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标签:Do CONCEPT like there 50 want NEW Yes any


Lesson 41 Penny's bag

Key words and expressions

cheese n. 乳酪, 干酪

bread n. 面包

soap n. 肥皂

chocolate n. 巧克力

sugar n. 糖

coffee n. 咖啡

tea n. 茶

tobacco n. 烟草, 烟丝

Language points

Is that bag heavy, Penny? 这包很重吗?

Not very. = It's not very heavy. 不是很重.

Here! Put it on the chair. 这, 放椅子上吧.

What's in it?

What's + 介词短语 表示 什么地方有什么?

example :

​ What's on the table? 桌上有什么?

​ What's in front of window? 窗前有什么?

A piece of cheese. 一块乳酪


piece还可以修饰另外一些不可数名词 a piece of paper 一张纸

A loaf of bread. 一块面包

a piece of bread / a slice of bread 一片面包

bread and butter 黄油面包

A bar of soap 一块肥皂 soup:汤,(不要弄错)

A bar of chocolate 一块巧克力

在这里 bar 是 块/条 的意思, bar 还有 酒吧 的意思.

以上都是不可数名词, 如果你想说2块奶酪, 3块面包...

那就要把前面的量词变复数, 后面的名词不变.

example :

​ two pieces of cheese.

​ three loafs of bread.

​ four bars of soap.

​ five bars of chocolate.

A bottle of milk. 一瓶牛奶

A pound of sugar. 一磅糖 pound重量单位, 或英镑

Half a pound of coffee. 半磅咖啡 half a bottle of milk 半瓶牛奶

A quarter of a pound of tea 1/4磅茶叶

a quarter of a mile 1/4英里

And a tin of tobacco. 还有一罐烟丝.

以上名词都是不可数名词 ' is '

*** Sentence patterns***

Is there any ... ?

对于不可数名词的提问, 要用单数动词.

example :

​ Is there **any milk **in that bottle?

​ There's some milk in that bottle.

​ There isn't any milk in that bottle.

**在肯定句中用 ' some ', 而在否定句和疑问句中用 ' any '. **

Is there a ... ?


Is there a book on the desk?

There is a book on the desk.

There isn't a book on the desk.

Lesson 42 Is there a ... in/on that...? Is there any ... in/on that...?

Is there a passport on the table? Yes, there is.

Is there any milk on the table? Yes, there is.

Is there a spoon on the plate? Yes, there is.

Is there a tie on the chair? Yes, there is.

Is there any bread here?

Yes, there is. There's some on the table. some代替some bread.

Is there a hammer here?

Yes, there is. There's one on the bookcase. hammer是可数名词,one代替a hammer.

Is there any tea here?

Yes, there is. There's some tea on the table.

Is there a vase here?

Yes, there is. There's one on the radio.

Is there a dress in the wardrobe?

No, there isn't a dress. There's a suit.

Is there any tea in the tin?

No, there isn't any tea. There's some tobacco.

Is there any sugar on the desk?

No, there isn't any sugar. There is some chocolate.

Is there any bread on the plate?

No, there isn't any bread. There's some cheese.

Is there a newspaper on the television?

Yes, there's one on the television.

Is there a car on the bridge?

Yes, there's one on the bridge.

Is there any soap on the dressing table?

Yes, there's some on the dressing table.

Is there a bird on the tree?

Yes, there's one on the tree.

不可数名词前不能加a/an,但是可以加一个短语类似汉语中的量词, 比如说:a piece of , a bar of , a pound of ...

Lesson 43 Hurry up!

Key words and expressions

of course 当然

kettle n. 水壶

behind prep. 在...后面

teapot n. 茶壶

find v. 找到

boil v. 沸腾, 开

Language points

Can you make the tea , Sam?

*** 情态动词 ' can ' 不以人称的变化而变化, 后面接 ' 动词原形 ' , ***

example :

​ Can I help you?

​ Can you make a bookcase?

Yes, of course I can, Penny. of course = certainly 都是当然的意思

Where's the tea?

It's over there, behind the teapot. ***over there : 在那边 *** 在茶壶后面.

example :

​ The table is over there, in front of the window. 桌子在那边, 在窗前.

in front of 的反义词是 behind

Can you see it?

I can see the teapot, but I can't see the tea.

There it is! 就在那呢! Here it is. 就在这.

It's in front of you! 就在你眼前.

Where're the cups? 茶杯在哪?

There' re some in the cupboard. some代替some cups, 碗柜里有一些.

*** some这个词可以和可数名词复数连用, 也可以和不可数名词连用 ***

比如 : some water / some milk some glasses / some pencils

Can you find them? 你能找到它们吗? 还可以说成 ' Can you see them?'

Yes, here they are. 我找得到, 它们就在这.

Hurry up, Sam! 快点.

The kettle's boiling! 水开了.

Hurry up! We'll be late! 快点吧,我们要迟到了.

Sentence patterns

Are there any ... ? 问在什么地方,有没有一些什么东西? 问的是可数名词的复数.

Are there any glasses on the table?

There are some glasses on the table.

There aren't any glasses on the table.

Is there any ... ? 问不可数名词

Is there any tea in those cups? 那些杯子里有茶吗?

Lesson 44 Are there any...? Is there any ...?

Is there any bread here? Yes, there is. There's some on the table.

Are there any hammers here? Yes, there are. There' re some behind that box.

Is there any milk here? Yes, there is. There's some in front of the door.

Is there any soap here? Yes, there is. There' re three bars of soap on the cupboard.

Are there any newspapers here? Yes, there are.

There' re some newspapers behind that vase. newspaper是可数名词.

Is there any water here? Yes, there is. There' re two glasses of water on the table.

Is there any tea in those cups? Yes, there is.

Are there any cups in front of the kettle? Yes, there are.

Is there any chocolate behind that book? Yes, there is.

There are two bars of chocolate behind that book.

Are there any kettles in the cupboard? No, there aren't.

There' re some teapots.

Are there any buses in front of that building? No, there aren't.

There' re some cars.

Is there any tea on the table? No, there isn't.

There's some coffee. There' re two bags of coffee on the table.

Lesson 45 The boss's letter

Key words and expressions

boss n. 老板, 上司

minute n. 分钟

ask v. 请求, 要求

handwriting n. 书写

terrible adj. 糟糕的, 可怕的

lift v. 举起

Language points

Can you come here a minute please, Bob? 你能来一会吗?

a minute 还可以说成 a moment / half a minute

Yes, sir? 什么事啊?

Where's Pamela? Pamela 在哪?

She's next door. 她在隔壁. 也就相当于 She's in the next room.

next door可以做前置形容词, 比如 : our next door neighbour. 我们隔壁的邻居.

She's in her office, sir.

Can she type this letter for me? 为我打这封信.

Ask her, please. 请问一下她. = Ask a question.

Can you type this letter for the boss please, Pamela? 你能为老板打这封信吗?

What's the matter?

I can't type this letter. 我不能打这封信.

I can't read it. 我不能读它.

The boss's handwriting is terrible! 老板的书写太糟糕了!

a terrible day 糟糕的一天

terrible weather 糟糕的天气

Sentence patterns

Can you ... ?

example :

​ Can you read this book? 你能读懂这本书吗?

​ I can read this book.

​ But , I can't read that magazine.

Lesson 46 Can you ... ?

Can you put your coat on? No, I can't.

Can you put your hat on? Yes, I can.

Can you see a bird? No, I can't.

Can you see that aeroplane? Yes, I can.

Can he paint this bookcase and this room?

He can paint this bookcase, but he can't paint this room.

Can he lift this chair and this table?

He can lift this chair, but he can't lift this table.

Can you read this magazine? No, I can't.

What can you do? I can read this book.

Can you jump off that wall? No, I can't.

What can you do? I can jump off that box.

Can she make biscuits? No, she can't.

What can she do? She can make cakes.

Can she put the vase on that shelf? No, she can't.

What can she do? She can put it on this table.

Lesson 47 A cup of coffee

Key words and expressions

like v. 喜欢, 想要

want v. 想

Language points

like 行为动词, 对于它的提问要用助动词do.

Do you like coffee Ann? 你喜欢咖啡吗?

Yes, I do. 是的, 我喜欢. 这里的助动词do,代替I like coffee.

Do you want a cup? 你想来一杯吗? a cup 就是 a cup of coffee.

Yes, please, Christine. 请给我来一杯.

Do you want any sugar? 你想要一点糖吗?

Yes, please. 别人请你喝茶时, 你想喝就这样说.

Do you want any milk?

No, thank you. 如果你想拒绝的话就这样说.

I don't like milk in my coffee. 我不喜欢在咖啡里加牛奶.

I like black coffee. 我喜欢清咖啡.

加了牛奶的咖啡是white coffee. black tea 不是黑茶, 而是红茶.

Do you like biscuits? 你喜欢饼干吗? biscuits复数泛指饼干.

Yes , I do.

