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My favorite story(revised)

时间:2024-05-19 13:29:50浏览次数:17  
标签:me story his revised didn favorite He was he

How clear was a day!Warm sunlight shone on the sea while the sky was as serene and deep as a sapphire. Rolling in the sea carefreely, I ached for fresh air.Salty breeze wafted through the sea surface. Still immersing in freedom and relaxation, a large fishing net caught me when I didn't pay attention."Wow,what a big flounder!"My world collapsed in a flash. I struggled hard in the hope of finding a hole. The harder I struggled,the tighter the nets tightened. It's proved to be futile.

But when I saw the man's face, I saw a chance to feel alive. That's a loyal and honest face."Let me live, and I will reward you handsomely. " Hearing my voice, his complexion dramatically changed as if he met something horrible. But he didn't evade, clinging to the net. No matter what I promised to give him, he didn't want to possess. He said he just was a normal fisherman, which he didn't know how to use these things. Hearing my bitter pleading, he let me go without any benefits. Notwithstanding his refusal, I still told him the way he got a cottage at any time. He came back home without harvests. There was a look of worry in his brow. I just felt weird. But if he didn't catch a fish today, were he so worried ?I didn't think much of it, leaving here. Everything was over.
After a while , the man came back to me, wearing sweaty clothes." There is something else ? Don't you get a cottage?" The man didn't look at me, eyes dodging. He kept rubbing his hands, stammering that his wife wanted to possess a palace. In an instant, there was a bomb in my heart. For the sake of the man's kindness, I didn't express my discontentment directly."A palace ? But I just promised you to give a cottage to you."" I know, but you have magic. You ought to give me a cottage."His face flushed instantly, pressing lips tightly. I noticed his contradictions.Maybe it's his wife's demand. "Okay, I can give you but just this once." He looked at me gratefully as if relieved of a heavy load. This time everything must be over.
But the man found me soon. This time I had no patience to fulfill his unreasonable request. He said his wife wanted to be an emperor, ruling the whole world. He was uneasy obviously. But I couldn't repress my fire. The bomb exploded completely. "What your wife desired were too much. Her desires will never be satisfied."He couldn't say anything this time.His lips opened but closed quickly,embarrassed."Thank you."He left silently.
There was a thought preying on my mind.
I infringed everything they got from me. Their original cabin became more shabby.Although I didn't see their behaviors,I pictured a scene in which his wife was weeping while the man regretted.
Human can't be too greedy, or otherwise they won't get anything.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/shipp/p/18200267


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