#include <iostream> using std::cout; using std::endl; // 类A的定义 class A{ public: A(int x0, int y0): x{ x0 }, y{ y0 } {} void show() const { cout << x << ", " << y << endl; } private: int x, y; }; // 类B的定义 class B{ public: B(double x0, double y0): x{ x0 }, y{ y0 } {} void show() const { cout << x << ", " << y << endl;} private: double x, y; }; int main() { A a(3, 4); a.show(); B b(3.2, 5.6); b.show(); }
#include <iostream> #include <string> using std::cout; using std::endl; // 定义类模板X template<typename T> class X{ public: X(T x0, T y0): x{x0}, y{y0} {} void show() const { cout << x << ", " << y << endl;} private: T x, y; }; int main() { X<int> x1(3, 4); x1.show(); X<double> x2(3.2, 5.6); x2.show(); X<std::string> x3("hello", "c plus plus"); x3.show(); }
#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main() { string s1,s2; s1 = "nuist"; s1[0] = 'N'; s1.at(1) = 'U'; cout << boolalpha << (s1 =="nuist") << endl; cout << s1.length() << endl; cout << s1.size() << endl; s2 = s1 + ", 2050"; cout << s2 << endl; string email{"xyz@gmail.com"}; auto pos = email.find("@"); if(pos == string::npos) cout << "illegal email address"; else { auto s1 = email.substr(0, pos); auto s2 = email.substr(pos + 1); cout << s1 << endl; cout << s2 << endl; } string phone{"13405862003"}; cout << phone.replace(3, 5,string(5, '*')) << endl; string s3{"cosmos"}, s4{"galaxy"}; cout << "s3: " + s3 + "s4: " + s4 << endl; s3.swap(s4); cout << "s3: " + s3 + "s4: " + s4 << endl; string s5{"abc"}; const char *pstr = s5.c_str(); cout << pstr << endl; string s6{"12306"}; int x1 = stoi(s6); cout << x1 << endl; int x2 = 12306; string s7 = to_string(x2); cout << s7 << endl; double x3 = 123.06; string s8 = to_string(x3); cout << s8 << endl; return 0; }
#include<iostream> #include<string> #include<limits> int main() { using namespace std; const int n = 10; string prompt = string(n,'*') + "Enter a string: " + string(n, '*') + '\n'; cout << prompt; string s1; cin >> s1; cout << "s1: " << s1 << endl; cin.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), '\n'); cout << prompt; getline(cin, s1); cout << "s1: " << s1 << endl; string s2, s3; cout << prompt; getline(cin, s2, ' '); getline(cin, s3); cout << "s2: " << s2 << endl; cout << "s3: " << s3 << endl; }
#include<iostream> #include<vector> #include<string> #include<algorithm> #include<array> using namespace std; template<typename T> void output1(const T &obj) { for(auto i = 0;i < obj.size();++ i) cout << obj.at(i) << ", "; cout << "\b\b \n"; } template<typename T> void output2(const T &obj) { for(auto p = obj.cbegin();p != obj.cend(); ++p) cout << *p << ", "; cout << "\b\b \n"; } template<typename T> void output3(const T &obj){ for(auto &item: obj) cout << item << ", "; cout << "\b\b \n"; } // 测试string类对象 void test1() { string s1{"cplus"}; output1(s1); reverse(s1.begin(), s1.end()); // 对对象s1中的数据项进⾏翻转 output2(s1); sort(s1.begin(), s1.end()); // 对对象s1中的数据项排序(默认升序) output3(s1); } // 测试array<int>类对象 void test2() { array< array<int, 4>, 3> x{1, 9, 8, 4, 2, 0, 2, 2, 2, 0, 4, 9 }; output1( x.at(0) ); output2( x.at(1) ); output3( x.at(2) ); } // 测试vector<string>类对象 void test3() { vector<string> v1 {"Sheldon", "Leonard", "Howard", "Raj"}; v1.push_back("Penny"); v1.push_back("Amy"); output1(v1); sort(v1.begin(), v1.end(), std::greater<string>()); // 对v1对象中的字符串按降序排序 output2(v1); reverse(v1.begin(), v1.end()); // 对v1对象中的字符串翻转 output3(v1); } int main() { cout << "test1: " << endl; test1(); cout << "test2: " << endl; test2(); cout << "test3: " << endl; test3(); }
#include<iostream> #include<string> #include<vector> #include"info.hpp" #include<iomanip> using namespace std; const int capacity = 100; int main() { string nickname,contact,city; int num,cnt = 0; vector<info> audience_info_list; cout << "please enter informance" << endl; cout << "nickname\t\t" << "contact(email/phone)\t\t" << "city\t"<<"reserved number\t" << endl; while(cin >> nickname) { cin >> contact >> city >> num; cnt += num; if(capacity > cnt){ info x = info(nickname,contact,city,num); audience_info_list.push_back(x); } else{ cnt -= num; cout << "sorry,only left" << (capacity - cnt) << "sits." << endl; } cout << "entil now,all have" << cnt << "audiences, the information are as follow: "<< endl; for(int i= 0;i < audience_info_list.size();i ++) { audience_info_list.at(i).print(); cout << endl; } cout << "1.enter'u',update information" << endl; cout << "2.enter'q',to quit reserve" << endl; cout << "your choice: "; string n; cin >> n; if(n == "q") break; else if(n =="u") { cout << "please enter information " << endl; cout << "nickname\t\t" << "contact(email/phone)\t\t" << "city\t"<<"reserved number\t" << endl; continue; } } return 0; }
//info.hpp #pragma once #include<iostream> #include<string> #include<iomanip> using namespace std; class info { public : info(string nickname0="a",string contact0= "a",string city0="a",int num0 = 0):nickname{nickname0},contact{contact0},city{city0},num{num0} {} void print() const; private: string nickname,contact,city; int num; }; void info::print() const{ cout << "nickname: \t\t" << nickname << endl; cout << "contact: \t" << contact << endl; cout << "city: \t\t" << city << endl; cout << "reserve number: \t" << num << endl; }
// cpp #include "textcoder.hpp" #include <iostream> #include <string> void test(){ using namespace std; string text,encoded_text,decoded_text; cout<<"please enter the text:"; while(getline(cin,text)){ encoded_text=TextCoder(text).get_ciphertext(); cout<<"the text encodered:\t"<<encoded_text<<endl; decoded_text=TextCoder(encoded_text).get_deciphertext(); cout<<"the encodered text discodered:\t"<<decoded_text<<endl; cout<<"please enter the text: "; } } int main(){ test(); }
// hpp #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; class TextCoder{ public: TextCoder(string tx); string get_ciphertext(); string get_deciphertext(); void ciphertext(); void deciphertext(); private: string text; }; TextCoder::TextCoder(string tx){ text=tx; } void TextCoder::ciphertext(){ for(int i=0;i<=text.size();i++){ if(text[i]>='a'&&text[i]<='u'){ text[i]+=5; } else if(text[i]>='A'&&text[i]<='U'){ text[i]+=5; } else if(text[i] >'u'&&text[i]<='z'){ text[i]-=21; } else if(text[i]>'U'&&text[i]<'Z'){ text[i]-=21; } } } void TextCoder::deciphertext(){ for(int i=0;i<=text.size();i++){ if(text[i]>=70&&text[i]<=90){ text[i]-=5; } else if(text[i]>=102&&text[i]<=122){ text[i]-=5; } else if(text[i]>=65&&text[i]<=69){ text[i]+=21; } else if(text[i]>=97&&text[i]<=101){ text[i]+=21; } } } string TextCoder::get_ciphertext(){ this->ciphertext(); return text; } string TextCoder::get_deciphertext(){ this->deciphertext(); return text; }
标签:std,cout,text,void,实验,include,string From: https://www.cnblogs.com/lxyyyds/p/16827074.html