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英语随笔,发散了 3.18

时间:2024-03-19 19:31:13浏览次数:28  
标签:3.18 life get next 发散 something 随笔 today stage

today i have somethings that want to share with u.

i watched a video before,and today i watched it again.i found something meaningful from the people's talking.

she said:"there is no stage that u can just get through."we always hope to get through this stage and them enjoy the next stage.we always think that the stage now is difficult to pass , to alive.we think we can feeling good when we move on the next stage. but is that the fact in the real world?no. we still have many difficult things that we need to face in the next future.

so we can not have the way of the thinking  that get through every stages and hope to enjoy the next stage of every stage.

we can reward ourselves when we do something difficult instead of finishing some biggest things. after we receive some rewards  we can move on better . 

and the second thing is that even though u work hard u may not be successful.and the success u get  is not all depend on your hard work it also depend on the chance u meet . after we realize these things  we won't feel sad or worry when we fail also we won't feel pretty proud when we get something.

that's something i want to say today

i hope i can work life balance in the future

and feel more peaceful in the future

yeap the life is hard but we still need to be alive .so we can try to live in another way  if the start and the end are  same for every people  why don't we have a pretty happy way to write the distance between the start of our life and the ending of our life.

ok~i need to learn the Japanese  as quickly as i can and then i can enjoy the tv play u know today is the first day that the tv play i love will be released tonight i can't wait yeapyeap



From: https://blog.csdn.net/2301_80185446/article/details/136797642


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