def CountDays(start_time, end_time, time_interval_list):
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
time_a = []
for start, end in time_interval_list:
if end is None:
end = end_time
time_a.append([datetime.strptime(start, '%Y%m%d'),
datetime.strptime(end, '%Y%m%d')])
start_time = datetime.strptime(start_time, '%Y%m%d')
end_time = datetime.strptime(end_time, '%Y%m%d')
corrected_time_a = []
for s, e in time_a:
if e < start_time or s > end_time:
elif s <= start_time <= e:
s = start_time
elif s <= end_time <= e:
e = end_time
corrected_time_a.append([s, e])
if len(corrected_time_a) == 0:
return (end_time - start_time).days + 1, 0
b = []
for begin, end in sorted(corrected_time_a):
if b and b[-1][1] >= begin - timedelta(days=1):
b[-1][1] = max(b[-1][1], end)
b.append([begin, end])
occupied_days = sum((j-i).days + 1 for i, j in b)
free_days = (end_time - start_time).days + 1 - occupied_days
return free_days, occupied_days
CountDays('20221020', '20240531',
[['20221005', '20221221'],
['20231204', '20231231'],
['20210402', '20210502'],
['20240402', '20240402']])
CountDays('20211020', '20220531',
[['20221005', '20221221'],
['20231204', '20231231'],
['20210402', '20210502'],
['20240402', '20240402'],
['20221005', None]])
求日期区间的并集的代码思路参考自Union of multiple ranges
标签:end,交集,Y%,days,datetime,start,日期,time,区间 From: