning | Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

Given an input query, a recommendation model is trained using user feedback data (e.g., click data) to output a ranked list of items. In real-world systems, besides accuracy, an important consideration for a new model is novelty of its top-k recommendations w.r.t. an existing deployed model. However, novelty of top-k items is a difficult goal to optimize a model for, since it involves a non-differentiable sorting operation on the model's predictions. Moreover, novel items, by definition, do not have any user feedback data. Given the semantic capabilities of large language models, we address these problems using a reinforcement learning (RL) formulation where large language models provide feedback for the novel items. However, given millions of candidate items, the sample complexity of a standard RL algorithm can be prohibitively high. To reduce sample complexity, we reduce the top-k list reward to a set of item-wise rewards and reformulate the state space to consist of <query, item> tuples such that the action space is reduced to a binary decision; and show that this reformulation results in a significantly lower complexity when the number of items is large. We evaluate the proposed algorithm on improving novelty for a query-ad recommendation task on a large-scale search engine. Compared to supervised finetuning on recent <query, ad> pairs, the proposed RL-based algorithm leads to significant novelty gains with minimal loss in recall. We obtain similar results on the ORCAS query-webpage matching dataset and a product recommendation dataset based on Amazon reviews.

Future Impact Decomposition in Request-level Recommendations | Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

In recommender systems, reinforcement learning solutions have shown promising results in optimizing the interaction sequence between users and the system over the long-term performance. For practical reasons, the policy's actions are typically designed as recommending a list of items to handle users' frequent and continuous browsing requests more efficiently. In this list-wise recommendation scenario, the user state is updated upon every request in the corresponding MDP formulation. However, this request-level formulation is essentially inconsistent with the user's item-level behavior. In this study, we demonstrate that an item-level optimization approach can better utilize item characteristics and optimize the policy's performance even under the request-level MDP. We support this claim by comparing the performance of standard request-level methods with the proposed item-level actor-critic framework in both simulation and online experiments. Furthermore, we show that a reward-based future decomposition strategy can better express the item-wise future impact and improve the recommendation accuracy in the long term. To achieve a more thorough understanding of the decomposition strategy, we propose a model-based re-weighting framework with adversarial learning that further boost the performance and investigate its correlation with the reward-based strategy.

Enhancing Pre-Ranking Performance: Tackling Intermediary Challenges in Multi-Stage Cascading Recommendation Systems | Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

Large-scale search engines and recommendation systems utilize a three-stage cascading architecture-recall, pre-ranking, and ranking-to deliver relevant results within stringent latency limits. The pre-ranking stage is crucial for filtering a large number of recalled items into a manageable set for the ranking stage, greatly affecting the system's performance. Pre-ranking faces two intermediary challenges: Sample Selection Bias (SSB) arises when training is based on ranking stage feedback but the evaluation is on a broader recall dataset. Also, compared to the ranking stage, simpler pre-rank models may perform worse and less consistently. Traditional methods to tackle SSB issues include using all recall results and treating unexposed portions as negatives for training, which can be costly and noisy. To boost performance and consistency, some pre-ranking feature interaction enhancers don't fully fix consistency issues, while methods like knowledge distillation in ranking models ignore exposure bias. Our proposed framework targets these issues with three integral modules: Sample Selection, Domain Adaptation, and Unbiased Distillation. Sample Selection filters recall results to mitigate SSB and compute costs. Domain Adaptation enhances model robustness by assigning pseudo-labels to unexposed samples. Unbiased Distillation uses exposure-independent scores from Domain Adaptation to implement unbiased distillation for the pre-ranking model. The framework focuses on optimizing pre-ranking while maintaining training efficiency. We introduce new metrics for pre-ranking evaluation, while experiments confirm the effectiveness of our framework. Our framework is also deployed in real industrial systems.

