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Pro1 Hog

时间:2024-05-31 14:56:07浏览次数:18  
标签:Hog num dice Pro1 roll player score rolls


1.测试:python ok -q 02(问题编号) -u --local

2.运行:python ok -q 02 --local

Phase 1: Rules of the Game

Problem 0 (0 pt)

The dice.py file represents dice using non-pure zero-argument functions. These functions are non-pure because they may have different return values each time they are called, and so a side-effect of calling the function is changing what will be returned when the function is called again.

Here's the documentation from dice.py that you need to read in order to simulate dice in this project.

A dice function takes no arguments and returns a number from 1 to n
(inclusive), where n is the number of sides on the dice.

Fair dice produce each possible outcome with equal probability.
Two fair dice are already defined, four_sided and six_sided,
and are generated by the make_fair_dice function.

Test dice are deterministic: they always cycles through a fixed
sequence of values that are passed as arguments.
Test dice are generated by the make_test_dice function.

def make_fair_dice(sides):
    """Return a die that returns 1 to SIDES with equal chance."""

four_sided = make_fair_dice(4)
six_sided = make_fair_dice(6)

def make_test_dice(...):
    """Return a die that cycles deterministically through OUTCOMES.

    >>> dice = make_test_dice(1, 2, 3)
    >>> dice()
    >>> dice()
    >>> dice()
    >>> dice()
    >>> dice()
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Problem 1 (2 pt)

Implement the roll_dice function in hog.py. It takes two arguments: a positive integer called num_rolls giving the number of times to roll a die and a dice function. It returns the number of points scored by rolling the die that number of times in a turn: either the sum of the outcomes or 1 (Sow Sad).

  • Sow Sad. If any of the dice outcomes is a 1, the current player's score for the turn is 1。
  • Example 1: The current player rolls 7 dice, 5 of which are 1's. They score 1 point for the turn.
  • Example 2: The current player rolls 4 dice, all of which are 3's. Since Sow Sad did not occur, they score 12 points for the turn。

To obtain a single outcome of a dice roll, call dice(). You should call dice() exactly num_rolls times in the body of roll_dice.

Remember to call dice() exactly num_rolls times even if Sow Sad happens in the middle of rolling. By doing so, you will correctly simulate rolling all the dice together (and the user interface will work correctly).

Note: The roll_dice function, and many other functions throughout the project, makes use of default argument values—you can see this in the function heading:

def roll_dice(num_rolls, dice=six_sided): ...

The argument dice=six_sided means that when roll_dice is called, the dice argument is optional. If no value for dice is provided, then six_sided is used by default.

For example, calling roll_dice(3, four_sided), or equivalently roll_dice(3, dice=four_sided), simulates rolling 3 four-sided dice, while calling roll_dice(3) simulates rolling 3 six-sided dice.

def roll_dice(num_rolls, dice=six_sided):
    """Simulate rolling the DICE exactly NUM_ROLLS > 0 times. Return the sum of
    the outcomes unless any of the outcomes is 1. In that case, return 1.

    num_rolls:  The number of dice rolls that will be made.
    dice:       A function that simulates a single dice roll outcome.
    # These assert statements ensure that num_rolls is a positive integer.
    assert type(num_rolls) == int, 'num_rolls must be an integer.'
    assert num_rolls > 0, 'Must roll at least once.'
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    total = 0
    k = 0
    d = []
    while k < num_rolls:
        k += 1
    if 1 in d:
        return 1
    return sum(d)
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Problem 2 (2 pt)

Implement boar_brawl, which takes the player's current score player_score and the opponent's current score opponent_score, and returns the number of points scored by Boar Brawl when the player rolls 0 dice.

