本文提出了一种能够同时进行特征匹配以及滤除外点的网络。其中特征匹配是通过求解可微分最优化转移问题( optimal transport problem)来解决;本文基于注意力机制提出了一种将2D特征点以及聚合机制,这使得SuperGlue能够同时感知潜在的3D场景以及进行特征匹配。该网络能够在GPU上达到实时,预期能够集成到slam算法中位置如下图:
先进入注意力GNN网络,通过Keypoint Encoder(关键点编码器)将关键点位置p以及视觉描述符d映射到单个向量中(该向量可以理解为特征匹配向量),随后利用Self(自我注意力)以及Cross(交叉注意力)(重复L)来创建更强大的表示向量f。
随后进入最优匹配层,通过计算特征匹配向量的内积得到score matrix(M*N的得分矩阵),用dustbin score进行扩充,然后通过Sinkhorn算法(迭代T次)找到最佳的部分分配。
2.1 Attentional Graph Neural Network( 注意图神经网络)
2.1.1 KeyPoint Encoder :解决 同时进行特征匹配以及滤除外点的网络
假定有A,B两张图像,分别检测出M和N个特征点,分别记为A = {1,2…M} 和 B = {1,2…N} ,每个特征点由(p,d)表示,其中pi = (x,y,c)为第i个特征点(归一化)后的位置(x,y)和置信度(c)。di为第i个特征点的特征向量。我们首先对输入网络的特征点和特征向量进行编码:
其作用就是特征点的位置和特征向量编码进同一个特征 ,使得网络在进行匹配时能够同时考虑到特征描述和位置的相似性。
self.kenc = KeypointEncoder(self.descriptor_dim, self.keypoint_encoder)#关键点编码器(KeypointEncoder)实例化
desc0 = desc0 + self.kenc(kpts0, data['scores0'])
desc1 = desc1 + self.kenc(kpts1, data['scores1'])#对于两组关键点数据kpts0和kpts1,分别调用self.kenc对其进行编码处理,并将编码结果累加到描述子desc0和desc1中,以更新描述子的信息。这样可以有效地将关键点信息融入到描述子中,提高描述子的表征能力
#多层感知机MLP 1*1卷积+BN+ReLU
def MLP(channels: list, do_bn=True):
""" Multi-layer perceptron """
n = len(channels)
layers = []
for i in range(1, n):
nn.Conv1d(channels[i - 1], channels[i], kernel_size=1, bias=True))
if i < (n-1):
if do_bn:
return nn.Sequential(*layers)
class KeypointEncoder(nn.Module):
""" 关键点编码器(KeypointEncoder),联合使用MLP对特征点的位置和特征进行编码"""
def __init__(self, feature_dim, layers):
feature_dim (int): 特征维度
layers (list): 包含隐藏层维度的列表
self.encoder = MLP([3] + layers + [feature_dim])
nn.init.constant_(self.encoder[-1].bias, 0.0)
def forward(self, kpts, scores):
kpts (Tensor): 关键点张量,形状为(N, K, 2),N为样本数,K为关键点个数,每个关键点有2维坐标信息
scores (Tensor): 分数张量,形状为(N, K),N为样本数,K为关键点个数
Tensor: 编码后的特征张量
inputs = [kpts.transpose(1, 2), scores.unsqueeze(1)]
return self.encoder(torch.cat(inputs, dim=1))
2.1.2 Attentional Aggregation
message = self.attn(x, source, source)
self.attn = MultiHeadedAttention(num_heads, feature_dim)
query (Tensor): 查询张量,形状为(B, Dq, H, N),B为批量大小,Dq为查询维度,H为头数,N为序列长度
key (Tensor): 键张量,形状为(B, Dk, H, M),Dk为键维度,M为序列长度
value (Tensor): 值张量,形状为(B, Dv, H, M),Dv为值维度
Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: 经过注意力加权后的值张量和注意力分布张量
def attention(query, key, value):
dim = query.shape[1]
scores = torch.einsum('bdhn,bdhm->bhnm', query, key) / dim**.5
prob = torch.nn.functional.softmax(scores, dim=-1)
return torch.einsum('bhnm,bdhm->bdhn', prob, value), prob
class MultiHeadedAttention(torch.jit.ScriptModule):
""" 定义了一个多头注意力的类,用于增强模型的表达能力 """
prob: List[torch.Tensor]
def __init__(self, num_heads: int, d_model: int):
assert d_model % num_heads == 0
self.dim = d_model // num_heads
self.num_heads = num_heads
self.merge = nn.Conv1d(d_model, d_model, kernel_size=1)
self.proj = nn.ModuleList([deepcopy(self.merge) for _ in range(3)]) # 对应不同的W
self.prob = []
def forward(self, query, key, value):
batch_dim = query.size(0)
query, key, value = [l(x).view(batch_dim, self.dim, self.num_heads, -1)
for l, x in zip(self.proj, (query, key, value))] # 通过卷积提取query、key、value
x, prob = attention(query, key, value) # 进行attention计算
return self.merge(x.contiguous().view(batch_dim, self.dim*self.num_heads, -1)) # 合并多头结果
self.gnn = AttentionalGNN(self.descriptor_dim, self.GNN_layers)
desc0, desc1 = self.gnn(desc0, desc1)
class AttentionalPropagation(torch.jit.ScriptModule):
def __init__(self, feature_dim: int, num_heads: int):
# 初始化时创建一个MultiHeadedAttention实例,用于进行多头注意力计算
self.attn = MultiHeadedAttention(num_heads, feature_dim)
# 创建一个MLP(多层感知机)实例,用于后续信息融合
self.mlp = MLP([feature_dim*2, feature_dim*2, feature_dim])
# 对MLP最后一层的偏置项进行初始化,设置为常数0.0
nn.init.constant_(self.mlp[-1].bias, 0.0)
def forward(self, x, source):
# 使用MultiHeadedAttention计算输入x与source之间的注意力信息
message = self.attn(x, source, source)
# 将输入x和注意力信息message拼接起来,然后通过MLP进行信息融合得到输出
return self.mlp(torch.cat([x, message], dim=1)) # 这里就是上文公式对应的代码计算
class AttentionalGNN(torch.jit.ScriptModule):
def __init__(self, feature_dim: int, layer_names: list):
self.layers = nn.ModuleList([
AttentionalPropagation(feature_dim, 4)
for _ in range(len(layer_names))])
self.names = layer_names
def forward(self, desc0, desc1):
for i, layer in enumerate(self.layers):
layer.attn.prob = []
if self.names[i] == 'cross':
src0, src1 = desc1, desc0
else: # if name == 'self':
src0, src1 = desc0, desc1
delta0, delta1 = layer(desc0, src0), layer(desc1, src1)
desc0, desc1 = (desc0 + delta0), (desc1 + delta1) # 这里相当于residual相加
return desc0, desc1
2.2 Optimal Matching Layer (最优匹配层)
在完成Attention Graph Neural Network计算后,我们对所有特征点的特征进行一层MLP构建最终我们匹配用的Score矩阵Sij
self.final_proj = nn.Conv1d(self.descriptor_dim, self.descriptor_dim, kernel_size=1, bias=True)
# Final MLP projection.
mdesc0, mdesc1 = self.final_proj(desc0), self.final_proj(desc1)
# Compute matching descriptor distance.
scores = torch.einsum('bdn,bdm->bnm', mdesc0, mdesc1)
scores = scores / self.descriptor_dim**.5
def log_sinkhorn_iterations(Z, log_mu, log_nu, iters: int):
""" Perform Sinkhorn Normalization in Log-space for stability"""
u, v = torch.zeros_like(log_mu), torch.zeros_like(log_nu)
for _ in range(iters):
u = log_mu - torch.logsumexp(Z + v.unsqueeze(1), dim=2)
v = log_nu - torch.logsumexp(Z + u.unsqueeze(2), dim=1)
return Z + u.unsqueeze(2) + v.unsqueeze(1)
#用于在对数空间中执行可微的最优输运(Optimal Transport)操作,以确保稳定性
def log_optimal_transport(scores, alpha, iters: int):
""" Perform Differentiable Optimal Transport in Log-space for stability"""
b, m, n = scores.shape
one = scores.new_tensor(1)
ms, ns = (m*one).to(scores), (n*one).to(scores)
bins0 = alpha.expand(b, m, 1)
bins1 = alpha.expand(b, 1, n)
alpha = alpha.expand(b, 1, 1)
couplings = torch.cat([torch.cat([scores, bins0], -1),
torch.cat([bins1, alpha], -1)], 1)
norm = - (ms + ns).log()
log_mu = torch.cat([norm.expand(m), ns.log()[None] + norm])
log_nu = torch.cat([norm.expand(n), ms.log()[None] + norm])
log_mu, log_nu = log_mu[None].expand(b, -1), log_nu[None].expand(b, -1)
Z = log_sinkhorn_iterations(couplings, log_mu, log_nu, iters)
Z = Z - norm # multiply probabilities by M+N
return Z
