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更新:devDept Eyeshot 20241243

时间:2024-04-10 14:58:17浏览次数:20  
标签:available geometry devDept Eyeshot 20241243 CAD NET 3D

Create, Explore or Edit 3D CAD data

Develop your own — independent — CAD/CAM/CAE application

Eyeshot Pro

Eyeshot Pro

Polygonal modeling, drafting and point cloud.

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Eyeshot Ultimate

Eyeshot Ultimate

NURBS and BRep modeling, IGES/STEP and CAM.

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Eyeshot Fem

Eyeshot Fem

Geometry meshing and Finite Element Analysis.

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OverviewWhy Eyeshot?Key FeaturesEasy to UseImage GalleryWhat's NewEasy Licensing and DistributionSupport and Learning ResourcesMade with Eyeshot


Eyeshot is a CAD control for .NET. It supports natively Windows Forms and Windows Presentation Foundation. It is delivered with four different Visual Studio toolbox items: Design for 2D and 3D geometry creation or edit, Drawing for automatic 2D view generation, Simulation for geometry validation using linear static analysis and Manufacture for CNC toolpath generation and simulation. A number of preconfigured viewport styles and configurations are available at design-time. All the features not related to UI are available as a .NET neutral cross-platform core. The installer includes 80 code samples for both WinForms and WPF (and for both C# and VB.NET programming languages) that cover most of the CAD/CAM/CAE recurrent topics.

Why Eyeshot?

Native WinForms and WPF controls

Choose between Mesh, Surface or BRep modeling technologies.

Execute heavy operations asynchronously

Import/export neutral CAD formats

Choose between OpenGL or Direct3D renderer

Neutral .NET cross-platform core   

Access all available model data: geometry, topology and assembly tree.

Royalty free licensing model

Key Features

3D Graphics

Forget about blending, polygon offset, shaders, shadow maps, FBOs, VBOs, etc: Eyeshot already implements these advanced 3D graphics technologies in the most efficient way, and for both OpenGL and DirectX renderers.

Drawing Speed

The minimum frame rate feature, the progressive drawing, small object culling and frustum culling always ensure the best 3D navigation experience, even for large datasets.


NURBS curve and surface are the most accurate geometry representation available. They can either be created from scratch or imported from IGES or STEP file formats. A number of tools are available for creating or editing these objects.


Easy to Use

Our .NET software components cut the time to market of your next CAD application

Image Gallery

Get an idea of ​​the 3D graphics our products
can deliver. Focus on geometry and assembly complexity for the mechanical and architectural industries.

What's New

Some highlights from the latest features added.

Curve and Surface Extension

NURBS Curve and Surface Extension

MeshEditor class

Utility class to edit mesh topology

New family of Geometry Meshers

CurveMesher, PlaneMesher, SurfaceMesher and VolumeMesher

More New and Planned Features

From: https://blog.csdn.net/john_dwh/article/details/137597271


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