Unified Low-rank Compression Framework for Click-through Rate Prediction | Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

Deep Click-Through Rate (CTR) prediction models play an important role in modern industrial recommendation scenarios. However, high memory overhead and computational costs limit their deployment in resource-constrained environments. Low-rank approximation is an effective method for computer vision and natural language processing models, but its application in compressing CTR prediction models has been less explored. Due to the limited memory and computing resources, compression of CTR prediction models often confronts three fundamental challenges, i.e., (1). How to reduce the model sizes to adapt to edge devices? (2). How to speed up CTR prediction model inference? (3). How to retain the capabilities of original models after compression? Previous low-rank compression research mostly uses tensor decomposition, which can achieve a high parameter compression ratio, but brings in AUC degradation and additional computing overhead. To address these challenges, we propose a unified low-rank decomposition framework for compressing CTR prediction models. We find that even with the most classic matrix decomposition SVD method, our framework can achieve better performance than the original model. To further improve the effectiveness of our framework, we locally compress the output features instead of compressing the model weights. Our unified low-rank compression framework can be applied to embedding tables and MLP layers in various CTR prediction models. Extensive experiments on two academic datasets and one real industrial benchmark demonstrate that, with 3--5× model size reduction, our compressed models can achieve both faster inference and higher AUC than the uncompressed original models. Our code is at https://github.com/yuhao318/Atomic_Feature_Mimicking.

Unsupervised Ranking Ensemble Model for Recommendation | Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

When visiting an online platform, a user generates various actions, such as clicks, long views, likes, comments, etc. To capture user preferences in these aspects, we learn these objectives and return multiple rankings of candidate items for each user. We need to aggregate them into one to truncate the candidate set, and ranking ensemble model is proposed for this task. However, there is a critical issue: though we input abundant information, what model learns depends on the supervision. Unfortunately, the existing supervision is poorly designed, leading to serious information loss issue.

To address this issue, we designed an unsupervised loss to compel the ranking ensemble model to learn all information of input rankings, including sequential and numerical information. (1) For sequential information, we design a distance measure between two rankings, and train the ensemble ranking to have similar order with all input rankings by minimizing the distance. (2) For numerical information, we design a decoder to reconstruct values of original rankings from the hidden layer of the model, to guarantee that the model captures as much input information as possible. Our unsupervised loss is compatible with all ranking ensemble models. We optimize several widely-used structures to propose unsupervised ranking ensemble models.

We devise comprehensive experiments on two real-world datasets to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed models. We also apply our model in a short video platform with billions of users, and achieve significant improvement.

Unified Dual-Intent Translation for Joint Modeling of Search and Recommendation | Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

Recommendation systems, which assist users in discovering their preferred items among numerous options, have served billions of users across various online platforms. Intuitively, users' interactions with items are highly driven by their unchanging inherent intents (e.g., always preferring high-quality items) and changing demand intents (e.g., wanting a T-shirt in summer but a down jacket in winter). However, both types of intents are implicitly expressed in recommendation scenario, posing challenges in leveraging them for accurate intent-aware recommendations. Fortunately, in search scenario, often found alongside recommendation on the same online platform, users express their demand intents explicitly through their query words. Intuitively, in both scenarios, a user shares the same inherent intent and his/her interactions may be influenced by the same demand intent. It is therefore feasible to utilize the interaction data from both scenarios to reinforce the dual intents for joint intent-aware modeling. But the joint modeling should deal with two problems: (1) accurately modeling users' implicit demand intents in recommendation; (2) modeling the relation between the dual intents and the interactive items. To address these problems, we propose a novel model named Unified Dual-Intents Translation for joint modeling of Search and Recommendation (UDITSR). To accurately simulate users' demand intents in recommendation, we utilize real queries from search data as supervision information to guide its generation. To explicitly model the relation among the triplet <inherent intent, demand intent, interactive item>, we propose a dual-intent translation propagation mechanism to learn the triplet in the same semantic space via embedding translations. Extensive experiments demonstrate that UDITSR outperforms SOTA baselines both in search and recommendation tasks. Moreover, our model has been deployed online on Meituan Waimai platform, leading to an average improvement in GMV (Gross Merchandise Value) of 1.46% and CTR(Click-Through Rate) of 0.77% over one month.

