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LUE1001 Visual Analysis

时间:2024-09-01 19:25:23浏览次数:14  
标签:What used Grade visual Analysis Visual words LUE1001 following


Task Sheet

Writing Coursework (I) – Visual Analysis

Comprises 20% of your final course grade

Due date:  30 Sept – 4 Oct 2024

(Duration: 90 minutes)

About one week before your assessment, your instructor will inform. you about the

exact date and time of your assessment.

You will be assessed individually.

For more details about grading, see the marking scheme at the end of this document.

On the assessment day, you will be given a visual to complete the following:

Part 1: Analyze the rhetorical context of the given visual (60 - 80 words)

Use the following questions to help you write this part of the task (refer to Unit 1):

1.   What is the purpose of this visual (e.g. to inform, persuade)?

2.   Who is the audience (friends, university students, etc.)?

3.   What is the genre of the visual (advertisement, homepage, etc.)?

4.   What verbal and non-verbal elements are used? What is the channel of communication (print, online, etc.)?

Part 2: Analyze the design of the given visual (180 - 200 words)

Consider how effective the design elements of the visual are in communicating the purpose  to the target audience. You may think about the following design elements (refer to Unit 3):

1.    Who/What is portrayed in the visual? What are they doing?

2.    Does the visual contain any words? What do they say? How do the words relate to the images?

3.    How are the elements organized?  What elements are emphasized? What elements are used as contrast? How are the contents aligned? How are the different elements grouped together? How are the colors used?

Important notes:

-   Write onevery line on the lined paper provided.

-   Put down the number of words after each part.

-   Words copied from the visual should be put within quotation marks and exclude from the word count

-   Use a ball pen and pay attention to clear handwriting.

-   Do NOT write anything on the given visual. Your lecturer will collect it at the end of the assessment.

-   Do NOT use any applications on mobile devices.

-   5% will be deducted if Part 1 is less than 60 words or more than 80 words.

-  5% will be deducted if Part 2 is less than 180 words or more than 200 words.

Before submission, please make sure:

•   ideas are logically arranged and paragraphs are organized effectively (refer to Unit 2)

•   language conventions in academic contexts are observed (refer to Unit 1)

•   written language is used (refer to Unit 2)

•   language of description and justification is used appropriately (refer to Unit 3)

•   grammar and vocabulary use are error free


Grade A: Excellent (100 - 80)

Overall, a very impressive and excellent piece of work. Includes the majority of the following features:

•           Demonstrates an understanding and achievement of the task which is outstanding relative to the course requirements, and is always relevant.

•          Original perspective on the problems in question. Contextualization of sources and viewpoints and comprehensive evaluation of contributions. Insightful application of relevant theories in addressing the issues/questions/tasks.

•          Use of wide range of relevant sources, which are integrated and critically evaluated.

•          Well structured and organized 代 写LUE1001  Visual Analysiswith a clearly developed line of reasoning. Appropriate length.

•          Referencing follows consistent academic conventions with all references fully and accurately cited.

•           Clear, articulate style. with accurate spelling, word choice and grammar.

Grade A-: An impressive piece of work that narrowly misses the requirements for an A grade (88 – 80) Grade B+ (<80 - 75)

Grade B:  Good (<75 - 70)

Overall, a good and commendable piece of work. Includes the majority of the following features:

•          Demonstrates understanding and achievement of the task that is significantly above the course requirements. Presentation of points and arguments relevant to the question or task.

•          Sustained commentary on evidence and materials used. Inclusion of appropriate critical perspective. Use of theoretical models in a relevant way to address the issues/questions/tasks.

•          Sound understanding of main sources of literature, well summarized and used in a critical and relevant way.

•           Clear structure and presentation. Control of length.

•           Generally consistent and accurate referencing.

•           Generally accurate spelling, word choice and grammar.

Grade B- (<70 - 65)

Grade C+ (<65 - 60)

Grade C: Fair (<60- 55)

Overall, a satisfactory piece of work. Includes the majority of the following features:

• Achievement that satisfactorily meets the course requirements. Understands main point of the task. Most points and arguments presented are relevant to the question or task.

•          Adequate commentary on evidence and materials used. Some evidence of critical awareness. Use and understanding of theoretical models, but in a fairly pedestrian way.

•          Adequate range of source material consulted. Clear understanding of the literature used.

•          Good structure and presentation, minor problems in organization do not impede communication. Control of length

•           Generally consistent referencing.

•          Comprehensible spelling, word choice and grammar, inaccuracies do not impede meaning.

Grade C- (<55 - 50)   Grade D+ (<50 - 45)

Grade D: Marginal Pass (<45 - 40)

Overall, a bare pass. Includes the majority of the following features:

• Achievement that minimally meets the course requirements. Understanding of basic concepts and effort made to relate them to the question or task.

•          Argument mainly descriptive points and/or points which requires greater substantiation. More development of ideas needed to sustain an argument. Identification of main issues, but little critical awareness.

•          Some evidence of reading and understanding of the literature, but range and /or relevance very limited.

•          Attempt made at coherent presentation, but ideas not well integrated. Length maybe considerably off target.

•           Some attempt at consistent referencing.

•          Comprehensible spelling, word choice and grammar, although inaccuracies may sometimes impede meaning.

Grade F: Failure (<40 - 0)

Overall, a very poor piece of work.  Includes the majority of the following features:

•          Achievement that does not meet the course requirements. Inadequate or misunderstanding of task. Purely descriptive account with little or no analysis.

•          Irrelevant comments and/or assertions, which are not supported by meaningful evidence. Little evidence of integration of various sources to sustain an argument. Lack of any critical or appreciative framework.

•           Few relevant sources used and/or little use of literature.

•          Unstructured presentation and/or lack of coherence, which impedes understanding. Length problematic.

•           Little or no attempt at consistent referencing.

•           Major inaccuracies in grammar, word choice and spelling.

NB The assessment criteria and grade descriptors are designed to be used holistically, that is, separate scores are not given for each criterion. Marking is a two-step process. Firstly, markers review the submission using the specific (contextualized) criteria for this particular assignment. Then, markers refer to 

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/vvx-99515681/p/18391619


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