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时间:2024-05-28 16:57:23浏览次数:14  
标签:... do up meter lesson13 night sb


costume n 化妆服 historical costume 古装

overalls 工装服 uniform 制服 leisure wear 休闲服 shroud 寿衣

consist v 由...组成

consist of ... be composed of ... be made up of ... comprise ...(正反都可以双向的)

constitute 组成

metre/meter n 仪表 a water/gas/electricity meter

read the meter 查表

pace n 步伐 step

take one pace forward

the pace/tempo of life 生活的节奏

stride 一大步 make strides in

Medical science has mad great strides in tackling infertility

leap 纵身一越 Thats one small step for me, a giant leap for mainkind

by leaps and bounds: very quickly

slam v 砰地关上 bang The door slammed shut The door shut with a bang/slam


sent/dispatch sb to+n/to do

An ambulance was immediately dispatched to the area.

hall 衣帽间 living room/dining room

housework = househoud chores

do the washing-up 洗碗 do the laundry/washing 洗衣服

intend to do (主观)打算做某事 meant to do/ be going to do/ have every intention of doing

We intend to go to Australia next year

dress (sb)up as... 打扮成...模样 disguise sb as.../disguised as...

the night before/ the earlier/previous/preceding night

the night after= the next /following/succeeding night

be impatient/eager/anxious/desperate/dying to do ...急不可耐做某事

Just as = At the very moment(when)

straight: directly,immediately 直接的

if ever =whenever 无论何时

sth occur to sb/ sth strike sb 突然间想到

Electricity/Water/Gas Board ...局

read the meter 查表 read music 识谱

let out (give/utter) a cry/scream 发出叫喊声

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/yzuking/p/18218133


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