Inductive Modeling for Realtime Cold Start Recommendations | Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

In recommendation systems, the timely delivery of new content to their relevant audiences is critical for generating a growing and high quality collection of content for all users. The nature of this problem requires retrieval models to be able to make inferences in real time and with high relevance. There are two specific challenges for cold start contents. First, the information loss problem in a standard Two Tower model, due to the limited feature interactions between the user and item towers, is exacerbated for cold start items due to training data sparsity. Second, the huge volume of user-generated content in industry applications today poses a big bottleneck in the end-to-end latency of recommending new content. To overcome the two challenges, we propose a novel architecture, the Item History Model (IHM). IHM directly injects user-interaction information into the item tower to overcome information loss. In addition, IHM incorporates an inductive structure using attention-based pooling to eliminate the need for recurring training, a key bottleneck for the real-timeness. On both public and industry datasets, we demonstrate that IHM can not only outperform baselines in recommending cold start contents, but also achieves SoTA real-timeness in industry applications.

Modeling User Retention through Generative Flow Networks | Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

Recommender systems aim to fulfill the user's daily demands. While most existing research focuses on maximizing the user's engagement with the system, it has recently been pointed out that how frequently the users come back for the service also reflects the quality and stability of recommendations. However, optimizing this user retention behavior is non-trivial and poses several challenges including the intractable leave-and-return user activities, the sparse and delayed signal, and the uncertain relations between users' retention and their immediate feedback towards each item in the recommendation list. In this work, we regard the retention signal as an overall estimation of the user's end-of-session satisfaction and propose to estimate this signal through a probabilistic flow. This flow-based modeling technique can back-propagate the retention reward towards each recommended item in the user session, and we show that the flow combined with traditional learning-to-rank objectives eventually optimizes a non-discounted cumulative reward for both immediate user feedback and user retention. We verify the effectiveness of our method through both offline empirical studies on two public datasets and online A/B tests in an industrial platform.

Valuing an Engagement Surface using a Large Scale Dynamic Causal Model | Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

With recent rapid growth in online shopping, AI-powered Engagement Surfaces (ES) have become ubiquitous across retail services. These engagement surfaces perform an increasing range of functions, including recommending new products for purchase, reminding customers of their orders and providing delivery notifications. Understanding the causal effect of engagement surfaces on value driven for customers and businesses remains an open scientific question. In this paper, we develop a dynamic causal model at scale to disentangle value attributable to an ES, and to assess its effectiveness. We demonstrate the application of this model to inform business decision-making by understanding returns on investment in the ES, and identifying product lines and features where the ES adds the most value.

From Variability to Stability: Advancing RecSys Benchmarking Practices | Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

In the rapidly evolving domain of Recommender Systems (RecSys), new algorithms frequently claim state-of-the-art performance based on evaluations over a limited set of arbitrarily selected datasets. However, this approach may fail to holistically reflect their effectiveness due to the significant impact of dataset characteristics on algorithm performance. Addressing this deficiency, this paper introduces a novel benchmarking methodology to facilitate a fair and robust comparison of RecSys algorithms, thereby advancing evaluation practices. By utilizing a diverse set of 30 open datasets, including two introduced in this work, and evaluating 11 collaborative filtering algorithms across 9 metrics, we critically examine the influence of dataset characteristics on algorithm performance. We further investigate the feasibility of aggregating outcomes from multiple datasets into a unified ranking. Through rigorous experimental analysis, we validate the reliability of our methodology under the variability of datasets, offering a benchmarking strategy that balances quality and computational demands. This methodology enables a fair yet effective means of evaluating RecSys algorithms, providing valuable guidance for future research endeavors.