self.gnn = AttentionalGNN(self.config['descriptor_dim'], self.config['GNN_layers'])
2.3 损失函数
3.整体代码 详解
import torch
from torch import nn
from copy import deepcopy
from pathlib import Path
#多层感知机 1*1卷积+BN+ReLU
def MLP(channels: list, do_bn=True):
""" Multi-layer perceptron """
n = len(channels)
layers = []
for i in range(1, n):
nn.Conv1d(channels[i - 1], channels[i], kernel_size=1, bias=True))
if i < (n-1):
if do_bn:
return nn.Sequential(*layers)
# 参数:
# kpts (Tensor): 关键点张量,形状为(N, K, 2),N为样本数,K为关键点个数,每个关键点有2维坐标信息
# image_shape (tuple): 图像尺寸,形状为(C, H, W),C为通道数,H为图像高度,W为图像宽度
# Tensor: 规范化后的关键点位置张量,形状同输入kpts
def normalize_keypoints(kpts, image_shape):
""" 根据图像尺寸规范化关键点位置"""
_, _, height, width = image_shape
one = kpts.new_tensor(1)
size = torch.stack([one*width, one*height])[None]# 构建图像大小张
center = size / 2 # 计算图像中心点坐标
scaling = size.max(1, keepdim=True).values * 0.7 # 计算缩放比例
return (kpts - center[:, None, :]) / scaling[:, None, :]
# KeypointEncoder 关键点编码器
class KeypointEncoder(nn.Module):
""" 关键点编码器(KeypointEncoder),联合使用MLP对特征点的位置和特征进行编码"""
def __init__(self, feature_dim, layers):
feature_dim (int): 特征维度
layers (list): 包含隐藏层维度的列表
self.encoder = MLP([3] + layers + [feature_dim])
nn.init.constant_(self.encoder[-1].bias, 0.0)
def forward(self, kpts, scores):
kpts (Tensor): 关键点张量,形状为(N, K, 2),N为样本数,K为关键点个数,每个关键点有2维坐标信息
scores (Tensor): 分数张量,形状为(N, K),N为样本数,K为关键点个数
Tensor: 编码后的特征张量
inputs = [kpts.transpose(1, 2), scores.unsqueeze(1)]
return self.encoder(torch.cat(inputs, dim=1))
query (Tensor): 查询张量,形状为(B, Dq, H, N),B为批量大小,Dq为查询维度,H为头数,N为序列长度
key (Tensor): 键张量,形状为(B, Dk, H, M),Dk为键维度,M为序列长度
value (Tensor): 值张量,形状为(B, Dv, H, M),Dv为值维度
Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: 经过注意力加权后的值张量和注意力分布张量
def attention(query, key, value):
dim = query.shape[1]
scores = torch.einsum('bdhn,bdhm->bhnm', query, key) / dim**.5
prob = torch.nn.functional.softmax(scores, dim=-1)
return torch.einsum('bhnm,bdhm->bdhn', prob, value), prob
class MultiHeadedAttention(nn.Module):
""" Multi-head attention to increase model expressivitiy 定义了一个多头注意力的类,用于增强模型的表达能力"""
def __init__(self, num_heads: int, d_model: int):
assert d_model % num_heads == 0
self.dim = d_model // num_heads
self.num_heads = num_heads
self.merge = nn.Conv1d(d_model, d_model, kernel_size=1)
self.proj = nn.ModuleList([deepcopy(self.merge) for _ in range(3)])
def forward(self, query, key, value):
batch_dim = query.size(0)
query, key, value = [l(x).view(batch_dim, self.dim, self.num_heads, -1)
for l, x in zip(self.proj, (query, key, value))]
x, _ = attention(query, key, value)
return self.merge(x.contiguous().view(batch_dim, self.dim*self.num_heads, -1))
class AttentionalPropagation(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, feature_dim: int, num_heads: int):
# 初始化时创建一个MultiHeadedAttention实例,用于进行多头注意力计算
self.attn = MultiHeadedAttention(num_heads, feature_dim)
# 创建一个MLP(多层感知机)实例,用于后续信息融合
self.mlp = MLP([feature_dim*2, feature_dim*2, feature_dim])
# 对MLP最后一层的偏置项进行初始化,设置为常数0.0
nn.init.constant_(self.mlp[-1].bias, 0.0)
def forward(self, x, source):
# 使用MultiHeadedAttention计算输入x与source之间的注意力信息
message = self.attn(x, source, source)
# 将输入x和注意力信息message拼接起来,然后通过MLP进行信息融合得到输出
return self.mlp(torch.cat([x, message], dim=1))
class AttentionalGNN(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, feature_dim: int, layer_names: list):
# 创建了多个AttentionalPropagation层,并将它们组成一个ModuleList
self.layers = nn.ModuleList([
AttentionalPropagation(feature_dim, 4)
for _ in range(len(layer_names))])
# 存储每一层的名称
self.names = layer_names
def forward(self, desc0, desc1):
for layer, name in zip(self.layers, self.names):
if name == 'cross':
src0, src1 = desc1, desc0
else: # if name == 'self':
src0, src1 = desc0, desc1
# 调用AttentionalPropagation层进行信息传播
delta0, delta1 = layer(desc0, src0), layer(desc1, src1)
# 将传播后的信息与原始信息相加得到更新后的节点表示
desc0, desc1 = (desc0 + delta0), (desc1 + delta1)
return desc0, desc1
def log_sinkhorn_iterations(Z, log_mu, log_nu, iters: int):
""" Perform Sinkhorn Normalization in Log-space for stability"""
u, v = torch.zeros_like(log_mu), torch.zeros_like(log_nu)
for _ in range(iters):
u = log_mu - torch.logsumexp(Z + v.unsqueeze(1), dim=2)
v = log_nu - torch.logsumexp(Z + u.unsqueeze(2), dim=1)
return Z + u.unsqueeze(2) + v.unsqueeze(1)
#用于在对数空间中执行可微的最优输运(Optimal Transport)操作,以确保稳定性
def log_optimal_transport(scores, alpha, iters: int):
""" Perform Differentiable Optimal Transport in Log-space for stability"""
b, m, n = scores.shape
one = scores.new_tensor(1)
ms, ns = (m*one).to(scores), (n*one).to(scores)
bins0 = alpha.expand(b, m, 1)
bins1 = alpha.expand(b, 1, n)
alpha = alpha.expand(b, 1, 1)
couplings = torch.cat([torch.cat([scores, bins0], -1),
torch.cat([bins1, alpha], -1)], 1)
norm = - (ms + ns).log()
log_mu = torch.cat([norm.expand(m), ns.log()[None] + norm])
log_nu = torch.cat([norm.expand(n), ms.log()[None] + norm])
log_mu, log_nu = log_mu[None].expand(b, -1), log_nu[None].expand(b, -1)
Z = log_sinkhorn_iterations(couplings, log_mu, log_nu, iters)
Z = Z - norm # multiply probabilities by M+N
return Z
def arange_like(x, dim: int):
return x.new_ones(x.shape[dim]).cumsum(0) - 1 # traceable in 1.1
class matchNet(nn.Module):
default_config = {
'descriptor_dim': 256,
'weights': '',
'keypoint_encoder': [32, 64, 128, 256],
'GNN_layers': ['self', 'cross'] * 9,
'sinkhorn_iterations': 100,
'match_threshold': 0.2,
def __init__(self, config):
self.config = {**self.default_config, **config}
# 初始化模型组件
#Attentional Graph Neural Network 执行基于注意力机制的图神经网络
# 创建KeypointEncoder实例,用于对关键点进行编码
self.kenc = KeypointEncoder(
self.config['descriptor_dim'], self.config['keypoint_encoder'])
# 创建AttentionalGNN实例,用于注意力GNN网络(Attentional Aggregation)
self.gnn = AttentionalGNN(
self.config['descriptor_dim'], self.config['GNN_layers'])
#Optimal Transport Layer 最优匹配层
# 创建一个1*1卷积层,获得得到描述符f
self.final_proj = nn.Conv1d(
self.config['descriptor_dim'], self.config['descriptor_dim'],
kernel_size=1, bias=True)
#获得得分矩阵 s
bin_score = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.tensor(1.))
