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随笔,发散了 3.19

时间:2024-03-19 19:31:34浏览次数:35  
标签:3.19 just remembered dream could but 发散 随笔 was

ok i have finished the listening and the reading tasks.and now i need to write something 

oh i can share some dreams with u 

i will dream something wired when i was sleeping. but I cannot really remember all the dreams. 

i remembered a dream that i was in a fire. but luckily i was alive at last.but I felt i got something  bad i could not breathe smoothly  and the reflection was in the real world 

i also remembered a dream that i was in the class .and i could not remember that if i could not answer the question correct ly or just was late for the school  i was scolded by the teacher and then i was crying in the dream. but the fucking thing was that i found i was also crying  in the real world .i was on the bed and then i was just crying?what the fucking happen to me

i also remembered a terrible dream that i was in the hospital .and then i gonna to have a operation. and i was on the cold desk?i don't know how to describe that.

and then i couldn't remember anymore it was a dream that longlong before .


oh i also remembered that i was in the end of the world and the world was destroying by some huge power. and i  fled  following the  crowd. the music i heard was the music that i have heard  in the reality. the dream was pretty terrible .and many people died and the buildings were destroyed .and the flood was filled with our classroom and many students in the classroom died because of the fucking flood and i was lucky  to run away because i seated  near the gate of the classroom. and then i could not do anything but to run  to run  to the higher spot. i just remembered that i was running and then i woke up. fortunately it was just a dream not really fucking things.


lmaooo sometimes i could learn that i was in the dream and then tried to control it .i can experience another life without any danger   but sometimes i could not realize that i was in the dream so it was a random thing to me .


that's all  


From: https://blog.csdn.net/2301_80185446/article/details/136834369


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