choose (when, otherwise)标签
有时候我们并不想应用所有的条件,而只是想从多个选项中选择一个。而使用if标签时,只要test中的表达式为 true,就会执行 if 标签中的条件。MyBatis 提供了 choose 元素。if标签是与(and)的关系,而 choose 是或(or)的关系。
choose标签是按顺序判断其内部when标签中的test条件出否成立,如果有一个成立,则 choose 结束。当 choose 中所有 when 的条件都不满则时,则执行 otherwise 中的sql。类似于Java 的 switch 语句,choose 为 switch,when 为 case,otherwise 则为 default。
<!-- choose(判断参数) - 按顺序将实体类 User 第一个不为空的属性作为:where条件 --> <select id="selectControlTableColumnByTableColumnIdAndIsUpdateOrIsDelete" parameterType="com.uama.mdm.model.mdata.MdControlTableColumn" resultMap="BaseResultMap"> SELECT <include refid="Base_Column_list"></include> FROM md_control_table_column u <where> <choose> <when test="isUpdate !=null "> AND u.is_update = #{isUpdate, jdbcType=INTEGER} </when> <when test="isDelete != null"> AND u.is_delete = #{isDelete, jdbcType=INTEGER} </when> <otherwise> </otherwise> </choose> <if test="tableColumnId != null"> AND table_column_id = #{tableColumnId} </if> </where> </select>
choose (when,otherwize) ,相当于java 语言中的 switch ,与 jstl 中 的 choose 很类似。
<iframe data-google-container-id="a!2" data-google-query-id="CIrg5-vB2voCFdHAfAodxLgMcg" data-load-complete="true" frameborder="0" height="90" id="aswift_1" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" name="aswift_1" scrolling="no" src="!2&btvi=1&fsb=1&xpc=mfdr7vZx88&p=https%3A//" width="728"></iframe><select id="dynamicChooseTest" parameterType="Blog" resultType="Blog"> select * from t_blog where 1 = 1 <choose> <when test="title != null"> and title = #{title} </when> <when test="content != null"> and content = #{content} </when> <otherwise> and owner = "owner1" </otherwise> </choose> </select>
when元素表示当 when 中的条件满足的时候就输出其中的内容,跟 JAVA 中的 switch 效果差不多的是按照条件的顺序,当 when 中有条件满足的时候,就会跳出 choose,即所有的 when 和 otherwise 条件中,只有一个会输出,当所有的我很条件都不满足的时候就输出 otherwise 中的内容。所以上述语句的意思非常简单, 当 title!=null 的时候就输出 and titlte = #{title},不再往下判断条件,当title为空且 content!=null 的时候就输出 and content = #{content},当所有条件都不满足的时候就输出 otherwise 中的内容。
[java] view plain copy
- @SuppressWarnings("serial")
- public class UserInfo implements Serializable {
- private String userid;
- private String department;
- private String position;
- private String mobile;
- private String gender;
- private String email;
- //set,get,构造函数,toString,请各位看官自己生成吧
- }
[plain] view plain copy
- List<UserInfo> findUserInfoByOneParam(Map<String,Object> map);
[html] view plain copy
- <select id="findUserInfoByOneParam" parameterType="Map" resultMap="UserInfoResult">
- select * from userinfo
- <choose>
- <when test="searchBy=='department'">
- where department=#{department}
- </when>
- <when test="searchBy=='position'">
- where position=#{position}
- </when>
- <otherwise>
- where gender=#{gender}
- </otherwise>
- </choose>
- </select>
a.请注意这里的【select * from userinfo 】之后没有再写where语句
[java] view plain copy- if(...){
- ....
- }else if(...){
- ...
- }else{
- ....
- }
[html] view plain copy
- <select id="findUserInfoByOneParam" parameterType="Map" resultMap="UserInfoResult">
- select * from userinfo
- <choose>
- <when test="department!=null">
- where department=#{department}
- </when>
- <when test="position!=null">
- where position=#{position}
- </when>
- </choose>
- </select>
[java] view plain copy
- @Test
- public void testSeletOne() {
- Map<String,Object> map=new HashMap<String,Object>();
- map.put("searchBy", "gender");
- map.put("gender", "1");
- map.put("position", "工程师");
- map.put("department","2");
- UserInfoDao userInfo = sqlSession.getMapper(UserInfoDao.class);
- List<UserInfo> UIList= userInfo.findUserInfoByOneParam(map);
- for(UserInfo ui:UIList){
- System.out.println(ui.toString());
- }
- }
[html] view plain copy
- <select id="findUserInfoByOneParam" parameterType="Map" resultMap="UserInfoResult">
- select * from userinfo
- <choose>
- <when test="searchBy=='department'">
- where department=#{department}
- </when>
- <when test="searchBy=='position'">
- where position=#{position}
- </when>
- <otherwise>
- where gender=#{gender}
- </otherwise>
- </choose>
- <if test="gender!=null">
- and gender=#{gender}
- <span style="white-space:pre"> </span></if>
- </select>
[java] view plain copy
- @SuppressWarnings("serial")
- public class UserInfo implements Serializable {
- private String userid;
- private String department;
- private String position;
- private String mobile;
- private String gender;
- private String email;
- private Departments depart;
- //其他内容请自行补充
- }
[html] view plain copy
- <select id="findUserInfoByOneParam" parameterType="Map" resultMap="UserInfoResult">
- select * from userinfo
- <choose>
- <when test="searchBy=='department'">
- where department=#{department}
- </when>
- <when test="searchBy=='position'">
- where position=#{position}
- </when>
- <otherwise>
- where gender=#{gender}
- </otherwise>
- </choose>
- <if test="d != null and != null">
- AND department = #{}
- </if>
- </select>
[java] view plain copy
- @Test
- public void testSeletOne() {
- try {
- Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
- map.put("searchBy", "position");
- map.put("gender", "1");
- map.put("position", "工程师");
- Departments d = new Departments("2", "%售%");
- map.put("d", d);
- UserInfoDao userInfo = sqlSession.getMapper(UserInfoDao.class);
- List<UserInfo> UIList = userInfo.findUserInfoByOneParam(map);
- for (UserInfo ui : UIList) {
- System.out.println(ui.toString());
- }
- } catch (Exception e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
参考 :Mybatis---动态查询(choose,when,otherwise)
标签:map,gender,when,---,choose,position,where From: