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coca How many 搭配 大写

时间:2024-08-16 20:48:50浏览次数:6  
标签:... many MOV times How coca 2012


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1    2017    SPOK    CNN: Smerconish      #Wormer putting the house on double secret probation. How many times are going to try that before we realize it doesn't make an
2    2012    BLOG    ...ashingtonmonthly.com      #, it's accepting of others' worldviews. How many times did we scream at trolls that Obama was the only candidate capable of
3    2012    WEB    dailyom.com      #get ready to throw a? spear?? How many minutes, hours, or days of your life are you uttering dialogue appropriate
4    1997    MAG    Backpacker      #backpacker. But the manufacturers " challenges are: How many stakes do you include in the published weight? Do you include guylines,
5    2012    BLOG    ...discovermagazine.com      #Lenski's have you actually read and understood? How many of them have you read? Have you read the citrate paper? The
6    2013    TV    Orange Is the New Black      #all flustered? You got me pissed off. How many times do you think you can come around and fuck up Piper's life
7    1999    SPOK    NPR_Science      #of questions here, one of which is: How many kinds of chocolate are there? Just like there are different kinds of coffee
8    2012    BLOG    apps.lib.ua.edu      #attempt to register, once facing the question, How many gallons of water are in the Alabama River? He didn't have much
9    1994    SPOK    Ind_Geraldo      #to make it -- enhance it. RIVERA: How many grandchildren do you have now? Mr-JACKSON: Let's say it's an
10    2012    BLOG    blogs.denverpost.com      #and Afghanistan could have done here at home. How many hospitals, schools, public transportation and social services could have been provided to
11    2012    BLOG    coronado.patch.com      #can't see what is really going on. How many children die falling over banisters every single year? How many women have ever
12    1999    MOV    Music of the Heart      #very nice thing to say about your classmates. How many people think we can get it right by the concert? See? I
13    2018    MOV    American Warfighter      #Nothing substantial. Armed guards been on rotation. How many? Can't tell. They're all hooded, they look the same
14    2003    SPOK    CNN_Insight      #We also heard most from two adult women. How many younger women, how many girls, are press-ganged (ph) into the
15    2019    SPOK    PBS_Newshour      #24 hours a day in here. FRED-DE-SAM-LAZARO) : How many gallons of milk come out of this place? JOHN-ROSENOW) : Like, today
16    2004    FIC    JrScholastic      #ponder the upcoming battle. Confederate soldier 1: How many Yanks are out there? Confederate soldier 2: I'd reckon the Yanks
17    1994    MAG    Essence      #my mother and my grandmother said. " " How many women wouldn't give everything they've got to have a man like that
18    2012    BLOG    lagrange.patch.com      #got. Sounds pretty American to me. # How many sick days do congressmen get to take with full pay? Also what kind
19    1998    FIC    Bk:Vanishings      #parents refused to buy him his own car. How many other high school juniors still rode the bus to school? When Judd did
20    2012    WEB    ...rlychildhoodnews.com      #take before the snowball in the bucket melts? How many minutes for the snowball in the water table? Action questions and reasoning questions
21    2001    FIC    FantasySciFi      #n't even know were complaining to my company. How many others were going to add two and two and arrive at four before I
22    2017    MOV    Lego Friends: Girlz 4 Life      #Hi, Megan. I've been thinking... How many times have I told you not to do that, Tanya? It'll
23    1994    SPOK    CBS_Sixty      #it was Marty James who helped people die. How many people have you helped? How many people have you assisted? Mr-MARTY-JAMES-1A:
24    2014    FIC    Bk:TakeThisCup      #wish to remain where I am. Amadiya! How many steps up the face of a mountain to reach the village? Stop plotting
25    2008    MOV    Marley & Me      #your heart and he'll give you his. How many people can you say that about? How many people can make you feel
26    2012    BLOG    ...tgodhealamputees.com      #many Indians did atheists exterminate from both America? How many colonies did atheists occupy and hold for centuries, sucking their wealth, while
27    2004    FIC    Ploughshares      #one forces the other one closed. # " How many ringers am I holding? " the cop says. # " I have
28    2010    FIC    Bk:CheatingCurve      #then again, who are we to judge? How many of you listeners would give up the fabulous homes, the gorgeous jewels,
29    2012    BLOG    theblaze.com      ## Obama will deflect any question regarding this. How many of you remember his statements regarding' Black Americans' like days after a
30    2012    BLOG    redlettermedia.com      #these movies as video-game like! # Twortdh # How many is that? Like two? Maybe three? # namico # milla jovovich
31    1993    MOV    In the Line of Fire      #never worked with a female agent before. - How many are there? - About 125. - Pure window dressing. - Excuse
32    2001    FIC    Bk:StandingScratch      #some ammunition, won't we? " " How many soldiers you seen? " asked LeRoi, forming a plan in his mind
33    2012    BLOG    cheeseslave.com      #business, this is your time to network. How many other chances will you get in one weekend to rub shoulders with so many
34    2003    MAG    MensHealth      #coordinator " in charge of it all. (How many cities have one of those?) His name is Arthur Ross, and
35    2012    WEB    ...ationinformation.org      #example: # Where are immigrants primarily from? How many immigrants come each year? How many are already here? How many became
36    2015    MOV    ... Delivered: From Paris with Love      #. I read your poem. Which one? How many have you written? I have a whole book of them coming out this
37    2016    MAG    Gizmodo      # 4176072 Share: # How many minds have caused the type of monumental change in how we think about the
38    2012    WEB    chronicle.com      #my PhD that I slaved eight years over. How many papers would I have to write to pay off the 80K in student loans
39    2012    WEB    thebillfold.com      #Almost 30 % of our admissions go unpaid. How many service industries can say they serve a community and do not collect from 30%
40    1999    NEWS    Atlanta      #this heroic act, " Martin said. " How many times have the firefighters been before us talking about their issues? Did it
41    2008    NEWS    Atlanta      #the teens, several of them ran. // How many actually ran is unclear. Civilian witnesses, in statements to detectives, and
42    1999    MOV    All the Rage      #Warren. The act of murder has consequences. How many times have I been telling you this? I ask you, and you
43    2010    FIC    Bk:FalseConvictions      #because the DA had begun to speak. " How many knife fights a year in this town? " she asked. " About
44    1995    SPOK    Ind_Limbaugh      #Ways and Means Committee. And I said, How many Medicare hearings have you held?' He said, We've had 18
45    1990    MOV    Catchfire      #- they' re smart They always offer months How many months? Six... - eight... - trust the P.0.s No one ever
46    2008    MOV    ...- A Threevening with Kevin Smith      #he's pissed about the Snake PIissken thing. How many times can he do it? especially after fucking Escape From L.A.,
47    2012    BLOG    ...ialsoup.blogspot.com      #, and not on reckless Wall Street games? How many more have to fall from the middle class into poverty? How much worse
48    2012    WEB    ...egospelcoalition.org      #by the visit? Conversion generally precedes attendance. How many of the millions of non-Catholic visitors to St. Peter's --- Protestants, Jews
49    2012    WEB    mediaite.com      #murdered and it was not over that FILM. How many more people will die or be used as scape goats before every person realizes
50    2018    TV    9-1-1      #n't know that. I do know that. How many full moons have you worked? Um, one. Right. Bye,
51    1994    SPOK    CBS_Morning      #years -- how many years on serious television? How many years on " Taxi "? Mr-DANZA: Five. SMITH: Is that
52    2012    BLOG    ...eit211.wordpress.com      #eye and a deaf ear to the nutters? How many would be perfectly happy to see the dominance of islam as their own power
53    2019    MAG    Sports Illustrated      #prey on kangaroos, as will dogs. # How many joeys can they carry at once? # Kangaroos can generally carry one joey
54    1997    TV    The Practice      #and you can get yourself a new attorney. How many women did you inject your fat into? Nine, ten. 30.
