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学习011-03-03 Relationships Between Persistent Objects in Code and UI(代码和用户界面中持久对象之间的关系)

时间:2024-09-27 11:50:40浏览次数:13  
标签:Relationships 03 Code nameof 对象 Many Contact return public

Relationships Between Persistent Objects in Code and UI(代码和用户界面中持久对象之间的关系)

When designing a business model, it can be necessary to set specific relationships between business objects. This topic describes how to set these relationships between persistent objects in an XPO application and demonstrates how these relationships will be organized in a UI.

To learn about the relationships between entities in EF Core, refer to the following help topic: Relationships Between Entities in Code and UI (EF Core)
要了解EF Core中实体之间的关系,请参阅以下帮助主题:代码和UI中实体之间的关系(EF Core)

The “Many” side of an association, which is a collection property and displayed in UI using the ListPropertyEditor in WinForms and ASP.NET Web Forms applications. To show the “One” side that is a reference property, LookupPropertyEditor and ASPxLookupPropertyEditor are used in the WinForms and ASP.NET Web Forms applications accordingly. If ExpandObjectMembersAttribute is applied to the reference property with the ExpandObjectMembers.Never parameter, ObjectPropertyEditor is used instead. Each object collection has an individual Actions set, which depends on the collection type. You can manage the New, Delete, Link, or Unlink Action’s visibility in the Model Editor. Set the List View’s AllowNew, AllowDelete, AllowLink, or AllowUnlink property to false to hide these Actions.
关联的“Many”面,这是一个集合属性,并使用WinForms和ASP.NET Web Forms应用程序中的ListProperty tyEditor在UI中显示。要显示作为引用属性的“ One”面,在WinForms中使用LookupPropertyEditor和ASPxLookupPropertyEditor,并相应地ASP.NET Web Forms应用程序。如果ExpandObjectMembersAttribute使用expandObjectMembers.永不参数应用于引用属性,则使用ObjectPropertyEditor。每个对象集合都有一个单独的操作集,这取决于集合类型。您可以在模型编辑器中管理新建、删除、链接或取消链接操作的可见性。将列表视图的AllowNew、AllowDelete、AllowLink或AllowUnlink属性设置为false以隐藏这些操作。

If a child object is aggregated (i.e., this object is considered a part of a master object and decorated with the AggregatedAttribute), an XPNestedObjectSpace Object Space is created for its Detail View, because this object should not be physically saved to the database until its owner is saved. If a child object is not aggregated (i.e., it can exist separately), a separate XPObjectSpace is used for its Detail View. A nested List View where objects from the detail collections are shown uses the same master XPObjectSpace regardless of the aggregation.

This topic includes the following sections.

  • One-to-Many (Non Aggregated)(一对多(非聚合))
  • One-to-Many (Aggregated)(一对多(聚合))
  • Many-to-Many(多对多)
  • One-to-One(一对一)

One-to-Many (Non Aggregated)(一对多(非聚合))

The relationship between the Department and Contacts illustrates the One-to-Many type, when many Contacts can be included into one Department. In this example, Department object contains a child ContactsCollection collection and is the “One” side of its One-to-Many relationship.
部门和联系人之间的关系说明了一对多类型,当许多联系人可以包含到一个部门中时。在此示例中,部门对象包含一个子ContactsCollection集合,并且是其一对多关系的“ One”面。


The List View that displays the ContactsCollection is accompanied by a New Action. This Action allows end-users to add new Contact objects to one of the existing Department objects (including the current object). In addition, the Link and Unlink Actions are available and allow you to add and remove a reference to a Contact object from another collection.

Nonaggregated objects are created in their own Object Space. So, the new Contact objects created within the Department Detail View can be saved separately from the parent object.

The following code demonstrates how you can implement this type of relationship.

public class Contact : XPObject {
    private Department department;
    public Department Department {
        get { return department; }
        set { SetPropertyValue(nameof(Department), ref department, value); }
public class Department : XPObject {
    public XPCollection<Contact> ContactsCollection {
        get { return GetCollection<Contact>(nameof(ContactsCollection)); }

One-to-Many (Aggregated)(一对多(聚合))

Let’s assume that a Contact has a collection of Notes, which are aggregated with their parent Contact. In this case, the Note object declares the “One” aggregated side of the One-to-Many relationship with the Contact object.


The List View that displays the NotesCollection is accompanied by the New Action. This Action allows end-users to add new Note objects. Note that in this instance, the Contact property of the new Note objects will be automatically set to the current Contact and this editor is not displayed in the UI.

