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COMP 218 Fundamentals of Object-Oriented Programming

时间:2024-09-28 08:50:15浏览次数:13  
标签:Fundamentals COMP Object Question number program output pts your

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COMP 218 Fundamentals of Object-OrientedProgrammingAssignment 1

Please note: you are NOT allowed to post the assignment/solution anywhere on the Internet. Intellectual Property rights are reserved. If any similar cases are found via your account or IP, your submission will NOT be considered and will be reported immediately.

General Guidelines when Writing Programs: - Include the following comments at the top of your source codes

// -----------------------------------------------------

// Assignment (include number)

// Question: (include number)

// File name: (include source code file name)

// Written by: (include your name and student id)

// -----------------------------------------------------

- In a comment, give a general explanation of what your program does. As theprograming questions get more complex, the explanations will get lengthier.

- Include comments in your program describing the main steps in your program.

- Print a welcome message which includes your name.

- Display clear prompts for users when you are expecting the user to enter datafrom the keyboard.

- All output should be printed out with clear messages and in an easy to readformat.

- End your program with a closing message so that the user knows that theprogram has terminated.©2

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Question #1: Display a message (3 pts)

Write a complete C++ program that displays the following output exactly as in thesample output. You are to use a single cout statement to output the message. There isno need to declare any variables for this question.Figure 1 – Sample output for Question 13

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Question #2: Number Generator Program (6 pts)

In C++, we can use rand() function (More details) to generate random numbers. In thenumber calculation following the requirements:

  1. Display a welcome message.
  2. Display the randomly generated even/odd number.

Figure 2 – Sample output #1 for Question 代 写COMP 218 Fundamentals of Object-Oriented Programming  2For example, if the number is 1234, change it to 4321.For example, 1221 is a palindrome as it is the same if reversed.For example, the largest digit is 9 and smallest is 1, in 3179.Your program must display the same information and formatted the same.

  1. Reverse the number.
  2. Check if the number is a palindrome.
  3. Find the smallest and largest digit in the number

question, we will generate a 4-digit random number between 1000 – 9999 and completeUse at least one constant variable to store value in the program.Following are 2 sample screen shots to illustrate the expected behavior of yourprogram.


© May not be copied or duplicatedwithout the permission of the owner.Figure 3 – Sample output #2 for Question 2

Question #3: New Word Program (6 pts) Your program should behave as follow:

  1. Display a welcome message.
  2. Ask the user to prompt 3 words with at least 1 letter.
  3. Ask the user to prompt 3 numbers, that should be less than the length of eachword to indicate length of substring in each word. For example, if the word is

Ann, then the entered number should be less than 3 (the length of Ann).

  1. Display the resulting new word.
  2. Display a farewell message, so that the user knows that the program has

terminated normally.Restriction: This questions requires the use of the functions: length(), substr().Assumption: Assume a perfect user who will always enter the correct input values.Following are two sample screen shots to illustrate the expected behavior of yourprogram. Your program is to work with any words entered by the user.last n characters. Concatenate the three resulting substrings into a singlenew word.

  1. For each word, create a new substring by taking the first n characters and theWrite a program that prompts the user for three words.5

© May not be copied or duplicatedwithout the permission of the owner.Figure 4 – Sample output #1 for Question 3Figure 5 – Sample output #2 for Question 36

© May not be copied or duplicatedwithout the permission of the owner.

Submitting Assignment 1

- Naming convention for zip file to submit: Create one zip file, containing all sourcefiles (.cpp files only) for your assignment. The zip file should be called

a#_studentID, where # is the number of the assignment and studentID is your

student ID number. For example, for the first assignment, student 123456 would

submit a zip file named a1_123456.zip. (See instructions on how to zip fileswhich are posted in the Assessment section of the eConcordia course webpage.)- Submit only ONE version of an assignment.- Late assignments will be discounted by 25%. Late assignments are accepted up

to five days late (grace period) and weekends count.Evaluation Criteria for Assignment 1 (20 pts)

Question #13 pts.Question #26 pts.Question #36 pts.

Format/clarity/completeness/accuracyof output

1 pt.

4 pts.

2 pts.

Proper use of required C++ concepts

2 pts.

2 pts.

4 pts.

For all 3 questions of assignment 1 – 5 pts.Comments – description of variables / description of the steps in code

/ purpose of program2 pts.Choice of variable names

1 pt.Indentation and readability of program2 pts.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/wx--codinghelp/p/18436978


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