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My favorite story

时间:2024-05-13 21:21:08浏览次数:12  
标签:me story said was my favorite life My he

I think my life is meaningless and empty because I think that I'm so normal and bourgeois that no one will like me.One day ,my father asked me to take a stone to a market and just raise two fingers without speaking if someone inquires its price.Alouthough I didn't know the concrete reson, I still did as he said.
What confused me was that there was truly someone willing to buy a normal stone with 2 dollars.And then , he asked me to do the same thing at the
museum.Surprisingly,a man was willing to pay 200 bucks for that stupid rock!Confused and shocked, I wanted to make out something from dad but he said nothing.The last time, he asked me to take it to the precious stone store . It's unconceivable and unbilievable to know that there was a man who wanted to buy it for 2 million dollars!It seemed extremely ridiculous but it was the truth.
"Son, do you konw the value of your life now?"said my dad.Actually, I have known his intention to let me make out that my life is priceless.The value of my life is much like this rock.It depends on who it is offerd to.It's my most prrecious possession.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/HCYcxy/p/18190026


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