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时间:2024-03-15 15:35:47浏览次数:42  
标签:飞跃 导航 大脑 was 机器人 robot 昆虫 Chicca



In the vast expanse of nature, some of the most profound inspirations come from the smallest of creatures. Insects, often overlooked due to their diminutive size, are in fact marvels of navigation and efficiency. Their ability to maneuver through complex environments with a brain no larger than a pinhead has long intrigued scientists and engineers alike. Leading the charge in uncovering these secrets is physicist Elisabetta Chicca, whose recent work bridges the gap between biological understanding and technological innovation.

在浩瀚的大自然中,一些最深刻的灵感来自最小的生物。昆虫由于体积小而经常被忽视,事实上它们是导航和效率的奇迹。长期以来,科学家和工程师们都很感兴趣,因为它们的大脑不比针头大,能够在复杂的环境中机动。物理学家Elisabetta Chicca率先揭开了这些秘密,她最近的工作弥合了生物学理解和技术创新之间的差距。


Chicca has embarked on a journey to decode how these tiny creatures achieve such remarkable feats. Her work not only sheds light on the mysteries of insect navigation but also paves the way for advancements in energy-efficient computing and robotics.


Unlocking Insect Navigation


Insects, despite their limited neural resources, exhibit astonishing navigational skills. They effortlessly avoid obstacles and adeptly move through the tiniest of openings, a feat that has puzzled scientists for years. The crux of this ability lies in their unique perception of the world.



Chicca explains in her research that a key aspect of insect navigation is how they perceive motion. It’s akin to the experience of sitting on a train and observing the landscape: trees close by seem to move faster than distant houses. Insects use this differential speed of movement to gauge distance and navigate. This simple yet effective method works well when moving in a straight line. However, the real world is seldom that straightforward.



Insects adapt to the complexities of their environment by simplifying their behavior. They typically fly in a straight line, make a turn, and then proceed in another straight line. Chicca’s observations reveal an important lesson: limitations in resources can be counterbalanced by behavioral adjustments.



The journey from biological insights to robotic applications is a tale of interdisciplinary collaboration. Thorben Schoepe, a PhD student under Chicca’s supervision, developed a model mimicking the neuronal activity of insects, which was then translated into a small, navigating robot.

从生物学见解到机器人应用的旅程是一个跨学科合作的故事。在奇卡的监督下,博士生Thorben Schoepe开发了一个模仿昆虫神经元活动的模型,然后将其转化为一个小型导航机器人。


This robot, embodying the principles of insect navigation, was a product of close collaboration with Martin Egelhaaf, a renowned neurobiologist from Bielefeld University. Egelhaaf's expertise in understanding the computational principles of insects was crucial in developing a model that accurately emulated their navigational strategies.

该机器人体现了昆虫导航的原理,是与比勒费尔德大学著名神经生物学家Martin Egelhaaf密切合作的产物。Egelhaaf在理解昆虫计算原理方面的专业知识对于开发准确模拟昆虫导航策略的模型至关重要。


The Robot's Navigational Feats


The true testament to any scientific model lies in its practical application. In the case of Chicca's research, the robotic counterpart of an insect's brain showcased its capabilities in a series of complex tests. The most striking of these was the robot's navigation through a corridor, its walls adorned with a random print. This setup, designed to mimic the varying visual stimuli an insect encounters, was a challenging course for any navigation system.



The robot, equipped with Thorben Schoepe's model, demonstrated an uncanny ability to maintain a central path in the corridor, a behavior remarkably similar to that of insects. This was achieved by steering towards areas with the least apparent motion, mimicking the insect's natural strategy to gauge distance and direction. The robot's success in this environment was a compelling validation of the model.

该机器人配备了Thorben Schoepe的模型,展示了在走廊中保持中心路径的神奇能力,这种行为与昆虫的行为非常相似。这是通过模仿昆虫测量距离和方向的自然策略,转向运动最不明显的区域来实现的。机器人在这种环境中的成功是对模型的有力验证。


Beyond the corridor, the robot was tested in various virtual environments, each presenting its own set of challenges. Whether it was navigating around obstacles or finding its way through small openings, the robot displayed an adaptability and efficiency reminiscent of its biological counterparts. Chicca concluded that the model's ability to perform consistently across different settings was not just a demonstration of technical prowess, but a reflection of the underlying efficiency and versatility of insect navigation.



 Thorben Schoepe's robot in a corridor with random print. Photo Leoni von Ristok

Thorben Schoepe的机器人在走廊上随机打印。莱昂尼·冯·里斯托克照片

Efficiency in Robotics: A New Paradigm


The world of robotics has long been dominated by systems that learn and adapt through extensive programming and data processing. This approach, while effective, often requires substantial computational resources and energy. Chicca's research introduces a paradigm shift, drawing inspiration from the natural world where efficiency is key.



Insects, as Chicca points out, are born with an innate ability to navigate efficiently from the get-go, without the need for learning or extensive programming. This ‘hardwired' efficiency stands in stark contrast to the traditional approach in robotics. By emulating these biological principles, robots can achieve a level of efficiency that is currently unattainable with conventional methods.



Chicca envisions a future where robotics is not just about learning and adaptation, but also about innate efficiency. This approach could lead to the development of robots that are smaller, use less energy, and are more suited to a variety of environments. It's a perspective that challenges the status quo and opens up new possibilities in the design and application of robotic systems.




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From: https://www.cnblogs.com/bjrobot/p/18075526


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