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attitudes toward coca搭配

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1    2019    SPOK    PBS_Newshour      #JUDY-WOODRUFF) : There has been a big shift in the attitudes toward marijuana use in many places around the country. Increasingly, new state
2    2019    FIC    SouthwestRev      #this. Just fed up with all y'all and your attitudes toward my husband. " # " I know what to do, "
3    2019    FIC    Atlantic      #, mockery cast as patronizing affection, often inflected white attitudes toward " the colored people. " Yet as I think back, there
4    2019    ACAD    Scandinavian Studies      #and interviews with managers and curators to shed light on attitudes toward religious cultural heritage in general among museum workers and to analyze two past
5    2019    ACAD    ...ournal for Educational Integrity      #**25;842;TOOLONG # MacLeod, PD. An exploration of faculty attitudes toward student academic dishonesty in selected Canadian universities. Calgary. (Doctor of
6    2019    ACAD    Intl J communication      #. Reduce Offensiveness This strategy is used to ameliorate negative attitudes toward the offending party. There are several options, including: (a
7    2019    ACAD    Review of Business      #of an organizational narrative could impact readers' intentions and attitudes toward the organization. The results of this study indicated that problem statements in
8    2018    MAG    News-Medical.net      #the target audience and seem to have influenced people's attitudes toward mental health. " # In May of this year, the Los
9    2018    ACAD    ...tudy of Religions and Ideologies      #distinct schools of thought expressing different, even mutually exclusive attitudes toward the Nazirite as one who abstains from the material world, even though
10    2018    ACAD    Journal of Applied Communications      #D. (2004). Public understanding of, and attitudes toward, scientific research: What we know and what we need to know
11    2018    ACAD    Geographical Review      #, and S. Holland. 2006. A Comparison of Attitudes toward State-Led Conservation and Community Based Conservation in the Village of Bigodi, Uganda
12    2018    ACAD    Journal of Drug Issues      #up to and admire. If those individuals hold favorable attitudes toward drugs, adolescents are more likely to mimic their behaviors and internalize similar
13    2018    ACAD    Journal of Drug Issues      #use presented itself. # Third, an examination of attitudes toward drug use could have provided valuable information on factors associated with accepting an
14    2017    MAG    The Atlantic      #if grotesque, coincides with a profound shift in Western attitudes toward death. The 1870s witnessed the advent of a religious upheaval in America
15    2017    MAG    Scientific American      #whether NETL scientists are concerned about the Trump administration's attitudes toward climate change, a spokeswoman for the lab wrote in an email that
16    2017    ACAD    Stanford Law Review      #A. Rudman & Stephen E. Kilianski, Implicit and Explicit Attitudes Toward Female Authority, 26 Personality & Soc. Psychol. Bull. 1315
17    2017    ACAD    J Am Folklore      #; nutritional quality (Collins and Thompson 2012); attitudes toward frozen meals and the eating environment (Heckenberg and Cody 2006; Vanhouche
18    2017    ACAD    Journalism History      #at issue. " Kenneth Burke, in his book Attitudes toward History, theorized frames in terms of poetic forms that create " meanings
19    2017    ACAD    Journal of Nursing Education      #review suggests that focusing on improving health professional students' attitudes toward EBP may result in greater improvements in EBP practices (Wong, McEvoy
20    2016    NEWS    Washington Post      #Paul D. Ryan (Wis.), wavered in their attitudes toward Trump during his campaign, Price was a devoted foot soldier. In
21    2016    ACAD    Rangeland Ecology Management      #), which we believe will be reflected in their attitudes toward stewardship of natural resources on their property. For the purposes of this
22    2015    SPOK    NPR_FreshAir      #them very intimate things about facing death and about their attitudes toward death. I ask people a lot how they want to be buried
23    2015    MAG    NatlReview      #, I find it awfully limited. " Puritanical " attitudes toward exposed breasts are not puritanical at all, if by puritanical we mean
24    2015    MAG    NatlReview      #television commercials in the hopes of influencing elections or public attitudes toward public issues. That this would amount to a repeal of the First
25    2015    NEWS    USAToday      #and stability have made us a little lax in our attitudes toward saving. " Couple that with a lack of required savings, and
26    2015    NEWS    CSMonitor      #compliance attorney, had mostly applauded the seismic shifts in attitudes toward lesbians and gays over the years. But this, this was more
27    2015    NEWS    CSMonitor      #which 15 years ago was credited with helping transform American attitudes toward homosexuality. And millions watched as 1976 Olympic decathlon gold medalist Bruce Jenner
28    2015    NEWS    NYTimes      #are as intolerant as Eastern Europeans when it comes to attitudes toward specific groups. The " cultural gap " may just be that Western
29    2015    ACAD    TeachingExceptional      #teaching. Linguistically responsive teaching includes respect for and positive attitudes toward linguistic diversity, ability to identify the language demands of classroom discourse and
30    2015    ACAD    TeachingExceptional      #ELLs to share essential vocabulary in their first language.Providing positive attitudes toward students' languages to encourage them to engage in school learningLearn and use
31    2015    ACAD    CollegeStud      #2010) found that gender is statistically significantly related to attitudes toward seeking professional psychological help and that female students have more positive attitudes toward
32    2015    ACAD    CollegeStud      #professional psychological help and that female students have more positive attitudes toward seeking help than their male counterparts. # Of course, differences in
33    2015    ACAD    CollegeStud      #male), accounted for one-quarter of the variance in attitudes toward psychological help-seeking in college students (Komiya, Good, & Sherrod,
34    2015    ACAD    CollegeStud      #a significant relationship between conformity to dominant masculine norms and attitudes toward counseling, through the model mediator of self-stigma of seeking counseling " (
35    2015    ACAD    CollegeStud      #, male norms are not the only factor involved in attitudes toward seeking psychological help. For example, Fischer and Farina (1995)
36    2015    ACAD    JournalAmerican      #McWilliams and Block). # Any softening of American attitudes toward the Mafia was anathema to the Bureau, so Anslinger fixed his sights
37    2014    SPOK    CBS: This Morning      #mom got on TV and started talking about your-- your attitudes toward life and various controversial issues. So get Mary and Liz. GAYLE-KING#
38    2014    SPOK    PBS_Newshour      #know, John Merrow, so far, about public attitudes toward this? JOHN-MERROW# Well, that's interesting. There is a general
39    2014    MAG    America      #hypocritical. " In addition, he hardened the official attitudes toward the West, accusing it of moral decadence and disrespect for Russian civilization
40    2014    MAG    America      #This shift toward antagonism can not help but affect our attitudes toward religious liberty. Our Constitution accords rights to the people, and the
41    2014    NEWS    USAToday      #three years, I've seen a shift in student attitudes toward reporting, " he said. " I'm seeing them more willing
42    2014    ACAD    CollegeStud      #recommended that student affairs professionals and counselors examine their own attitudes toward mutilracial identity in preparation for helping multiracial students (Ozaki & Johnson,
43    2014    ACAD    CollegeStud      #about technology. Although the scholarly literature generally reports positive attitudes toward new technologies, accompanied by a disposition towards harnessing them to serve goals
44    2014    ACAD    ArtBulletin      #Austrian and Hungarian sources must be consulted to explore general attitudes toward the Rococo. Only then can the Rococo revival subsequently be examined from
45    2014    ACAD    ArtBulletin      #well as the different viewpoints that resulted in subtly different attitudes toward the Rococo. The views of Viennese and Hungarian critics articulate these two
46    2014    ACAD    ArtBulletin      #overlapped in Rococo(esque) representations of licentious subjects and in nineteenth-century attitudes toward them. The characters and the imagery dated back to the eighteenth century
47    2014    ACAD    JournalResearch      #skills, knowledge of intonation concepts, and self reported attitudes toward singing. Dissertation Abstracts International, 52(11), 3853A. # Hodgson, P.
48    2013    SPOK    PBS_Newshour      #to protect what remains of the Berlin Wall. CARL-NASMAN# Attitudes toward the wall have shifted in the last two decades. Now many Germans
49    2013    MAG    NewRepublic      #. It seemed a fitting symbol of Israel's progressive attitudes toward gender when Golda Meir was appointed prime minister in 1969. # Some of
50    2013    NEWS    WashPost      #The gap between the leaders and the led on general attitudes toward their work was greatest at the Department of Homeland Security (26 points
51    2013    NEWS    WashPost      #comes from the Anti-Defamation League's well-known surveys of worldwide attitudes toward Jews. Those surveys purport to show that many people still believe classical
52    2013    ACAD    ReadingTeacher      #M. (2011). Teachers' uses of and attitudes toward information text in K-5 classrooms. Reading Psychology, 32(1), 28-53. #
53    2013    ACAD    JournalSchoolHealth      #values, stigma, and relational self-construal: correlates of attitudes toward professional help seeking. J Mental Health. 2008; 30(2):157-172. # 27
54    2013    ACAD    CollegeStud      #) in an effort to identify prevailing positive and negative attitudes toward PWS. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine perspectives
55    2013    ACAD    CollegeStud      #descriptive statistics under each category. As public opinions and attitudes toward persons who stutter have been shown to be very similar between men and
56    2013    ACAD    CollegeStud      #stuttering has been found to be negatively correlated with listener attitudes toward PWS (Collins & Blood, 1988; Gabel, 2006; Panico
57    2012    SPOK    ABC_ThisWeek      #more open to activist government than blue-collar America, but attitudes toward the economy. In your poll, roughly 40% of non-college whites said
58    2012    SPOK    PBS_Newshour      #'s edition of " Frontline " on PBS explores why attitudes toward climate change have shifted, as skeptics have mounted a campaign to undermine
59    2012    MAG    USCatholic      #" spiritual violence " done to them by traditional Christian attitudes toward homosexuality. It is just to describe the ideas Avila expressed in this
60    2012    MAG    USCatholic      ## 11% # Is appropriate and important in counteracting secular attitudes toward divorce. # 9% Other # 3. By relaxing the rules on
61    2012    MAG    USCatholic      #war; religion was likeliest to play a role in attitudes toward social issues, particularly abortion and gay marriage. # Colleen O'Connell,
62    2012    NEWS    USAToday      #and money to make good on his promise. American attitudes toward recovery of war remains were changing. Some relatives of troops listed as
63    2012    ACAD    AmJPubHealth      #from the results of earlier studies and mirroring the changing attitudes toward same-sex marriage that also exist across some religious groups. 12 In all,
64    2012    ACAD    AmJPubHealth      #US Census), given established associations between urbanicity and attitudes toward gays and lesbians 24 as well as health behaviors. 25 # Individual-level covariates
65    2012    ACAD    AmJPubHealth      #' official stance toward homosexuality. Given the diversity of attitudes toward homosexuality within religious denominations, our measure could be subject to misclassification.
66    2012    ACAD    AmJPubHealth      #, rather than regional, data on religious denominations' attitudes toward homosexuality. There is likely to be local variation in religious attitudes and
67    2012    ACAD    AmJPubHealth      #American congregations largely (although not uniformly) express negative attitudes toward homosexuality, 32 this undercount would bias our results toward the null.
68    2012    ACAD    CommCollegeR      #They were concerned about how practitioners' knowledge of and attitudes toward students of color may influence their implementation of educational programs and services and
69    2012    ACAD    JournalAmerican      #argues that " The two key events in understanding American attitudes toward race relations during this period are the founding of the American Colonization Society
70    2012    ACAD    LibraryResources      #indicated that e-book usage was increasing rapidly and that student attitudes toward e-books were positive overall, but issues related to levels of access and
71    2012    ACAD    AmericanSecondary      #. These findings show perceptions of changes in students' attitudes toward school work and motivation to succeed. Next, we use the student
72    2012    ACAD    AmericanSecondary      #Figure 1. Student Ratings of Change in Students' Attitudes Toward School Work. # Figure 2. KPS Employee Ratings of Change in
73    2012    ACAD    AmericanSecondary      #2. KPS Employee Ratings of Change in Students' Attitudes Toward School Work # Figure 3. Educator Ratings of Student Attitudes about School
74    2012    ACAD    Ref&UserServQ      #treat boys negatively, helping boys " to develop negative attitudes toward school. " 7 A negative attitude toward school may extend to a
75    2012    WEB    thedailybeast.com      #in the continually evolving history of marital customs and of attitudes toward homosexuality. # Even same-sex unions of various kinds have a long history
76    2012    WEB    thedailybeast.com      #in the continually evolving history of marital customs and of attitudes toward homosexuality. Nor does it undermine American values, because those have never
77    2012    WEB    amazon.com      #. That he is able to do so refocuses his attitudes toward his other patients, for what he sees in Rebecca, he now
78    2012    WEB    ...wpapers.virginia.edu      #Wiencek said. " This suggests a split in their attitudes toward slaves. Hers was very hard, but his began to soften.
79    2012    WEB    handsfreeinfo.com      ## Other NC State researchers looked at cell-phoning drivers' attitudes toward legislation. They found that most of the cell phone users felt they
80    2012    WEB    docudharma.com      #Uygur and Jayar Jackson discuss West's comments and racial attitudes toward Obama in general. Is there a way he should act as both
81    2012    WEB    hereandnow.wbur.org      #not created equal, and instructing young people in relativistic attitudes toward information is dangerous. A good web developer can make the most ludicrous
82    2012    WEB    edsitement.neh.gov      #How important to the parties' positions were their basic attitudes toward constitutional interpretation (Federalists, broad interpretation / Democratic-Republicans, strict interpretation)
83    2012    WEB    patheos.com      #of " sensitivity training " to ensure they demonstrate positive attitudes toward those with different sexual orientations and practices. Any one who seems hesitant
84    2012    WEB    thepointmag.com      #terms of style, or with reference to their divergent attitudes toward " realism. " Despite an early flirtation with postmodern plotting, Franzen
85    2012    WEB    specialolympics.org      #2003 # Special Olympics releases " The Multinational Study of Attitudes toward Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities. " It's the most comprehensive global study
86    2012    WEB    ...icanconservative.com      #society approves and privileges? Think now of the different attitudes toward alcohol and marijuana. I think we have good reason to believe that
87    2012    WEB    cnn.com      #of the high profile areas of Kabul. " # Attitudes toward women also appear positive. Nearly nine in 10 respondents agreed that women
88    2012    WEB    amazon.com      #He analyzes how changes in work ethic, in our attitudes toward merit and talent, and in public and private institutions have all contributed
89    2012    WEB    amazon.com      #will enable the reader to learn in-depth about the varied attitudes toward courtship, marriage, and the role of the wife, in other
90    2012    BLOG    accordingtohoyt.com      #A study of the cultural messaging employed to promote positive attitudes toward abortion in various populations would likely prove very informative, although there are
91    2012    BLOG    usdailyreview.com      #, " revealed the results of a study of American attitudes toward college football. The survey was conducted online by Harris Interactive on behalf
92    2012    BLOG    poetryfoundation.org      #used to denote a number of critics who shared certain attitudes toward &; methods of criticism. Those attitudes &; methods exist, are discernible
93    2012    BLOG    people-press.org      #far higher than it was a decade ago. # Attitudes toward gay marriage in the South are comparable to where the country as a
94    2012    BLOG    people-press.org      #Center also finds some narrowing of long-standing racial differences in attitudes toward gay marriage. Consistently over the past decade, blacks have been far
95    2012    BLOG    blogs.indiewire.com      #long takes, and longer scenes; the alpha male attitudes toward women and sex; John Barry's jazzy, brassy, borderline-hysterical score
96    2012    BLOG    huffingtonpost.com      #that change with the wind direction. They have condescending attitudes toward people they do not think are in their " class " and as
97    2012    BLOG    blogs.sfweekly.com      #, is the first study to ever link interviewees' attitudes toward the tobacco industry to 18-to-25-year-olds' actual behavior. Depending upon young adults
98    2012    BLOG    esr.ibiblio.org      #propose Ben Franklin as a definite profit, and his attitudes toward self learning, science, experimenting with religious ideas, invention and politics
99    2012    BLOG    hoosieragtoday.com      #attitudes about GMO food products and significant percentages have positive attitudes toward the use of antibiotics in livestock production. The study also showed that
100    2012    BLOG    patheos.com      #a Mormon a religious hall pass, especially given past attitudes toward Mormonism and the intense scrutiny of President Obama's faith life. Obama
101    2012    BLOG    ...hought.blogs.cnn.com      #results of the 2012 PDK/Gallup Poll of the Public's Attitudes Toward the Public Schools are instructive. According to the survey, 77% of
102    2012    BLOG    patheos.com      #the second pattern, when examining a series of public attitudes toward science, conservatives' unfavorable attitudes are most acute in relation to government
103    2012    BLOG    freethoughtblogs.com      #. Point out that the Islamists got some pretty shitty attitudes toward women, and hey, it's a bit of press, some
104    2012    BLOG    ...ainstthemanchine.com      #is), the fact that it changes men's attitudes toward women and their status as human beings is not. # You're
105    2012    BLOG    ...sibility.typepad.com      #is that he is a Determinist for everything but our attitudes toward our experiences. He does seem to be admonishing us to become serene
106    2012    BLOG    talkbusiness.net      #Business-Hendrix College Poll of 868 likely Arkansas voters shows that attitudes toward a medicinal marijuana proposal have shifted. # In the latest poll,
107    2011    MAG    ChristCentury      #societies would be better if we could somehow eradicate negative attitudes toward our bodies, the profound self-rejection and feelings of ugliness, unworthiness and
108    2011    NEWS    CSMonitor      #maintained that Americans consistently demonstrate a conflict between their general attitudes toward " the proper role and sphere of government, " (which drove
109    2011    NEWS    CSMonitor      #drove the big GOP gains last November) and their attitudes toward specific governmental programs (which helps explain broad American support for " big
110    2011    ACAD    CollegeStud      #27876 Research has been conducted on individual's knowledge and attitudes toward older adult sexuality. This includes investigating attitudes and knowledge of nursing home
111    2011    ACAD    CollegeStud      #a younger age were predictive of more negative and restrictive attitudes toward later life sexuality (Bouman, Archelus, &; Benbow, 2007)
112    2011    ACAD    CollegeStud      #retirement home elderly residents. In addition, college students attitudes toward older adult sexuality become more permissive when there is the perception of closeness
113    2011    ACAD    CollegeStud      #research directly examining the relationship between degree of religiousness and attitudes toward elderly sexual activity, research has been conducted on how religion influences general
114    2011    ACAD    CollegeStud      #, research has been conducted on how religion influences general attitudes toward sex and marriage. This line of research with college students has found
115    2011    ACAD    CollegeStud      #the more religious students reported being the more conservative their attitudes toward sex were and the lower their sexual health knowledge was (Coleman &;
116    2011    ACAD    CollegeStud      #HI: College students will be more permissive in their attitudes toward older adult sexuality than nursing home residents and the community of aged individuals
117    2011    ACAD    CollegeStud      #a relationship between college students' degree of religiosity and attitudes toward older adult sexuality Little research (if any) has directly examined the
118    2011    ACAD    CollegeStud      #has directly examined the relationship between degree of religiosity and attitudes toward older adult sexuality. However, it has been found that religiosity influences
119    2011    ACAD    CollegeStud      #. However, it has been found that religiosity influences attitudes toward similar issues like premarital sex (Pluhar et al., 1998) and
120    2011    ACAD    CollegeStud      #scores indicating a greater knowledge. The second subscale measures attitudes toward sexuality in the aged by having participants read 26 statements and respond on
121    2011    ACAD    CollegeStud      #one sample t-test was conducted to compare college students' attitudes toward older adult sexuality to mean values obtained from previous research by White (
122    2011    ACAD    CollegeStud      #correlations were conducted to determine if there were relationships between attitudes toward older adult sexuality and items on the Fetzer multidimensional measure. Results indicated
123    2011    ACAD    CollegeStud      #indicated that 10 items on the measure were correlated with attitudes toward older adult sexuality. The first item was " I feel deep inner
124    2011    ACAD    CollegeStud      #for reducing pain and suffering in the world " and attitudes toward older adult sexuality, r (76) = -.309, p &nee;