Multi-Task Neural Linear Bandit for Exploration in Recommender Systems | Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

Exposure bias and its induced feedback loop effect are well-known problems in recommender systems. Exploration is believed to be the key to break such feedback loops. While classical contextual bandit algorithms such as Upper-Confidence-Bound and Thompson Sampling have been successful in addressing the exploration-exploitation trade-off in the single-task settings with one clear reward signal, modern recommender systems often leverage multiple rich sources of feedback such as clicks, likes, dislikes, shares, satisfaction survey responses, and employ multi-task learning in practice. It is unclear how one can incorporate exploration in the multi-task setup with different objectives. In this paper, we study an efficient bandit algorithm tailored to multi-task recommender systems, named Multi-task Neural Linear Bandit (mtNLB). In particular, we investigate efficient feature embeddings in the multi-task setups that could be used as contextual features in the Neural Linear Bandit, a contextual bandit algorithm that nicely combines the representation power from DNN and simplicity in uncertainty calculation from linear models. We further study cost-effective approximations of the uncertainty estimate and principled ways to incorporate uncertainty into the multi-task scoring of items. To showcase the efficacy of our proposed method, we conduct live experiments on a large-scale commercial recommendation platform that serves billions of users. We evaluate the quality of the uncertainty estimate and demonstrate its ability to improve exploration across the different dimensions of the reward signals in comparison to baseline approaches.

LiMAML: Personalization of Deep Recommender Models via Meta Learning | Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

In the realm of recommender systems, the ubiquitous adoption of deep neural networks has emerged as a dominant paradigm for modeling diverse business objectives. As user bases continue to expand, the necessity of personalization and frequent model updates have assumed paramount significance to ensure the delivery of relevant and refreshed experiences to a diverse array of members. In this work, we introduce an innovative meta-learning solution tailored to the personalization of models for individual members and other entities, coupled with the frequent updates based on the latest user interaction signals. Specifically, we leverage the Model-Agnostic Meta Learning (MAML) algorithm to adapt per-task sub-networks using recent user interaction data. Given the near infeasibility of productionizing original MAML-based models in online recommendation systems, we propose an efficient strategy to operationalize meta-learned sub-networks in production, which involves transforming them into fixed-sized vectors, termed meta embeddings, thereby enabling the seamless deployment of models with hundreds of billions of parameters for online serving. Through extensive experimentation on production data drawn from various applications at LinkedIn, we demonstrate that the proposed solution consistently outperforms the best performing baseline models of those applications, including strong baselines such as using wide-and-deep ID based personalization approach. Our approach has enabled the deployment of a range of highly personalized AI models across diverse LinkedIn applications, leading to substantial improvements in business metrics as well as refreshed experience for our members.

Trinity: Syncretizing Multi-/Long-Tail/Long-Term Interests All in One | Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

Interest modeling in recommender system has been a constant topic for improving user experience, and typical interest modeling tasks (e.g. multi-interest, long-tail interest and long-term interest) have been investigated in many existing works. However, most of them only consider one interest in isolation, while neglecting their interrelationships. In this paper, we argue that these tasks suffer from a common "interest amnesia" problem, and a solution exists to mitigate it simultaneously. We propose a novel and unified framework in the retrieval stage, "Trinity", to solve interest amnesia problem and improve multiple interest modeling tasks. We construct a real-time clustering system that enables us to project items into enumerable clusters, and calculate statistical interest histograms over these clusters. Based on these histograms, Trinity recognizes underdelivered themes and remains stable when facing emerging hot topics. Its derived retrievers have been deployed on the recommender system of Douyin, significantly improving user experience and retention. We believe that such practical experience can be well generalized to other scenarios.

综述 (1 papers)

Multimodal Pretraining, Adaptation, and Generation for Recommendation: A Survey | Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

Personalized recommendation serves as a ubiquitous channel for users to discover information tailored to their interests. However, traditional recommendation models primarily rely on unique IDs and categorical features for user-item matching, potentially overlooking the nuanced essence of raw item contents across multiple modalities such as text, image, audio, and video. This underutilization of multimodal data poses a limitation to recommender systems, especially in multimedia services like news, music, and short-video platforms. The recent advancements in large multimodal models offer new opportunities and challenges in developing content-aware recommender systems. This survey seeks to provide a comprehensive exploration of the latest advancements and future trajectories in multimodal pretraining, adaptation, and generation techniques, as well as their applications in enhancing recommender systems. Furthermore, we discuss current open challenges and opportunities for future research in this dynamic domain. We believe that this survey, alongside the curated resources, will provide valuable insights to inspire further advancements in this evolving landscape.

From: https://blog.csdn.net/qq_41982015/article/details/142928861


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