55    1997    FIC    OutdoorLife      #brushing spilled hot coffee off his lap. " How many times I got to tell you, just walk through the door like normal
56    2002    MAG    ChristCentury      #in the last century as did Colombia. " How many years can you go again and again to your constituents and say there is
57    1991    MAG    AmerArtist      #the art channel (Figure 13). # How many springs you will need will depend on the size of the frame. At
58    2005    TV    Tilt      #? The right cocktail of obsequiousness and authority. How many men can do that? They're around. Maybe. Lowball, with
59    2012    BLOG    spectator.org      #all too often one imbued with imperial fancies. How many tea partiers want Bush's Rx-drug subsidy repealed? How many of them in
60    2006    FIC    FantasySciFi      #" You didn't meet my One-Less? " How many times already had he lied? Raven shook his head, trying to appear
61    1999    MAG    SportsIll      #destiny. The ball is your immortal soul. How many times had he heard his father say that? Your life is in your
62    1998    MOV    And Justice for All      #in there? How many hostages are there? How many hostages is he holding? Here, you take the back. The clinic
63    2006    SPOK    Fox_Sunday      #yes. HUME: How many? BURNS: How many countries? HUME: A handful? A dozen? How many? BURNS
64    1995    MOV    Screamers      #there? - Yes. In the ruins? How many are you? How many people? - You're alone? How do
65    2016    TV    The Strain      #of course. You loved her very much. How many years has it been, Abraham? Too many. And you, Dr
66    2011    FIC    Bk:Shadowfever      #to the man within? # See me. How many times had he said that to me? See me when you look at
67    2019    MOV    Beneath the Leaves      #started a fire at Pendleton, and escaped. How many, Cap? Well, we think around six. You have the folders
68    2014    NEWS    WashPost      #piece, or a collection of smaller artwork? How many of a room's four walls should have artwork? It depends on the
69    2010    SPOK    ABC_GMA      #the things, cut around the thing... SARA-MOULTON-1FOO# How many have you done, 12? SAM-CHAMPION-1-AB# (Off-camera)... I did like, yeah
70    1991    MOV    Forgive Us Our Debts      #Peter. But how many times, Master? How many times must we forgive? Let me tell you a story. There once
71    2004    SPOK    NBC_Dateline      #. He asks Captain Haynes several times,' How many souls are on board?' (Airport-control-to) Mr-BAUCHMAN: (From-audiotape) Hey, United 232
72    2012    BLOG    ...ashingtonmonthly.com      #what FISA is? What telecom immunity involves? How many are vocally protesting torture? The rank politicization of the departments and agencies?
73    2003    FIC    Analog      #to a landing by Kyle's feet. " How many of the crew have that background? " " None-which is why you're
74    1990    SPOK    ABC_Primetime      #D) Illinois: I think what- DONALDSON: How many hours did you- Rep. RUSSO: I think we- SAWYER: voice-over They are
75    2004    MOV    Something the Lord Made      #based on the laboratory success on a dog. How many people have you saved? So what you're saying is you're performing
76    1997    TV    Star Trek: Voyager      #we gather more information about their chroniton weapons. How many more attacks will it take? Before long, there won't be a
77    2012    WEB    militarytimes.com      #person would have been gone after 4 failures. How many more do you think he deserves? If the problem was going to be
78    1990    TV    Married with Children      #you, Daddy? - No, pumpkin. How many fists am I holding up? Oh, don't worry, Al.
79    2002    FIC    Mov:DetectiveMr      #our video. # VIC # (condescending) How many? Fifty? A hundred? # MATT # No. Sixty-three thousand,
80    2012    BLOG    rumorfix.com      #maybe something could be done for those children. How many people are going to continue to make money of the backs of these children
81    2012    BLOG    mediaite.com      #Republicans are still upset about their election results. How many died Iraq that didn't have sufficient body armor? Many family members had
82    2002    TV    The Wire      #move, man. Come on, think. How many times we move the stash house this week? And every time we move
83    2018    NEWS    Chicago Tribune      #to someone who was the deputy procurement officer. How many budgets has she balanced? " Vallas said of Lightfoot. " With the
84    1998    SPOK    Ind_Geraldo      #how many had both parties telling the truth? How many?' Zero,' he said. How many times in those 3,400
85    2009    MOV    Next Day Air      #, he ain't gon na do nothing. How many times I got ta tell you that? What're you talking about,
86    2006    TV    Ghost Whisperer      #to cross over. - The right thing. How many of you have done the right thing? You. Your wife is dying
87    2008    SPOK    ABC_20/20      #he hides his own various wives and families. How many wives does he have? SHANE-DEEL-1DISTR# We have heard allegations of as many as
88    1997    TV    Nash Bridges      #. Get the T-600. Okay, Harv? How many fingers am I holding up? Oh, uh... three fingers, four
89    1992    NEWS    USAToday      #that he's been beat up so much. How many more punches can you take? " # One of the stiffest jabs at
90    2012    WEB    pjmedia.com      #their six months pregnant thirty five miles away? How many of those women would not make arrangements of some kind to get themselves home
91    2014    FIC    KenyonRev      #in the magnetic ambitions of spoons. Q; How many spoons does it take to ferry a broken heart to the moon and will
92    2011    TV    Burn Notice      #a fringe militia with some very antigovernment views. How many men are in a militia? At this one, about 20. -
93    2011    ACAD    AmJPubHealth      ## 49. Tudor-Locke C, Bassett DR. How many steps/day are enough? Preliminary pedometer indices for public health. Sports Med. 2004
94    1994    MOV    Intersection      #faxed it in. I like the commute. How many words? 750. " Women who demand equality renounce their superiority. "
95    1996    FIC    ParisRev      #'s suggestion, three bottles of wine. " How many bottles do we need? " Darling asked Carla. " I mean that
96    2017    FIC    Analog      #do you think it'd shred before then? How many people? " # " I- " Layan swallowed whatever curse boiled in her
97    2006    NEWS    Chicago      #I doubt that I will be much remembered. How many people do you really think about who have been gone from Chicago television for
98    2012    WEB    nap.edu      #needs and ambitions they bring to doctoral study. How many students enroll for each one accepted for doctoral study in electrical engineering at University
99    2004    NEWS    Chicago      #, 14 g fiber 63976 # FEATURED LETTER # How many know that, thanks to President Ronald Reagan, more than a million people
100    2003    FIC    FantasySciFi      #was the strength of the royal Horse Guards? How many horsemen could each boyar muster? Which would be open to bribes? Did
101    2014    SPOK    NBC: Today Show      #'m going to tell you. TAMRON-HALL# Seriously. How many times? AL ROKER: Willie and I have talked about this. It
102    2012    BLOG    halfsigma.com      #me that's just not so. # " How many Jews at Harvard are half Jewish? I would assume about half because the
103    2018    SPOK    CNN_International      #that's enabling the offenders to continue offending? How many of those people are, in fact, putting up their hand and say
104    2006    SPOK    Fox_Saturday      #back with more after this commercial. GALBER: How many times you say Bush is great or Bush is God. PINKERTON: This
105    2019    TV    Stranger Things      #trumpetHey! Oh! **34;254;TOOLONG 5groans, -laughs6Ah! How many children are you friends with? (sighs No, no. No way.
106    1998    ACAD    ReVision      #, that hospital ward was packed with kids. How many lived through their cancer like I did?' Sometimes I wish I could
107    2000    SPOK    NPR_Sunday      #an idea of what the firefighting effort is. How many fires do you have going? How many crews do you have out?
108    2001    TV    Buffy the Vampire Sl...      #. Unfortunate, but not completely unexpected. - How many? - Their numbers are fewfor the moment. But they'll grow.
109    1990    MAG    MotherJones      #Iraq crisis and the Iran-contra scandal remain unexplored. How many important pieces of the story, particularly those with no preceding U.S. history,
110    2012    BLOG    sweepingzen.com      #" faults " is a hindrance to realization. How many times have I sat in dokusan, facing this human figure of such shallow
111    2002    NEWS    Houston      #meeting to order with a question. # " How many people did Rebecca invite to her party? " # Murmurs die, and
112    2004    FIC    NewYorker      #'s weddings.' And he said,' How many weddings did she have?' and of course I answered honestly. So
113    2004    MAG    TotalHealth      #those recently diagnosed with Alzheimer's. TH: How many Leeza's Place facilities are operating now? LG: We are open in
114    1997    FIC    Salmagundi      ## " Tell me the truth, Carlos. How many Fer-de-lances have you seen? " # Carlos is a tall man of perhaps
115    1996    NEWS    USAToday      #handle on, and how findings compare. # How many really log on? # Up to 48 million may consider the Net accessible
116    2003    MOV    Darkness Falls      #this year, but in the last hundred? How many of them involved children? You're crazy, Walsh. Crazy isn't
117    2012    BLOG    eblingroup.com      #would not be able to respect his role. How many of us really want to be " bullied " at work? How many
118    2015    TV    Arrow      #really? And what's that, Dad? How many people died? How many fathers' daughters? None, I hope.
119    1995    NEWS    Atlanta      #How many people are expected at the Games? How many people are expected in Centennial Park each day? How many people are expected
120    2004    MOV    Kinsey      #so they'll be disarmed into answering. - How many different things have you put in there, Daddy? - It's the
121    2007    SPOK    CBS_Early      #income are we saving? Ask your kids, How many hours a day of your income are you saving?' STORM: Mm-hmm
122    1998    SPOK    NPR_Science      #it an ideal situation for following these families. How many families do you think, in Utah, Salt Lake, are involved in
123    2013    FIC    Bk:StressTest      #pleasure, only the sadness, the melancholy. How many times had Matt asked himself if it was worth it? It began tonight
124    2001    MOV    ...ory of the 1980 U.S. Hockey Team      #'s kidnapping. - Close the door. - How many have you tied up now? You own a steel foundry as well?
125    2012    BLOG    wattsupwiththat.com      #n't know... " was refreshing for me. How many times do we hear, " The accelerating ice loss will without doubt lead
126    1998    MOV    Snake Eyes      #the knockout punch. Back up. Stop. How many cameras do you have on it? - I got four. - All
127    2012    WEB    ijbnpa.org      #girl in the study: # 1) " How many days per week do you take care of yourself in the afternoon or evening
128    1999    SPOK    NBC_Dateline      #. If only there'd been an eyewitness. How many times have you heard that said about a difficult murder case? Eyewitness testimony
129    2010    FIC    Bk:WhatMotherNever      #heard, christenings and marriages had she attended? How many songs had she sung in the choir? How many times had she looked
130    2003    TV    24      #ran into the station five minutes ago. - How many trains have left? - Two. One stopped ten blocks east. Officers
131    2012    WEB    abcnews.go.com      #Democrat friends BRAG about ripping off someone else. How many of your Democrat friends think it's a part of life to cheat on
132    2011    ACAD    PracticeNurse      #USEFUL QUESTIONS TO ASK PEOPLE WITH HEADACHE2 General # How many different types of headache are you experiencing? # Timing # What makes you
133    1993    MOV    Man's Best Friend      #what we get paid to do around here. How many times have we had this discussion... about what we'd do if we
134    2018    FIC    Studi irlandesi      #as a reason for believing in the fairies. How many people have seen a kingfisher? He asks, in an introduction to a
135    2005    MOV    The Gingerdead Man      #note. A note? Yeah, right. How many notes eat cheese and live in a sewer? Oh, come on,
136    1993    FIC    KenyonRev      #Shelley jerked her swimsuit over her hips. " How many have you done? " Her breast brushed against Shelley; it shook.
137    2012    FIC    Analog      #The thought sent a shiver down my spine. How many of those things were loose? And what were they doing? # And
138    2012    BLOG    ...ix.blogs.nytimes.com      #of whiners. So people withdraw and wither. How many homeless people had depression before they became homeless? # The idea of depression
139    2009    FIC    Bk:KingJamesConspiracy      #Venitelli felt a fist tighten in his belly. How many times before had he conveyed such coded phrases to the man in question,
140    2015    SPOK    ABC: 20/20      #problem, see you there. " GIO-BENITEZ# (Off-camera) How many text messages do you think you sent him that night? AUDREY-BOLTE# I would
141    1994    SPOK    Ind_Limbaugh      #complicated. How many of... (Laughter) LIMBAUGH: How many of you who've worked have still been denied a mortgage? You've
142    2017    MAG    Business Insider      #see, " and it builds some intrigue. How many people did you get on this wait list before you actually revealed the app
143    1995    MOV    Tank Girl      #manage # I won't sympathise # Any more How many would you like? # And if you complain once more # You'll
144    2017    FIC    Triquarterly (Online)      #honored? # He stewed over the question. How many people, in the history of the world, had ever been honored?
145    1999    SPOK    CNN_Talkback      #. BATTISTA: Let me rephrase the question. How many people have known about a gun being in their school or in somebody's
146    2007    MOV    I Could Never Be Your Woman      #where do you come off insulting these women? How many good songs did you sing? How many Oscars do you have? Could
147    2012    WEB    camasb.org      #, while others call for large brass sections. How many brass players do you notice on stage for each piece? Which instruments are
148    2009    MOV    Endless Bummer      #the tide took it out, dude. - How many times a year do I go out? - A lot. - And
149    2003    NEWS    Houston      #n't have to draft B.J. (Armstrong). How many people wanted Dennis Rodman? It's too easy. What he accomplished should
150    2003    NEWS    CSMonitor      #surface, but they're there. " # How many other Hollywood titans would question the " enjoyment " value of their work?
151    2005    TV    The West Wing      #... I got ta go. Bye. - How many papers is this gon na be in? - It's all over blogs
152    2007    TV    Flight of the Conchords      #list. - Really? - Yes. - How many fans have we got now? None. Empty club. I've put
153    1993    TV    Married with Children      #Not that way! Other way. Mommy! How many was that? One, Dad. All right. Well that's enough
154    2012    TV    Private Practice      #. They like to be surprised. Ohh. How many years have you been together? Feels like... a century? 15 years
155    1994    TV    ER      #it. Now I'm feeling really guilty. How many times did you cover for Doug last year? Eight? Ten? Anybody
156    2015    ACAD    LearningDisability      #static problem was depicted on the screen (" How many moles are in 2.86 1025 atoms of Sb? "), the parts
157    1994    TV    Due South      #a cop. Upstairs. At the back. How many? Two. Three. Ladies first. Give me five minutes then come
158    1991    MAG    MotherJones      #a twinkle in his impassive eyes, asked: How many people here have been to Nicaragua? Instantly, he faced a forest of
159    2012    SPOK    CBS: News Sunday Morning      #not believe this place is this large. LEE-COWAN# How many people does it seat? ED YOUNG: Over four thousand people. LEE-COWAN#
160    2012    BLOG    patheos.com      #COST and a BURDEN to the taxpayer. # How many BILLIONS if not TRILLIONS, has this cost the American tax payers of the
161    2012    BLOG    talesofwork.com      #write, are people going to like it. How many comments will I get. Very very trivial things. Lately I've been
162    2019    SPOK    ABC_Special      #to get us out. They just talk. How many Americans must die in the Middle East? PRESIDENT-DONALD-TRU: In the midst of
163    2012    BLOG    huffingtonpost.com      #on local communities in the US? 4) How many local tax dollars have been spent to fund recent wars and an escalating Pentagon
164    2015    MOV    ... Mates vs. The Zombie Apocalypse      #a rock. Big fuckin' explosive rock. How many shells you got left? Uh, eight. Well, seven now.
165    2012    BLOG    bengrosser.com      #being enticed by its endless use of numbers. How many likes did my photos get today? What's my friend count? How
166    2010    TV    Greek      #about me too? I don't know. How many times has it been? I don't want to drag other people into
167    2019    MOV    Killer Kate!      #second, Dad. Hi. Fuck yeah! How many did you kill? All of them. Well, I hear we got
168    2007    MOV    Love in the Time of Cholera      #hard to say no to Dr. Urbino. How many is that now? Seven. - You must reply. - We're
169    1993    SPOK    CBS_Sixty      #writing work rules. Try this work rule: How many nuclear workers does it take to change a light bulb at Rocky Flats?
170    2003    SPOK    Fox_HC      #, I went to private school. HANNITY: How many casualties in World War II, do you know? MCLEAN: Excuse me
171    2017    ACAD    J Modern Literature      #Brewery to mark some occasion of patriotic pride? How many times do George and Alfred and Arthur Atkinson pause in their boardroom addresses,
172    2012    BLOG    thestorysiren.com      #traffic, that's all you need. # How many advance readers copies do you usually receive: I can get up to 50
173    2017    MAG    The Atlantic      #number of people who demonstrated on Saturday. # How many people attended the various Women's Marches around the globe this weekend? The
174    2015    TV    Resurrection      #you've been through, you still doubt. How many miracles are you gon na have to witness before you believe? We're
175    2000    SPOK    CNN_SatMorn      #lives, so we need Gore to win LIN How many surfers are for Gore? PASKOWITZ: All the surfers up and down the
176    1996    TV    3rd Rock from the Sun      #physics, which brings me to another question. How many of you have fathers? Show of hands. Anyone? Fathers? Everyone
177    2013    MOV    Enemies Closer      #went down in one of the lakes. - How many of you are left? - Just Xander. - Just one guy?
178    2012    FIC    SouthernRev      #in the famous sidewalk a few miles away. How many women have offered themselves to him over the years? How many women,
179    2009    TV    ...tor: The Sarah Connor Chronicles      #. Barrage. Getting closer. ASW bots. How many? Travel in packs, no way to tell. Mister Gavin? Gavin
180    2003    MOV    ...: 20 Totally Tubular Years Later      #. - There's others, too. - How many? - Loads. - Sam? - It's got me! It
181    2012    BLOG    pjmedia.com      #need for Uncle Same to undergo bariatric surgery? How many people think late term abortions for convenience aren't murder? # Rather than
182    2010    TV    Survivor      #. - Yes! What does it say? How many can we pick? Two items. Fishing kit. Oh! Yes!
183    1997    FIC    Ploughshares      #? Having another drink? Having another accident? How many calls can we get in one night? " # " I did not
184    2012    WEB    ...uluthnewstribune.com      #buried at Arlington fell into that 47 percent. How many served and died so a presidential candidate could disregard 47 percent of the population
185    1992    FIC    Ploughshares      #said. " You teach at the college. How many hours is it you teach? " # He likes to hear how many
186    1996    MOV    Flirting with Disaster      #you start freaking out. And the wedding. How many times did you change the date? You're right. You're right
187    1991    MOV    Ozzy Osbourne: Don't Blame Me      #earlier on, and he was going, " How many kids will be there? " Because with shows like this, at that
188    1997    SPOK    CNN_Crossfire      #the kind of a situation that finally occurred. How many other web sites would you say would parallel that in terms of the kinds
189    2012    BLOG    ...esattic.blogspot.com      #minds to the idea of studying female anatomy? How many horrible diseases would remain untreated because of our ignorance? The following picture is
190    2001    MOV    Stranger Inside      #G-girl? " Every month of the year " How many months do I love my G-girl? " Every month of the year -
191    2002    FIC    Analog      #take a few. " " A few? How many do you think will go with us? " " I don't know
192    2001    TV    Once and Again      #don't know where the glasses are? - How many times have you been here? - Several. A lot, really...
