Base Persistent Classes(基本持久化类)
This topic describes the base persistent classes that can be used in XAF applications when creating a data model with XPO.
The following table lists the base persistent classes you can inherit from when you define persistent business classes:
The BaseObject class is used when creating business classes from the XPO Business Object template. It is a feature-rich persistent class that supports the optimistic concurrency control (optimistic locking mechanism).
BaseObject类用于从XPO Business Object模板创建业务类。它是一个功能丰富的持久类,支持乐观并发控制(乐观锁定机制)。
We recommend using the XPObject class if your business class should use the integer type primary key. This class also supports optimistic concurrency control.
You need to define the primary key property in the business class declaration if you are using classes which do not have the auto-generated primary key property. The following code snippet illustrates this:
using System.ComponentModel;
using DevExpress.Persistent.Base;
using DevExpress.Xpo;
public class MyClass : XPLiteObject {
public MyClass(Session session) : base(session) { }
[Key(AutoGenerate = true), Browsable(false)]
public int Oid { get; set; }
string fMyProperty;
public string MyProperty {
get { return fMyProperty; }
set { SetPropertyValue(nameof(MyProperty), ref fMyProperty, value); }
If you need to consider whether to use a base class that supports the deferred deletion feature, refer to the XPO documentation: Deleting Persistent Objects.
You can implement a custom base persistent class. To learn more, refer to the How to: Implement a Custom Base Persistent Class help topic.