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11-12-13 926

时间:2024-09-26 20:28:12浏览次数:1  
标签:11 13 12 无聊 这句 them should they ###




### 英文原文整理:

1. And this, in my opinion, is how things should be in a civilized society.
2. But people who have been liberated from the harsh discipline of circumstance should then move on to acquire some measure of self-discipline.
3. Without self-discipline a man cannot play an adequate part in a civilized society: he will be just slopping around, accepting no responsibility, skimping the work he is supposed to be doing, cheating not only the bosses, the capitalists, but even his neighbours.
4. And unless he is an unusual type, he will not even find much satisfaction in this scrounging messy existence, which does nothing for a man's self-respect.

### 详细解释:

1. **And this, in my opinion, is how things should be in a civilized society.**
- 这句话说明作者认为,解放人们脱离艰苦环境的约束是文明社会应有的状态。


2. **But people who have been liberated from the harsh discipline of circumstance should then move on to acquire some measure of self-discipline.**
- **Liberated**: 解放。
- **Harsh discipline of circumstance**: 环境的严酷约束。
- **Self-discipline**: 自律。
- 这句话指出,那些从环境的严酷约束中解放出来的人应该继续培养一定程度的自律。



3. **Without self-discipline a man cannot play an adequate part in a civilized society: he will be just slopping around, accepting no responsibility, skimping the work he is supposed to be doing, cheating not only the bosses, the capitalists, but even his neighbours.**
- **Adequate part**: 足够的角色或作用。
- **Slopping around**: 无目的地闲逛。
- **Accepting no responsibility**: 不承担责任。
- **Skimping**: 偷工减料。


- **Cheating**: 欺骗。
- 这句话说明,没有自律,一个人在文明社会中无法扮演足够的角色:他将无所事事,不承担责任,偷工减料,欺骗不仅是老板和资本家,甚至是他的邻居。

4. **And unless he is an unusual type, he will not even find much satisfaction in this scrounging messy existence,      which does nothing for a man's self-respect.**
- **Unusual type**: 不寻常的类型。
- **Scrounging messy existence**: 靠乞讨或欺骗过着凌乱的生活。


- **Self-respect**: 自尊。
- 这句话指出,除非他是不寻常的类型,否则他甚至不会在这种靠乞讨或欺骗过着凌乱的生活中找到满足感,这种生活方式对一个人的自尊没有任何帮助。

### 总结:






### 英文原文整理:

1. I am keeping this on the male side, if only because a woman's problems are generally more personal, immediate, emotionally urgent, so that unless she is a hopeless case she has to face and deal with some of them.
2. And this is the situation that many of the English, decent at heart, find themselves in today.
3. Bewildered, they grope and mess around because they have fallen between two stools, the old harsh discipline having vanished and the essential new self-discipline either not understood or thought to be out of reach.

### 详细解释:

1. **I am keeping this on the male side, if only because a woman's problems are generally more personal, immediate, emotionally urgent, so that unless she is a hopeless case she has to face and deal with some of them.**
- **Personal**: 个人的。
- **Immediate**: 直接的。
- **Emotionally urgent**: 情感上紧迫的。
- **Hopeless case**: 无望的情况。
- 这句话说明作者选择从男性的角度来讨论问题,因为女性的问题通常更加个人化、紧迫和情感上紧急,除非她们处于无望的情况,否则她们必须面对和处理这些问题。

2. **And this is the situation that many of the English, decent at heart, find themselves in today.**
- **Decent at heart**: 本质上正直。
- 这句话指出,许多本质上正直的英国人今天发现自己正处于这种状况。

3. **Bewildered, they grope and mess around because they have fallen between two stools,     the old harsh discipline having vanished    and     the essential new self-discipline either not understood     or thought to be out of reach.**
- **Bewildered**: 困惑的。
- **Grope**: 摸索。
- **Mess around**: 胡闹,浪费时间。


- **Fallen between two stools**: 两边都不靠,指处于两难境地。


- 这句话说明,由于旧的严苛约束已经消失,而新的自律要么不被理解,要么被认为难以达到,这些英国人感到困惑,他们在摸索中浪费时间。

### 总结:






### 英文原文整理:

1. Boredom is a menace, now and in the future.
2. All heavily industrialized societies are in the boredom business.
3. This is not simply because so much of the work they offer is boring.
4. It is also because, after having shattered the slow rhythms, the traditional skills, the closely knit communities of rural societies, they crowd people together, excite them by large promises that cannot be kept, so drive them into boredom.

### 详细解释:

1. **Boredom is a menace, now and in the future.**
- **Menace**: 威胁。


- 这句话表明,无聊是一种现在和未来都存在的威胁。

2. **All heavily industrialized societies are in the boredom business.**
- **Heavily industrialized societies**: 重度工业化的社会。
- **Boredom business**: 制造无聊的事务。
- 这句话说明所有重度工业化的社会都在从事制造无聊的活动。

3. **This is not simply because so much of the work they offer is boring.**
- 这句话指出,这不仅仅是因为它们提供的大量工作本身很无聊。

4. **It is also because, after having shattered the slow rhythms, the traditional skills, the closely knit communities of rural societies, they crowd people together, excite them by large promises that cannot be kept, so drive them into boredom.**
- **Shattered**: 破坏。


