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My favorite story

时间:2024-05-13 20:45:41浏览次数:11  
标签:me story his wife was favorite But My man

How clear was a day! Warm sunlight shone on the sun while the sky was as tranquil and mysterious as sapphire. I rolled in the sea happily. Still immersing in happiness, a large fishing net caught me when I was not paying attention. Hearing joyful voice“big flounder”,I felt my world collapsing. I struggled hard in the hope of finding a hole. It's proved to be vain. Something strange swallowed me. But when I saw the man's face, I saw a chance to feel alive. That 's a loyal and honest face. "let me live. and I will reward you handsomely ".But the man didn't believe me at all. I had to say in another way "Then kill me, and eat me.But I am sure that it would be better for you to let me live, and I will give you anything you desire ..." The man was hesitated. He said he couldn't imagine what use he could make of money. Subsequently. I put forward to another thing——cottage.The man trusted me this time. I told him the way he got a cottage. He let me go.
I originally thought it was over.But later the man searched me again. He told me his wife wanted a palace. How greedy was the man's wife! I thought. For the sake of the man's kindness, I still fulfilled his wife's desire.
But the man found me soon. He said his wife wanted to be an emperor , ruling the whole world. This was unreasonable."What your wife desired were too much. Her desires will never be satisfied."Impatience jumped on my heart. I didn't want to hound with the man.And I decided to punish his wife,infringing everything she got from me.She had nothing,hugging her head and crying.
The greedy will never be satisfied.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/shipp/p/18189935


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