193    1994    MOV    Death and the Maiden      #deal with him. He's the monster. How many times did you fuck her? Give me the gun. I'll kill
194    2013    FIC    AmScholar      #the fucking Pigbook! " Bob said. " How many times do I have to tell you? They own your brains! "
195    2010    FIC    Bk:LongRetreat      #is to come. " How many boats? How many drums of diesel? Even as I deny the possibility, my methodical nature
196    2015    MAG    SatEvenPost      #How long till the next case gets started? How many patients do I need to see before then? What time will I get
197    1995    TV    Law & Order      #did to Corey Russell? Ethan, talk. How many points do you think you'll be worth in prison, son? Shane
198    1992    TV    The Fresh Prince of ...      #last game. Boy, you was awesome. How many points you score? A mere 30 points... an insignificant 18 rebounds,
199    2008    MAG    Ebony      #And her acting career was just getting started. How many former Miss Americas can show that kind of success within their first five or
200    2015    TV    The Player      #We do what we want when we want. How many people can say that? No more rules, no more orders, no
201    2008    MAG    SportingNews      #, which often doesn't work anyway. " How many times have you seen the running back end up hitting the guy he's
202    2001    NEWS    USAToday      #he's fine with it now. # " How many times do you get to see yourself 10 stories tall in downtown Manhattan?
203    2000    SPOK    CNN_King      #many people started their careers with Andy Williams? How many guests has he had on one of the most famous television shows ever done
204    2012    WEB    yankeeanalysts.com      #, " Cano had 94 RBIs. " # How many at bats did those splits come in? All rates require playing time to
205    1999    MOV    Anywhere But Here      #father got remarried and was living in Reno. How many Hisham Badirs could there be in Reno? Hi. Do you have a
206    1996    MAG    Cosmopolitan      #this way, " she points out. " How many short-tempered people do you really admire? " IF YOU'RE ABOUT TO EXPLODE
207    2018    MOV    The City of Gold      #the earth. When dragons walk the earth. How many more mustI slaughter, shaman... before I get my answer? Where is
208    1998    TV    Sabrina, the Teenage...      #to become an animal in order to survive. How many witches has this happened to before? One. And Slow Bob has never
209    2016    MOV    Kevin Hart: What Now?      #to take this test? " Shit. " How many? You say there's four milks? " Fuck. " Put them
210    2012    WEB    worldometers.info      #when vehicle parts originate in another country. How many cars are produced in the world every year? # In 2012, for
211    2012    TV    The Looney Tunes Show      #It's an anti-inflammatory. Better than amputating! How many hours until we can go home? 19. Who's your friend?
212    2018    MOV    Doe      #I'd call it more than a knack. How many languages do you speak? About 37, fluently. 37 languages and you just
213    2009    MOV    Survival of the Dead      #. Who was she your momma? Shit. How many you out there? You're out numbered and out gunned Holmes. Set
214    1993    TV    Columbo      #'re all to the same number. Wonderful. How many? Twelve. Twelve! What's the number? Area code 818,
215    2002    TV    Star Trek: Enterprise      #of? - Lots. - All right. How many? - A few trillion. - That's a pretty big jigsaw puzzle
216    1999    FIC    Analog      #'s my set? " " Over here. How many hours did Marian spend on the program? " " Figure two. "
217    1993    MAG    Ms      #the halls of the Senate with black women? How many buses do you want?' " But the White House kept assuring Guinier
218    2012    BLOG    wattsupwiththat.com      #everything. " # " Paul, please. How many times has the Hubble' constant' been changed in the last 60 years
219    2015    MOV    Demonic      #sir. Here, here, here... - How many are there? - So far 13 cameras. Almost the entire house is
220    2004    MOV    Fahrenheit 9/11      #an excellent option for the people of Flint. How many of you have a friend or a family member in the service? Anybody
221    2012    BLOG    spartansweblog.com      #guys who made a living playing ball overseas. How many NBA players do you think there are on the team this year? I
222    2012    BLOG    chronicle.com      #that you can teach critical thinking at all. How many great writers or thinkers had their careers changed by satisfying some college writing requirement
223    2009    SPOK    CBS_Early      #, wool pants, silk trousers. CHRIS-WRAGGE: How many other things could you do with this? SARAH-HAIGHT: Well, you can
224    2012    BLOG    mediaite.com      #Actually, it's a great marketing tactic. How many people will do what he suggests, go into his store and buy a
225    1998    NEWS    Chicago      #Theatre in Tinley Park asking the crowd, " How many of you think farmers should be able to grow whatever they want? "
226    2012    WEB    ...documentaryfilms.com      #in favor of business growth. " Really? How many in the scientific communities work for the business community. They are legion.
227    2011    NEWS    USAToday      #retirement expert at the Urban Institute. # " How many of these fulfilling, socially useful jobs are there? And are there people
228    2012    MOV    The Dark Knight Rises      #discuss terms of access for supplies and communication. How many of you are there, son? You don't have enough men to
229    1998    FIC    LitCavalcade      #just to see his name. Mrs. Mitchell: How many's going? LIz: It would be just you, me, and
230    1997    MOV    Deceiver      #given thousands of polygraphs, Wayland. Thousands. How many have you given, Braxton? Ten? Five? Oh, Jesus Christ
231    2008    ACAD    Writer      #if not always original) at prolonging suspense. How many movies have you seen in which the hero's car starts just fine until
232    2014    FIC    FantasySciFi      #the singing witches. " " One of? How many are there in this thing? " " Three. You know, sort
233    1998    SPOK    NBC_Today      #list, it makes a great reading list. How many have you read, real quickly? Mr-CERF: About 40. I...
234    2018    MOV    The Odds      #polite to thank' em. Thank you. How many guys have you dated? How's that any of your business? Well
235    2009    MOV    Hydra      #now! [shouts] [roar] Move! Hey! [shouts] How many times do I have to kill you? (Gwen) Look out!
236    2012    BLOG    embraceliving.net      #How to take advantage of the time? # How many times have you said that the day should be more than 24 hours to
237    1999    TV    Spin City      #! [BREATHING_HEAVILY] Uh! Ahhhhh! Hey... [PANTING] How many is that? One. 19 more... And you owe me 10 bucks
238    2006    NEWS    Denver      #was shot. " I kept thinking,' How many people had I put in the hospital? How many families had I put
239    1998    SPOK    ABC_GMA      #LISA McREE: Tell me about her clothes. How many outfits are here? DAVID REDDEN: Well, there are about 50 or
240    1993    MAG    Omni      #likely to be determined by such questions as, How many estimates did you make last year?' and, What's your grand
241    1993    SPOK    PBS_Newshour      #spotted owl situation pale by comparison. VICE-PRESIDENT-GOR: How many jobs are involved in the commercial fishing industry in, in Oregon, California
242    2012    WEB    ...rugs2000.typepad.com      #" Sunday, November 27, 2011 # How many millions have to be slaughtered in jihadi wars, cultural annihilations and enslavements in
243    1993    TV    Law & Order      #hear six? What does it matter where? How many was it? Two. From hypoglycemic shock. Low blood sugar. Is
244    2001    MOV    Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back      #" " I am, I am " " How many people want to kick some ass " " How many people want to kick
245    2006    MOV    Dark Ride      #of my hand. Jim... (stabbingsound) How many friends do you have now, Steve? (grunts) Revenge, huh
246    2009    ACAD    Education      #environment. Pollution is a messenger of death. How many people all over the world may have lost their lives because of pollution?
