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赵长鹏:我所遵循的 15 条处事原则

时间:2022-10-15 21:57:46浏览次数:41  
标签:do about don 处事 赵长鹏 will 不要 organization 15



公平。不要占别人的便宜,也不要让别人占你的便宜。每个人都是主观的,并且稍微偏向于自己,你需要抵制这一点,并尽可能保持客观。   建立长期双赢的关系   避免坏关系。(1)不认同你的价值观或使命的人(2)浪费你很多时间的人 (3)“high maintenance” people (4)「健谈」的人,在我人生的这个阶段,我没有时间闲聊,我也回避这些人   遵守道德   专注 Focused 成功并不来自你做了多少事情,而来自你在极少数选定事情上做得有多好,专注可以让你努力工作,从你的生活中消除干扰。   积极 Positive 「当你走到谷底时,你会怎么做?只要继续走,你就会走出来」 “What do you do when you walk to the bottom of a valley? Just keep walking, and you will get out of it.”     机会难得(Own It) 正确的心态是人生成功的先决条件,对你所做的事负责并感到自豪。 不要只是做任务,不要只是把砖头放在墙上,而是要成为那个建造大教堂的人。如果你不认为你在「建造一座大教堂」,你就应该换份不同的工作。 如果你要做某件事,就应该觉得机会难得。想想你还需要做哪些别人没有告诉你做的事情来做得更好,对结果负责,不管是成功还是失败。如果你采用这种心态,你的工作结果会神奇地提高,你也会进步得很快。   The right mentality is a prerequisite to success in life. Be responsible and be proud of what you do.   Don’t just do tasks. Don’t just lay bricks on a wall. Be the guy building the cathedral. If you don’t think you are “building a cathedral”, you should look for a different job.   If you are going to do something, own it. Think about what else you need to do to make it better that others have not told you to do. Be responsible for the outcome, and be accountable for results, success or failures. If you adopt this mindset, your work results will magically improve, and you will progress faster on the way to success.     不断学习 世界在不断发展,你必须不断学习、阅读、住在不同的城市、拥有自己的世界观。 我一般不看新闻,我发现很容易同意 10 分钟文章的内容,但它们不够深入,阅读后没有任何内容。 当我读书时,它会进入细节、背后的原因、例子,8 小时后一些新概念往往就会被记住。我发现书籍在自我提升方面的投资回报率最高,我买了很多书,每年大约 300 本,但并没有读完所有的书,我每年大概读完 80 本书。 我也试着每天写一点点,它可以是一篇博客文章,也可以是一篇文章(比如这篇文章),写作帮助我巩固我的想法,并更好地组织它们。 he world is evolving. You must learn constantly. Read books. Live in different cities. Have a worldview.   I don’t typically read the news. I find it is easy to agree with the contents of 10-minute articles, but they don’t go deep enough and nothing sticks after reading.   When I read books, it goes into details, reasons behind it, examples, and after 8 hours, some new concepts tend to stick. I find books have the highest ROI in terms of self-improvement. I buy a lot of books, 300 or so each year, but don’t finish all of them. I finish roughly 80 books per year.   I also try to write a little bit each day. It can be a blog post, or an article (like this one). Writing helps me to consolidate my thoughts, and organize them better.     了解世界 无论一个人希望取得何种程度的成功,了解世界是如何运作的都是很重要的。 人类如何工作,阅读「Sapiens」(金色财经注:人类简史)。我们生活在一个人类的世界里,每个人的脑海里都有一个不同版本的世界,也就是说每个人都生活在一个不同的世界,需要了解他们的世界。   不要持有太多非黑即白的观点,世界很少是二元的,许多人对世界的看法过于简单化,这很难让他们获得成功。从更深层次看问题,在现实生活中,大多数事情都是一种折中平衡的状态。   例如,有些人天真地认为所有规则都是好的,但规则是由人类制定的,并不总是完美的。建议阅读书籍:《The Law》(注:作者为法国经济学家巴斯夏),《Economics in One Lesson》(注:一课经济学,作者为美国经济评论家黑兹利特)等。   还要了解世界上的局限性,我们不是生活在一个完美的世界里。   不要打你不会赢的战争,避免它,去别的地方,做点别的事情。在这个世界上有很多事情要做,专注于你可以做出的积极贡献。     不要太认真对待目标 设定一个目标,朝着它努力,如果你已经实现了它,就设定一个新的目标。当币安成立时,我们设定了在 3 年内成为世界十大交易所的目标,但随后我们在 5 个月内成为世界排名第一的交易所,我们并没有因此止步。    


满足感应该来自于内心。当我把事情做好时,我内心的内在奖励就足够了。   使用输出指标(用户、收入、市场份额),而不是输入指标(任务、功能、会议、工作时间)。 批注:就是商业化的眼光。   时间比金钱更重要 时间是一种比金钱更有限的资源。不要浪费它。当你开始珍惜时间时,金钱就会到来。 节省时间的最有效工具是说 “不”。有人想讨论一个 “重要”但模糊的伙伴关系,我说不。有人邀请我去见一些大人物,但没有明确的目的,我说不。有人邀请我参加一个艺术馆展览,我说不。有人邀请我去看F1,我说不。足球比赛,不......我确实和朋友一起去参加这些活动。但默认的答案是不。 这样一来,我就把时间留给了更重要的事情,即使只是自己呆在酒店房间里。我可以思考,把心思放在更重要的事情上,比如写这篇文章。   沟通 要简洁和直接,金字塔表达,结论先行。始终让你的意图或目标明确。你想要什么? 简洁地写作。你需要写下来,但要少写(不要写长),要写好。 尽可能使用最有效的方法/工具。如果能打电话就不要见面;如果能发短信就不要打电话 避免沟通链 使用IM进行同步,或工作协调。使用一条信息而不是许多条。 不要用文字聊天进行辩论/争论。拿起电话,做视频或语音通话来进行辩论。   会议 尽可能地缩短会议时间。5分钟是最好的。如果你不能和你的亲密同事进行5分钟的会议,你还没有和他们进入状态。 删除不说话的人。如果你在一个讨论会议中,不需要说什么,你可能不应该加入这个会议。你也许可以直接获得会议记录。 在开会前要有书面要点。把事情写下来可以理清思路。我(CZ)是一个视觉型的人。我对那些只用口头解释的东西的记忆要少得多。书面文件也更容易转发。口头解释是不可能的。    