- **Slow rhythms**: 慢节奏。
- **Traditional skills**: 传统技能。
- **Closely knit communities**: 紧密联系的社区。
- **Crowd people together**: 把人们聚集在一起。
- **Excite them by large promises**: 用大承诺激发他们。  good life  , 
- **Cannot be kept**: 无法兑现。
- **Drive them into boredom**: 使他们陷入无聊。
- 这句话说明,工业化破坏了乡村社会的慢节奏、传统技能和紧密联系的社区,之后又把人们聚集在一起,用无法兑现的大承诺激发他们,最终导致他们陷入无聊。

### 总结:






### 英文原文整理:

1. Now the English--at least the contemporary English of my experience can soon feel bored,
2. which largely explains why they gamble and booze so much and enjoy any dramatic change in public life, any news that encourages excited talk:
3. the urban English have always seemed to me a dramatic people.
4. When boredom can't be banished, there is always danger ahead.
5. Teenagers, who have not been able to use up enough energy during the day (they should be worked harder), turn at night to idiot vandalism.
6. Later, if boredom hardens into frustration, some of them, too many of them, take to crime, all kinds from petty shop-lifting to ferocious robbery with violence.

### 详细解释:

1. **Now the English--at least the contemporary English of my experience can soon feel bored,**
- 这句话说明作者经验中的当代英国人很快就会感到无聊。



2. **which largely explains why they gamble and booze so much       and enjoy any dramatic change in public life, any news that encourages excited talk:**
- **Gamble**: 赌博。
- **Booze**: 酗酒。


- 这句话指出,这在很大程度上解释了为什么他们如此沉迷于赌博和酗酒,并且喜欢公共生活中任何戏剧性的变化,以及任何能激发兴奋谈话的新闻。



3. **the urban English have always seemed to me a dramatic people.**
- **Urban English**: 城市英国人。
- **Dramatic people**: 喜欢戏剧性的人。
- 这句话表明,作者一直认为城市英国人是喜欢戏剧性的人。

4. **When boredom can't be banished, there is always danger ahead.**
- **Banished**: 驱逐。


- 这句话说明,当无聊无法被驱逐时,总是会出现危险。

5. **Teenagers, who have not been able to use up enough energy during the day (they should be worked harder), turn at night to idiot vandalism.**
- **Use up enough energy**: 消耗足够的能量。
- **Idiot vandalism**: 愚蠢的恶意破坏。


- 这句话指出,青少年在白天没有能够消耗足够的能量(他们应该更加努力地工作),在夜晚则转向愚蠢的恶意破坏。

6. **Later, if boredom hardens into frustration, some of them, too many of them, take to crime, all kinds from petty shop-lifting to ferocious robbery with violence.**
- **Harden into frustration**: 转变为挫败感。
- **Take to crime**: 走向犯罪。
- **Petty shop-lifting**: 小偷小摸。
- **Ferocious robbery with violence**: 带有暴力的凶猛抢劫。
- 这句话说明,如果无聊转变为挫败感,他们中的一些人,太多的人,会走向犯罪,从小偷小摸到带有暴力的凶猛抢劫等各种犯罪。


they should work harder

the should be worked harder 

### 总结:




1. **They should work harder.**
- 这句话是主语 + 情态动词 + 动词原形的结构,意思是“他们应该更加努力工作。”
- 这里使用了“should”来表达建议或义务,强调的是“他们”有责任或义务去更加努力工作。

2. **They should be worked harder.**
- 这句话看起来像是被动语态,但实际上并不是标准的英语表达。
- 如果要表达类似的意思,可以说 "They should be made to work harder." 或 "They ought to be worked harder.",这里的意思是“他们应该被要求更加努力工作。”
- 这种表达方式暗示了外界对“他们”有更大的控制权,有人需要对“他们”施加压力或采取某些措施来确保他们更加努力。

通常情况下,我们会使用第一句 "They should work harder." 来表达这个意思,因为它更直接、更自然,并且清楚地表达了“他们”应该采取的行动。第二句可能会造成混淆,因为它的结构不够标准。





### 英文原文整理:

Later, if boredom hardens into frustration, some of them, too many of them, take to crime, all kinds from petty shop-lifting to ferocious robbery with violence.

### 详细解释:

1. **Later, if boredom hardens into frustration,**
- **Harden**: 这里指的是变得坚硬或固化,比喻情绪或情况变得更强烈或更严重。
- **Boredom**: 无聊。
- **Frustration**: 挫败感。
- 这句话说明,如果随着时间的推移,无聊感固化成了挫败感。

2. **some of them, too many of them, take to crime,**
- **Some of them**: 他们中的一些人。
- **Too many of them**: 他们中太多的人,表示作者对这种情况的数量感到遗憾。
- **Take to crime**: 走向犯罪,开始从事犯罪活动。

3. **all kinds from petty shop-lifting to ferocious robbery with violence.**
- **Petty shop-lifting**: 小型的商店行窃。
- **Ferocious robbery with violence**: 带有暴力的凶猛抢劫。
- 这句话指出,犯罪行为包括从小偷小摸到带有暴力的凶猛抢劫等各种类型。


### 短语解释:

- **harden**
- 1. To become firm or solid: 变得更坚固或固化。
- 2. To make or become stronger or more severe, determined, or unpleasant: 变得更强烈、更严重、更坚定或更不快。

在这个上下文中,"harden" 指的是情绪或状态变得更加严重或强烈,即无聊感逐渐转变为强烈的挫败感。

### 总结:



From: https://www.cnblogs.com/flyingsir/p/18434246


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