125    2011    ACAD    CollegeStud      #a deep sense of responsibility, the less permissive their attitudes toward older adult sexuality. There was also a significant negative correlation with the
126    2011    ACAD    CollegeStud      #R. R. (1983). Older adult perceptions of attitudes toward sex among the elderly. Canadian Journal on Aging, 2 (2
127    2011    ACAD    CollegeStud      #. Predictor's of college students' knowledge of and attitudes toward elderly sexuality: The relevance of grandparental contact. Educational Gerontology, 22
128    2011    ACAD    CollegeStud      #Walker, B. L. (1999). Knowledge and attitudes toward sexuality of a group of elderly. Journal of Gerontological Social Work,
129    2011    ACAD    SocialWork      #by many similar motives, including fear of, pejorative attitudes toward, and economic costs associated with disability. It is at least valid
130    2011    ACAD    SocialWork      #p. 16). Even with today's more progressive attitudes toward men and women in professions, few would argue that such stereotypes are
131    2011    ACAD    DeltaKappaGamma      #1997). Urban field experience and prospective teachers' attitudes toward inner-city schools. Teacher Education Quarterly, 24(3) 29-40. # McDermott,
132    2010    MAG    ChristCentury      #. " Part of the controversy has to do with attitudes toward free speech in the Muslim world and in the West, " said
133    2010    NEWS    WashPost      #record straight about rising health-care costs. " # Americans attitudes toward health insurance are complex. Broad majorities of insured people say they are
134    2010    NEWS    USAToday      #increased by 98% in just five years. # Irish attitudes toward wealth historically were conflicted. Common people called those who sought it too
135    2010    NEWS    Chicago      #began. I think young people in particular have healthier attitudes toward it than they did when I was in high school. I agree
136    2010    ACAD    PhysicalEduc      #has two subscales of 5 items each; one assessing attitudes toward gay males (ATG-S5) and one assessing attitudes toward lesbians (ATL-S5
137    2010    ACAD    PhysicalEduc      #attitudes toward gay males (ATG-S5) and one assessing attitudes toward lesbians (ATL-S5). Previous research revealed the original scale has high
138    2010    ACAD    PhysicalEduc      #Battle, 2004) found that ethnic differences in predicting attitudes toward gay and lesbian individuals were a function of religious beliefs rather than ethnicity
139    2010    ACAD    PhysicalEduc      #the sample. Likewise, this scale does not address attitudes toward bisexual individuals who often experience discrimination from both the heterosexual and homosexual communities
140    2010    ACAD    PhysicalEduc      #Herek, G. M. (1988). Heterosexuals' attitudes toward lesbians and gay men: Correlates and gender differences. The Journal of
141    2010    ACAD    PhysicalEduc      #, J. P. (1995). Black heterosexuals' attitudes toward lesbians and gay men in the United States. The Journal of Sex
142    2010    ACAD    SchoolCounsel      #b) seven school counselor factors (role perceptions, attitudes toward partnerships, attitudes toward families, commitment to advocacy, self-efficacy related to
143    2010    ACAD    SchoolCounsel      #counselor factors (role perceptions, attitudes toward partnerships, attitudes toward families, commitment to advocacy, self-efficacy related to building partnerships, lack
145    2010    ACAD    SchoolCounsel (1)      #), school counselor variables (role perceptions, attitudes toward partnerships, attitudes toward families, commitment to advocacy, self-efficacy related to
146    2010    ACAD    SchoolCounsel      #counselor variables (role perceptions, attitudes toward partnerships, attitudes toward families, commitment to advocacy, self-efficacy related to building partnerships, lack
147    2010    ACAD    CollegeStud      #empathy for a member of a stigmatized group can improve attitudes toward the group as a whole (Bat-son et al., 1997).
148    2010    ACAD    CollegeStud      #of these stimuli were effective in improving participants' overall attitudes toward overweight/obese persons, Teachman et al. (2003) found that reading
149    2009    MAG    AmericanSpectator      #cast a more troubling light on the Times's changing attitudes toward Nazism. Roger Cohen, who writes for the Times op-ed page,
150    2009    MAG    USNWR      #. The stimulus also demonstrates a key shift in public attitudes toward the green agenda, says Robert Pollin, an economist at the University
151    2009    ACAD    Adolescence      #, (2) school bonding (positive feelings and attitudes toward school), (3) positive social behaviors, (4)
152    2009    ACAD    AmerIndianQ      ## If it is indeed the case that mainstream American attitudes toward museum collections of American Indian " artifacts, " including human remains,
153    2009    ACAD    SportBehavior      #spousal support), detecting desirable changes in feelings and attitudes toward exercise (e.g., less perceived exertion, more enjoyment), and
154    2009    ACAD    SportBehavior      #a person's frequency of exercise often requires changing their attitudes toward exercising. It is plausible to surmise that the checklist provided instruction and
155    2009    ACAD    Commentary      #&; Rubicam for France. Its research centered on American attitudes toward the French during the time its government was highly critical of the Bush
156    2009    ACAD    SocialWork      #5 = strongly agree. The questions used for the Attitudes toward Adult Day Care Placement scale, along with the average scores and standard
157    2009    ACAD    SocialWork      #. Higher scores on the five-point scale indicated more favorable attitudes toward ADC centers. Data Analysis For the analyses, bivariate tests (t
158    2009    ACAD    SocialWork      #by group. For the multivariate analysis to predict the attitudes toward adult day placement score, all variables were included in a multiple linear
159    2009    ACAD    SocialWork      #the age of 50 made no statistically significant differences in attitudes toward ADC placement (p >.50). The ordinary least squares regression
160    2009    ACAD    SocialWork      #provided further support for the beneficial effect of photography on attitudes toward ADC placement -- the relationships seen in the bivariate analyses did not change
161    2009    ACAD    SocialWork      #demonstrates the potentially strong effect that photographs can have on attitudes toward social services. In addition, female participants had higher predicted scores on
162    2009    ACAD    SocialWork      #the photographs before taking the survey scored higher on the Attitudes toward Adult Day Care Placement scale than did participants who took the survey only
163    2009    ACAD    InstrPsych      #(1988). Teacher efficacy, self-concept, and attitudes toward the implementation of instructional innovation. Teaching and Teacher Education, 4,
164    2009    ACAD    InstrPsych      #* Attitude (how I feel) measures students' attitudes toward learning. Data Analysis The investigator used SPSS, version 11, to
165    2009    ACAD    VisualImpair      #were developed to investigate the participants' frequency of and attitudes toward the use of electronic mobility devices, training, perceived mobility performance,
166    2009    ACAD    SportBehavior      #asked to complete several questionnaire items designed to assess their attitudes toward the player (e.g., like, anger, etc.).
167    2009    ACAD    SportBehavior      #", how well the player is known, prior attitudes toward the player, etc.) that almost certainly impact one's attitudes and
168    2008    MAG    Atlantic      #took control of the investigation, in 2006, Western attitudes toward Syria were shifting. Iraq's collapse into a bloody sectarian war made
169    2008    NEWS    NYTimes      #to find change in Laramie, its people and its attitudes toward gay people. (The troupe allowed a reporter to sit in on
170    2008    ACAD    ArtBulletin      #in a manner that departs significantly from antique representations. Attitudes toward divination in these two manuscripts differ from that evinced by the S. Marco
171    2008    ACAD    CollegeStud      #students' perceptions of factors influencing their learning, their attitudes toward learning from foreign-accented instructors, and their behaviors to deal with foreign-accented faculty
172    2008    ACAD    ArabStudies      #Ruete, one has to briefly examine the prevalent Western attitudes toward the East and Islam before the 18th century. After the fall of
173    2008    ACAD    HealthSocialW      #Leisure Activities. Respondents indicated their degree of satisfaction and attitudes toward themselves and their spouses on a five-point Likert scale ranging from 1 =
174    2008    ACAD    SchoolCounsel      #the " Skill-Builders " curriculum, on middle-school students' attitudes toward mathematics learning. Results from the current study demonstrated that students who received
175    2008    ACAD    SchoolCounsel      #curriculum had significantly higher posttest scores on a measure of attitudes toward mathematics learning, including self-confidence, value, enjoyment, and motivation.
176    2008    ACAD    SchoolCounsel      #a 9-week classroom intervention designed to promote students' positive attitudes toward math have an effect on middle school students' attitudes toward math?
177    2008    ACAD    SchoolCounsel      #toward math have an effect on middle school students' attitudes toward math? (b) Will the intervention have a different effect for
178    2008    ACAD    SchoolCounsel      #was to design a curricular unit that would promote positive attitudes toward math and math learning and that also would improve students' self-beliefs related
179    2008    ACAD    SchoolCounsel      #the one used in the present study--also can influence their attitudes toward math and their competence-related beliefs. The content of the Skill-Builders curriculum integrates
180    2008    ACAD    SchoolCounsel      #curriculum. Students' total and subscale scores on the Attitudes Toward Mathematics Inventory (ATMI; Tapia &; Marsh, 2004) were used
181    2008    ACAD    SchoolCounsel      #is a 40-item instrument designed to cover the domain of attitudes toward mathematics and recommended for use with high school or middle school students.
182    2008    ACAD    SchoolCounsel      #post-intervention differences between Skill-Builders and comparison group students in their attitudes toward mathematics learning, including their self-confidence, value, enjoyment, and motivation
183    2008    ACAD    SchoolCounsel      #have a positive impact on student outcomes related to their attitudes toward mathematics. The Skill-Builders curriculum was developed specifically to address the need for
184    2008    ACAD    SchoolCounsel      #current study demonstrate a strong improvement in participating students' attitudes toward mathematics learning, particularly for the girls. It would also be of
185    2008    ACAD    Education      #the end of a semester. Consequently, students' attitudes toward these three self-efficacy items did not improve significantly due to ceiling effect.