  • Boar Brawl. A player who rolls zero dice scores three times the absolute difference between the tens digit of the opponent’s score and the ones digit of the current player’s score, or 1, whichever is higher. The ones digit refers to the rightmost digit and the tens digit refers to the second-rightmost digit. If a player's score is a single digit (less than 10), the tens digit of that player's score is 0.
  • Example 1:

    • The current player has 21 points and the opponent has 46 points, and the current player chooses to roll zero dice.
    • The tens digit of the opponent's score is 4 and the ones digit of the current player's score is 1.
    • Therefore, the player gains 3 * abs(4 - 1) = 9 points.
  • Example 2:

    • The current player has 45 points and the opponent has 52 points, and the current player chooses to roll zero dice.
    • The tens digit of the opponent's score is 5 and the ones digit of the current player's score is 5.
    • Since 3 * abs(5 - 5) = 0, the player gains 1 point.
  • Example 3:

    • The current player has 2 points and the opponent has 5 points, and the current player chooses to roll zero dice.
    • The tens digit of the opponent's score is 0 and the ones digit of the current player's score is 2.
    • Therefore, the player gains 3 * abs(0 - 2) = 6 points.
def boar_brawl(player_score, opponent_score):
    """Return the points scored by rolling 0 dice according to Boar Brawl.

    player_score:     The total score of the current player.
    opponent_score:   The total score of the other player.

    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    x = player_score%10
    y = opponent_score//10%10
    sum = abs(x-y)*3
    if sum>1:
        return sum
    else :return 1
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Problem 3 (2 pt)

Implement the take_turn function, which returns the number of points scored for a turn by rolling the given dice num_rolls times.

Your implementation of take_turn should call both roll_dice and boar_brawl rather than repeating their implementations.

def take_turn(num_rolls, player_score, opponent_score, dice=six_sided):
    """Return the points scored on a turn rolling NUM_ROLLS dice when the
    player has PLAYER_SCORE points and the opponent has OPPONENT_SCORE points.

    num_rolls:       The number of dice rolls that will be made.
    player_score:    The total score of the current player.
    opponent_score:  The total score of the other player.
    dice:            A function that simulates a single dice roll outcome.
    # Leave these assert statements here; they help check for errors.
    assert type(num_rolls) == int, 'num_rolls must be an integer.'
    assert num_rolls >= 0, 'Cannot roll a negative number of dice in take_turn.'
    assert num_rolls <= 10, 'Cannot roll more than 10 dice.'
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    if num_rolls==0:
        return boar_brawl(player_score,opponent_score)
        return roll_dice(num_rolls,dice)
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Problem 4 (2 pt)

First, implement num_factors, which takes in a positive integer n and determines the number of factors that n has.

1 and n are both factors of n!

After, implement sus_points and sus_update.

  • sus_points takes in a player's score and returns the player's new score after applying the Sus Fuss rule (for example, sus_points(5) should return 5 and sus_points(21) should return 23). You should use num_factors and the provided is_prime function in your implementation.
  • sus_update returns a player's total score after they roll num_rolls dice, taking both Boar Brawl and Sus Fuss into account. You should use sus_points in this function.

Hint: You can look at the implementation of simple_update provided in hog.py and use that as a starting point for your sus_update function.

  • Sus Fuss. We call a number sus if it has exactly 3 or 4 factors, including 1 and the number itself. If, after rolling, the current player's score is a sus number, they gain enough points such that their score instantly increases to the next prime number.
  • Example 1:

    • A player has 14 points and rolls 2 dice that total 7 points. Their new score would be 21, which has 4 factors: 1, 3, 7, and 21. Because 21 is sus, the score of the player is increased to 23, the next prime number.
  • Example 2:

    • A player has 63 points and rolls 5 dice that total 1 point. Their new score would be 64, which has 7 factors: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, and 64. Since 64 is not sus, the score of the player is unchanged.
  • Example 3:

    • A player has 49 points and rolls 5 dice that total 18 points. Their new score would be 67, which is prime and has 2 factors: 1 and 67. Since 67 is not sus, the score of the player is unchanged.
def num_factors(n):
    """Return the number of factors of N, including 1 and N itself."""
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    i = 1
    cnt = 0
    while i<=n:
        if n%i==0:
        i += 1
    return cnt

def sus_points(score):
    """Return the new score of a player taking into account the Sus Fuss rule."""
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    if num_factors(score)==3 or num_factors(score)==4:
        while not is_prime(score):
            score += 1
        return score
    else:return score

def sus_update(num_rolls, player_score, opponent_score, dice=six_sided):
    """Return the total score of a player who starts their turn with
    PLAYER_SCORE and then rolls NUM_ROLLS DICE, *including* Sus Fuss.
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    score = player_score + take_turn(num_rolls, player_score, opponent_score, dice)
    return sus_points(score)
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Problem 5 (4 pt)

Implement the play function, which simulates a full game of Hog. Players take turns rolling dice until one of the players reaches the goal score, and the final scores of both players are returned by the function.

