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Script of Narrative Writing from different point of view

时间:2024-04-27 18:33:05浏览次数:17  
标签:me different Script was point had When my match

The Little Match Girl

Today was the last day of this year. The weather was chill with snowflakes dancing in the air. I was push to sell matches by my mother.

When I left home, I wore a pair of oversize slippers, which belonged to my mother. My clothes and trousers were so thin that I felt very cold. However, when I crossed the road, a car past by at a fast speed. To ensure my safe, I moved in a hurry, leading to the loss of slippers. I had no choice but to walked on the street in bare feet. I went ahead, went ahead and didn’t know how long I had walked. My feet turned red and purple. The entire matches in the pocket of my apron reminded me that I hadn’t sold any match successfully. I had stayed outside for a day. I wanted to go back home but my father would punish me seriously. Without the resource of food, I starved to death. My hair was filled with snow and my hands were almost numbed with cold. I was exhausted so I sit along the walls between two big houses. In order to make it warmer, I curled up in a ball. In the distance, all house were ablaze with lights. Every family reunited and was jolly. On the table, various food was displayed. I had a dreamy hope that someone give me a piece of roast duck.

With time going by, I felt colder and colder. Thus, I craped light a match stick. It was very warm just like a golden stove. When I was going to extend my legs, the match put out. Then I struck a match again. This time I saw many fresh fruit and delicious meals. In my supervise, a roast duck kept running to me. When I was going to reach for it, the match put out. Matches gave me a lot of good things so I couldn’t help lighting up more matches. What appeared in front of me was my grandmother who was the best person in the world. She looked affable. I hoped that she could help me get rid of the position. When I saw that match would put out sooner, I hurried to light up the rest matches to intercept her. Finally, I was happy that I succeeded. I felt the warm hug of my grandmother. Thanks to the god, I attained freedom.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/345Q/p/18162346


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