186    2008    ACAD    Education      #teaching and assessment techniques, becoming aware of students' attitudes toward research activities throughout a semester, using primary literature as a major part
187    2008    ACAD    Education      #among graduate students. Examining factors of changing students' attitudes toward a research methodology course would assist educators from many disciplines in making course
188    2008    ACAD    Education      #of students in order to measure any changes in their attitudes toward this research methodology course. Before sending out the survey instruments, a
189    2008    ACAD    TechTeacher      #, being able to improve student achievement in, and attitudes toward, STEM subjects would provide a meaningful service to education and perhaps cause
190    2007    SPOK    NPR_TellMore      #time, it didn't have anything to do with attitudes toward serving. The Army was very popular and highly respected. It was
191    2007    FIC    Analog      #been making ample use of precedents, balanced by prevailing attitudes toward the crime in the local society and the relative seriousness of the offenses
192    2007    NEWS    WashPost      #Yell About # Researchers still know very little about how attitudes toward noise affect its impact on health. It may be that people with
193    2007    NEWS    USAToday      #turned up clearly in the NBC News/Journal poll with contrasting attitudes toward local and national institutions. For instance, 54% expressed " high confidence
194    2007    ACAD    Education      #this study sought to investigate college student experiences with and attitudes toward a variety of instructional technologies. RESEARCH METHODS # This study investigated three
195    2007    ACAD    Education      #Austin &; Johnson, 1997), modify children's attitudes toward media violence (Gunter, 1994), increase a child's ability
196    2007    ACAD    Adolescence      #is their families' attitudes and beliefs (notably different attitudes toward the education of boys and girls), and provision of instrumental and
197    2007    ACAD    ArtBulletin      #Edgar Degas -- which describes the academic artist's conflicted attitudes toward feminine beauty: # A sculptor or a painter has a wife or
198    2007    ACAD    TeachLibrar      #students' vocabulary, comprehension, fluency, and positive attitudes toward reading (Research Report No. 1739-004). Charlotte, NC: Institute
199    2007    ACAD    InstrPsych      #2000), with United States men having more positive attitudes toward science than women (Czerniak &; Chiarelott, 1984; Kahle &; Lakes
200    2006    MAG    AmHeritage      #himself to be the most depraved devil imaginable in his attitudes toward the Negro race. " # He likened the ascendance of black radicals
201    2006    MAG    USCatholic      #that were characterized by what he perceived as overly fearful attitudes toward modern science and pop culture. A July 1 New York Times article
202    2006    MAG    Smithsonian      #abroad, just ten days after assuming office. Discriminatory attitudes toward women, which had hardened during Pinochet's military dictatorship, lingered well
203    2006    NEWS    Atlanta      #. # Divided loyalties to Bush # Among Republicans, attitudes toward Iraq track attitudes toward President Bush -- from fiercely loyal to disappointed.
204    2006    NEWS    Atlanta      #to Bush # Among Republicans, attitudes toward Iraq track attitudes toward President Bush -- from fiercely loyal to disappointed. # " His failure
205    2006    ACAD    TheologStud      #2063 The author examines how current textual-critical views and premodern attitudes toward the scriptural text offer today's theologians helpful perspectives on the Scriptures.
206    2006    ACAD    TheologStud      #and theological studies, I am most interested in the attitudes toward or assumptions about the biblical text in these scientific methods. In 1859
207    2006    ACAD    TheologStud      #Syriac exegetical tradition in antiquity offered rich examples of theological attitudes toward the scriptural text. His mastery as a poet and exegete gave rise
208    2006    ACAD    PhysicalEduc      #for review was useful in reporting some information about parental attitudes toward physical education in general, none of the investigators (mentioned previously)
209    2006    ACAD    PhysicalEduc      #to this pattern is found in a study conducted on attitudes toward high school physical education (Tannehill, Romar, O'Sullivan, England,
210    2006    ACAD    PhysicalEduc      #instructors obtained information related to current and former students' attitudes toward fitness/wellness classes. Pre and post questionnaires were used to measure current students
211    2006    ACAD    SexResearch      #one occasion? "), and 3 items assess attitudes toward casual, uncommitted sexual relations (e.g., " I can imagine myself
212    2006    ACAD    SexResearch      #respondents' sexual outcomes, including stronger endorsements of recreational attitudes toward sexuality (as opposed to procreational or relationship enhancement attitudes). Learning
213    2006    ACAD    SexResearch      #. Males showed a slightly greater endorsement of both permissive attitudes toward casual sex (F 1, 2,001 = 9.35, p =.002
214    2006    ACAD    ChurchHistory      #texts was an important component of the cultivation of willing attitudes toward martyrdom. (n84) But how, exactly, did such memorization produce
215    2006    ACAD    TeachLibrar      #availability. For example, boys, children with low attitudes toward reading, and learners with low reading achievement preferred resources that were in
216    2006    ACAD    CollegeStud      #the American ideology of cultural homogeneity reflects Americans' narrow-minded attitudes toward and fear of diversity of cultures and languages. By " accentuating people
217    2006    ACAD    CollegeStud      #with people from groups dissimilar to oneself could lessen negative attitudes toward the other group. It is based on attraction theory that claims that
218    2006    ACAD    CollegeStud      #five contact factors on college students' generalized prejudice and attitudes toward others based on race, sex, and sexual orientation. Specifically,
219    2006    ACAD    CollegeStud      #from them will have less generalized prejudice and more positive attitudes toward others who differ from them in race, sex, and sexual orientation
220    2006    ACAD    CollegeStud      #from them will have less generalized prejudice and more favorable attitudes toward others who differ from them in race, sex, and sexual orientation
222    2006    ACAD    CollegeStud (1)      #races, sexes, and sexual orientations develop positive attitudes toward individuals from these groups and respect for these groups generally. # Indeed
223    2006    ACAD    ForeignAffairs      #about Venezuela from Venezuelan elites. Given the generally hostile attitudes toward Venezuela and its president, Hugo Chvez, in Washington today, it
225    2005    MAG    Shape      #RELATIONSHIP WITH FOOD We started by asking you about your attitudes toward food and eating. Is food a friend who nourishes, fuels and
226    2005    MAG    Environmental      #a model pet shelter, which was inspirational in changing attitudes toward the care and housing of homeless animals. The model shelter offers well-kept
227    2005    MAG    Smithsonian      #excoriates crappy science and scorns slovenly, hypocritical, self-serving attitudes toward the societal consequences of science. He's proud of it. He
228    2005    NEWS    CSMonitor      #shaped a generation of military officers. It influenced public attitudes toward military service and the use of force to achieve foreign policy goals.
229    2005    NEWS    CSMonitor      #foe. To some extent, those lessons color American attitudes toward the use of military force to this day. # While the war
230    2005    NEWS    Atlanta      #me like symptoms of flaws in our culture's current attitudes toward education, personal accountability and " entitlement. " # Employers in a
231    2005    NEWS    Houston      #on " speculation or rumor " about the company's attitudes toward ERHC. # The long-running controversy over ERHC's activities in Sao Tome
232    2005    ACAD    AnthropolQ      #road, for the second generation. # " The attitudes toward the absorption of immigrants has changed. When I came it was about
233    2005    ACAD    SexResearch      #men openly admitted to having perpetrated sexual assault. Traditional attitudes toward women's social and gender roles, as well as rape myths,
234    2005    ACAD    SexResearch      #Previous research suggested that South African men may hold negative attitudes toward women, including attitudes that may promote sexual violence, such as the
235    2005    ACAD    SexResearch      #attitudes. Participants responded to seven items adapted from the Attitudes Toward Women Scale (Spence &; Helmreich, 1972). The items selected
236    2005    ACAD    InstrPsych      #was an effective way to help students to form positive attitudes toward to statistics. Applying the statistical concepts to solve real-life problems also give
237    2005    ACAD    Adolescence      #hand, he also found that fathers reported less favorable attitudes toward contraceptive use, more frequent sexual encounters, and a closer attachment to
238    2005    ACAD    CanadianStud      #conductresses, such as Miss Leamy, were illustrative of attitudes toward non-British immigrants. Leamy described non-British women she encountered as either " a
239    2005    ACAD    SchoolCounsel      #. This, in turn, results in more positive attitudes toward the school. Other interventions, such as mentoring programs for students,
240    2005    ACAD    HumanEcology      #Devine and her colleagues will capture ideas and analyze peoples attitudes toward proposed food-environment changes. Such changes might include offering healthier foods in vending
241    2005    ACAD    CollegeStud      #of challenging specific beliefs commonly held about women. The Attitudes toward Feminism Scale (Lott, 1973) has been used in few research
242    2004    MAG    Ms      #and images of women and a blank screen upon which attitudes toward women are projected, and often such views are contradictory, ambivalent and
243    2004    ACAD    GeographRev      #their rural, subsistence backgrounds and crossed over into their attitudes toward the broader environment and national parks. The rural and village backgrounds help
244    2004    ACAD    Education      #, it was discovered that preservice teachers expressed more negative attitudes toward the inclusion of children with behavioral and emotional problems than toward those with
245    2004    ACAD    Education      #research of this study: Do preservice teachers have positive attitudes toward inclusion because of their knowledge of the most current issues in special education
246    2004    ACAD    Education      #issues in special education? Do inservice teachers have positive attitudes toward inclusion because of their experience in education? Methodology and Procedures # Sample
247    2004    ACAD    Environment      #swirling snow in winter and blowing dust in summer -- attitudes toward the frequent tempests are lately bending in a new direction. Always alert
248    2004    ACAD    Environment      #. 16 # The second ingredient in helping form public attitudes toward wind power is the landscape itself. Simply put, some landscapes are
249    2004    ACAD    Adolescence      #, it would be interesting to explore their perceptions and attitudes toward it, especially with regard to gender differences. # Over the past
250    2004    ACAD    Adolescence      #, 2001). Further, in studying adolescents' attitudes toward computers, Colley (2003) examined gender differences in perceptions of school
251    2004    ACAD    Adolescence      #few such scales were constructed specifically for exploring adolescents' attitudes toward the Internet; the one developed by Tsai, Lin, and Tsai
252    2004    ACAD    TeachLibrar      #), for example, have much to do with attitudes toward and facility with reading, but there is little teacher-librarians can do about
253    2004    ACAD    TeachLibrar      #reading management programs showed significant improvement in reading comprehension and attitudes toward reading, and even showed better attendance (Topping &; Paul, 1999
254    2004    ACAD    DrugIssues      #by NEP attendance. # The 10 statements related to attitudes toward condoms subsequently yielded an eight-item condom attitude scale (Cronbach's alpha =
255    2004    ACAD    DrugIssues      #suggesting that the respondents were not especially favorable in their attitudes toward condoms. # The two items excluded from the condom scale were "
256    2004    ACAD    DrugIssues      #p =.009). In spite of those positive attitudes toward safer sex, NEP attenders were significantly more likely to report more instances
257    2004    ACAD    DrugIssues      #regression: level of heroin use, friends' positive attitudes toward safer sex, the number of times the participants used new needles in
258    2004    ACAD    DrugIssues      #OR = 1.239), have friends with more positive attitudes toward safer sex (OR = 1.579), use more clean needles for
259    2004    ACAD    DrugIssues      #set in this article are the user's perceptions and attitudes toward ecstasy, including expectations and motivations as expressed by users in different settings
260    2003    SPOK    CNN_Intl      #values after all, basic values, like religious, attitudes toward immigration, the way our societies are organized. We now realize this
261    2003    ACAD    CurrentPsych      #overcorrection. We apply this research to the study of attitudes toward gay men. The current study examines this effect on evaluations of a
262    2003    ACAD    CurrentPsych      #perspective suggests that individuals from the United States acquire negative attitudes toward minority groups early in life, resulting from immersion in a society with
263    2003    ACAD    CurrentPsych      #studies finds strong and consistent effects indicating that contact improves attitudes toward outgroups (Pettigrew &; Tropp, 1998). More specifically, individuals
264    2003    ACAD    CurrentPsych      #, individuals with gay and lesbian friends indicate more positive attitudes toward gays and lesbians as a group (Herek &; Capitanio, 1996)
265    2003    ACAD    CurrentPsych      #. In general, women tend to have more positive attitudes toward gay men than do men (Herek, 2002). Of course
266    2003    ACAD    CurrentPsych      #, the variables of interest in this study focused on attitudes toward the job candidate rather than hiring issues (e.g., recommended starting salary
267    2003    ACAD    SocialStudies      #low, and when I asked teachers about their nonchalant attitudes toward work, one remarked acidly, " How can I teach when there
268    2003    ACAD    AsianAffairs      #. The Korean government also exhibited significant evolution in its attitudes toward settling trade disputes. South Korea had several disputes with its trading partners
269    2003    ACAD    AnthropolQ      #explicit African components of all Afro-Caribbean religions. Consequently, attitudes toward Vodoun often serve to marginalize expatriate Haitians throughout the Caribbean, whether the
270    2003    ACAD    PhysicalEduc      #extant literature suggest that favorable direct contact conditions promote favorable attitudes toward teaching individuals with disabilities (Connolly, 1994; Folsom-Meek et al.,
271    2003    ACAD    PhysicalEduc      #personal level with someone with a disability impacts one's attitudes toward such an individual (Allport, 1954; Connolly, 1994).
272    2003    ACAD    SportBehavior      #and drug testing in intercollegiate sport. # Athletes' Attitudes toward Drug Use # The majority of student-athletes who have been surveyed about drug
273    2003    ACAD    SportBehavior      #who have been surveyed about drug use have held negative attitudes toward athletes' use of drugs (Schneider &; Morris, 1993; "
274    2003    ACAD    SportBehavior      #consonant with previous survey research in which athletes expressed negative attitudes toward drug use by athletes (Schneider &; Morris, 1995; " Survey
275    2003    ACAD    SexResearch      #studies that are centered in cognitively oriented domains such as attitudes toward safer sex techniques that evoke phenomenological experiences (e.g., Kalichman, Cherry
276    2003    ACAD    Education      #an appropriate and teaching manner. " # Feelings and attitudes toward their university liaison # In the combined districts, only fifty percent expressed
277    2003    ACAD    InstrPsych      #for ambiguity. # These results are important given that attitudes toward course organization have been noted to eventually impact a student's motivation to
278    2003    ACAD    SchoolPsych      #, low-income communities. Accessibility Through Community Collaboration: Positive Attitudes Toward Learning in School (PALS) # Recognizing the importance of schooling to
279    2002    SPOK    PBS_Newshour      #residents who didn't assimilate, against Islam and its attitudes toward women and homosexuals, and perhaps most of all, against the Dutch
280    2002    SPOK    CNN_King      #Christians are. And so there is a range of attitudes toward violence. We certainly know that there is a group at one end
281    2002    MAG    NaturalHist      #better, such as a butterfly. Most people's attitudes toward caterpillars are based on this sort of lowly image and range from distaste
282    2002    MAG    Atlantic      #, less judgmental, and more willing to accept secular attitudes toward sexuality and gender roles. In the view of liberal Catholics, much
283    2002    ACAD    CurrentPsych      #opposite mode of behavior or end-state. This belief transcends attitudes toward objects and toward situations; it is a standard that guides and determines
284    2002    ACAD    CurrentPsych      #it is a standard that guides and determines action, attitudes toward objects and situations, ideology, presentations of self to others, evaluations
285    2002    ACAD    ArabStudies      #a useful lens through which to examine determinants of popular attitudes toward democracy, including various Islamic orientations. While each case has its own
286    2002    ACAD    ArabStudies      #read the Quran. The second is a measure of attitudes toward political Islam. It is composed of three highly inter-correlated items, one
287    2002    ACAD    ArabStudies      #one hand, perceptions of the peace process may influence attitudes toward Israel, which in turn may affect attitudes toward Israel's democratic political
288    2002    ACAD    ArabStudies      #influence attitudes toward Israel, which in turn may affect attitudes toward Israel's democratic political system. On the other, judgments about whether
289    2002    ACAD    ArabStudies      #dependent variables are for the most part indirect measures of attitudes toward democracy. Nevertheless, they do involve pertinent and important orientations relating to
290    2002    ACAD    ArabStudies      #noted that there is not a single instance in which attitudes toward democracy are influenced by judgments about the Palestinian-Israeli peace process. While Palestinians
291    2002    ACAD    ArabStudies      #the degree to which Islamic attachments have an influence on attitudes toward democracy. # Nevertheless, the need for additional research notwithstanding, the
292    2002    ACAD    ArabStudies      #Pertaining to Islam PREFORMATTED TABLE Table 4 # Regressions with Attitudes Toward Democracy, the Rights of Non-Muslims, and the Compatibility of Islam and
293    2002    ACAD    AsianAffairs      #then compare the impact each of these indexes has on attitudes toward each nationality. # These indexes are, however, very limited in
294    2002    ACAD    AsianAffairs      #detect attitudes in changing circumstances. Previous studies about American attitudes toward whales vary in their findings. The Responsive Management survey (1997)
295    2002    ACAD    AsianAffairs      #the rapid socioeconomic transformation in Korea, can reflect underlying attitudes toward nongovernmental or private institutions. The cynicism or self-indulgence of contemporary Koreans is
296    2002    ACAD    AsianAffairs      #personal financial security. In other words, for trustful attitudes toward some aspects of politics, Koreans do not need to perceive a relatively
297    2002    ACAD    AsianAffairs      #of the economy is in providing the justifying rationale for attitudes toward the political system. Obviously, the economic environment in early-1990s Korea was
298    2002    ACAD    AsianAffairs      #being unfairly treated, they are likely to form negative attitudes toward the political system. We also learned in this study that Koreans who
299    2002    ACAD    AmerEthnicHis      #civil standing. This association played a large role in attitudes toward Mexican and white wage laborers in the 1920s, and helped to draw
300    2002    ACAD    PublicInterest      #virtue component, but retained its sexual component. Such attitudes toward nurses are well-captured in an experience I had as an intern in the
301    2002    ACAD    SocialPsych      #present study has some limitations. First, it involved attitudes toward a highly hypothetical situation-winning the lottery. In addition, we did not
302    2002    ACAD    SexResearch      #to that in the U.S. and other western societies. Attitudes toward people with MS and the types of interventions that may be used to
303    2002    ACAD    SexResearch      #most definitive support for the role of mortality concerns in attitudes toward sex should come from experimental evidence, and the present research was designed
304    2002    ACAD    ClearingHouse      #scale of values; achieving personal independence; and developing attitudes toward social groups and institutions (Havighurst 1969; 1972). Likewise,
305    2002    ACAD    ClearingHouse      #appear to have the most potential for contributing to positive attitudes toward self, peers, and differing social groups. # Developmental Task 1
306    2002    ACAD    ClearingHouse      #Developmental Task 1 -- Young adolescents need to build wholesome attitudes toward self and toward their cultural identity. # Regardless of their differences,
307    2002    ACAD    ClearingHouse      #a lifetime. # For some young adolescents, wholesome attitudes toward self and cultural identity might be difficult, especially in the face of
308    2002    ACAD    ClearingHouse      #other recreational activities, to teach physical skills and wholesome attitudes toward one's physical ability, self-esteem, and cultural identity. For example
309    2002    ACAD    ClearingHouse      #achieving a degree of personal independence, and developing positive attitudes toward peers and social groups are tasks that middle school educators can help learners
310    2002    ACAD    RoeperReview      #the effects of such practices on their gifted students' attitudes toward school and motivation. Results obtained from a national survey of elementary teachers
311    2002    ACAD    RoeperReview      #are the effects on gifted students' (a) attitudes toward school, (b) their motivation to learn, and (c
312    2002    ACAD    RoeperReview      #mandates have on curricula, instructional process, and student attitudes toward school. Seeking diversity of culture groups, socioeconomic status, and metropolitan
313    2002    ACAD    Style      #, or how adverbs like overenthusiastically signal the authors' attitudes toward opponents. Similarly, Miller and Halloran examine how style and ethos are
314    2002    TV    Farscape      #say " blasphemous "... I don't mean his attitudes toward god. I mean... his attitude toward life. He was lousy
315    2001    NEWS    NYTimes      #is Swedish, captured the difference between American and European attitudes toward tougher rules. # " Maybe it is too difficult for American politicians
316    2001    ACAD    AcademicQs      #schools so much as it is to subcultural differences in attitudes toward education, the problem may be relatively resistant to solution through public-policy means
317    2001    ACAD    WorldAffairs      #AMERICA AND VICE VERSA # When considering the masses' attitudes toward the United States, there are two important questions. First, how
318    2001    ACAD    WorldAffairs      #important questions. First, how do they perceive American attitudes toward Russia? Second, how do they evaluate America as a nation?
319    2001    ACAD    WorldAffairs      #, and yet nearly the same percentage reported having positive attitudes toward the Americans and the Western people. According to a survey conducted by
320    2001    ACAD    WorldAffairs      #several different countries, the respondents were asked about their attitudes toward America. Of the German respondents 51 percent characterized the country as "
321    2001    ACAD    WorldAffairs      #dialectic between abstract and concrete objects is the Russians' attitudes toward Western culture. In a December 2000 survey conducted by the Fund of
322    2001    ACAD    WorldAffairs      #of Public Opinion, the Russians reported having very negative attitudes toward Western culture. Only 17 percent said that Western culture had a positive
323    2001    ACAD    WorldAffairs      #also support this conclusion. 34 # While the masses' attitudes toward Western countries have almost no impact on the way they live their lives
324    2001    ACAD    EnvirAffairs      #low and moderate income housing. (n213) As public attitudes toward poor people and housing projects changed in the 1970s and 1980s, federal
325    2001    ACAD    HispanicRev      #), and " La increible historia, " hypocritical attitudes toward those who receive money for sex cause the loneliness -- the solitude --
326    2000    MAG    SouthernLiv      #the rural and working-class South. Actually, they reflect attitudes toward gardening that originated in uppercrust Europe. " Back in the 1800s,
327    2000    MAG    MilitaryHist      #into a decisive confrontation. // Well aware of German attitudes toward the populace of a captured town, the Comes, upon hearing of
328    2000    MAG    Smithsonian      #at the hands of another assassin in 1901, transformed attitudes toward Presidential protection. # PHOTO (COLOR): A lover of the
329    2000    NEWS    Houston      #and different here, just a continuation of familiar skeptical attitudes toward politicians, " Buchanan said. # The trust factor # Q:
330    2000    ACAD    EnergyJournal      #energy companies like Enron. # Customers differ in their attitudes toward each type of company. The estimated standard deviations allow us to calculate
331    2000    ACAD    SexResearch      #might be an important mechanism involved in risky sex. Attitudes toward condoms significantly decline when people are drinking (Gordon, Carey, &;
332    2000    ACAD    EnvirAffairs      #that the factors in Part B that created the positive attitudes toward nuclear power may have been recklessly misleading to the public. A. Regulation
333    1999    NEWS    WashPost      #current warfare. # The most recent Harris Poll of attitudes toward Wall Street, for example, shows that the great majority of the
334    1999    NEWS    SanFranChron      #, in the spirit of humanity, in our inner attitudes toward all infinitely interdependent life. We can't see it, but we
335    1999    ACAD    CrossCurrents      #can be divided into two groups in terms of their attitudes toward other religions. (n2) Some religions, often called " universalizing "
336    1999    ACAD    CrossCurrents      #and into the present, monotheistic religions have displayed two attitudes toward other religions. The attitude that is more familiar and popular, the
337    1999    ACAD    CrossCurrents      #no longer any excuse for religious leaders to perpetuate old attitudes toward religious diversity. Therefore, it is critical that the intellectual and spiritual
338    1999    ACAD    InterAmStud      #The present study tests these findings for Panamanian elites regarding attitudes toward the United States. # Theorists of elite behavior have argued that the
339    1999    ACAD    InterAmStud      #survey respondent against the United States. In addition, attitudes toward communism can be taken as a surrogate for ideology, with those on
340    1999    ACAD    InterAmStud      #Support for core democratic values could be expected to affect attitudes toward the United States. If U.S. policymakers are correct that democracy in the
341    1999    ACAD    InterAmStud      #for their country, and those who were not. ATTITUDES TOWARD THE UNITED STATES # Working with the survey data from the early 1990s
342    1999    ACAD    InterAmStud      #the political fortunes of the government in Panama. Favorable attitudes toward the United States therefore may not be as enduring as many in the
343    1999    ACAD    InterAmStud      ## The final variable that has a significant impact on attitudes toward the United States is nationalism. In this case, however, as
344    1999    ACAD    InterAmStud      #on system support is important because it means that Panamanian attitudes toward the United States are closely linked to opinions about the success or failure
345    1999    ACAD    InstrPsych      #, family literacy has improved. Family closeness and positive attitudes toward books and reading are fostered. Parents learn that even very young children
346    1999    ACAD    EnvironEd      #Environmental Attitude and Willingness to Make Sacrifices # We measured attitudes toward the environment and the willingness to make personal sacrifices by means of an
347    1999    ACAD    EnvironEd      #preschool children. Construction of the Scale The Children's Attitudes Toward the Environment Scale (CATES) for School-Age Children # The Children's
348    1999    ACAD    EnvironEd      #Inventory (Malkus, 1992). # Adults' Attitudes Toward the Environment Scale (AATES) # The AATES consists of 25 items
349    1999    ACAD    EnvironEd      #examine the effects of specific curricula on children's developing attitudes toward the world in which they live. This scale provides a valuable tool
350    1999    ACAD    EnvironEd      #TABLE 1. Items and Scoring for the Children's Attitudes Toward the Environment Scale-Preschool Version PREFORMATTED TABLE TABLE 2. Items Included in the
351    1999    ACAD    EnvironEd      #TABLE TABLE 2. Items Included in the Children's Attitudes Toward the Environment Scale but Excluded From the Children's Attitudes Toward the Environment
352    1999    ACAD    EnvironEd      #Toward the Environment Scale but Excluded From the Children's Attitudes Toward the Environment Scale-Preschool Version PREFORMATTED TABLE TABLE 3. Means and Standard Deviations
353    1999    ACAD    EnvironEd      ## FIGURE 1. Sample item from the Children's Attitudes Toward the Environment Scale-Preschool Version. The item reads, " Some girls leave
354    1998    MAG    TIME      #'s Kennedy School of Government who has been studying popular attitudes toward Washington. Yet the very forces that compelled the Postal Service (fiscal
355    1998    ACAD    AmerEthnicHis      #enlightenment within the ethnic enclaves should also include more progressive attitudes toward women, since greater equality with their male counterparts was necessary to promote
356    1998    ACAD    Ethnology      #a valued financial boon to many farmers and manufacturers. Attitudes toward the Jews, likewise, ranged from sympathetic to hostile, as they
357    1998    ACAD    ClearingHouse      #leadership positions on committees and in their schools. # Attitudes toward Theory # Most teachers interviewed reported significant changes in their practice, reflectivity
358    1998    ACAD    ClearingHouse      #school-based research for their final projects. The difference in attitudes toward educational research and theory between teachers who had been active participants in research
359    1998    ACAD    AfricanArts      #issue). But in no two African cultures are attitudes toward artistic creativity exactly the same, and certain other African notions of originality
360    1998    ACAD    AfricanArts      #" (Fig. 2; Nooter 1991). Luba attitudes toward creativity and individual authorship are reflected in children's naming rituals. A
361    1998    ACAD    ScandinavStud      #), as occurs in Svarfdela saga. But continental attitudes toward women, love, and marriage do not seem to enter the thirteenth-century
362    1998    ACAD    EnvironEd      #and could provoke a significant (positive) shift in attitudes toward conservation and exploitation of nature and maybe in behavior as well. Students
363    1998    ACAD    EnvironEd      #to action, so a paradigmatic shift in our long-standing attitudes toward nature exploitation and conservation and even in our behavior is overdue. In
364    1998    ACAD    EnvironEd      #= 1,988) of both genders to subscales ranging from attitudes toward conservation to actual behavior. Means are expressed in terms of high values
365    1997    SPOK    ABC_GMA      #live, gender roles, science, race relations, attitudes toward drugs, everything is totally changed, and the young generation takes it
366    1997    MAG    Antiques      #consistently combined respect for traditional draftsmanship and composition with innovative attitudes toward subject matter and color The painting was finished in 1831, after Corot
367    1997    NEWS    WashPost      #Rorschach inkblot test in the sky, revealing widely differing attitudes toward human space flight and the intimidating risk-benefit calculations it entails as practitioners struggle
368    1997    ACAD    SocialPsych      #, assertiveness, ability to empathize with others, positive attitudes toward others, and competent social skills, and is directly relevant to successful
369    1997    ACAD    Re:View      #that the purpose of this study was to measure student attitudes toward students with visual disabilities. # The adult female examiner was unknown to
370    1997    ACAD    InstrPsych      #concepts in calculus; # a majority of students' attitudes toward writing improved to the extent that they had developed a positive reliance on
371    1997    ACAD    InstrPsych      #of computers tends to increase familiarity with, and favorable attitudes toward educational technology. Conclusion # The results of this study suggest that e-mail
372    1997    ACAD    RoeperReview      #understand the differences they observe in their children. Parent attitudes toward these labels may also influence how they react to identification. # Parents
373    1997    ACAD    RoeperReview      #at school, and, not surprisingly, had negative attitudes toward academics. Katie, who attended a gifted program, was the only
374    1997    ACAD    EnvironEd      #, Lett did not find a significant increase in positive attitudes toward wolves; however, positive attitude changes in the sample subset of students
375    1997    ACAD    VisualImpair      #al. study limits generalization, the strong differences in attitudes toward different disabilities continues to be noted in current literature. # ATTITUDES OF
376    1997    ACAD    VisualImpair      #ATTITUDES OF DISABLED INDIVIDUALS TOWARD DISABILITY The literature related to attitudes toward disability focuses predominantly on the attitudes of nondisabled individuals. There is limited
377    1997    ACAD    VisualImpair      #, Tymchuk, and Nishihara, 1977) and the Attitudes Toward Disabled Personal Scale (Yuker, Block, and Campbell, 1962)
378    1997    ACAD    Adolescence      #study was to investigate ant compare body image concerns, attitudes toward eating/weight control, and reasons for exercising between two groups of adolescent male
379    1997    ACAD    Adolescence      #via diet and exercise, data were also gathered on attitudes toward eating and weight control and reasons for exercising. # METHOD Sample Selection
380    1997    ACAD    Adolescence      #(oral control). Higher scores suggest more disturbed attitudes toward food and eating. # DISCUSSION AND IMPLICATIONS For cross-country runners and football
381    1996    NEWS    NYTimes      #as the greatest artist of the 20th century, current attitudes toward him range from reverence to disdain. The New York Times asked artists
382    1996    ACAD    Bioscience      #at each of these projects was a turnaround in local attitudes toward conservation. Apparently even modest additions to household income or community facilities can
383    1996    ACAD    GeographRev      #location is taken to be a reliable indicator of cultural attitudes toward nature and of social and economic interests in specific types of resource use
384    1996    ACAD    PhysicalEduc      #physical education programs have been ineffective in instilling positive student attitudes toward physical activity largely because the quality of instruction has been compromised (Templin
385    1996    ACAD    PhysicalEduc      #this particular study suggest that higher SES males have better attitudes toward the adoption of healthy behaviors in the areas of fitness and nutrition.