To determine how many dice are rolled each turn, call the current player's strategy function (Player 0 uses strategy0 and Player 1 uses strategy1). A strategy is a function that, given a player's score and their opponent's score, returns the number of dice that the current player will roll in the turn. An example strategy is always_roll_5 which appears above play.

To determine the updated score for a player after they take a turn, call the update function. An update function takes the number of dice to roll, the current player's score, the opponent's score, and the dice function used to simulate rolling dice. It returns the updated score of the current player after they take their turn. Two examples of update functions are simple_update andsus_update.

If a player achieves the goal score by the end of their turn, i.e. after all applicable rules have been applied, the game ends. play will then return the final total scores of both players, with Player 0's score first and Player 1's score second.

Some example calls to play are:

  • play(always_roll_5, always_roll_5, simple_update) simulates two players that both always roll 5 dice each turn, playing with just the Sow Sad and Boar Brawl rules.
  • play(always_roll_5, always_roll_5, sus_update) simulates two players that both always roll 5 dice each turn, playing with the Sus Fuss rule in addition to the Sow Sad and Boar Brawl rules (i.e. all the rules).

Important: For the user interface to work, a strategy function should be called only once per turn. Only call strategy0 when it is Player 0's turn and only call strategy1 when it is Player 1's turn.


  • If who is the current player, the next player is 1 - who.
  • To call play(always_roll_5, always_roll_5, sus_update) and print out what happens each turn, run python3 hog_ui.py from the terminal.
def play(strategy0, strategy1, update,
         score0=0, score1=0, dice=six_sided, goal=GOAL):
    """Simulate a game and return the final scores of both players, with
    Player 0's score first and Player 1's score second.

    E.g., play(always_roll_5, always_roll_5, sus_update) simulates a game in
    which both players always choose to roll 5 dice on every turn and the Sus
    Fuss rule is in effect.

    A strategy function, such as always_roll_5, takes the current player's
    score and their opponent's score and returns the number of dice the current
    player chooses to roll.

    An update function, such as sus_update or simple_update, takes the number
    of dice to roll, the current player's score, the opponent's score, and the
    dice function used to simulate rolling dice. It returns the updated score
    of the current player after they take their turn.

    strategy0: The strategy for player0.
    strategy1: The strategy for player1.
    update:    The update function (used for both players).
    score0:    Starting score for Player 0
    score1:    Starting score for Player 1
    dice:      A function of zero arguments that simulates a dice roll.
    goal:      The game ends and someone wins when this score is reached.
    who = 0  # Who is about to take a turn, 0 (first) or 1 (second)
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    while score0<goal and score1<goal:
        if who==0:
            score0 = update(strategy0(score0,score1),score0,score1,dice)
        else:score1 = update(strategy1(score1,score0),score1,score0,dice)
        who = 1-who
    return score0, score1
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Phase 2: Strategies

In this phase, you will experiment with ways to improve upon the basic strategy of always rolling five dice. A strategy is a function that takes two arguments: the current player's score and their opponent's score. It returns the number of dice the player will roll, which can be from 0 to 10 (inclusive).

Problem 6 (2 pt)

Implement always_roll, a higher-order function that takes a number of dice n and returns a strategy that always rolls n dice. Thus, always_roll(5) would be equivalent to always_roll_5.

def always_roll(n):
    """Return a player strategy that always rolls N dice.

    A player strategy is a function that takes two total scores as arguments
    (the current player's score, and the opponent's score), and returns a
    number of dice that the current player will roll this turn.

    >>> strategy = always_roll(3)
    >>> strategy(0, 0)
    >>> strategy(99, 99)
    assert n >= 0 and n <= 10
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    def strategy_inner(score0,score1):
        return n
    return strategy_inner
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Problem 7 (2 pt)

A strategy only has a fixed number of possible argument values. For example, in a game to 100, there are 100 possible score values (0-99) and 100 possible opponent_score values (0-99), giving 10,000 possible argument combinations.

Implement is_always_roll, which takes a strategy and returns whether that strategy always rolls the same number of dice for every possible argument combination up to goal points.

Reminder: The game continues until one player reaches goal points (in the above example, goal is set to 100). Make sure your solution accounts for every possible combination for the specified goal argument.

def is_always_roll(strategy, goal=GOAL):
    """Return whether STRATEGY always chooses the same number of dice to roll
    given a game that goes to GOAL points.

    >>> is_always_roll(always_roll_5)
    >>> is_always_roll(always_roll(3))
    >>> is_always_roll(catch_up)
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    score = 0
    opponent_score = 0
    reference = strategy(score,opponent_score)
    while score<goal:
        while opponent_score<goal:
            if reference != strategy(score,opponent_score):
                return False
            opponent_score += 1
        opponent_score = 0
        score += 1
    return True

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Problem 8 (2 pt)

Implement make_averaged, which is a higher-order function that takes a function original_function as an argument.

The return value of make_averaged is a function that takes in the same number of arguments as original_function. When we call this returned function on the arguments, it will return the average value of repeatedly calling original_function on the arguments passed in.

Specifically, this function should call original_function a total of samples_count times and return the average of the results of these calls.

Important: To implement this function, you will need to use a new piece of Python syntax. We would like to write a function that accepts an arbitrary number of arguments, and then calls another function using exactly those arguments. Here's how it works.

Instead of listing formal parameters for a function, you can write *args, which represents all of the arguments that get passed into the function. We can then call another function with these same arguments by passing these *args into this other function. For example:

>>> def printed(f):
...     def print_and_return(*args):
...         result = f(*args)
...         print('Result:', result)
...         return result
...     return print_and_return
>>> printed_pow = printed(pow)
>>> printed_pow(2, 8)
Result: 256
>>> printed_abs = printed(abs)
>>> printed_abs(-10)
Result: 10

Here, we can pass any number of arguments into print_and_return via the *args syntax. We can also use *args inside our print_and_return function to make another function call with the same arguments.






def make_averaged(original_function, samples_count=1000):
    """Return a function that returns the average value of ORIGINAL_FUNCTION
    called SAMPLES_COUNT times.

    To implement this function, you will have to use *args syntax.

    >>> dice = make_test_dice(4, 2, 5, 1)
    >>> averaged_dice = make_averaged(roll_dice, 40)
    >>> averaged_dice(1, dice)  # The avg of 10 4's, 10 2's, 10 5's, and 10 1's
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    def averge(*args):
        i = 0
        sum = 0
        while i < samples_count:
            sum += original_function(*args)
            i += 1
        return sum / samples_count
    return averge
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Problem 9 (2 pt)

Implement max_scoring_num_rolls, which runs an experiment to determine the number of rolls (from 1 to 10) that gives the maximum average score for a turn. Your implementation should use make_averaged and roll_dice.

If two numbers of rolls are tied for the maximum average score, return the lower number. For example, if both 3 and 6 achieve a maximum average score, return 3.

You might find it useful to read the doctest and the example shown in the doctest for this problem before doing the unlocking test.

Important: In order to pass all of our tests, please make sure that you are testing dice rolls starting from 1 going up to 10, rather than from 10 to 1.

def max_scoring_num_rolls(dice=six_sided, samples_count=1000):
    """Return the number of dice (1 to 10) that gives the highest average turn score
    by calling roll_dice with the provided DICE a total of SAMPLES_COUNT times.
    Assume that the dice always return positive outcomes.

    >>> dice = make_test_dice(1, 6)
    >>> max_scoring_num_rolls(dice)
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    i = 1
    max = 1
    num_rolls = 1
    while i<=10:
        ans = make_averaged(roll_dice,samples_count)(i,dice)
        if ans >max:
            max = ans
            num_rolls = i
    return int(num_rolls)
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Problem 10 (2 pt)

A strategy can try to take advantage of the Boar Brawl rule by rolling 0 when it is most beneficial to do so. Implement boar_strategy, which returns 0 whenever rolling 0 would give at least threshold points and returns num_rolls otherwise. This strategy should not also take into account the Sus Fuss rule.

Hint: You can use the boar_brawl function you defined in Problem 2.

def boar_strategy(score, opponent_score, threshold=11, num_rolls=6):
    """This strategy returns 0 dice if Boar Brawl gives at least THRESHOLD
    points, and returns NUM_ROLLS otherwise. Ignore score and Sus Fuss.
    boar_score = boar_brawl(score,opponent_score)
    if boar_score>=threshold:
        num_rolls = 0
    return num_rolls  # Remove this line once implemented.
    # END PROBLEM 10
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Problem 11 (2 pt)

A better strategy will take advantage of both Boar Brawl and Sus Fuss in combination. For example, if a player has 53 points and their opponent has 60, rolling 0 would bring them to 62, which is a sus number, and so they would end the turn with 67 points: a gain of 67 - 53 = 14!

The sus_strategy returns 0 whenever rolling 0 would result in a score that is at least threshold points more than the player's score at the start of turn.

Hint: You can use the sus_update function.

def sus_strategy(score, opponent_score, threshold=11, num_rolls=6):
    """This strategy returns 0 dice when your score would increase by at least threshold."""
    sus_pnts = sus_update(0,score,opponent_score)
    if sus_pnts-score>=threshold:
        num_rolls = 0
    return num_rolls  # Remove this line once implemented.
    # END PROBLEM 11
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Optional: Problem 12 (0 pt)

Implement final_strategy, which combines these ideas and any other ideas you have to achieve a high win rate against the baseline strategy. Some suggestions:

  • If you know the goal score (by default it is 100), there's no benefit to scoring more than the goal. Check whether you can win by rolling 0, 1 or 2 dice. If you are in the lead, you might decide to take fewer risks.
  • Instead of using a threshold, roll 0 whenever it would give you more points on average than rolling 6.

You can check that your final strategy is valid by running ok.

def final_strategy(score, opponent_score):
    """Write a brief description of your final strategy.

    sus_pnts = sus_update(0, score, opponent_score)
    base_6 = sus_update(6, score, opponent_score)
    i = 1
    num_rolls = 0
    while GOAL - 5 <= score <= GOAL and i < 3:
        temp = sus_update(i, score, opponent_score)
        if temp > sus_pnts and temp > base_6:
            num_rolls = i
            sus_pnts = temp
            num_rolls = 6
        i += 1
    return num_rolls

    # END PROBLEM 12
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"""The Game of Hog."""

from dice import six_sided, make_test_dice
from ucb import main, trace, interact

GOAL = 100  # The goal of Hog is to score 100 points.

# Phase 1: Simulator #

def roll_dice(num_rolls, dice=six_sided):
    """Simulate rolling the DICE exactly NUM_ROLLS > 0 times. Return the sum of
    the outcomes unless any of the outcomes is 1. In that case, return 1.

    num_rolls:  The number of dice rolls that will be made.
    dice:       A function that simulates a single dice roll outcome.
    # These assert statements ensure that num_rolls is a positive integer.
    assert type(num_rolls) == int, 'num_rolls must be an integer.'
    assert num_rolls > 0, 'Must roll at least once.'
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    total = 0
    k = 0
    d = []
    while k < num_rolls:
        k += 1
    if 1 in d:
        return 1
    return sum(d)

def boar_brawl(player_score, opponent_score):
    """Return the points scored by rolling 0 dice according to Boar Brawl.

    player_score:     The total score of the current player.
    opponent_score:   The total score of the other player.

    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    x = player_score%10
    y = opponent_score//10%10
    sum = abs(x-y)*3
    if sum>1:
        return sum
    else :return 1

def take_turn(num_rolls, player_score, opponent_score, dice=six_sided):
    """Return the points scored on a turn rolling NUM_ROLLS dice when the
    player has PLAYER_SCORE points and the opponent has OPPONENT_SCORE points.

    num_rolls:       The number of dice rolls that will be made.
    player_score:    The total score of the current player.
    opponent_score:  The total score of the other player.
    dice:            A function that simulates a single dice roll outcome.
    # Leave these assert statements here; they help check for errors.
    assert type(num_rolls) == int, 'num_rolls must be an integer.'
    assert num_rolls >= 0, 'Cannot roll a negative number of dice in take_turn.'
    assert num_rolls <= 10, 'Cannot roll more than 10 dice.'
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    if num_rolls==0:
        return boar_brawl(player_score,opponent_score)
        return roll_dice(num_rolls,dice)

def simple_update(num_rolls, player_score, opponent_score, dice=six_sided):
    """Return the total score of a player who starts their turn with
    PLAYER_SCORE and then rolls NUM_ROLLS DICE, ignoring Sus Fuss.
    score = player_score + take_turn(num_rolls, player_score, opponent_score, dice)
    return score

def is_prime(n):
    """Return whether N is prime."""
    if n == 1:
        return False
    k = 2
    while k < n:
        if n % k == 0:
            return False
        k += 1
    return True

def num_factors(n):
    """Return the number of factors of N, including 1 and N itself."""
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    i = 1
    cnt = 0
    while i<=n:
        if n%i==0:
        i += 1
    return cnt

def sus_points(score):
    """Return the new score of a player taking into account the Sus Fuss rule."""
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    if num_factors(score)==3 or num_factors(score)==4:
        while not is_prime(score):
            score += 1
        return score
    else:return score

def sus_update(num_rolls, player_score, opponent_score, dice=six_sided):
    """Return the total score of a player who starts their turn with
    PLAYER_SCORE and then rolls NUM_ROLLS DICE, *including* Sus Fuss.
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    score = player_score + take_turn(num_rolls, player_score, opponent_score, dice)
    return sus_points(score)

def always_roll_5(score, opponent_score):
    """A strategy of always rolling 5 dice, regardless of the player's score or
    the opponent's score.
    return 5

def play(strategy0, strategy1, update,
         score0=0, score1=0, dice=six_sided, goal=GOAL):
    """Simulate a game and return the final scores of both players, with
    Player 0's score first and Player 1's score second.

    E.g., play(always_roll_5, always_roll_5, sus_update) simulates a game in
    which both players always choose to roll 5 dice on every turn and the Sus
    Fuss rule is in effect.

    A strategy function, such as always_roll_5, takes the current player's
    score and their opponent's score and returns the number of dice the current
    player chooses to roll.

    An update function, such as sus_update or simple_update, takes the number
    of dice to roll, the current player's score, the opponent's score, and the
    dice function used to simulate rolling dice. It returns the updated score
    of the current player after they take their turn.

    strategy0: The strategy for player0.
    strategy1: The strategy for player1.
    update:    The update function (used for both players).
    score0:    Starting score for Player 0
    score1:    Starting score for Player 1
    dice:      A function of zero arguments that simulates a dice roll.
    goal:      The game ends and someone wins when this score is reached.
    who = 0  # Who is about to take a turn, 0 (first) or 1 (second)
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    while score0<goal and score1<goal:
        if who==0:
            score0 = update(strategy0(score0,score1),score0,score1,dice)
        else:score1 = update(strategy1(score1,score0),score1,score0,dice)
        who = 1-who
    return score0, score1

# Phase 2: Strategies #

def always_roll(n):
    """Return a player strategy that always rolls N dice.

    A player strategy is a function that takes two total scores as arguments
    (the current player's score, and the opponent's score), and returns a
    number of dice that the current player will roll this turn.

    >>> strategy = always_roll(3)
    >>> strategy(0, 0)
    >>> strategy(99, 99)
    assert n >= 0 and n <= 10
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    def strategy_inner(score0,score1):
        return n
    return strategy_inner

def catch_up(score, opponent_score):
    """A player strategy that always rolls 5 dice unless the opponent
    has a higher score, in which case 6 dice are rolled.

    >>> catch_up(9, 4)
    >>> strategy(17, 18)
    if score < opponent_score:
        return 6  # Roll one more to catch up
        return 5

def is_always_roll(strategy, goal=GOAL):
    """Return whether STRATEGY always chooses the same number of dice to roll
    given a game that goes to GOAL points.

    >>> is_always_roll(always_roll_5)
    >>> is_always_roll(always_roll(3))
    >>> is_always_roll(catch_up)
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    score = 0
    opponent_score = 0
    reference = strategy(score,opponent_score)
    while score<goal:
        while opponent_score<goal:
            if reference != strategy(score,opponent_score):
                return False
            opponent_score += 1
        opponent_score = 0
        score += 1
    return True


def make_averaged(original_function, samples_count=1000):
    """Return a function that returns the average value of ORIGINAL_FUNCTION
    called SAMPLES_COUNT times.

    To implement this function, you will have to use *args syntax.