Do you want one? 你想来一块吗? 这里的one,代替 a biscuit.

Yes, please.

Sentence patterns

Do you like ... ?

Do you want ... ?

example :

​ Do you like coffee?

​ Yes, I do. 否定:No, I don't.

​ I want a cup.

​ I want some sugar.

​ But I don't want any milk.

Lesson 48 Do you like ... ? Do you want ... ?

fresh eggs 新鲜的鸡蛋

Do you like fresh eggs? Yes, I do.

Do you want any eggs? No, I don't.

butter 黄油

Do you like butter? Yes, I do.

Do you want any butter? No, I don't.

pure honey 纯蜂蜜

Do you like honey or bananas? I like honey , but I don't like bananas.

ripe bananas 熟透的香蕉

Do you like honey or bananas? I don't like honey, but I like bananas.

jam 果酱

Do you want any jam or an orange? I want some jam, but I don't want an orange.

sweet oranges 甜橙

Do you want any jam or an orange? I don't want any jam, but I want an orange.

Do you like ice creams? Yes, I do. I like ice creams, but I don't want one.

scotch whisky 苏格兰威士忌

Do you like whisky? Yes, I do. I like whiskey, but I don't want any.

choice apples 精选苹果

Do you like apple? Yes, I do. I like apples, but I don't want one.

wine 葡萄酒

Do you like wine? Yes, I do. I like wine, but I don't want any.

biscuits 饼干

Do you like biscuits? Yes, I do. I like biscuits, but I don't want one.

beer 啤酒

Do you like beer? Yes, I do. I like beer, but I don't want any.

Lesson 49 At the butcher' s

Key words and expressions


butcher n. 卖肉的

meat n. (食用)肉

beef n. 牛肉

lamb n. 羔羊肉

husband n. 丈夫

steak n. 牛排

mince n. 肉馅, 绞肉

chicken n. 鸡(可数), 鸡肉(不可数)

tell n. 告诉

truth n. 实情

either adv. 也(用于否定句)

Language points

Do you want beef or lamb?

Beef, please.

example :

​ Do you want wine or beer?

​ Wine, please.

This lamb's very good.

I like lamb, but my husband doesn't.

***doesn't = does not 用于第三人称的否定句 ***

example :

​ My sister likes coffee, 主语是第三人称单数, 动词 like要加 s .

​ but she doesn't want a cup now. 在否定句中要用 doesn't 构成否定

Do you want a chicken, Mrs, Bird? 来只鸡吗?

They're very nice.

No, thank you.

My husband likes steak, but he doesn't like chicken.

To tell you the truth, Mrs. Bird, ***说老实话 to tell you truth = to be honest with you ***

I don't like chicken either! either 也 的意思, 但是它是用在否定句中

example :


​ He doesn't like apples.

​ I don't like apples either. 这是否定句中的 '也 '用 'either'


​ My husband wants a glass of milk.

​ I want a glass, too. 肯定句中表示'也' 要用 ' to '

Sentence patterns

He likes ...

But he doesn't like ...

example :

​ He likes beef.

​ But he doesn't like lamb.

Lesson 50 He likes ... But he doesn't like ...

choice tomatoes 精选西红柿 Penny

Does Penny like tomatoes? Yes, she does. She likes tomatoes, but she doesn't want any.

new potatoes 新土豆 you

Do you like potatoes? Yes, I do. I like potatoes, but I don't want any.

fresh cabbages 新鲜的卷心菜 Sam

Does Sam like cabbages? Yes, he does. He likes cabbages, but he doesn't want any.

fresh lettuces 新鲜的生菜 you

Do you like lettuces? Yes, I do. I like lettuces, but I don't want any.

garden peas 花园豌豆 Mrs. White

Does Mrs. White like peas? Yes, She does. She likes peas, but she doesn't want any.

garden beans 花园豆角 you

Do you like beans? Yes, I do. I like beans, but I don't want any.

ripe bananas Mr. Jones

Mr. Jones doesn't like oranges. but I do.

What does he like? He likes bananas.

sweet oranges I

Mr. Jones likes bananas, but I don't.

What do you like? I like orange.

choice apple Mrs. Bird

Mrs. Bird doesn't like pears, but I do.

What does she like? She likes apples.

choice pears I

Mrs. Bird likes apples, but I don't.

What do you like? I like pears.

choice grapes 优质葡萄 George

George doesn't like peaches, but I do.

What does he like? He likes grapes.

choice peaches 优质的桃子 I

George likes grapes, but I don't.

What do you like? I like peaches.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/lg369/p/18076453


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