386    1996    ACAD    PhysicalEduc      #to note that although high SES males had more favorable attitudes toward exercise and healthier food selection, differences were not found between subjects within
387    1996    ACAD    PhysicalEduc      #healthier practices, because as this study reveals, better attitudes toward fitness and nutrition do not necessarily translate into healthier practices. # This
388    1996    ACAD    PhysicalEduc      #participation ". # Future research should focus on how attitudes toward ideal size are communicated among males and how this influences racial differences in
389    1996    ACAD    PhysicalEduc      #. High SES subjects were more likely to have favorable attitudes toward selecting healthful foods as compared to middle or low SES subjects. #
390    1996    ACAD    PhysicalEduc      #. There were differences among the three SES levels in attitudes toward the importance of exercising (p=.0037). High SES subjects were more
391    1996    ACAD    PhysicalEduc      #. High SES subjects were more likely to have favorable attitudes toward exercising as compared to middle or low SES subjects. 3. When
392    1995    MAG    America      #and/or participation in church activities prior to marriage preparation colors attitudes toward marriage preparation. Those who had a greater sense of belonging to the
393    1995    MAG    WashMonth      #competent. By making doctors more aware of patients' attitudes toward different types of treatment, these discussions can also produce substantial additional savings
394    1995    NEWS    SanFranChron      ## Among the 2.7 million Iberian Basques, meanwhile, attitudes toward Madrid -- toward anything short of full autonomy or outright divorce -- are
395    1995    ACAD    CurrentPsych      #indirect evidence for this in that males with more traditional attitudes toward women are more aroused by rape depictions, and more likely to report
396    1995    ACAD    ArabStudies      #of the Islamists toward the legacy of Nasserism? ISLAMIST ATTITUDES TOWARD NASSER AND NASSERISM # The early writings and programs of Egyptian Islamists on
397    1995    ACAD    ArabStudies      #, debt, dependency and declining standards of living.31 ISLAMIST ATTITUDES TOWARD SADAT'S INFITAH POLICIES # As already indicated there was from an early
398    1995    ACAD    ArabStudies      #there was from an early date a close link between attitudes toward Nasserism and toward the new economic policy of Sadat. With regard to
399    1995    ACAD    CompIntlDev      #determine the " standing or equilibrium position " of citizen attitudes toward the incumbent president (MacKuen, 1983:168). According to MacKuen,
400    1995    ACAD    Education      #. Among the benefits of peer tutoring are fostering positive attitudes toward school and learning, providing a greater sense of responsibility, and improving
401    1995    ACAD    EnvironEd      #of the program to document changes in the participants' attitudes toward their environment and themselves. Discussions in which both adults and children take
402    1995    ACAD    EnvironEd      #a park/school program has a positive effect on teachers' attitudes toward their students, researchers must collect more data. A profile of the
403    1995    ACAD    EnvironEd      #understanding can lead to improved classroom relations: Teachers' attitudes toward students change, and students' behavior in the classroom improves. Having
404    1995    ACAD    EnvironEd      #indicated that the scale measures 4-dimensional traits, such as attitudes toward population growth, environmental problems, nuclear energy, and energy conservation.
405    1995    ACAD    EnvironEd      #result, we selected 5 items in the dimension of attitudes toward population growth, 5 items in the dimension of attitudes toward the importance
406    1995    ACAD    EnvironEd      #toward population growth, 5 items in the dimension of attitudes toward the importance of environmental problems, 4 items in the dimension of attitudes
407    1995    ACAD    ArmedForces      #black platoon gave the most favorable responses when asked their attitudes toward including white and black platoons in the same company. White soldiers in
408    1995    ACAD    ArmedForces      #Our hypotheses were that white veterans would show more positive attitudes toward blacks than would white nonveterans; and that, because of the significant
410    1995    ACAD    ArmedForces (1)      #accepting, at least with regard to white male attitudes toward blacks. The correlation between year and era is.45, reflecting the
411    1994    MAG    Fortune      #and noncompete agreements with the others. Malone thinks present attitudes toward such agreements will change. " Many of the people who resist the
412    1994    NEWS    WashPost      #to be kinder to the environment and to rethink their attitudes toward pests. # Like any good health care, it starts with prevention
413    1994    NEWS    SanFranChron      #idea is to look at the evolution of people's attitudes toward food over time. He'll look at the structure of taste,
414    1994    ACAD    Psychology      #among the four scales mentioned earlier and the scale measuring attitudes toward crime, punishment, and legal authority. Because there was hardly any
415    1994    ACAD    Psychology      #there were high and significant inter-correlations. The scale measuring attitudes toward crime, punishment, and legal authorities showed only a nonsubstantial pattern of
416    1994    ACAD    Psychology      #violating traffic rules and evading taxes did not correspond with attitudes toward crime. Discussion # In the present study, we argue for a
417    1994    ACAD    Psychology      #those for evading taxes, whereas neither was associated with attitudes toward crime, punishment, and legal authorities. Furthermore, we found three
418    1994    ACAD    Psychology      ## TABLE 3 # Intercorrelations Among the Four Scales and Attitudes Toward Crime, Punishment, and Legal Authorities PREFORMATTED TABLE # a p <
419    1994    ACAD    CurrentPsych      #the interactions. The MAFF also correlated positively with positive attitudes toward the partner and confidence in one's own social skills, assessed following
420    1994    ACAD    SocialHistory      #literature, the printed medical literature is valuable for uncovering attitudes toward breast milk, breastfeeding, and women's work as mothers. Two
421    1994    ACAD    SocialHistory      #. The result was a rather sudden cultural shift in attitudes toward maternal breastfeeding, and therefore in attitudes toward the relationship among mothers,
422    1994    ACAD    Symposium      #depiction of the Terror, the imbalance between two basic attitudes toward life conflict -- internal and feeling vs. external and denying feeling. A
423    1994    ACAD    EmotBehavDis      #internalizing behavior problems. # An understanding of parents' attitudes toward and concerns about mental health services for their children can be gained by
424    1994    ACAD    EnvironEd      #items were designed to measure specific components of teachers' attitudes toward EE. Teachers agreed that EE should be considered a priority in their
425    1994    ACAD    EnvironEd      #the mean response to these items, teachers' overall attitudes toward EE were positive (MM = 4.15). Class Time # In
426    1994    ACAD    EnvironEd      #N = 354) PREFORMATTED TABLE TABLE 14. Overall Attitudes Toward Environmental Education (EE) PREFORMATTED TABLE TABLE 15. Class Time per
427    1994    ACAD    EnvironEd      #of human relationships with the natural world, fostering positive attitudes toward the environment, and promoting environmental action. For the past 2 decades
428    1994    ACAD    EnvironEd      #children to wild animals resulted in cognitive gain and improved attitudes toward wildlife conservation. Thus, many zoos in developing countries still offer school
429    1994    ACAD    EnvironEd      #preparation and reinforcement would improve children's knowledge of and attitudes toward wildlife. Method Site # The study was conducted in Cali, a
430    1994    ACAD    EnvironEd      #construct may be too simplistic, because it may encompass attitudes toward several seemingly unrelated factors (e.g., energy and water conservation at home
431    1994    ACAD    EnvironEd      #collective input proved inadequate for improving students' knowledge and attitudes toward wildlife conservation. Systematic classroom preparation and reinforcement provided by informed teachers seem
432    1994    ACAD    Environment      #the United Kingdom, and the United States about their attitudes toward whales and whaling. 3 Fifty-seven percent of the U.S. respondents confirmed that they
433    1993    MAG    USAToday      #, a model is provided for justifying discrimination. Stereotypical attitudes toward Indians basically are a matter of ethnocentrism; those directed at blacks are
434    1993    NEWS    USAToday      #night. " There's been a dramatic change in attitudes toward AIDS since 1988, when I found out I had the virus.
435    1993    NEWS    USAToday      #different kinds of phones, different standards, widely varying attitudes toward customer service and repair work and so on. Such differences can especially
436    1993    ACAD    Psychology      #We conducted this study to examine individuals' perceptions and attitudes toward excessive drinking when motivated by stressful and nonstressful situations. We hypothesized that
437    1993    ACAD    Psychology      #The APQ is a 15-item self-report inventory designed to assess attitudes toward and perceptions of excessive drinking in scenarios characterized by interpersonal situations (e.g.
