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The governance measures of marine oil pollution

时间:2023-11-10 23:44:05浏览次数:43  
标签:oil necessary measures Oil safety marine pollution

The governance measures

(1). Preventive measures. Prevention is one of the most effective control methods, including the following aspects:

a. Strengthening monitor and control system, improving the sound monitoring system, and estabilishing the real-time monitoring about the offshore oil exploration, transportation and processing links. At the same time, the supervision of oil tankers, oil platforms and offshore oil loading facilities will be strengthened to ensure that they meet safety standards. In addition, it is also necessary to formulate strict emergency plans for oil pollution and prepare for oil pollution prevention and control in advance.

b. Strengthening Safety management Increase investment, improve the safety performance of offshore oil exploration and transportation facilities, strengthen training and education, and ensure that operators have the necessary safety knowledge and skills. In addition, it will strengthen cooperation with international organizations to jointly formulate and implement relevant safety norms and norms to promote the safe development of the global offshore oil industry.


(2). Emergency measures. After the occurrence of Marine oil pollution accidents, it is necessary to take rapid emergency measures to reduce losses and impacts. The main measures include:

a. Oil pollution removal the use of artificial adsorbents and biological adsorbents and other technologies to remove oil pollution. In addition, physical methods such as containment, isolation and centralized removal can be used to restore stability to Marine ecosystems as quickly as possible.

b. Rescue of Contaminated organisms Rescue of Marine organisms contaminated by oil shall be carried out in a timely manner. For example, injured animals are sent to specialized rescue centers, and treated and rehabilitated to minimize the death and injury of organisms. c. Strengthening monitoring and assessment In the process of emergency response, it is necessary to carry out comprehensive monitoring and assessment work, timely understand the scope and extent of oil pollution spread, predict the possible impact, and take appropriate measures according to the assessment results.

                 Oil containment boom                                                                                                                                                                       Oil receiving machine



 Oil-absorbing sponge----Oleo Spong



From: https://www.cnblogs.com/Morning-night/p/17825360.html


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