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Narrative writing revision

时间:2024-05-18 18:29:48浏览次数:16  
标签:his garden her Garden writing she Narrative Lily revision

The Garden of Unexpected Wonders
Lily is a beautiful girl, she has a long curved blonde hair, she is often casually tied into a ponytail, it looks very cool. Her eyes were as bright as stars, full of curiosity and expectation for the world. Her nose is straight, her lips are red, and when she smiles, she shows two small tiger teeth, which is both cute and playful.
Grandfather is a weather-beaten old man, his face is covered with the traces of years, but his eyes are still bright. His hair was gray, but meticulously combed and looked hale and hearty. His figure was bent, but his step was firm. He always has a kind smile on his face, giving people a kind and warm feeling. His hands were covered with calluses and wrinkles, a testament to his hard work and a symbol of his wisdom and experience.
Scene 1:
(A young girl named Lily stands in her backyard, staring curiously at a patch of overgrown weeds.)
Lily (whispering): I've never noticed this part of the garden before. What could be hiding here?
(Lily carefully pulls away some of the weeds to reveal a small, rusty key buried in the soil.)
Lily (excitedly): A key! What could it unlock?
Scene 2:
(Lily shows the key to her grandfather, who examines it thoughtfully.)
Grandfather: That key... I've never seen it before, but I have a feeling it might be related to the old storybook I used to read to you about the Garden of Unexpected Wonders.
Lily (eagerly): The Garden of Unexpected Wonders? What's that?
Grandfather: It's a place filled with magical creatures and plants that grant wishes to those who find them. But no one has ever been able to find the way there.

Lily wandered down a seemingly ordinary path, the scenery around her gradually becoming blurred, until she came to the door of a seemingly ordinary fence. She gently pushed open the wooden door and found herself in the midst of a colorful, fragrant garden. The sun shines through the sparse clouds on the blooming flowers, each of which seems to tell its own story. Lily was so captivated by the beauty that she felt as if she had entered a dreamlike world.
In the depths of the garden, Lily unexpectedly meets a group of lovely flower fairies. They are dressed in colorful clothes and wear crowns of flower petals on their heads. The flower elves warmly welcome the protagonist and show her around the garden. In the company of the flower fairy, Lily not only appreciated more beautiful flowers, but also learned a lot of knowledge and legends about flowers. They spent an unforgettable time dancing, singing and tasting delicious nectar together.

Scene 3:
(Lily spends the next few days searching for clues about the Garden. She finds an old map in a forgotten corner of the attic, which seems to point to a secret door in the backyard.)
Lily (determined): I'm going to find the Garden!
Scene 4:
(Lily uses the key to unlock the secret door and discovers a staircase leading down to a hidden passage. She follows the passage and eventually arrives at a beautiful garden filled with vibrant colors and strange creatures.)
Lily (in awe): It's the Garden of Unexpected Wonders!
Scene 5:
(Lily explores the garden and meets various creatures who grant her wishes. She asks for wisdom, courage, and love, and the creatures fulfill her requests.)
Lily (grateful): Thank you for everything!
Scene 6:
(Lily returns home with a sense of confidence and happiness. She shares her experiences with her grandfather and tells him about the wonders she encountered in the garden.)
Grandfather (smiling): I'm so proud of you, Lily. You've grown so much on this journey.
Lily (smiling back): Thank you, Grandfather. I'll never forget this adventure.
(The screen fades to black, and the story ends with a sense of warmth and hope.)

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/yuelaiyuelan/p/18199628


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