决策框架 [第一性原理] 如果决策涉及到核心原则之一,那么就遵循这些原则,这是一件容易的事,否则就仔细检查决策框架。 [小 vs 大] 首先要确定的是决策的规模或影响。 小的决定,快速做出决定或者委派给别人,然后继续前进——比如去哪里吃饭,或者一笔小投资。 重大决定则收集数据、在小组里讨论,然后睡上 24 小时——比如大型赞助、投资等。 [可逆 vs 永久] 有些决策是可逆的,比如开发新的产品功能,你可以随时停止,然后处理其他事情或在完成后将其关闭,虽然在时间和精力上会有一些沉没成本,但这是有限的。 有些决定不容易逆转,比如赞助协议的巨额预付款,计划与团队整合的大公司的并购等。 [我有专业知识么] 如果是我非常了解的东西,或者有一些背景信息,比如技术、产品,那么我就能更快地做出决定。在我不太了解的领域,比如市场营销,我要么委托他人,要么让其他专家参与,要么更仔细地做决定。 [充分的信息] 最后要问的是,我们是否有充分的信息。对于小决定,我不需要很多信息。对于重大决定,我们应该尝试获取必要的信息。但归根结底,我们经常不得不用有限的信息做出决定。     团队和组织 经常调整团队 Shuffle Teams Frequently(洗牌) 内部竞争是好的   可控的混乱是一种结构类型 Controlled Chaos is a Type of Structure This one is a little counterintuitive to explain. Let’s look at the two extreme ends of chaos vs structured. Total chaos is bad, this one is easy.   Many people tend to think the more structured an organization is, the better. I disagree with this. A clear structure has many benefits, including clear delineation of power and responsibilities, less overlap or wasted energy, etc. It generally makes the organization more efficient. But what most people don’t think about is, it usually only makes the organization efficient in doing one thing. (In fact, the word “organization” implies structure and optimization for one thing.) The most extreme version of over-organization is bureaucracy. As we grow, we need to constantly remind ourselves not to get there.   When the world changes, a strongly structured organization will require more effort to adapt. And the world changes frequently, especially in a young industry like ours. In a strongly structured organization, there is less organic innovation(有机创新比较少), less internal competition (or pressure to improve constantly)内部竞争较少(或不断改进的压力). At a certain size, top down decision making becomes less effective.在一定的规模下,自上而下的决策变得不那么有效。   This is not to say “chaos” is better. There is a balance somewhere. We live and work in a changing world, a new industry. Our industry redefines many of the traditional concepts, such HQ, company, team, and even money. Given we work remotely, and globally, many of the traditional structures won’t fit us.   At the same time, we do need strong controls in many areas. We handle users’ funds. Security, compliance(合规性), ethics, and neutrality(中立性) must be strongly enforced(强有力的执行). We operate in a regulated environment(受监管的环境). Compliance is critical(合规是至关重要的). A controlled chaos environment requires the best people, passionate and responsible people. How to find this balance is a constant challenge for us to improve ourselves. The point is, chaos is a feature, sometimes.   给予反馈。无论何时何地,我都会在1对1的讨论中或在大组中给予直接反馈。事实上,我更喜欢在大组中给予反馈,这样其他人也可以学习,而我也不必多次重复自己。远程工作,得不到肢体语言的反馈。必须通过给予直接和坦率的反馈来过度补偿这一点。 根据我的经验,高绩效者喜欢和高绩效者一起工作。当一个由高绩效者组成的团队合作愉快时,工作本身就会让人上瘾。当你有一个低绩效的人在一起时,一切都会被破坏。请把底层的人“搬”出去。 经常做本地团队建设   4.7. Not So Many Verbal Compliments If you do something well, you may hear from others “good job, great work, etc”. Probably not so much from me. Conversely, when you do something badly, if I see it, you will most likely hear it.   My reasons are: 1. we hold high standards, we expect excellence, good results should be the norm. If we make a big deal out of each “little” accomplishment, it feels like we are setting a low bar. Not something we want to do.   2. Working remotely, I don’t see all the wins from all teams. I won’t be able to cover everything. If I congratulate some but not others, it creates psychological imbalances or perceptions of favoritism. This problem doesn’t happen for criticism, I give directly constructive feedback on the things I see. Others don’t complain about favoritism.   3. Satisfaction should come from within. When I do something well, my inner intrinsic rewards are sufficient.   4. It’s not time efficient. Once something is done well, we should be focusing on the next thing.   I am not saying this is a good approach, it’s just how I operate. I actually think giving both carrots and not just sticks is probably a better approach, but I haven’t figured out how to do it efficiently, in a distributed manner.   