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Eyeshot:使用 MultiFastMesh 进行 EDM 仿真

时间:2024-04-05 13:33:51浏览次数:26  
标签:Vector3D MultiFastMesh EDM Eyeshot int step steps new data

使用 MultiFastMesh 进行 EDM 仿真

在本文中,使用Eyeshot探索新的MultiFastMesh实体在现实场景中的实际应用,特别关注为线切割 EDM 模拟创建快速高效的 3D 可视化。

在深入了解详细信息之前,我们强烈建议您阅读有关 MultiFastMesh 的介绍性文章。


在这里,您将找到继承自MultiFastMesh 且专门用于显示线切割 EDM 模拟的实体的实现。

public class EdmSimMesh : MultiFastMesh
    #region Static Utils
    private static void WriteVertex(float[] vertices, int offset, Point3D point)
        vertices[offset + 0] = (float)point.X;
        vertices[offset + 1] = (float)point.Y;
        vertices[offset + 2] = (float)point.Z;
    private static void WriteNormal(float[] normals, int offset, Vector3D normal)
        normals[offset + 0] = (float)normal.X;
        normals[offset + 1] = (float)normal.Y;
        normals[offset + 2] = (float)normal.Z;
    private static Vector3D ComputeNormal(Vector3D tu, Vector3D tv)
        Vector3D n;
        n = Vector3D.Cross(tu, tv);
        return n;

    private static void ComputeNormal(
        Line prev, Line step, Line next,
        out Vector3D normalAtStartPoint,
        out Vector3D normalAtEndPoint
        // Computes the normal at the start and end point
        // of a step (a line) given its prev and next step.

        if (step != null && prev != null && next != null)
            Vector3D s0 = (step.StartPoint - prev.StartPoint).AsVector;
            Vector3D e0 = (next.StartPoint - step.StartPoint).AsVector;
            Vector3D v0 = (s0 + e0);

            Vector3D s1 = (step.EndPoint - prev.EndPoint).AsVector;
            Vector3D e1 = (next.EndPoint - step.EndPoint).AsVector;
            Vector3D v1 = (s1 + e1);

            normalAtStartPoint = ComputeNormal(v0, (step.EndPoint - step.StartPoint).AsVector);
            normalAtEndPoint = ComputeNormal(v1, (step.EndPoint - step.StartPoint).AsVector);

        else// TODO
            normalAtStartPoint = Vector3D.AxisX;
            normalAtEndPoint = Vector3D.AxisX;

    private static MultiFastMesh BuildFastMeshes(IList<Line> steps)
        // Builds a mesh from a list of steps (lines)
        // as a continuous strip.

        float[] vertices = new float[steps.Count * 3 * 2]; // 2 vertices per line, 3 components per vertex
        float[] normals = new float[steps.Count * 3 * 2];
        int[] triangles = new int[(steps.Count - 1) * 2 * 3];

        for (int i = 0; i < steps.Count; i++)
            int vertIdx0 = i * 3 * 2 + 0;
            int vertIdx1 = i * 3 * 2 + 3;

            // Copy the line's vertices
            WriteVertex(vertices, vertIdx0, steps[i].StartPoint);
            WriteVertex(vertices, vertIdx1, steps[i].EndPoint);

                i > 0 ? steps[i - 1] : null,
                i >= steps.Count - 1 ? null : steps[i + 1],
                out Vector3D n0, out Vector3D n1);

            WriteNormal(normals, vertIdx0, n0);
            WriteNormal(normals, vertIdx1, n1);

        for (int i = 0; i < steps.Count - 1; i++)
            // Build 2 tris (ccw)
            triangles[i * 6 + 0] = (i + 0) * 2 + 0;
            triangles[i * 6 + 1] = (i + 1) * 2 + 1;
            triangles[i * 6 + 2] = (i + 0) * 2 + 1;

            triangles[i * 6 + 3] = (i + 0) * 2 + 0;
            triangles[i * 6 + 4] = (i + 1) * 2 + 0;
            triangles[i * 6 + 5] = (i + 1) * 2 + 1;

