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My Favorite Story

时间:2024-05-13 20:30:07浏览次数:14  
标签:me Story said my Favorite stone father swap My

I was a boy who thought life was pointless.You could often hear me complaining to my father“What is the meaning of life?”My father would always look at me with loving eyes,but never answer directly.

One day my father found an ordinary stone.He handed to me and said“Tomorrow,take the stone to school and pretend you want to trade it for something else.But no matter what anyone is willing to trade.Do not swap it.”Surprised and a little confused, not knowing what my father meant,I just carried the stone to school.

The moment I entered the classroom,I saw one of my classmate staring at my stone.Without hesitating,he approached me and said in an eager tone“What is that?”Hearing his curious words,the rest of my classmates suddenly packed around me like sardines.“It is a stone!”I said.“It looks amazing!Can I swap something with it?I offer a toy car!”Although I craved the toy car,father's words came to my mind.So I just shook my head.“How about some candies!"another boy yelled.I shook my head,either.After that,they offered many things,varying from slingshots to some apples.Suddenly ,a wave of shock hit me,I couldn't believe this normal stone could be so valuable to swap so many things!What I wanted to do next was to run home and tell my father the good news.

“My classmates all wanted to swap it!”I said in ecstasy when I saw my father.“But why?”.He squatted down,holding my hand and said softly“Everyone and everything has its unique value in different contexts.No matter how ordinary you think you are,as long as you cherish yourself and believe in your uniqueness,you are the best!”

From that day on,there is a strong power in myself,never ebbing away from me.It is called confidence.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/songxiny/p/18189939


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