Different cultures also have different expectations. The Culture Map book explains this well. Americans usually have a more “awesome job” culture, whereas Asians are more of the “sticks” culture.   What’s more efficient is to adjust their comp on the next review cycle. So I do give carrots, just not so much verbally.   4.8. Escalations(升级,向上反馈) vs Rumors(流言,造谣者) 升级,逐步升级,增加;扩大;逐步上升;调值;价格调整 Escalations are part of normal business, and there is a right and wrong way to do it.   Rumor is when you complain to me 1:1 about someone else, and have not told the other person about it. Rumors are bad. I don't manage rumors. I just ignore them. In fact, when you do this to me, I mark a negative point on you (not them).   Escalation is when you book a 3 way meeting with CZ, you, the guy you want to complain about and CZ. Now, I can hear both sides of the story in one go.   More importantly, it forces you to have a candid conversation with the other party before you talk to me.   I only need to have one meeting to handle an escalation. This compared to if I were to handle rumors, I need to have multiple 1:1 conversations back and forth. You know how I feel about time (later).   Use escalations, not rumors. It’s hard. But being able to articulate in a professional manner why you are unhappy about someone or something is one of the key skills for success. Don’t be too soft, don’t be too hard. Finding the right balance is key.   4.9. Bottom Out(自下而上) I believe in the “bottom out” principle. I have read many arguments against stack ranking, not creating internal competition, etc. They have merits(优点), but I don’t believe they achieve the best balance.   In my experience, high performers like to work with high performers. When a team of high performers work well together, the work itself becomes addictive. When you have a low performer in the mix, everything gets destroyed. Move the bottom guys out.   I also believe in the “team, not family” principle described in the book “No Rules Rules”. It’s not pretty to hear, but an organization is a little bit different from a family. We care about each other, but we will not carry low performers with us. It’s irresponsible for the other members on the team. 我们彼此关心,但我们不会把表现不佳的人带在身边。这是对团队中其他成员的不负责任。     招聘 雇用最好的人,永远如此。雇佣你自己的老板是你事业进步的最佳途径之一,这能表明你处于高度成熟的水平。 雇用有激情的人, 雇用饥渴的人 Hiring Hungry People 雇佣那些能够成长为这个角色的人,而不是那些 “曾经有过,做过 ”的人。 Hire people who will grow into the role, not someone who has “been-there, done-that”. While previous experience certainly helps in many situations, and a prerequisite in certain roles like compliance(合规), the latter will be bored. It also often causes a “fixed mindset” thinking(固定思维), as people are often overly-molded(过度塑造) by their previous experiences. 雇用能够表达自己的行动者,而不是不会行动的说话者。 Hire with a Goal。Each new person must have clear responsibilities, ideally with aggressive(积极的) numerical targets with about a 70% chance of success. 不要雇用那些担心头衔的人。不要雇用那些过度关注工资和报酬的人。如果你在招聘过程中有疑问,就不要雇用。面试阶段的小疑虑总是会变成未来的大问题。     领导风格 不要试图激励那些没有自我激励能力的人。 这就像拖着一匹死马。这是不可能的。这不值得。也不可能激励那些不认同你的使命或价值观,或不喜欢你这个领导,或只是懒惰的人。让他们在别的地方工作吧。人们要么被激励,要么不被激励。只和自我激励的人一起工作。 我们远程工作。由于没有人看着他们,懒惰的人很容易偷懒。但这也是一种变相的祝福。人们可以偷懒一天,一个星期,甚至一个月。但几个月后,他们就没有成果可言了,而你会知道。远程工作实际上使你很容易在一段时间内识别他们。一旦你发现你的团队中那些不思进取的人,就让他们离开吧。 永远不要进行微观管理。 微观管理比自己做工作要花更多时间。如果你需要进行微观管理,你应该让这个人离开。     拥有用户是关键,其他一切都不那么重要,没有用户等于没有价值,善待他们。   商业交易 保持简单的交易 长期的互利共赢关系不需要排他性,要求排他性的人通常对竞争力或他们能提供的价值没有安全感 合同中始终有终止条款,许多人在合同阶段考虑一般情况(通常是乐观的),这是一个错误,想想最坏的情况,这就是合同的用途。 永远不要给一个客户别人没有的私人交易。永远平等对待所有的客户。   被动 BD,追求易摘的果实。 处理我们可以达成的交易。   公关。不要在发布的第一天做大规模的 PR,总会出问题,在我们进行大型 PR 之前,给系统和产品一周左右的时间来安顿下来适应和稳定。 快速响应负面消息,否则它只会蔓延,除非你确定这是一个小新闻媒体,不会得到任何报道。 无延迟 PR,准备就绪时宣布  


睡眠 我建议你找到自己的睡眠模式,这能给你最大的能量。 对我来说,我晚上睡 5 - 6 个小时,然后通常在下午睡 30 - 45 钟。我通常在午睡后最清醒,第二个最清醒的时间是在早上,也即我醒来后一个小时。所以在那段时间里,我做艰难的思考或艰难的决定,并利用一天的剩余时间来处理更多「平凡」的任务。   放松和娱乐 我像大多数其他人一样冷静下来,我每天锻炼一下,参加一些运动。我喜欢单板滑雪、看一些电影(通常是在别人推荐它之后)。当我访问新城市时,我会去一些旅游景点,我和朋友一起放松——吃饭,喝酒等。 

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/zccst/p/16795130.html


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