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AP World History复习提纲(unit 3~uint4)

时间:2024-03-23 19:12:25浏览次数:15  
标签:Empires uint4 Decline period Asia AP World Mughal reasoning

theme 1 Humans and the environment

theme 2 cultural developments and interactions(important)

theme3 governance

theme4 economic systems

theme5 social interactions and organization(important)

  • Europe: The year 1450 has traditionally signified the ending of the medieval period and the begnning of the early modern period and the beginning of the early modern period.invention of the Gutenburg printing press followed by an increase in literacy.The nature of new monarchies in Europe was the result of the desire of certain leaders to centralize power by controlling stuff.
    Russia: Ivan IV: set about to expand the Russian border eastward. control of the Volga: allowed the Stroganoffs(地主) to hire band of fierce peasant warriors known as Cossacks to fight the local tribes and the Siberian khan.to the pacific.

  • East Asia: China. conflicts with the west.

  • Rise of the Islamic Gunpowder Empires:

    • The Rule of Tamerlane: The invasion of Central Asia and the Middle East by tamerlne set the stage for the rise of the Turkic empires. The Eurasian steppes were the birthplace of ghazi deal-model for warrior life that blended the cooperative values of nomadic culture with the willingness to serve as a holy fighter for Islam.
  • The Ottoman Empire:

    • Mehmed II:
    • Suleiman I
  • The Safavids: An early Safavid military hero named Ismail conquered most of Persia and pushed into Iraq.He soon conuqered all of Iran and was proclaimed shah(equivalent to king or emperor).Shah Abbas: presided over the Safavid Empire at its height. women are rarely mentioned, but were permited to particpate in their societies.

  • Mughal India: Mughal Empire under Akbar was one of the richest and best governed states in the world. Castes are strict social groupings desgnated at birth.

  • Decline of the Gunpowder Empires

    • Ottoman :after Suleiman's death, a European foce made up mostly of Spaniards and Venetians defeated the Ottomans in a great naval conflict known as the Battle of Lepanto.
    • Safavid Decline: the leader combined lavish lifestyles and militray spending with falling revenues, resulting in a weakened economy.
    • Mughal Decline: Shah Jahan's son and scuessor, inherited an empire weakened by corruption and the failure to keep up with the military innovations of external enemies.

theme6 technology and innovation

  • Gunpowder Empires: large, multiethnic states in Southwest, Central, and South Asia that relied on firarms to conquer and control territories.

reasoning process: comparison

reasoning process: causation

reasoning process: continuity and change

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/zplqwq/p/18091553


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