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WPF FlowDocument Paragraph

时间:2024-09-28 15:13:01浏览次数:1  
标签:Blocks FlowDocument Inlines collection content Paragraph text WPF

<Window x:Class="WpfApp418.MainWindow"
        Title="MainWindow" Height="450" Width="800">
        <Paragraph FontSize="22" FontWeight="Bold">Chapter 1</Paragraph>
        <Paragraph FontSize="35" FontWeight="Bold">Why WPF?</Paragraph>
            In movies and on TV,Two main types of TextElements exist—Blocks and Inlines. (Both of these are abstract
classes derived from TextElement.) A Block is a rectangular region that can’t be separated
(except when it spans multiple pages), whereas an Inline is a region that flows more
freely with text, potentially occupying a nonrectangular space (flowing from the end of
one line to the beginning of the next). FlowDocument supports only Blocks, such as
Paragraph, as its children. (Its content property is called Blocks, which is a
BlocksCollection.) We’ll look at the role of Inlines after examining Blocks more closely.
            WPF has five different types of Blocks:
. Paragraph—Has a collection of Inlines, which typically contain the “meat” of the
document. In XAML, you often see Paragraph’s content set to simple text, but internally
an Inline called Run is created with that content and added to the Paragraph’s
Inlines collection, just like with TextBlock.
. Section—Groups one or more Blocks together without imposing any additional
structure. This is handy if you want to set the same property values for multiple
Blocks, such as a Background and Foreground.
. List—Presents a collection of ListItems as a bulleted, numbered, or plain list. Each
ListItem can contain a collection of Blocks, so creating a typical text-based List
involves placing a Paragraph inside each ListItem. List’s MarkerStyle property (of
type TextMarkerStyle) provides plenty of formatting options for bullets—Box,
Circle, Disc (the default bullet), and Square—and for numbers—Decimal,
LowerLatin, UpperLatin, LowerRoman, and UpperRoman. A plain list can be achieved
by setting MarkerStyle to None.
. Table—Organizes content into rows and columns, sort of like Grid but closer to an
HTML TABLE. Table, unlike Grid, can contain only Blocks (and elements defining
the Table’s structure).
                        In movies and on TV,Two main types of TextElements exist—Blocks and Inlines. (Both of these are abstract
classes derived from TextElement.) A Block is a rectangular region that can’t be separated
(except when it spans multiple pages), whereas an Inline is a region that flows more
freely with text, potentially occupying a nonrectangular space (flowing from the end of
one line to the beginning of the next). FlowDocument supports only Blocks, such as
Paragraph, as its children. (Its content property is called Blocks, which is a
BlocksCollection.) We’ll look at the role of Inlines after examining Blocks more closely.
            WPF has five different types of Blocks:
. Paragraph—Has a collection of Inlines, which typically contain the “meat” of the
document. In XAML, you often see Paragraph’s content set to simple text, but internally
an Inline called Run is created with that content and added to the Paragraph’s
Inlines collection, just like with TextBlock.
. Section—Groups one or more Blocks together without imposing any additional
structure. This is handy if you want to set the same property values for multiple
Blocks, such as a Background and Foreground.
. List—Presents a collection of ListItems as a bulleted, numbered, or plain list. Each
ListItem can contain a collection of Blocks, so creating a typical text-based List
involves placing a Paragraph inside each ListItem. List’s MarkerStyle property (of
type TextMarkerStyle) provides plenty of formatting options for bullets—Box,
Circle, Disc (the default bullet), and Square—and for numbers—Decimal,
LowerLatin, UpperLatin, LowerRoman, and UpperRoman. A plain list can be achieved
by setting MarkerStyle to None.
. Table—Organizes content into rows and columns, sort of like Grid but closer to an
HTML TABLE. Table, unlike Grid, can contain only Blocks (and elements defining
the Table’s structure).








From: https://www.cnblogs.com/Fred1987/p/18437985


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