Aggregated objects are created in the parent object’s Object Space. So, the new Note objects created within the Contact Detail View will be saved when their parent object is saved, and will be deleted when their parent object is deleted (cascade deletion mechanism).

The following code demonstrates how you can implement this type of relationship.

public class Contact : XPObject {
    [Association("Contact-Notes"), DevExpress.Xpo.Aggregated]
    public XPCollection<Note> NotesCollection {
        get { return GetCollection<Note>(nameof(NotesCollection)); }
public class Note : XPObject {
    private Contact contact;
    public Contact Contact {
        get { return contact; }
        set { SetPropertyValue(nameof(Contact), ref contact, value); }


For example, each Contact can have a collection of Tasks and each Task can be assigned to a number of Contacts. Thus, the relationship between the Contact and Task objects is named Many-to-Many.


The List View that displays the TasksCollection is accompanied by the Link Action. This Action allows end-users to add references to existing Task objects. If the NewObjectViewController.LinkNewObjectToParentImmediately property is set to true, the New Action is not applied to this collection. This behavior complies with the unique concept of the Many-to-Many relationship. However, you can create a new Task in the Link Action’s pop-up window.

The Unlink Action is also provided for the TasksCollection. This Action allows end-users to remove references to Task objects from the collection.
还为TasksCollection提供了Unlink Action。此操作允许最终用户从集合中删除对Task对象的引用。

The following code demonstrates how you can implement this type of relationship.

Technique 1**(技巧1)**

public class Contact : XPObject {
    public XPCollection<Task> TasksCollection {
        get { return GetCollection<Task>(nameof(TasksCollection)); }
public class Task : XPObject {
    public XPCollection<Contact> ContactsCollection {
        get { return GetCollection<Contact>(nameof(ContactsCollection)); }

Technique 2 (with an Intermediate Object)(技术2(带有中间对象))

using DevExpress.ExpressApp.Security;
using DevExpress.Persistent.Base;
using DevExpress.Xpo;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
// ...
public class Contact : XPObject {
    // ...
    [Association("Contact-ContactTasks"), Aggregated]
    public XPCollection<ContactTask> ContactTasks {
        get { return GetCollection<ContactTask>(nameof(ContactTasks)); } }
    [ManyToManyAlias(nameof(ContactTasks), nameof(ContactTask.Task))]
    public IList<Task> TaskCollection {
        get { return GetList<Task>(nameof(TaskCollection)); }
public class Task : XPObject {
    // ...
    [Association("Task-ContactTasks"), Aggregated]
    public XPCollection<ContactTask> ContactTasks {
        get { return GetCollection<ContactTask>(nameof(ContactTasks)); } }
    [ManyToManyAlias(nameof(ContactTasks), nameof(ContactTask.Contact))]
    public IList<Contact> ContactCollection {
        get { return GetList<Contact>(nameof(ContactCollection)); }
// Uncomment the following line if your application uses the Security System.
// [IntermediateObject(nameof(Contact), nameof(Task))]
public class ContactTask : XPObject {
    public ContactTask(Session session) : base(session) { }
    Contact fContact;
    public Contact Contact {
        get { return fContact; }
        set { SetPropertyValue<Contact>(nameof(Contact), ref fContact, value); }
    Task fTask;
    public Task Task {
        get { return fTask; }
        set { SetPropertyValue<Task>(nameof(Task), ref fTask, value); }

For more information on this technique, refer to the following help topic: Relationships Between Objects.


If each Contact can have only one unique Address and one Address can’t be assign to many Contacts, this relationship is the One-to-One.


This relationship doesn’t provide a collection side. Note that in this instance, the Contact property of the new Address objects will be automatically set to the current Contact.

The following code demonstrates how you can implement this type of relationship.

public class Contact : XPObject {
    private Address address;
    public Address Address{
        get { return address; }
        set {
            if (address == value) return;
            Address prevAddress = address;
            address = value;
            if (IsLoading) return;
            if (prevAddress!= null && prevAddress.Contact == this)
                prevAddress.Contact = null;
            if (address != null)
                address.Contact = this;
public class Address : XPObject {
    Contact contact = null;
    public Contact Contact {
        get { return contact; }
        set {
            if (contact == value)
            Contact prevContact = contact;
            contact = value;
            if (IsLoading) return;
            if (prevContact != null && prevContact.Address == this)
                prevContact.Address = null;
            if (contact != null)
                contact.Address = this;

From: https://blog.csdn.net/thomastang200912_126/article/details/142590157


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