Abstract: Copilot 及其他辅助编程的人工智能模型被广泛使用,这篇文章探索了 Copilot 在哪些任务上表现不佳,prompt 在过程中的作用等几个问题。
- Question 1: Copilot 在 CS1 programming problems 上的表现如何?
- Question 2: 当 Copilot 最初失败后,prompt 的修改如何影响修复成功率?
- Question 3: 排除 prompt 的影响,Copilot 表现不好的问题具有哪些共性?
Motivating Example:
以 CodeCheck 上的一道练习为例:
# Given a list of strings and a string 's',
# return the average length of all strings
# containing s
def averageContainingStringS(strings, s):
# Your code here...
现在的 Copilot 倒是蛮正确的,我在本机上结果如下:
# Given a list of strings and a string 's',
# return the average length of all strings
# containing s
def averageContainingStringS(strings, s):
# Initialize the total length and count
totalLength = 0
count = 0
# Iterate through each string in the list
for string in strings:
# If the string contains s
if s in string:
# Increment the count
count += 1
# Increment the total length by the length of the string
totalLength += len(string)
# If there are no strings containing s
if count == 0:
return 0
# Return the average length of all strings containing s
return totalLength / count
From: https://www.cnblogs.com/sysss-blogs/p/18212973