247    2015    MOV    The Gunman      #Felix, no hunting party. (LAUGHING) How many are there? How many? How many? What difference does it make
248    2012    FIC    Bk:SevenPrinces      #those golden lasses had perished in the takeover? How many had risen again as # No. He must put such thoughts out of
249    1991    NEWS    Atlanta      #after all charges against him were dropped. # How many ribbons and medals do editor Ron Martin and cartoonist Mike Luckovich have? #
250    2015    MOV    ...-Shell Heroes: Blast to the Past      #didn't exist back then, Rockhead! - How many times I tell you is Rocksteady? - Those two were never the sharpest
251    2001    MOV    Conspiracy      #be sufficient. Do we have enough'? How many fell? I am sure we have a sizable inventory, sir. You
252    2012    BLOG    yankeesfansunite.com      #and the other guy will be batting 5th. How many times do you need to see this to know its a disaster in the
253    2012    BLOG    ...olvingexcellence.com      #pretty much the answer to the question,' How many people did you give some money to?' Again, no difference between
254    2002    NEWS    Atlanta      #not have a son of fighting age? # How many people in this country, especially parents of sons, feared Afghanistan would invade
255    2012    MAG    USCatholic      #really is rigged. # How so? # How many good schools are in poor neighborhoods? How many poor people have the network
256    1996    SPOK    CBS_Morning      #run. This is for all of you. How many times have you looked at your characters and go,' I'm doing
257    2012    BLOG    inthesetimes.com      #to have dodged the draft (Bush). How many people died in Iraq because of WMD lies. The Bush lies were numerous
258    2006    MOV    Bandidas      #you first. That's pretty good. - How many you got left? - I don't know. You need to know
259    2012    WEB    amazon.com      #self-confidence are FREE and they know no barriers. How many people have risen above the limitations they were born into because they embodied those
260    2000    MOV    ...untry: The Arturo Sandoval Story      #and you bring in the customers, so -- How many nights? We'll see how it goes. One, two. One
261    2003    MOV    One for the Road      #Let's play what's the fucking score. How many units? Erm... it's three units a glass, that's 20
262    2001    SPOK    CNN_Crossfire      #over a year. Year and a half. How many of your recommendations have been adopted? BREMER: None that I'm aware
263    2012    WEB    blogs.gartner.com      #Slim: " Okay. This is good. How many people are in your typical client organization? " Me: " At last
264    2000    NEWS    Atlanta      #your own car, " Mills said. " How many people try to repair their car engine? It's too complicated. You
265    2009    SPOK    ABC_Nightline      #. Ralph Lauren is her next door neighbor. How many acres do you have? MARTHA-STEWART-1-# 150-something. CYNTHIA-MCFADDEN-# (Voiceover) The residents include horses,
266    2012    FIC    Analog      ## " I'm - " she hesitated. How many times had she given the legally required disclosure statement? Suddenly, she was
267    2002    TV    Scrubs      #river. My dance card is full-up too. How many nights a week are you in here? - A few. - He
268    2000    MOV    Chinese Coffee      #Square Park crying your eyes out? Once. How many times did you stumble into my darkroom at the club 2:00 in the morning
269    2014    MOV    Let's Be Cops      #Ouch. Yeah. Ooh. Still hurts. How many bad guys were there? Um... Two, but the little girl,
270    1994    MOV    Jimmy Hollywood      #. Maybe if you see it. Three. How many was that? Five? How many...? How many we just do
271    1993    SPOK    CBS_48Hours      #no checks and balances in place. SCHLESINGER: How many more years until this thing is settled? Until you get your million dollars
272    2012    TV    Futurama      #used to drive around town in a mausoleum. How many people can this thing carry? Well, the mausoleum held ten horny teenagers
273    2012    BLOG    ...eamericanscholar.org      #3211927 Get Real By William Deresiewicz # How many times have you seen this on Facebook? Someone posts about this awesome Mexican
274    2012    BLOG    townhall.com      #came here after 9/11/01. Think about that. How many of those illegals are, or could be, terrorists from countries other than
275    2012    WEB    huffingtonpost.com      #and go on to the happy hunting grounds. How many times can you flunk out of a Christian school, and still have a
276    2012    BLOG    news.cnet.com      #store between 6 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. # How many of those became Surface buyers is unclear. But if Microsoft's main goal
277    2001    MAG    TechReview      #few sentences would launch the Peace Corps. " How many of you who are going to be doctors are willing to spend your days
278    1999    SPOK    NPR_Weekly      #In my mind, I'm thinking,' How many guns does this guy got?' you know? And I just --
279    1995    MOV    ...nks for Everything, Julie Newmar      #to becoming a queen. I'm sorry. How many? Four. There are four steps to becoming a drag queen. Tell
280    2019    TV    Unbelievable      #that was here, another one, Colleen. How many did you have? Oh, like... a million. Colleen was a
281    2012    WEB    ....freedomblogging.com      #really can't see what is going on. How many can say they read and understand obama care? By the results of the
282    2012    WEB    spectator.org      #are denied treatments because their HMO says no? How many people are terribly stressed trying to figure out if they are covered by their
283    2013    SPOK    Fox: Media Buzz      #. And the conversation also just goes away. How many people talked about " House of Cards " after that first week or two
284    2012    WEB    ...s.washingtonpost.com      #are supposed to take you guys seriously? # How many pinocchios would WaPo get for every story spiked that demonstrated the lies and rampant
285    1990    TV    Beverly Hills, 90210      #all of your friends at the luncheon tomorrow. How many other mothers volunteer their time like I do? Okay. See you at
286    2010    NEWS    Chicago      #Illini Nation is restless. # " Wow! How many different ways can you ask about or insist on the ouster of coach Ron
287    2016    FIC    Bk:NotAlwaysSaint      #unexpectedly stirred by the idea of a wife. How many years had it been since Rose died? Too achingly many. She was
288    1999    NEWS    USAToday      #ECHO BAY MARINA, LAKE MEAD, Nev. -- How many times must you see a boat-speckled lake in the arid desert before your mind
289    2012    WEB    news.yahoo.com      #RISEING!!! ($50k a person) How many people have $50k to throw away? # Evidently yes we will. Look
290    2012    SPOK    ABC_20/20      #what many think would've been natural. DON-GEARY-1CHIEF-# How many times did you call Rusty? ANDREA-SNEIDERMAN-# Call Rusty? DON-GEARY-1CHIEF-# Rusty. ANDREA-SNEIDERMAN-#
291    2009    TV    The Penguins of Mada...      #to a designated location where a heavy crate... How many times do I have to say it? Moonlight, candles... Where a
292    1998    MOV    There's Something About Mary      #your first time, was it? No. How many are we talking here? Hitchhikers? My whole life? Um... I
293    2001    TV    Law & Order: Special...      #that woman who treated my daughter with lies? How many more families will she destroy? Megan went to her seeking help. The
294    1994    NEWS    Denver      #All you can do is prepare and play. How many people picked the Phillies to win the pennant last year? Most picked them
295    2012    BLOG    blog.louisgray.com      #, this evening, when he said, " How many bloggers does it take to blog about Blog World Expo? None. They
296    2017    TV    Young & Hungry      #not like... everything I've ever wanted. How many punches do they have anyway? Ten. Make that nine. That was
297    1993    FIC    BkSF:YoungSoul      #likely, " the mage agreed politely. " How many of the warrior-mages are out here? " " All of them. "
298    1995    SPOK    Ind_Geraldo      #Four. RIVERA: Four years of marriage. How many children? Ms-FOX: Four. RIVERA: Four children. Unfortunately, though
299    2002    MOV    State Property      #that, man? - Twenty Gs. - How many carats? - Eighteen. Wrap that shit up right there. You like
300    2014    MOV    Cat Run 2      #we some oases. We've gotten cases. How many cases? A lot of cases. Yeah, we... A lot of
301    2017    SPOK    CBS: This Morning      #were twenty-one female CEOs of the Fortune 500. How many this year? ALAN-MURRAY# Thirty-two. It's still a -- an awfully small
302    1990    SPOK    CNN_King      #witnesses perjured themselves. They had immunity- KING: How many, there were four? Ms. HELMSLEY: Four or five KING Former employees
303    2006    MOV    ...Godfather: Money, Power, Respect      #I'm not giving him a boost. - How many can you do, Mr. Monk? - I don't know.
304    2012    WEB    ask-leo.com      #once? great to have your information. # How many email address you keep for yourself? i thinking is hard to get some
305    2010    MAG    MilitaryHist      #don't know, " Davis said. " How many regiments have you organized? " " I don't know, " Davis
306    2011    TV    Burn Notice      #come swarming in in like 30 seconds. - How many guards? - I don't know. 10, a Baker's dozen
307    1998    TV    Early Edition      #probably, but you see... But what? How many more kids have to die before we get our light? Now, wait
308    2003    FIC    Bk:PerfectMatch      #" " Uh-huh. " Fisher smiles. " How many times have you talked to her? " " A whole bunch. "
309    1999    MAG    America      #holy to experience in Rome. Context of Celebration How many times have groups celebrated Mass in a historic church without being able to put
310    2002    MOV    The Magnificent Ambersons      #- Well, I presume they do. - How many? - What? - How many other people talk about it? Really
311    2009    SPOK    Fox_Beck      #How many states. ITSE: No. BECK: How many states have this resolution based on Jefferson and Madison pending in legislatures all across
312    2014    MOV    Christmas Icetastrophe      #. What the hell are you guys doing? How many times have I told you that dynamite is for avalanche control? It's
313    2000    NEWS    Denver      #.' But this is a great job. How many jobs can you take your kid to meet a Joe Sakic or Patrick Roy
314    2012    WEB    amazon.com      #in hypothesis and flows into achievement. " " How many a debate would have been deflated into a paragraph if the disputants had dared
315    1997    MOV    Money Talks      #legal. Don't nobody know about it. How many did you keep? Enough. Now get married. Take it. Lord
316    2004    MOV    The Last Ride      #were heroes, all those kids protesting Vietnam. How many jobs they pull? Three. All military payrolls. Ronnie and Kate were
317    2012    FIC    Bk:SisterhoodDune      #used only with him, she mused, " How many more fleets like this do you think we'll find, Manford? "
318    1993    MOV    American Ninja 5      #took that? - He wasn't alone. How many were there? One other. A little ninja man. A little ninja
319    2001    TV    Gilmore Girls      #How was your night? - Homework. - How many times did Dean call? - Not that many. - How many?
