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[转帖]Introducing Exadata Cloud@Customer X10M

时间:2024-05-03 17:33:18浏览次数:17  
标签:Customer Introducing database 转帖 cloud Exadata your Cloud




Extreme Scale with Dramatically Improved Price Performance

We are excited to announce Exadata Cloud@Customer X10M, the latest generation of the world’s best on-premises cloud database platform. It provides the power of Oracle Exadata X10M running in your data center as a cloud service. With Exadata, we integrate the best compute, storage, networking, and system software together and build a scale-out engineered system specifically architected to optimally run the Oracle Database. A unique characteristic of Exadata, is that it’s available everywhere: on-premises as a traditional engineered system, as a cloud service in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI), and as a hybrid cloud in your data center with Exadata Cloud@Customer. Exadata in the cloud combines the power of the core platform with cloud automation, operations, and economics to reduce your TCO.

What’s New with Exadata Cloud@Customer X10M Infrastructure

Exadata Cloud@Customer X10M provides extreme scalability, performance, and economics enabling you to run more OLTP transactions, perform more complex analytics, and consolidate larger workloads. It features 4th Generation AMD EPYC™ processors and delivers dramatic performance improvements with up to 3x higher transaction throughput and up to 3.6x faster analytic queries than the previous generation. To achieve this breakthrough performance, we implemented major optimizations to the entire software stack to ensure that database performance scales linearly when running on the new Exadata X10M servers with a high core count and large memory capacity. Exadata RDMA algorithms have been enhanced to use the memory management unit with much higher performance, and in-memory columnar algorithms have been optimized so they run even faster using AMD's AVX-512 instructions. In addition, Exadata system software has been optimized to leverage AMD EPYC’s reliability, availability and serviceability (RAS) capabilities such as Platform First Error Handling, to further enhance the scalability of critical database workloads across the available cores and memory.


What's New with Exadata Cloud@Customer X10M


Exadata Cloud@Customer X10M has 3 times as many database server cores as the previous generation X9M platform. With 190 usable cores per database server and 64 cores per storage server, you can do more work with fewer servers, reducing your overall infrastructure subscription. In addition to more processor cores, you now have a choice of larger database server memory sizes with up to 3TB of physical memory per database server, 2x more than the previous generation. The memory has also been upgraded to DDR5 DRAM with more memory channels per processor, resulting in 2.5x memory bandwidth. Each storage server includes 1.25TB of Exadata RDMA memory (XRMEM) to create a high performance read cache for the most recently accessed data, reducing the read I/O latency to less than 17 microseconds.

Exadata offers you the unique ability to scale-out any workload, which provides application-transparent extreme scalability and availability. Start small with a minimum size high-availability configuration consisting of 2 database and 3 storage servers and expand as your requirements grow. The 100Gbps RDMA over Converged Ethernet (RoCE) internal network fabric provides an extremely low-latency interconnect between all database and storage servers, and also enables individual database and storage servers to be added fully online as needed to meet your specific workload requirements.

A fully expanded Exadata Cloud@Customer X10M with support for up to 32 database and 64 storage servers across multiple racks offers massive scalability for compute intensive applications with up to 6,080 usable database server cores and 87.5 TB usable database server memory. A fully expanded system also offers up to 2,880 GB/sec analytics throughput and 5 PB usable storage capacity for data warehousing thanks to the 22% increase in disk storage capacity over the previous generation.


Exadata Cloud@Customer X10M

Choice of Database Services

Exadata Cloud@Customer runs the same database services as public cloud Exadata deployments in OCI -- Oracle Exadata Database Service and Oracle Autonomous Database. Service compatibility between the Oracle public cloud and customer data centers enables a consistent Exadata cloud experience that makes it simple to move workloads from your data center to the public cloud and back again. Choose the service based on your desired level of automation and control. You can even run both database services on the same Exadata Cloud@Customer infrastructure.

Exadata Database Service is co-managed by Oracle and customers. Oracle manages the infrastructure while you have full access to the VMs running your databases. You manage your operating environments and perform common lifecycle management tasks using simple customer-controlled automation. Here are some recent cloud automation enhancements that make it even easier to use.

  • View database health and performance metrics in the OCI Console
  • Create Data Guard associations across regions
  • Access a serial console

Autonomous Database offers a fully-managed service with machine learning driven automation for data management tasks including provisioning, tuning, and patching to eliminate human labor and error, all while offering true pay-per-use software licensing with auto-scaling of the compute resources your workload requires. Here are some recent noteworthy software enhancements.

  • Deploy Autonomous Database on a subset of VM Cluster nodes
  • Bring your own certificates for Oracle REST Data Services (ORDS) and Secure Socket Layer (SSL)
  • Use Kerberos to authenticate Autonomous Database users


Do you have data residency, security, or local connectivity issues that prevent you from moving databases to the public cloud? Exadata Cloud@Customer helps you meet those requirements while gaining the benefits of cloud automation and economics by bringing cloud database services into your data center and behind your firewalls. With Exadata Cloud@Customer, you can start using cloud resources with minimal risk while continuing to meet your performance and availability requirements and retain full physical control of your data.

Exadata Cloud@Customer X10M delivers extreme value. In addition to being able to run more workloads with more data on less hardware, Exadata Cloud@Customer offers a complete, secure, and tuned mission-critical push-button database as a service platform. The world’s fastest and most scalable on-premises cloud database system is now more powerful and more scalable for the same price as the previous generation, delivering dramatically improved price-performance.

For more information visit the Exadata Cloud@Customer webpage.

Additional Resources:

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/jinanxiaolaohu/p/18171416


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