首页 > 其他分享 >应用开发---VTK放大镜(区域放大)功能实现


时间:2024-09-05 21:20:40浏览次数:6  
标签:VTKIS wxInteractorStyleImage 放大镜 double VTK virtual --- include void

 VTK 医学图像处理---放大镜/区域放大功能




1  放大镜源代码

Main函数入口和主体在 <021_Magnifier.cpp>文件中,wxInteractorStyleImage类主要实现鼠标的交互功能,wxMagnifierAcotor类实现局部图像方法功能的实现和显示。项目工程组织如下图:


在自己的项目中添加 wxInteractorStyleImage 和 wxMagnifierAcotor 两个类的源码(可以自己新建类,把下面代码拷贝进来,然后修改下文件名称即可),然后将Magnifier.cpp文件中的内容拷贝到自己项目main函数所在文件,就可以直接运行。

1 wxInteractorStyleImage 类源代码


#ifndef wxInteractorStyleImage_h
#define wxInteractorStyleImage_h

#include "vtkInteractorStyleTrackballCamera.h"

// Motion flags

#define VTKIS_SLICE        1025
#define VTKIS_MAGNIFIER    1026  /* 添加放大镜事件 ID */

// Style flags

#define VTKIS_IMAGE2D 2
#define VTKIS_IMAGE3D 3

class vtkImageProperty;
class wxMagnifierAcotor;

class wxInteractorStyleImage : public vtkInteractorStyleTrackballCamera
	static wxInteractorStyleImage *New();
	vtkTypeMacro(wxInteractorStyleImage, vtkInteractorStyleTrackballCamera);
	void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent) override;

	virtual void SetMagnifier(wxMagnifierAcotor* pActor);
	 * Some useful information for handling window level
	vtkGetVector2Macro(WindowLevelStartPosition, int);
	vtkGetVector2Macro(WindowLevelCurrentPosition, int);

	 * Event bindings controlling the effects of pressing mouse buttons
	 * or moving the mouse.
	void onm ouseMove() override;
	void OnLeftButtonDown() override;
	void OnLeftButtonUp() override;
	void OnMiddleButtonDown() override;
	void OnMiddleButtonUp() override;
	void OnRightButtonDown() override;
	void OnRightButtonUp() override;

	 * Override the "fly-to" (f keypress) for images.
	void OnChar() override;

	// These methods for the different interactions in different modes
	// are overridden in subclasses to perform the correct motion. Since
	// they might be called from OnTimer, they do not have mouse coord parameters
	// (use interactor's GetEventPosition and GetLastEventPosition)
	virtual void WindowLevel();
	virtual void Pick();
	virtual void Slice();

	// Interaction mode entry points used internally.
	virtual void StartWindowLevel();
	virtual void EndWindowLevel();
	virtual void StartPick();
	virtual void EndPick();
	virtual void StartSlice();
	virtual void EndSlice();

	virtual void StartMagnifier();
	virtual void EndMagnifier();
	virtual void Magnifier();

	 * Set/Get current mode to 2D or 3D.  The default is 2D.  In 3D mode,
	 * it is possible to rotate the camera to view oblique slices.  In Slicing
	 * mode, it is possible to slice through the data, but not to generate oblique
	 * views by rotating the camera.
	vtkSetClampMacro(InteractionMode, int, VTKIS_IMAGE2D, VTKIS_IMAGE_SLICING);
	vtkGetMacro(InteractionMode, int);
	void SetInteractionModeToImage2D() {
	void SetInteractionModeToImage3D() {
	void SetInteractionModeToImageSlicing() {

	 * Set the orientations that will be used when the X, Y, or Z
	 * keys are pressed.  See SetImageOrientation for more information.
	vtkSetVector3Macro(XViewRightVector, double);
	vtkGetVector3Macro(XViewRightVector, double);
	vtkSetVector3Macro(XViewUpVector, double);
	vtkGetVector3Macro(XViewUpVector, double);
	vtkSetVector3Macro(YViewRightVector, double);
	vtkGetVector3Macro(YViewRightVector, double);
	vtkSetVector3Macro(YViewUpVector, double);
	vtkGetVector3Macro(YViewUpVector, double);
	vtkSetVector3Macro(ZViewRightVector, double);
	vtkGetVector3Macro(ZViewRightVector, double);
	vtkSetVector3Macro(ZViewUpVector, double);
	vtkGetVector3Macro(ZViewUpVector, double);

