Product Design
The process of creating new products or developing design innovations for enhanced product performance. The design process includes conceptualization, simulation, optimization, and design finalization prior to manufacturing.
Their evolving role has been facilitated by digital tools that now allow designers to do things such as communicate, visualize, analyze, produce 3D models and come up with tangible ideas in a way that would have previously required greater human resources.
Code Samples
Below is a selection of code samples related to these industrial sectors.
This sample explains how to assemble individual objects. You can choose between direct, transformation and animation methods.
This sample demonstrates Eyeshot large assemblies handling capabilities. It includes a number of useful commands like Form New, Dissolve, Edit Structure, Make Independent, Edit Part, Edit Assembly, Edit Parent and Moved with Triad. You can control selection, visibility and selectability at the instance level. AssemblyDemo can select items in branch or leaf mode, includes Turbo mode options and commands to open/save and import/export from IGES/STEP file format. Asynchronous regeneration, disabled shadows, disabled reflection, disabled silhouette curves and show center of rotation are the default setting for this sample. Video1, Video2
This sample explains how to draw a barbecue 3D model using Brep boolean operations and sheet metal flanges.
This sample explains how build a blend surface between two surface edges. You can change the influence of each edge interactively. The Extend button allows to smoothly extend the surface edges. Video1
This sample explains how to properly animate a robot arm and how to check collisions between objects. The additional tab, is dedicated to 2D collision detection instead. For more details on the collision detection implementation, check this article.
This example explains how to detect and remove topology elements from a BRep object. Video1
This sample explains how to split a Mesh entity according to a pull direction and how to animate BlockReferences using a standard trackbar.
This example covers, volume meshing of arbitrary geometry, elements quality histogram, boundary condition application on BRep vertices/edges/faces, linear static analysis and results plot. Video1, Video2
This sample explains how to draw a gym frame using Nurbs surfaces.
This sample explains how to set a BlockReference current and how to modify interactively its position/orientation with the ObjectManipulator widget.
This polyhedric demo explains how to generate Vector and Raster views of your geometry in the Drawing workspace. It is also the only sample that allows importing of DXG/DXF files that include AutoCAD paperspace or layouts. Import of STL, OBJ, IGES and STEP files are provided to test the view generation quality on your own geometry. The Drawings tab contains a number of options to add dimensions and annotations to the views. Drawing sheets can be exported to DWG/DXF as VPORT objects or exploded curves. Yes, you are right, the geometry belongs to our office desks as you can check here. Moreover, this sample shows how to use the WorkManager class to handle a queue of WorkUnits for building the views. Ready to start? Check this introductory article.
This sample explains how to draw and give shape to an electrical wire or flexible pipe. You can add multiple joints and move them using the right mouse button.
This sample demonstrates Eyeshot Finite Element Analysis capabilities, including mapped meshing and 2D and 3D beams with hinge support. The Numeric results button opens a dialog containing all the results in a tabular view. Video1
This example demonstrates how to use the 2D constraint solver from UI, including sketch extrude/revolve/sweep and assembly navigation to specific component/BRep. On the left pane you'll find the assembly and features trees. Import sketch from DWG/DXF is also available. Video1, Video2, Video3
This sample explains how to slice a Mesh for 3D printing. Video1
This sample explains how to generate a section of a 3D surface model.
This sample explains how to build a manifold BRep object from two airfoils. The resulting model can be exported in STEP file format.
This example demonstrates how our workspaces (formerly called Environments) work seamlessly on the same geometry. It also shows how to define 2D sketches, orthographic views, FEA study and 3x CNC machining programmatically. Video1
标签:Eyeshot,Video1,geometry,之选,2024,how,sample,explains,3D From: