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时间:2024-03-05 15:13:00浏览次数:22  
标签:Specifies scenario data item attribute 维度 line hyperion





Specifies the data view for consolidation - Year-to-Date or Periodic. This attribute is required. Specify Y for YTD or N for Periodic.

If you set ConsolidateYTD to N, you must also set both ZeroViewForAdj and ZeroViewForNonadj options to Periodic.


Specifies the types of periods for which data input is valid for the scenario. This attribute is required.

For example, a value of Monthly indicates that you can extract input data only in month-based periods, not in quarter-based or year-based periods. The frequency must be defined in the application profile.


Specifies the default parent for the scenario.


Specifies the data view (Year-to-Date or Periodic) to use when Scenario View is selected in the point-of-view bar. This attribute is required. Specify YTD or Periodic.

If you change the default view for a scenario and line-item detail has been entered, you should first extract the line-item detail and save it. Then delete the line-item detail from the scenario before changing the view. You must change the extracted line-item detail to match the new default view before reloading it.


Specifies the default frequency for intercompany transaction data. This attribute must be a valid frequency and can contain a maximum of 80 characters. The default for this attribute is blank.


Specifies the description for the scenario. The description can contain up to 80 characters, including spaces.


Specifies whether changes to data for the scenario should be tracked in the data audit log. This attribute for an account or a scenario determines what can be audited. Specify one of these values:

  • Y to automatically audit all accounts. Even accounts that have EnableDataAudit set to False will be audited.

  • O to audit only those accounts that have EnableDataAudit set to True.

  • N to disable auditing for all accounts.


Specifies the maximum level of reviews for process units for the scenario. Each process unit can have up to 10 levels of review. Specify a review level from 1 to 10. This attribute is required.


Specifies the name for the scenario. This attribute is required. The name must be unique and can contain up to 80 characters, including spaces, but cannot start with a space.

Do not use these characters in the scenario name:

  • Asterisk (*)

  • At sign (@)

  • Comma (,)

  • Curly brackets ({})

  • Double quotation marks""

  • Minus sign (-)

  • Number sign (#)

  • Period (.)

  • Plus sign (+)

  • Semicolon (;)

  • Slash mark (/)


In applications for which process management phased submissions is enabled, specifies the start year for phased submissions.


Specifies the name of a valid security class that defines users who can access the data for the scenario. Security class names can contain up to 80 characters. For example, a user with None access rights to a scenario can open journal periods for the scenario.


Specifies whether the scenario supports Process Management. Specify one of these values:

  • Y to enable the Process Management without email alerts

  • N to disable the Process Management option

  • A to enable Process Management and email alerts

UserDefined1, UserDefined2, UserDefined3

Stores custom information for the scenario. You can enter a maximum of 256 characters. The UserDefined1, UserDefined2, and UserDefined3 functions retrieve the text stored in this attribute.


Specifies whether accounts can use line-item detail in this scenario. Specify Y if the scenario can accept line items or N if the scenario cannot accept line items.

If you change this attribute after line-item detail is entered, the stored line item detail may no longer be valid for the scenario. These behaviors occur:

  • If the scenario accepted line items and now it cannot, the line-item detail stored in the database is no longer valid. Only the total is displayed.

  • If the scenario did not accept line items and now it can, there is a total amount but no corresponding line-item detail information for the scenario. You can extract the total and then load it as line-item detail data so that the total matches the line-item detail information.

  • If the scenario does not accept line item detail initially, and if there is data present for the scenario, then it is not possible to enable line item details for the scenario or for any accounts in the scenario. To enable line items for that scenario, you must delete existing data, enable the line items in metadata and reload the data into the application.


Specifies how to interpret missing, adjusted data values for the period. This attribute is required. Specify YTD or Periodic.

If you set ConsolidateYTD to N, you must also set both ZeroViewForAdj and ZeroViewForNonadj options to Periodic.


Specifies how to interpret missing, nonadjusted data values for the period. This attribute is required. Specify YTD or Periodic.

If you set ConsolidateYTD to N, you must also set both ZeroViewForAdj and ZeroViewForNonadj options to Periodic.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/hitzhu/p/18054077


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