438    1993    ACAD    Psychology      #alcohol abuse. These findings may reflect different socially reinforced attitudes toward drinking practices of men and women. # We performed an independent groups
439    1993    ACAD    AnthropolQ      #the alliance structure on multiple levels. Humorous elements in attitudes toward me were a response to this quality. I appeared sympathetic but was
440    1993    ACAD    SocialHistory      #he must not let his disability, and others' attitudes toward it, hinder his future or blight his feeling about himself, helped
441    1993    ACAD    Generations      #enables us to define present, and reconstruct earlier, attitudes toward aging and to estimate the aged life stage. Together, these data
442    1993    ACAD    Generations      #and longevity? What factors have been correlates of current attitudes toward the elderly in various populations? # Large cohort trends in survivorship and
443    1993    ACAD    Education      #and are characterized by inward or outward expression involving negative attitudes toward work, life or self. Low efficacy is therefore most likely to
444    1993    ACAD    InstrPsych      #performance levels (high, average, low) the attitudes toward mathematics of third grade students. The Dutton Attitude Scale and the California
445    1993    ACAD    InstrPsych      #of the parent and the educator is to promote positive attitudes toward mathematics in order that students will develop positive attitudes toward mathematics. #
446    1993    ACAD    InstrPsych      #attitudes toward mathematics in order that students will develop positive attitudes toward mathematics. # The purpose of this investigation was to determine the extent
447    1993    ACAD    InstrPsych      #extent of the relationship of parents' and students' attitudes toward mathematics (as measured by the Dutton Attitude Scale) and students'
448    1993    ACAD    InstrPsych      #in this scale are designed to measure student and teacher attitudes toward arithmetic. With the advent of the " modern " mathematics, the
449    1993    ACAD    InstrPsych      #to determine the relationship between students' and parents' attitudes toward mathematics and students' achievement in mathematics. # An analysis of the
450    1993    ACAD    InstrPsych      #. # There was a significant relationship between students' attitudes toward mathematics and fathers' attitudes toward mathematics (rho =.1917, p
451    1993    ACAD    InstrPsych      #relationship between students' attitudes toward mathematics and fathers' attitudes toward mathematics (rho =.1917, p =.003). # The
452    1993    ACAD    InstrPsych      #there was a significant between fathers' and mothers' attitudes toward mathematics (rho =.2979, p =.00) # A Kruskal-Wallis
453    1993    ACAD    InstrPsych      #, average, low) of third grade students on attitudes toward mathematics. # Table 5 indicates that there was no significant difference in
454    1993    ACAD    InstrPsych      #, low) of third grade black male students on attitudes toward mathematics (p=0.2858) at.05 level of significance. # Data in Table
455    1993    ACAD    InstrPsych      #, low) for third grade black female students on attitudes toward mathematics (p = 0.6917). # The data in Table 8
456    1993    ACAD    InstrPsych      #indicated that there was no significant relationship in students' attitudes toward mathematics and students' achievement in mathematics of third grade students. #
457    1993    ACAD    InstrPsych      #There was evidence of a negative difference between fathers' attitudes toward mathematics and student's attitudes toward mathematics. Research indicates that attitudes a
458    1993    ACAD    InstrPsych      #difference between fathers' attitudes toward mathematics and student's attitudes toward mathematics. Research indicates that attitudes a student acquires are to a degree
459    1993    ACAD    InstrPsych      #, certain implications are noted which might strongly influence positive attitudes toward mathematics, thereby directly affecting mathematical achievement. # The Early Childhood Education
460    1993    ACAD    InstrPsych      #Childhood Education curriculum must be geared to insure that positive attitudes toward mathematics exist, even at this early stage, in order that growth
461    1993    ACAD    InstrPsych      #their individual lives, especially in development of self-esteem and attitudes toward education and scholarly involvement. Yet, in todays society, substantial evolutionary
462    1993    ACAD    InstrPsych      #great potential for doing both. # What are the Attitudes toward the Lab Displayed by the At-risk Children Participating in the Lab? #
464    1993    ACAD    MusicEduc (1)      #directors. The survey was also designed to assess attitudes toward computers by those using the machines in their teaching as well as those
465    1992    SPOK    CNN_Sonya      #women. Commercial break SONYA: We are talking about attitudes toward women around the world. Suha, I'd like to come to
466    1992    MAG    HarpersMag      #Building, it was assumed that they shared the American attitudes toward business and trade. But Japan did not base its economic system on
467    1992    MAG    ConsumResrch      #The apathy, ignorance, and avoidance that characterize consumer attitudes toward life insurance generally have allowed anti-rebate laws to continue unchallenged, despite the
468    1992    MAG    ScienceNews      #The students then made judgments about the man's true attitudes toward women. # Some participants heard the woman ask questions implying a preference
469    1992    MAG    ScienceNews      #group felt that the male contestants revealed little about their attitudes toward women, relationships or dating. Volunteers apparently corrected their initial inferences about
470    1992    MAG    ScienceNews      #hear the responses believed the men revealed much about their attitudes toward women. The difficulty in hearing the men's responses interfered with the
471    1992    ACAD    SocialStudies      #they preferred. We believe that by learning about student attitudes toward various instructional techniques, teachers can become more effective and successful. The
472    1992    ACAD    SocialStudies      #place in the writer's own views and in her attitudes toward the South's chances for success. # To use the jigsaw approach
473    1992    ACAD    AmerStudies      #Hall grapples with the implications of the two extremes of attitudes toward life, the ultimately hedonistic and the quintessentially anhedonistic. # Allen's
474    1992    ACAD    AmerStudies      #opportunities for coping behavior. " 20 N. Goodman observed that attitudes toward foreign students in the host country, specifically the U.S., influence teaching
475    1992    ACAD    AmerIndianQ      #III. 4(1):1-18. 1978 32. John Muir's Evolving Attitudes Toward Native American Cultures. R. F. Fleck. 4(1):19-31. 1978 33. The
476    1992    ACAD    SocialPsych      #as well as personality variables); attitudinal factors (attitudes toward work and working women); and situational factors (husband variables,
477    1992    ACAD    Education      #in this direction, and that is encouraging. Superintendent attitudes toward risk-taking and willingness to change appear positive in these two cases, providing
478    1992    ACAD    ClearingHouse      #can revolve around such things as age differences, different attitudes toward change or particular issues, or friendship patterns. If teachers are to
479    1992    ACAD    MusicEduc      #and losing in the real world. Surveys of public attitudes toward music competition confirm this; contests and other forms of competition are perceived
480    1992    ACAD    MarineFish      #, percent time committed to targeting each species, and attitudes toward current catch restrictions on select species. First, for each boat sampled
481    1991    SPOK    PBS_Newshour      #Review " this week has raised some questions about your attitudes toward Jews. And he says, it is impossible to defend you against
482    1991    NEWS    NYTimes      #" or even in " the community and administration's attitudes toward a school. " # Although the Court has never explicitly defined what
483    1991    NEWS    NYTimes      #CORRECTION: An article yesterday about the Vietnam generation's attitudes toward the Persian Gulf conflict miscalculated the number of Congressmen who served in the
484    1991    NEWS    AssocPress      #James A. Baker III, finding signs of new Arab attitudes toward Israel, met with Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir today in an effort to
485    1991    NEWS    AssocPress      #David Levy said at a joint news conference, Arab attitudes toward the Jewish state were changing. # Baker reported to Levy in advance
486    1991    ACAD    PhysicalEduc      #Few studies have been conducted assessing secondary aged students' attitudes toward physical education. Edgington (1968) did early work in the development
487    1991    ACAD    PhysicalEduc      #early work in the development of a scale to measure attitudes toward physical education by high school freshman boys. Although he successfully developed a
488    1991    ACAD    PhysicalEduc      #city public school, and correctional institution utilizing the Kenyon Attitudes Toward Physical Activity Inventory (Straub &; Felock, 1974) revealed differences in
489    1991    ACAD    SportBehavior      #A minuscule " writing " difference (denoting more favorable attitudes toward writing on the part of athletes) was found. # In summary
490    1991    ACAD    SportBehavior      #suggest that students begin colleges with modest vocabularies, indifferent attitudes toward writing, and a limited interest in reading they end college with a
491    1991    ACAD    Generations      #groups requires health practitioners who are sensitive to major cultural attitudes toward healthcare. # For example, tendencies to express mental health problems in
492    1991    ACAD    SexResearch      ## Unlike the Kinsey Institute survey with its focus on attitudes toward sex and sexual behavior, the General Social Surveys ask questions about a
493    1991    ACAD    SexResearch      #a strikingly similar, if not more liberal set of attitudes toward sexuality and premarital sex. Not only are heterosexual sexual pursuits more common
494    1991    ACAD    InstrPsych      #taught by teachers trained in these methods had more favorable attitudes toward their schoolwork, felt more positive about school in general, expressed higher
495    1991    ACAD    SchoolPsych      #for rights. Society is uncomfortable and inconsistent in its attitudes toward and expectations for children in critical values areas (e.g., penalties for
496    1991    ACAD    MusicEduc      #, how do you deal with the other students' attitudes toward this person? You are a young, unmarried high school teacher.
497    1990    ACAD    SocialStudies      #participation in further study is modestly effective in changing teacher attitudes toward technique and subject matter, for example, world-mindedness, economic understanding,
498    1990    ACAD    SocialStudies      #the classroom were correlated with students who expressed more positive attitudes toward the political system. Freedom of expression is marked as a crucial teacher
499    1990    ACAD    InterAmStud      #(Gonzalez Saenz, 1978). " State " attitudes toward the indigenous " nation " have reinforced prejudicial stereotypes throughout Guatemala's class
500    1990    ACAD    Style      #senses; it was cultural conditions which determined two opposed attitudes toward the object described as sacer. # That a king and a leper
 / 5  

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/hhdom/p/18370220


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