        /* IMPORTANT */
        /* --------------------------------------------
         A MultiFastMesh allows ranged drawing: 
         you can specify color and visibility
         for different portions of the mesh.
         To achieve that, we must specify the 
         list of `sub-meshes`: here we are 
         saying that each quad of the strip
         we just built is a sub-mesh, for a total
         of steps.Count - 1 sub-meshes.
         With this setup, we can later ask
         the MultiFastMesh to draw only the
         sub-meshes corresponding to steps [0, N] to 
         show only the first N movements.
        -------------------------------------------- */

        IntInterval[] subMeshes = new IntInterval[steps.Count - 1];
        for (int i = 0; i < subMeshes.Length; i++)
            // a sub-mesh is defined as a range of 
            // indices in the triangles array:
            // sub-mesh[i] goes from index i*6 to (i+1)*6 (2 tris)
            subMeshes[i] = new IntInterval(i * 6 + 0, i * 6 + 5);

        return new MultiFastMesh(vertices, normals, triangles, subMeshes);


    private const double PI = 3.14159265359;

    private int _currentStep = 0;
    private int _stepCount = 0;
    private Line[] _steps = null;

    public Color BaseColor = System.Drawing.Color.Gray;
    public Color HighlightColor = System.Drawing.Color.OrangeRed;

    // Used to draw some extras such as two cones
    // at the start and the end of the cutting wire
    private FastMesh _myPrivateMesh = null;
    private Point3D[] _myPoints = null;
    private Vector3D[] _myNormals = null;

    private void InitPrivateMesh(double lineLen)
        Mesh cone0 = Mesh.CreateCone(lineLen * 0.1, 0.0001, Point3D.Origin, Point3D.Origin + Vector3D.AxisZ * 0.25 * lineLen, 6);
        Mesh cone1 = Mesh.CreateCone(lineLen * 0.1, 0.0001, Point3D.Origin, Point3D.Origin + Vector3D.AxisZ * 0.25 * lineLen, 6);

        cone0.Translate(0, 0, -0.5 * lineLen - 0.25 * lineLen);
        cone1.Rotate(PI, Vector3D.AxisX);
        cone1.Translate(0, 0, 0.5 * lineLen + 0.25 * lineLen);

        cone0.MergeWith(cone1, false, false);

        _myPrivateMesh = cone0.ConvertToFastMesh(false);
        _myPoints = new Point3D[_myPrivateMesh.PointArray.Length / 3];
        _myNormals = new Vector3D[_myPrivateMesh.NormalArray.Length / 3];

        for (int i = 0; i < _myPrivateMesh.PointArray.Length; i += 3)
            _myPoints[i / 3] = new Point3D
                _myPrivateMesh.PointArray[i + 0],
                _myPrivateMesh.PointArray[i + 1],
                _myPrivateMesh.PointArray[i + 2]

            // one normal per vertex
            _myNormals[i / 3] = new Vector3D
                _myPrivateMesh.NormalArray[i + 0],
                _myPrivateMesh.NormalArray[i + 1],
                _myPrivateMesh.NormalArray[i + 2]

    /// <summary>
    /// Standard constructor.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="steps">A list of ordered cutting steps. Each line defines the position of the wire at that step.</param>
    /// <param name="baseColor">The color applied to the simulation mesh or null if the default color should be used. </param>
    /// <param name="highlightColor">The color applied to the latest step represented by the simulation mesh or null if the default color should be used.</param>
    public EdmSimMesh(IList<Line> steps, Color? baseColor, Color? highlightColor) : base(BuildFastMeshes(steps))
        _stepCount = steps.Count;
        _steps = steps.ToArray();

        if (baseColor.HasValue) BaseColor = baseColor.Value;
        if (highlightColor.HasValue) HighlightColor = highlightColor.Value;

        InitPrivateMesh(steps.First().Length() * 2.5);
        MoveToStep(_stepCount - 1);