320    1995    MOV    Kiss of Death      #where they hiding' him? Atlantic City? How many times you gon na move us? We can't stay in one place
321    1997    FIC    NewEnglandRev      #the Crip, Henio the Herring... How many of them were there? Living, dead. They surround him relentlessly,
322    2002    FIC    PartisanRev      #of people! How many types of clothing! How many hairstyles! I'm not talking about the people who go to the temple
323    2003    MAG    NatGeog      #local driving vernacular can seem just as foreign. How many anxious minutes have you spent at out-of-state intersections, trying to remember, "
324    1993    SPOK    Ind_Geraldo      #that foundation to us is vital. GERALDO: How many years in your case? Mr-B-GIBB: In my case it's 20 --
325    1990    TV    Northern Exposure      #Chief Ronkonhoma's offer on the property. - How many spare copies did you keep? - l told him the land wasn't
326    2001    ACAD    ReVision      #solution. Another example is this... How many minutes are left? # Bill: Two. # Marja Liisa: Okay
327    2012    BLOG    ...dpuzzle.blogspot.com      #GIACOMO, BAUM, and Old King COLE. How many SAT vocabulary words are too many for one Saturday? Today we get REFRACT
328    2000    TV    Roswell      #do we have to have the same conversation? How many times do I... Knock it off, Max! All right? He
329    2001    NEWS    NYTimes      #say,' I'm a designer.' How many kids are paying the price? They want instant gratification. " # As
330    2014    SPOK    NBC: Dateline NBC      #for gunshot residue on Seth Techel. JAKE-FEUERHELM- (in# How many times do you think you testified in criminal trials that gunshot residue was evidence
331    2012    BLOG    zerohedge.com      #Ben is forced out, Jan 2014. # How many times do I have to try to explain that the Federal Reserve is the
332    2007    TV    Law & Order: Special...      #are stronger than monogamous ones. Says who? How many men in this country have affairs or abandon their wives for younger women?
333    2007    NEWS    NYTimes      #adviser to former President Bill Clinton. # " How many bites of the apple does Khartoum get? " Ms. Smith said. "
334    1990    MOV    Too Young to Die?      #my kids. - Do you have children? How many? - Two. I have this big house. You can live free
335    1999    SPOK    ABC_GMA      #MARSHALL: There I was. DIANE SAWYER: How many nanoseconds did you have to think before saying yes? GARRY MARSHALL: Well
336    1995    MOV    A Walk in the Clouds      #will kill anyone who dishonors my family. " How many times has he said that? A hundred times, a million times?
337    2004    FIC    Commentary      #still vibrating with longing when Roger asked, " How many women work in the wheatfields? " # " A constant supply. As
338    2012    BLOG    ...ncebasedmedicine.org      #the NLRP3 AND /OR CARD8 AND/OR MIF polymorphisms? How many one or the other? What is the impact in mitochondrial function and the
339    2013    MOV    Death Watch      #. - They were delivered to the site. How many police officers are not accompanied by a warrior? Five. - Too many
340    2002    TV    ER      #get to spend any time with your patients. How many do you see a day, 30, 40? You don't get
341    2010    TV    Rizzoli & Isles      #the morgue. Snipers are moving into position. How many inside? We've got a visual on one, in the lobby.
342    2012    BLOG    rockpapershotgun.com      #Halo 2 MP since Halo 3 came out? How many people play Battlefield 1942 as opposed to Battlefield 2? I'd wager (
343    2001    FIC    Bk:Unspoken      #must be directed at Joab and Abishai. " How many times must I tell you I will not raise my hand against the Lord
344    2004    TV    Drawn Together      #Dicks. Dude, you are so whipped. How many lives have you spent on this " girlfriend, " anyway? 8 million
345    2001    SPOK    CNN_KingWknd      #he asked a fair question. P. RAMSEY: How many overtures have been made to them, including one on the table right now
346    2012    BLOG    abalawinfo.org      #over relatively short distances? Do the math. How many lifts of the division's transport helicopters would be required to move one brigade
347    1991    MOV    ...ies of Wrestling: Canvas Carnage      #at... a 20% interbank rate Check the following How many Nikkei Futures... did they short? Is Yen... appreciating? Is the
348    2002    SPOK    NBC_Dateline      #children who have irresponsible parents. (Gelles-in-class) Prof-GELLES: How many deaths are we going to have and how many children are we going to
349    2008    MOV    Crips and Bloods: Made in America      #. And then I would ask them, " How many of you guys " " Know somebody... an uncle, a father,
350    1994    TV    SeaQuest 2032      #time you're 25? No, I... How many nights you have to say no to a good time because you have to
351    1997    TV    The Shining      #father and my mother. I'm sorry. How many ways can I say it? I was scared too, Jack, you
352    2013    MAG    Smithsonian      #utensils, or die in cooking-related house fires? How many valuable nutrients are washed down the sink along with the water in which vegetables
353    2016    MOV    Rogue One: A Star Wars Story      #not sure four of us is quite enough. How many do we need? What are you talking about? They were never gon
354    2000    NEWS    Atlanta      #I affixed to the wall beside my desk. How many of us, I wonder, feel exactly the same way! # Q
355    1990    MOV    Kindergarten Cop      #... each one of you get one toy. How many? One! Good. Then bring it back to the carpet... pronto
356    2012    WEB    ...an.blogs.nytimes.com      #the reporters have to know aren't true. How many stories have you seen declaring that " both sides think they're winning "
357    2012    WEB    punchnels.com      #Film Institute's list of all-time greatest films. How many can you decipher? The photo above is a clue to get you started
358    1997    SPOK    CBS_Morning      #present?' McEWEN: Yeah. ROBELOT: How many presents get thrown away on Christmas Day? Because they go in with the
359    2018    MOV    The Odds      #table. How many? How many what? How many times have you done this? 14. And how many of those players
360    1998    MOV    Apt Pupil      #road, you shouldn't be driving. " How many fingers am I holding up? I said, " Well now, officer
361    2006    SPOK    MSNBC_Scarb      #, buddy? CARLSON: Heres the question SCARBOROUGH How many kids do you have, Tucker? CARLSON: I have four children. SCARBOROUGH
362    1995    ACAD    PerspPolSci      #venerated as the very embodiment of top-level science. How many articles, for example, superficially invoke " classical democratic theory " in their
363    2012    WEB    mediaite.com      #From a tired old man... # Anonymous # How many jobs has Michelle Malkin created? How many businesses has she run... other
364    1999    FIC    Bk:BigBadCity      #? " " Violated, yes. " " How many strangled-teenager cases have you investigated? " Brown asked. Carella tried to keep
365    2010    TV    Top Chef      #. Hollandaise doesn't even hit the plate. How many mistakes can we make?. I got Bay leaf. Okay, what
366    1999    SPOK    NPR_Science      #. Give us the multiple-guess question. Mr-ULIN: How many more species of beneficial bacteria would there be in the soil of an organic
367    2018    MOV    Cities of Last Things      #Would you believe me if I say zero? How many times? I'm not telling you. You will never find out how
368    2012    WEB    sivers.org      #You weren't inspired in the first place. How many times have I learned this lesson over and over again. # Thanks for
369    2014    SPOK    CBS: 48 Hours      #mistrial number three. GRACTIA-WILBURN# It was horrible. How many times are we going to do this? RICHARD-SCHLESINGE# They did it again.
370    2014    SPOK    PBS_Newshour      #DANIEL-DROMM# What we're looking for are numbers. How many people are they putting into the mental health units? How many adolescents are
371    2012    BLOG    ...youwerewondering.com      #at some of the possibilities. # 1. How many people saw your tweet on average? This metric is exciting, yet idealistic
372    2012    BLOG    feministe.us      #get killed before it matters to you? # How many tens of thousands of people have been killed by drunk drivers? How many
373    1999    MAG    USCatholic      #a generational ministry is quite evident to me. How many times have I heard from pastors, religiouseducation directors, or youth ministers,
374    2000    NEWS    WashPost      #1990 Census data, asking two key questions: How many Alexandria residents work in Alexandria, and how many working Alexandrians are living below
375    2019    SPOK    PBS_Newshour      #'s been the biggest challenge for us. JOHN-FERRUGIA) : How many people have tried to get into the school? JOHN-MCDONALD) : We're averaging
376    2012    BLOG    xojane.com      # 3280959 # How many times have you had your arse grabbed in a bar? Or been groped
377    2012    BLOG    seo-theory.com      #is the real problem in most SEO campaigns. How many times have you handed a client or vice president a carefully-written, finely detailed
378    2012    BLOG    forum.gateworld.net      #been completely different from SGU. Re: How many movies were originally planned? # I thought there was only a plan for
379    2012    SPOK    CBS_Sixty      #exotic wildlife than any other place on earth. How many exotics do you have in Texas? CHARLY-SEALE: I think our last count is
380    2015    SPOK    CNN: Anderson Cooper      #. How the other candidates react to him? How many of the other candidates will directly challenge him is one of the big question
381    1997    NEWS    Houston      #she is not an immigrant. I ask: How many white Americans have a master's degree in city planning and are driving cabs
382    2012    WEB    canadafreepress.com      #in this country have the same family history? How many people reading this have known no other flag than the American flag? #
383    1994    MOV    Motorcycle Gang      #come. Well, we're moving again. How many times have we moved? Three times in five years. Where's it
384    2013    SPOK    Fox: The Five      #about that part. How about this one? How many of the 13 states need to ratify it to become the Constitution of the
385    2011    ACAD    Education      #your favorite type of pet? " and " How many pets do you own? ". Drawing on previous experiences and the students
386    2011    SPOK    NBC_Dateline      #'s do the math. Christina did math. How many senators do we have? How many representatives do we have? Let's
387    2012    WEB    csnwashington.com      #in the stadium and among the players. # How many times this year has a defensive back hit an opposing receiver hard enough to
388    2000    SPOK    CNN_Event      #up with a determination as quickly as possible QUESTION How many of them are in town? WATERS: I don't know how many
389    2006    MAG    Fortune      #colleagues who were willing to explore crazy ideas. How many are there? " Within TI, maybe no more than 100, "
390    2012    BLOG    conservativebyte.com      #; but we don't allow leaches. # How many people in Wyoming do you think get a tax break or direct government assistance
391    2019    TV    The Orville      #the planet is unaware of its solitary status. How many planets were in this system originally? 11 total. Man, ten planets
392    2015    TV    Grandfathered      #How many glasses did you have last night? How many are in two bottles? What? Grandmas like their Chardonnay. Come on
393    2012    MOV    Parental Guidance      #wired in. To what? Facebook. - How many friends do you have? - I don't have any friends. -
394    2009    ACAD    GeorgiaHisQ      #many men ruined! How many homes blighted! How many jails filled! " He related how there was one licensed saloon for every
395    1992    ACAD    MusicEduc      #? Who will be eligible to make nominations? How many times must a student be nominated to be included in the pool? Will
396    2008    TV    NCIS      #- Okay. Getting into an inaccessible building. How many bad guys have broken in here? The Trojan horseman hid inside a hollowed-out
397    2005    MAG    Money      #is that nine-to-five work is contemptible drudgery. " How many of you don't want a job anymore? " asks speaker Glenn Purdy
398    2012    BLOG    curmudgeongamer.com      #you can't see it. Think Realistically. How many people have HDTV nowadays in the US, I would overestimate at somewhere between
399    2019    MOV    Boundaries      #out of juvie, it's not working. How many diapers do you need? Uh, I'll get' em. I
400    1999    SPOK    NPR_Science      #well, thank you. SILBERNER: OK. How many seeds do you have preserved there? Dr-EBERHART: We have samples of about
401    2011    MAG    AmSpect      #and used it to plan the 9/11 attack. How many Afghan tribesmen ever knew about al Qaeda, or ever heard of Osama bin
402    2017    TV    NCIS: Los Angeles      #Yeah! Did I get' em all? How many were there? Uh, three, plus the one I shot. The
403    2007    MOV    1408      #? How many of them lost their minds? How many of them... died? We came here to get the story, and
404    1996    MAG    Smithsonian      #. The table is absolutely crawling with them. How many? " I don't know, " says Shaun. But his aunt
405    2012    WEB    ...ilosophypathways.com      #, to generate energy for the utility companies. How many men do you think it would take to turn a crank to supply london
406    2004    MOV    Generation Gap      #they write that! Who cares what they say How many people... would want to find out the truth? They judge people without
407    2007    MOV    Tooth and Nail      #. Yeah, well, it's working. How many do you see? I count, uh, 14. And there's
408    2005    TV    CSI: Crime Scene Investigation      #I heard shots coming from... the east. How many? Three. Four. And they sound a lot louder than a nine-millimeter
409    2009    NEWS    USAToday      #director and PR executive for NBC Sports. " How many leagues in 1999 had their own TV network? Only the NBA. The
410    2010    SPOK    CNN_Showbiz      #had some fun with the controversy. MEREDITH-VIEIRA-C: How many times I wanted to walk off and I was just sitting right here.
411    1994    TV    Star Trek: Deep Spac...      #high-resolution scan. - Kira... - Uh-huh. How many people did you kill? What? While you were in the underground.
412    1998    SPOK    ABC_GMA      #" Touch Of Evil. " (interviewing) How many takes in that opening sequence? Do you remember? CHARLTON HESTON, Actor
413    2012    BLOG    autostraddle.com      #your comments as open license to be cis-fail. How many cis women here are now responding, " OMFG!!! Trans guys
414    1998    MOV    Patch Adams      #Stop sneaking' up on me like that. How many? - Four. - Four? Four? Another idiot. You gon
415    2013    SPOK    NBC: Dateline NBC      #about that supposed Sprite commercial we auditioned for? How many headshots did you submit to Sprite for this commercial? BARUCH-SANTANA# I submitted about
416    1990    FIC    Bk:StrangeDevices      #you or even worse, ruins your career? How many hits you think you're gunna take if you get matched up with a
417    2013    FIC    ParisRev      #. They were making a racket. " " How many this time? " Karen was rubbing lotion into her heels, trying to
418    2012    WEB    feministe.us      #panic. # Again, you are mistaken. How many times is this now? # Imitating adults is indeed what children do.
419    1996    FIC    Bk:Valentine      #from The Tempest. p161 " 0 wonder! How many goodly creatures are there here! How beauteous mankind is! 0 brave new
420    2012    WEB    popsci.com      #give the answers at the bottom. 1. How many of each animal did Noah carry on the ark? 2. How many
421    2008    TV    ER      ## Before you call him a man? # How many seas must a white dove sail # Before she sleeps in the sand?
422    2007    TV    House M.D.      #many little boys are praying for jet packs? How many priests are praying for... Well, that one actually works. You did
423    2015    FIC    Bk:PerfectComeback      #the Teachers campaign was probably our best ever. How many schools offer their teachers sushi rolls and cappuccinos during parent-teacher conferences? In fact
424    2006    MOV    The Breed      #No, dogs, man. Plural. - How many? - Three, but it sounded like more. You hear that?
425    2005    MOV    The Music of Shark Tale      #Get real' What are you kids doing? How many times I got to tell you? This is past your bed time!
426    2012    WEB    slideshare.net      #been most effective for the world's uplifting. How many of these were reared in country homes. They knew little of luxury.
427    2015    TV    Daredevil      #, it's the guy next to you. How many men have you killed protecting this city? You're still afraid to cross
428    2012    BLOG    avoiceformen.com      #a slot for it on AVfM. # " How many bystanders will just see two equally angry people arguing and walk away. "
429    1999    SPOK    ABC_20/20      #. (Liz-walking; -New-Y SHERR: How many reporters here do you think actually has worked side by side with somebody who
430    2012    BLOG    ...rements.blogspot.com      #the car next to me. # 7. How many e-mails do you send on an average day? I don't think I
431    2013    SPOK    Fox: On The Record: Susteren      #UNIDENTIFIED-MALE# It's been a busy day. QUESTION# How many hours of surgery did you do? Approximately? UNIDENTIFIED-MALE# Pardon me? QUESTION#
432    2015    MOV    Digging for Fire      #? - Yeah, okay. Okay. - How many times have you done this? - - Plenty. Plenty? Well,
433    2004    MOV    ...he Royal Navy in the Age of Sail      #answer? Are the hijackers Japanese or Chinese? How many people were hurt? Mr Yamamoto, a photo please! The hijackers were
434    1995    MAG    Forbes      #. " Webster's.) are only remaining question: How many pieces will be left on are board? # Or: Who will pick
435    1995    SPOK    CNN_King      #if everything is all right. LARRY KING: How many more will be conducted? Pres. JACQUES CHIRAC: Oh, I think probably
436    2012    BLOG    dearauthor.com      #it seems the only fair way to me. How many reviews have we seen by mega-hit authors with huge followings that were little more
437    2011    SPOK    CNN Newsroom      #Cambridge, Massachusetts. (END-VIDEOTAPE) WHITFIELD: Quick question. How many soldiers are in the U.S. army right now, active duty and reserve?
