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maxscript 自动寻路

时间:2022-10-09 15:23:01浏览次数:49  
标签:do string maxscript wirecolor -- wireColor 自动 pressed 寻路

try(destroyDialog autoFinderRoll)catch()

rollout autoFinderRoll "遍历寻路"
	button btnCreateScene "创建场景" width:120
	button btnSetGround "设置地面[灰色]" width:120
	button btnSetWall "设置墙体[黑色]" width:120
	button btnSetPlayer "设置玩家[黄色]" width:120
	button btnSetTarget "设置目标[蓝色]" width:120
	button btnStartFind "开始寻路" width:120
	button btnReset "重置-路径[绿色]" width:120
	button btnResetDeadPath "重置-死路[红色]" width:120

	button btnCreateSceneRandom "创建随机场景运行" width:140
	button btnRandomBoom "随机爆炸一次" width:140

	local _playerObject
	local _targetObject

	local groundColor = gray
	local wallColor = black
	local playerColor = yellow
	local targetColor = blue
	local pathColor = green
	local errorColor = red
	on btnCreateScene pressed do 
		delete objects
		xCount = 12
		yCount = 12
		size = 10
		for x = 1 to xCount do 
			for y = 1 to yCount do 
				objName = x as string + "_" +  y as string
				p = Plane length:size width:size widthsegs:1 lengthsegs:1 name:objName
				p.pos = [x * size, y * size, 0] 
				p.wirecolor = groundColor
				setTransformLockFlags p #all
		max select

	fn getNode objName = 
		o = getNodeByName objName
		--if o != undefined do select o
		return o

	fn getNearOkObjects curObj =
		xy = FilterString curObj.name "_"
		x = xy[1] as integer
		y = xy[2] as integer
		p1 = getNode ((x - 1) as string + "_" + (y + 1) as string)
		p2 = getNode ((x - 0) as string + "_" + (y + 1) as string)
		p3 = getNode ((x + 0) as string + "_" + (y + 1) as string)
		p4 = getNode ((x - 1) as string + "_" + (y + 0) as string)
		p6 = getNode ((x + 1) as string + "_" + (y + 0) as string)
		p7 = getNode ((x - 1) as string + "_" + (y - 0) as string)
		p8 = getNode ((x - 0) as string + "_" + (y - 1) as string)
		p9 = getNode ((x + 1) as string + "_" + (y - 1) as string)
		arr = #(p1,p2,p3,p4,p6,p7,p8,p9)
		reult = #()
		for i in arr do
			if i == undefined do continue
			if i.wireColor == playerColor do continue --不能是自己
			if i.wireColor == errorColor do continue --死路
			if i.wireColor == wallColor do continue --墙体
			if i.wireColor == pathColor do continue --走过的
			append reult i
		return reult

	on btnSetGround pressed do for i in selection do i.wirecolor = groundColor
	on btnSetWall pressed do for i in selection do i.wirecolor = wallColor
	on btnSetPlayer pressed do 
		for i in objects do if i.wirecolor == playerColor do i.wirecolor = groundColor
		if selection[1] != undefined do  
			selection[1].wirecolor = playerColor
			_playerObject = selection[1]
	on btnSetTarget pressed do 
		for i in objects do if i.wirecolor == targetColor do i.wirecolor = groundColor
		if selection[1] != undefined do  
			selection[1].wirecolor = targetColor
	  		_targetObject = selection[1]
	fn find =
		times = 0 
		local _player = _playerObject
		local _target = _targetObject
		local state = #init
		while true do
			dis = distance _player _target 
			if dis < 20 do exit
			times += 1
			if times > 2000 do 
				state = #timeout
			nearObjs = getNearOkObjects _player
			tmpDis = #()
			for i in nearObjs do
				dis = distance i _target
				--print ("最近物体: " + i as string)
				append tmpDis dis
			if tmpDis.count == 0 do
				print "死路,周围无可行走的点"
				if times == 1 then
					state = #over
					_player.wireColor = errorColor
					state = #dead
			minDis = amin tmpDis
			index = findItem tmpDis minDis
			if index != 0 then 
				_player = nearObjs[index]
				_player.wireColor = pathColor
				sleep 0.001
			state = #ok
		print ("循环次数:" + times as string)
		if times == 0 then state = #zeroTimes
		return state

	on btnStartFind pressed do
		for i = 1 to 500 do 
			if keyboard.escPressed do exit
			state = find()
			if state == #zeroTimes do exit
			if state == #timeout do exit
			if state == #ok do exit
			if state == #over do exit

	on btnResetDeadPath pressed do
		for i in objects do if i.wireColor == errorColor do 
			 i.wireColor = groundColor
	on btnReset pressed do
		for i in objects do 
			if i.wireColor == pathColor do  i.wireColor = groundColor
			if i.wireColor == playerColor do  _playerObject = i
			if i.wireColor == targetColor do   _targetObject = i 
		try _targetObject.wireColor = targetColor catch()

	on btnCreateSceneRandom pressed do
		btnCreateSceneRandom.enabled = false

		for i in objects do
			if random 1 2 == 1 then i.wirecolor = wallColor
			else if random 1 3 == 1 then i.wirecolor = groundColor
		while true do
			p = objects[random 1 objects.count]
		 	t = objects[random 1 objects.count]
			if p != t do
				_playerObject = p
				_targetObject = t
				_playerObject.wirecolor = playerColor
				_targetObject.wirecolor = targetColor
		btnCreateSceneRandom.enabled = true

	on btnRandomBoom pressed do
		while true do
			obj = objects[random 1 objects.count] 
			if obj.wireColor == wallColor or obj.wireColor == groundColor do 
				print ("爆炸:" + obj as string)
				obj.wireColor = groundColor
				s = Sphere radius:6 pos:obj.pos
				sleep 0.1
				delete s

createDialog autoFinderRoll 200 280

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/trykle/p/16772247.html


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