    /// <summary>
    /// Moves the simulation to step <paramref name="n"/>, showing the result
    /// of the cutting process from step 0 to the specified step.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="n"> The index of the step.</param>
    public void MoveToStep(int n)
        if (n < 0) throw new ArgumentException("Invalid step: step index must be positive or 0", nameof(n));
        n = Math.Min(_stepCount - 1, n);
        _currentStep = n;

        if (n == 0)
            SubMeshIntervals = new List<SubMeshInterval>{ };
        else if (n == 1)
            SubMeshIntervals = new List<SubMeshInterval> { new SubMeshInterval(0, 0, HighlightColor) };
            SubMeshIntervals = new List<SubMeshInterval>
                new SubMeshInterval(0, n - 2, BaseColor),
                new SubMeshInterval(n - 1, n - 1, HighlightColor)


    private void DrawEdmWire(DrawParams data, Line l)
        // Draws a line representing the cutting wire
        // and 2 cones at the start and end of the wire.
        Line myl = (Line)l.Clone();
        myl.Scale(myl.MidPoint, 2.5);

        // Draw the cutting wire

        float prev = data.RenderContext.SetLineSize(4.0f, true, false);
        data.RenderContext.DrawLine(myl.StartPoint, myl.EndPoint);

        // Draw the cones
        var transform = new Align3D(Plane.XY, new Plane(l.MidPoint, l.Tangent));


        // Far from the optimal approach, 
        // however, the amount of vertices is
        // really low...

        _myPoints.Select(p =>
            Point3D newP = (Point3D)p.Clone();
            return newP;

        , _myNormals.Select(p =>
            Vector3D newP = (Vector3D)p.Clone();
            return newP;


    private bool _suspendExtras = false;

    public override void Draw(DrawParams data)

        // Don't show the cutting wire in the 
        // planar reflections
        _suspendExtras |= data.PlanarReflections;

        if (!_suspendExtras)
            DrawEdmWire(data, _steps[_currentStep]);

        _suspendExtras = false;

    public override void DrawForShadow(RenderParams data)
        _suspendExtras = true;
        _suspendExtras = false;

    public override void DrawForSelection(DrawForSelectionParams data)
        _suspendExtras = true;
        _suspendExtras = false;

    public override void DrawSelected(DrawParams data)
        _suspendExtras = true;
        _suspendExtras = false;


// some settings to improve performance
design1.Rendered.ShadowMode = shadowType.None;
design1.Rendered.SilhouettesDrawingMode = silhouettesDrawingType.Never;

// Creating some geometry to build the EdmMeshes
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Brep stock = Brep.CreateBox(6, 3, 1);
stock.Translate(-1.5, -1.5, 0);

Region r1 = new Region(new Circle(Plane.XY, Point2D.Origin, 1));
Region r2 = new Region(CompositeCurve.CreateRoundedRectangle(2.5, 0.7, 0.3, true));
r2.Translate(1.75, 0, 0);

Region rBot = devDept.Eyeshot.Entities.Region.Union(r1, r2)[0];

Region rTop = (Region) rBot.Clone();
rTop.Translate(0, 0, 1);

// Decrease/increase the argument of GetPointsByLength to
// increase/decrease the number of steps.
double subdv = 0.1;
LinearPath topPath = new LinearPath(rTop.ContourList[0].GetPointsByLength(subdv));
LinearPath botPath = new LinearPath(rBot.ContourList[0].GetPointsByLength(subdv));
topPath.LineWeight = 4.0f;
botPath.LineWeight = 4.0f;
topPath.LineWeightMethod = colorMethodType.byEntity;
botPath.LineWeightMethod = colorMethodType.byEntity;
botPath.Scale(1.3, 1.3, 1);
rBot.Scale(1.3, 1.3, 1);

List<Line> lines = new List<Line>();
for (int i = 0; i < topPath.Vertices.Length; i++)
    lines.Add(new Line(botPath.Vertices[i], topPath.Vertices[i]));
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Adding the entities to the scene
EdmSimMesh edmMesh = new EdmSimMesh(lines, Color.CadetBlue, Color.Magenta);
design1.Entities.Add(edmMesh, Color.FromArgb(255, Color.Black));
design1.Entities.Add(topPath, Color.FromArgb(160, Color.Aquamarine));
design1.Entities.Add(botPath, Color.FromArgb(160, Color.Aquamarine));
design1.Entities.Add(stock, Color.FromArgb(60, Color.DarkGray));

// You can download QuickForms (released by devDept) from NuGet.
QuickForm qkf = new QuickForm();

qkf.AddTrackBar("Step", 0, lines.Count - 1, 1, d =>
    int i = (int)d;


From: https://blog.csdn.net/john_dwh/article/details/137253937


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