438    2006    NEWS    SanFranChron      #talk about the skybox and luxury box situation? How many do you have in Oakland? # A: I don't know how
439    2017    SPOK    Fox: Journal Editorial Report      #, is that it, something like that? How many of them? FREEMAN# 13. These are basically rescinding rules from the Obama
440    2009    FIC    Analog      #after Gioioso gave him the fresh cup. " How many ordinary men can boast they have had a cardinal pour wine for them with
441    1994    MOV    Renaissance Man      #I'm flat broke but I don't care How many times I got ta tell you? You can't collect unemployment if you
442    1992    MOV    Kickboxer 3: The Art of War      #! Come on. Damn it, kid! How many times do I have to tell you? You don't win fights with
443    2012    BLOG    spectator.org      #many of you are tired of the runaround? How many of you are tired of being told how to " reach out " to
444    2008    MOV    Jolene      #five is okay but six is too many? How many have there been? Sweetheart, please, let's just go back to
445    1999    FIC    Bk:PointOrigin      #too, then the suspicion was murder. " How many? " I reached for my clipboard of call sheets. " It's
446    2007    SPOK    NBC_Dateline      #cover of New York magazine. (Stanton-speaking-o) STAFFORD: How many people picked up that magazine and said, Stanton, how did he get
447    1991    MOV    The Doors      #you understand! Let's take a poll. How many people know you're alive? Bullshit! You're plastic soldiers in a
448    2012    BLOG    redstate.com      #McCaskill? How many will just stay home? How many down-ticket (i.e. MO statehouse) races will be lost because Akin is an
449    2012    BLOG    myobsaidwhat.com      #habitually obedient to authority figures in white coats. How many of these girls never seek medical care for fear of being assaulted like that
450    2004    TV    Stargate: Atlantis      #To keep family lines apart. Got it. How many villages are there like this? 12. There are a few larger than
451    2000    MAG    Shape      #came to matters of the dirt. (" How many nights do we have to go without a bath? " wondered Christi.
452    2015    FIC    Bk:SelloutNovel      #knew the answer to the third question, " How many Chambers are in the Wu-Tang? " because if I hadn't, my
453    1990    SPOK    ABC_20/20      #established and then patients can and have died SHERR How many patients have died? Dr. HONIGFELD: Certainly, over 50 patients have died
454    2013    NEWS    OrangeCR      #, " he told us by email. " How many communities can say they have not had a rate increase in 14 years?
455    1997    MOV    She's So Lovely      #Mom. And buy her a hat. - How many came out? - All 36. Thanks. Jesus, you'd think
456    2012    BLOG    metafilter.com      #A question raised in a steam tech forum. How many are there left after the closing Chernoblyl's four units? posted by Jumpin
457    1996    FIC    Mov:BeamMeUp      #What makes you say that? # KEATON # How many times have you been in a line-up? It's always you and four
458    1993    TV    The X-Files      #leave it no choice but to defend itself? How many more have to die before you rethink your approach? Listen to me,
459    2010    MOV    Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead      #The rest of the time we eat out. How many pounds are you now, total? About 320. But you know,
460    2019    TV    Arrow      #They're transferring him back to Slabside tomorrow. How many times has he done this? At least 3 that we know of.
461    1997    SPOK    ABC_GMA      #that they stopped counting at 70 million cards. How many cards have you received so far? CRAIG SHERGOLD: Over 200 million.
462    1993    SPOK    ABC_20/20      #do you have any children, " or " How many children do you have? " And you know, we have to explain
463    1990    TV    Quantum Leap      #situation, it's about Jamie's present. How many schools has Jamie attended in the last, say, two years? Well
464    1998    FIC    Mov:Godzilla      #of the quarantined zone. MAJOR HICKS Christ. How many tunnels lead off the island? LT. ANDERSON Only five, Sir.
465    2008    TV    Heroes      #drug that you can't get enough of. How many others are there like you? With abilities? I don't know.
466    2019    TV    Arrow      #you have given me every reason not to. How many times have I warned you about Emiko? I told you she wasn't
467    2009    TV    Burn Notice      #about Flintridge, about the money. He -- How many times... I tell you to be careful? But he warned me...
468    2012    WEB    ...rdoggie.blogspot.com      ## How many are upset Mitt Romney lost? How many are happy Barack Obama won? How many are just happy we didn't
469    2012    BLOG    theaugeanstables.com      #, if it were a Hamas explosive. # How many journalists or readers even think on the role of intimidation in shaping the news
470    2012    TV    The Good Wife      #'s not like I'm some Rielle Hunter. How many times did you have sex? Maybe eight times. I don't know
471    1997    FIC    ArkansasRev      #morning, Did you take any naps today, How many cups of coffee did you drink today.... I was getting dizzy from filling
472    2016    TV    The Flash      #way. So far so... good. [speaks_Latin] How many times do we have to tell you, Hartley? Ever since Evil Wells
473    2012    BLOG    mikechambers.com      #so! Linux for instance is open source. How many developers are actually taking advantage of this? There are only a few major
474    1995    FIC    MassachRev      #for a situation so risk-free it's sterile. How many times had I burned his wedding matches down to my fingertips, tossing them
475    2012    ACAD    GeneralMusicToday      #was the highest pitch we sang? " " How many 16th notes equal a quarter note? " " In what year was Copland
476    2001    MOV    Swordfish      #What, still no bus? Come on. How many innocent victims would it take for the city...... toreverseitspolicy on hostages?
477    2010    TV    Psych      #'d rather you didn't. Fair enough. How many beers did you have last night? Just one. Aw, come on
478    2012    WEB    ...ronger.wordpress.com      #exit ramp has been closed by construction. " How many laps does he have left? " # " Three. " # "
479    2012    BLOG    theoildrum.com      ## But the largest obstacle is willful ignorance. How many posts here and elsewhere start: " I'm not an expert. "
480    2005    MOV    Green Street Hooligans      #Must have had a scout watching us. - How many? - 40, 50. - Can't we just get off at
481    2013    SPOK    NBC: Today Show      #been doing sign language all these years. RON-ALLEN# How many years? THAMSANQA-JANTJIE# --and it's not even been questioned. NATALIE-MORALES# Well-- AL
482    1995    SPOK    Ind_Geraldo      #their -- drunk as a skunk. Mr-MONDAY: How many times have you slapped a 32-cent stamp on an envelope and put it in
483    2013    FIC    GettysburgRev      #are with me, I still feel alone. How many ways can I say it? " Jim left the apartment. It took
484    2012    WEB    abcnews.go.com      #. Even less for most liberal arts degrees. How many young adults with a new expensive degree and a huge student debt and who
485    1993    FIC    BkSF:YoungSoul      #the ancient, beautiful, half-blind face. " How many years? " " I can't remember. I only remember how old
486    2016    MAG    TechCrunch      #it actually is and I blame Facebook. " How many people did you unfriend because they shared some nonsensical article about Hillary Clinton or
487    1993    SPOK    ABC_Special      #, but I try not to JENNINGS Okay. How many of you kids think conflict management works in your school, that this is
488    2018    FIC    Analog      #worlds? " She gestured wildly. # " How many survived? Only us, " she answered herself, " on this one
489    2012    BLOG    ...kloveandmarriage.com      #. The apple tree is a fruit-bearing tree. How many of you think that you can eat apples without the apple tree? Nobody
490    1994    TV    Mad About You      #many shirts did you pay for? Two. How many shirts are in that bag? It was their mistake. They gave me
491    2018    FIC    Analog      #percussion, so hard she could hear it. How many people had been looking down at the filthy table and listening to her parents
492    2001    TV    Charmed      #floral theme all the way to the altar. How many guests are you planning on? Let me think, 50, 60?
493    1991    TV    Beverly Hills, 90210      #Feena Farris has been eyeing everyone all night. How many of those have you had? This is my second, Mom. And
494    2012    WEB    veteranstoday.com      #day in the history of the Dallas bureau. How many minutes do you suppose that would take? # Twenty seems a fair guess
495    2012    BLOG    thestir.cafemom.com      #worry about your weight on a daily basis? How many times per day do trying to convince the world that she invented the Crystal
496    2012    BLOG    ...eburningplatform.com      #hidden in cartons of lightbulbs. # Q: How many Obama appointees does it take to change a lightbulb? A: His team
497    1992    TV    Roseanne      #... By the way... You look nice. How many times do I have to tell you? I did this so I would
498    2011    MOV    Born to Fight      #take it to cover you how are you? How many months? More than one month so cute, can I hold him for
499    2015    FIC    Bk:Choosing      #red ball gown reflecting in the polished shine. How many hours had she spent dreaming about wearing this dress? This gown had represented
500    1998    SPOK    CBS_48Hours      #are proud of their largely successful track record. How many of these are you done so far? Mr-FEENEY: I know it's
 / 261  


From: https://www.cnblogs.com/hhdom/p/18363613


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