    >>> dice = make_test_dice(4, 2, 5, 1)
    >>> averaged_dice = make_averaged(roll_dice, 40)
    >>> averaged_dice(1, dice)  # The avg of 10 4's, 10 2's, 10 5's, and 10 1's
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    def averge(*args):
        i = 0
        sum = 0
        while i < samples_count:
            sum += original_function(*args)
            i += 1
        return sum / samples_count
    return averge

def max_scoring_num_rolls(dice=six_sided, samples_count=1000):
    """Return the number of dice (1 to 10) that gives the highest average turn score
    by calling roll_dice with the provided DICE a total of SAMPLES_COUNT times.
    Assume that the dice always return positive outcomes.

    >>> dice = make_test_dice(1, 6)
    >>> max_scoring_num_rolls(dice)
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    i = 1
    max = 1
    num_rolls = 1
    while i<=10:
        ans = make_averaged(roll_dice,samples_count)(i,dice)
        if ans >max:
            max = ans
            num_rolls = i
    return int(num_rolls)

def winner(strategy0, strategy1):
    """Return 0 if strategy0 wins against strategy1, and 1 otherwise."""
    score0, score1 = play(strategy0, strategy1, sus_update)
    if score0 > score1:
        return 0
        return 1

def average_win_rate(strategy, baseline=always_roll(6)):
    """Return the average win rate of STRATEGY against BASELINE. Averages the
    winrate when starting the game as player 0 and as player 1.
    win_rate_as_player_0 = 1 - make_averaged(winner)(strategy, baseline)
    win_rate_as_player_1 = make_averaged(winner)(baseline, strategy)

    return (win_rate_as_player_0 + win_rate_as_player_1) / 2

def run_experiments():
    """Run a series of strategy experiments and report results."""
    six_sided_max = max_scoring_num_rolls(six_sided)
    print('Max scoring num rolls for six-sided dice:', six_sided_max)

    print('always_roll(6) win rate:', average_win_rate(always_roll(6))) # near 0.5
    print('catch_up win rate:', average_win_rate(catch_up))
    print('always_roll(3) win rate:', average_win_rate(always_roll(3)))
    print('always_roll(8) win rate:', average_win_rate(always_roll(8)))

    print('boar_strategy win rate:', average_win_rate(boar_strategy))
    print('sus_strategy win rate:', average_win_rate(sus_strategy))
    print('final_strategy win rate:', average_win_rate(final_strategy))
    "*** You may add additional experiments as you wish ***"

def boar_strategy(score, opponent_score, threshold=11, num_rolls=6):
    """This strategy returns 0 dice if Boar Brawl gives at least THRESHOLD
    points, and returns NUM_ROLLS otherwise. Ignore score and Sus Fuss.
    boar_score = boar_brawl(score,opponent_score)
    if boar_score>=threshold:
        num_rolls = 0
    return num_rolls  # Remove this line once implemented.
    # END PROBLEM 10

def sus_strategy(score, opponent_score, threshold=11, num_rolls=6):
    """This strategy returns 0 dice when your score would increase by at least threshold."""
    sus_pnts = sus_update(0,score,opponent_score)
    if sus_pnts-score>=threshold:
        num_rolls = 0
    return num_rolls  # Remove this line once implemented.
    # END PROBLEM 11

def final_strategy(score, opponent_score):
    """Write a brief description of your final strategy.

    sus_pnts = sus_update(0, score, opponent_score)
    base_6 = sus_update(6, score, opponent_score)
    i = 1
    num_rolls = 0
    while GOAL - 5 <= score <= GOAL and i < 3:
        temp = sus_update(i, score, opponent_score)
        if temp > sus_pnts and temp > base_6:
            num_rolls = i
            sus_pnts = temp
            num_rolls = 6
        i += 1
    return num_rolls

    # END PROBLEM 12

# Command Line Interface #

# NOTE: The function in this section does not need to be changed. It uses
# features of Python not yet covered in the course.

def run(*args):
    """Read in the command-line argument and calls corresponding functions."""
    import argparse
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Play Hog")
    parser.add_argument('--run_experiments', '-r', action='store_true',
                        help='Runs strategy experiments')

    args = parser.parse_args()

    if args.run_experiments:
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From: https://www.cnblogs.com/cancanneed/p/18222916


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