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2022-10-15 闲话

时间:2022-10-15 12:34:25浏览次数:44  
标签:10 hard 15 de 2022 English my more

Senior Three is hard to survive so I designed a setence recently written as "和过去与未来说拜拜,拥抱最后一个现在". Death is not a big deal to be honest.

Wait,Just give away your pen and look around.

Urr. Fellow students works really hard as they leave at 12:30&9:50. I can't bear that. Two of my PhO friends returned and they started to "卷不死就往死里卷". I am a bit motivatied but I wanna more samples before making a decision.

zero4338! Leaving at 12:15 and Reading novels in 50% public selfstudy classes, he got a 140+ in English. The other 50% of his public selfstudy classes are dovoted to Biology and Chemistry which he got 64&65. (I want a audiance to tell me what is the w3's address.What comes after 172?) With 123 English 58 Bio 59 Che,I can't sleep to sound. We are having braakfast&dinner together these days when he fakes a lot. I say sb to him loudly with politeness and other co eaters never think I'm rude. But his time management is ideal for me.

I wanna leave 802 the Juan class. Monitors bark.Headteacher wants higher ranks and students to study longer. Useless. Occupied Sunday morning break seems more necessary after she said "No matter how hard it is, there is only 200 days."

I am a broken machine which needs breaks. Not inspired by "Always continue, never break",I stay at home for 1 day before my mom let me attend classes everywhere. I even came to Hengshui in 2022-08-27, one day after I returned my home in 2022-08-26 from Shanghai HongQiao.

I expected to get a 139 on math but only received a 108 because of my carelessness. Faults like \(\cos 120=\frac12\) appears on my answer sheet. Similar mistakes also make my annoyed in Weekly tests. Physics is in disorder,too. WuLi zuoye has many repeating works which I don't like. Shen zhi worse than chao tong zhuo de.Use this precious time to study Diancichang is more efficient.

She hui bu xu yao wo zhe yang de qiang nu zhi mo. Wo ye zhi hui duan zhang qu yi hu jiao man chan.

I am not a native English speaker.

Please comment whatever you want if you have read all these sentences.

Zuo tian shi wo de sheng ri. yspm is an adult now. But Lonely. Comforts wanted.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/yspm/p/Wastewords20221015.html


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