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[Typescript] Resolving the Block-scoped Variable Error in TypeScript (moduleDetection)

时间:2024-01-23 21:46:14浏览次数:27  
标签:Matt TypeScript force global Resolving moduleDetection Typescript file

const NAME = "Matt";

TypeScript is telling us we can't redeclare the name variable because it has already been declared inside of lib.dom.d.ts.

The index.ts file is being detected as a global script rather than a module. This is because, by default, TypeScript assumes that a file without any imports and exports is meant to be a global script.


If we add a export then it resolve problem:

const name = "Matt"

export {}


If we want to do it globally, we can use 'moduleDetection' option in tsconfig to force all js file are module

	"moduleDetection": "force"


From: https://www.cnblogs.com/Answer1215/p/17983462


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