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Script of Narrative Writing from different point of view

时间:2024-05-11 11:33:47浏览次数:15  
标签:me different magic Script was point she my Anna

​Elsa's perspective
​I'm Elsa, a princess , and I have a sister named Anna.I have the magic to control the ice and snow.However, during a play with my sister, I accidentally hurt her with magic.My parents took us to ask the trolls for help. He erased Anna's memory of my magic.From then on, I began to alienate Anna.
​In order to find a way to help me control my magic, my parents went to sea for a long trip, but they died because of a windstorm. After that, the castle was completely locked.
​Three years later, my coronation day arrived and the castle opened the gate. However, after the coronation, Anna told me that she was going to marry a man she just met.I was so angry that I can't control magic. Everyone found out my secret and they were afraid of me.I was so scared that I fled to a mountain.
​Here, I got freedom and relaxation , and sang my inner voice out loud.I used magic to create my own ice castle.
​Soon after, Anna found me with Kristoff and reindeer Sven who she met on the trip. She told me that the kingdom had been covered with out-of-control ice and snow, and she wanted me to go back to remove them. But,I was still afraid. In the quarrel, I accidentally hurt Anna again.
​After Anna left, Hans, the prince Anna liked, took me away with the army and imprisoned me in the castle.But I can't stay here. I used magic to escape by force.
​When I found Hans,he lied to me that Anna had been frozen because of my attack. I was heartbroken, and he wanted to sneak up on me. At this moment, Anna ran to my side, helped me stop the sneak attack, but she turned into an ice sculpture completely.
​I hold Anna in pain. Suddenly, because the magic of love, Anna recovered.I see, love can eliminate ice and snow! I restored the kingdom to spring, and Hans was driven away. People were no longer afraid of me, and Anna had found someone who really loves her.Everything was finally getting better.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/luan525418/p/18186157


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