self.register_parameter('bin_score', bin_score)
# 根据权重加载模型
if self.config['weights'] in ['indoor','outdoor','mytrain']:
path=path / 'weights/MatchNet_{}.pth'.format(self.config['weights'])
if self.config['weights'] in ['indoor','outdoor']:
print('Loaded matchNet model (\"{}"\weights)'.format(self.config['weights']))
def forward(self, data):
"""Run matchNet on a pair of keypoints and descriptors"""
# 获取关键点和描述符数据
desc0, desc1 = data['descriptors0'], data['descriptors1']
kpts0, kpts1 = data['keypoints0'], data['keypoints1']
# 转置操作
desc0 = desc0.transpose(0,1)#(1,128,1024)
desc1 = desc1.transpose(0,1)#(1,128,1024)
kpts0 = torch.reshape(kpts0, (1, -1, 2))#(1,1024,2)
kpts1 = torch.reshape(kpts1, (1, -1, 2))#(1,1024,2)
# 如果没有关键点则直接返回
if kpts0.shape[1] == 0 or kpts1.shape[1] == 0: # no keypoints
shape0, shape1 = kpts0.shape[:-1], kpts1.shape[:-1]
return {
'matches0': kpts0.new_full(shape0, -1, dtype=torch.int)[0],
'matches1': kpts1.new_full(shape1, -1, dtype=torch.int)[0],
'matching_scores0': kpts0.new_zeros(shape0)[0],
'matching_scores1': kpts1.new_zeros(shape1)[0],
'skip_train': True
# file_name = data['file_name']
# 获取所有匹配数据
all_matches = data['all_matches'].permute(1,2,0) # shape=torch.Size([batch, 1525, 2])
# Keypoint normalization.
# 关键点归一化
kpts0 = normalize_keypoints(kpts0, data['image0'].shape)
kpts1 = normalize_keypoints(kpts1, data['image1'].shape)
# Keypoint MLP encoder. # Keypoint MLP编码器 KeypointEncoder
scores0,scores1= data['scores0'],data['scores1']
desc0 = desc0 + self.kenc(kpts0, torch.transpose(scores0, 0, 1))#(batch,128,1024)
desc1 = desc1 + self.kenc(kpts1, torch.transpose(scores1, 0, 1))#(batch,128,717)
# Multi-layer Transformer network. 创建AttentionalGNN实例,用于注意力GNN网络(Attentional Aggregation)
desc0, desc1 = self.gnn(desc0, desc1)#(batch,128,1024),(batch,128,717)
# Final MLP projection. 描述符F
mdesc0, mdesc1 = self.final_proj(desc0), self.final_proj(desc1)#(batch,128,1024),(batch,128,717)
# Compute matching descriptor distance. 得分矩阵Sij
scores = torch.einsum('bdn,bdm->bnm', mdesc0, mdesc1)#(batch,1024,718)
scores = scores / self.config['descriptor_dim']**.5
# Run the optimal transport. Sinkhorn算法实现
scores = log_optimal_transport(
scores, self.bin_score,
# Get the matches with score above "match_threshold". 获取得分超过"match_threshold"的匹配结果
max0, max1 = scores[:, :-1, :-1].max(2), scores[:, :-1, :-1].max(1)#(values,indices),(bqtch,1024),(batch,717)
indices0, indices1 = max0.indices, max1.indices
mutual0 = arange_like(indices0, 1)[None] == indices1.gather(1, indices0)#为True代表的是正确的匹配对,keypoint0的对应点
mutual1 = arange_like(indices1, 1)[None] == indices0.gather(1, indices1)#为True代表的是正确的匹配对,keypoint1的对应点
zero = scores.new_tensor(0)
mscores0 = torch.where(mutual0, max0.values.exp(), zero)#正确的匹配对,保留分数(exp),其余赋0,keypoint0的匹配分数
mscores1 = torch.where(mutual1, mscores0.gather(1, indices1), zero)#正确的匹配对,保留分数(exp),其余赋0,keypoint1的匹配分数
valid0 = mutual0 & (mscores0 > self.config['match_threshold'])#取大于阈值的分数,(True,False)
valid1 = mutual1 & valid0.gather(1, indices1)
indices0 = torch.where(valid0, indices0, indices0.new_tensor(-1))#取大于阈值的索引
indices1 = torch.where(valid1, indices1, indices1.new_tensor(-1))
# check if indexed correctly 计算损失
loss = []
for i in range(len(all_matches[0])):
x = all_matches[0][i][0]
y = all_matches[0][i][1]
loss.append(-torch.log( scores[0][x][y].exp() )) # check batch size == 1 ?
# for p0 in unmatched0:
# loss += -torch.log(scores[0][p0][-1])
# for p1 in unmatched1:
# loss += -torch.log(scores[0][-1][p1])
loss_mean = torch.mean(torch.stack(loss))
loss_mean = torch.reshape(loss_mean, (1, -1))
return {
'matches0': indices0[0], # use -1 for invalid match
'matches1': indices1[0], # use -1 for invalid match
'matching_scores0': mscores0[0],
'matching_scores1': mscores1[0],
'loss': loss_mean[0],
'skip_train': False
From: https://blog.csdn.net/kaszxc/article/details/142095516