	 * Set the view orientation, in terms of the horizontal and
	 * vertical directions of the computer screen.  The first
	 * vector gives the direction that will correspond to moving
	 * horizontally left-to-right across the screen, and the
	 * second vector gives the direction that will correspond to
	 * moving bottom-to-top up the screen.  This method changes
	 * the position of the camera to provide the desired view.
	void SetImageOrientation(const double leftToRight[3],
		const double bottomToTop[3]);

	 * Set the image to use for WindowLevel interaction.
	 * Any images for which the Pickable flag is off are ignored.
	 * Images are counted back-to-front, so 0 is the rearmost image.
	 * Negative values can be used to count front-to-back, so -1 is
	 * the frontmost image, -2 is the image behind that one, etc.
	 * The default is to use the frontmost image for interaction.
	 * If the specified image does not exist, then no WindowLevel
	 * interaction will take place.
	virtual void SetCurrentImageNumber(int i);
	int GetCurrentImageNumber() { return this->CurrentImageNumber; }

	 * Get the current image property, which is set when StartWindowLevel
	 * is called immediately before StartWindowLevelEvent is generated.
	 * This is the image property of the topmost vtkImageSlice in the
	 * renderer or nullptr if no image actors are present.
	vtkImageProperty *GetCurrentImageProperty() {
		return this->CurrentImageProperty;

	~wxInteractorStyleImage() override;

	wxMagnifierAcotor* MagnifierAcotor;

	int WindowLevelStartPosition[2];
	int WindowLevelCurrentPosition[2];
	double WindowLevelInitial[2];
	vtkImageProperty *CurrentImageProperty;
	int CurrentImageNumber;

	int InteractionMode;
	double XViewRightVector[3];
	double XViewUpVector[3];
	double YViewRightVector[3];
	double YViewUpVector[3];
	double ZViewRightVector[3];
	double ZViewUpVector[3];

	wxInteractorStyleImage(const wxInteractorStyleImage&) = delete;
	void operator=(const wxInteractorStyleImage&) = delete;


wxInteractorStyleImage类源代码 具体实现.cpp文件源码如下:

#include "wxInteractorStyleImage.h"

#include "vtkAbstractPropPicker.h"
#include "vtkAssemblyPath.h"
#include "vtkPropCollection.h"

#include "vtkCallbackCommand.h"
#include "vtkMath.h"
#include "vtkObjectFactory.h"
#include "vtkRenderer.h"
#include "vtkRenderWindow.h"
#include "vtkCamera.h"
#include "vtkRenderWindowInteractor.h"
#include "vtkImageSlice.h"
#include "vtkImageMapper3D.h"
#include "vtkImageProperty.h"
#include "wxMagnifierAcotor.h"


	this->WindowLevelStartPosition[0] = 0;
	this->WindowLevelStartPosition[1] = 0;

	this->WindowLevelCurrentPosition[0] = 0;
	this->WindowLevelCurrentPosition[1] = 0;

	this->WindowLevelInitial[0] = 1.0; // Window
	this->WindowLevelInitial[1] = 0.5; // Level

	this->CurrentImageProperty = nullptr;
	this->CurrentImageNumber = -1;

	this->MagnifierAcotor = nullptr;

	this->InteractionMode = VTKIS_IMAGE2D;

	this->XViewRightVector[0] = 0;
	this->XViewRightVector[1] = 1;
	this->XViewRightVector[2] = 0;

	this->XViewUpVector[0] = 0;
	this->XViewUpVector[1] = 0;
	this->XViewUpVector[2] = -1;


From: https://blog.csdn.net/yunzhaoqiang/article/details/141933123


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