时间:2023-11-10 09:35:08浏览次数:30  
标签:GARBAGB incineration garbage countries disposal MEASURES China DISPOSAL waste

  • To begin with, let's review the definition of what garbage disposalis. The purpose of garbage disposal is to remove the garbage quickly, treat it harmlessly, and finally use it reasonably. The purpose of garbage disposal is harmlessness, resource and reduction. However, garbage disposal is basically classified, recycled, and then disposed of. Treatment method: the most commonly used is landfill, but the effect is very slow, the land is also wide, easy to produce secondary pollution to groundwater. There is also incineration, but it pollutes the air and invests a lot.
  • Although with the gradual attention to environmental issues, energy conservation and environmental protection have become the theme of development in various countries, and have begun to provide industrial development opportunities for garbage disposal, garbage disposal is still a serious issue to be solved.

  • Luckily, more methods have been proposed and tried to solve this increasingly growing proplem. Generally, sanitary landfill, high-temperature composting and incineration are the most widly used ways of garbage disposal. I'd like to introduce the trends according to the virous situations in dealing with gatbage disposal.
  1. In industrial developed countries, due to the increasingly tight energy and land resources, the proportion of incineration treatment is gradually increasing;
  2. Landfilling as the final disposal method has been a large proportion of waste;
  3. most agricultural developing countries are mainly composting;
  • Other new technologies, such as pyrolysis, sea reclamation, and mountain landscaping, are making continuous progress.
  • Future prospect: Although the average annual growth rate of waste in the world is 8.42%, while the growth rate of waste in China is over 10%, (the world produces 490 million tons of garbage every year, and China alone produces nearly 150 million tons of municipal garbage every year.), China has accumulated 7 billion tons of municipal solid waste. Under such huge garbage pressure, there is reason to believe that the garbage disposal industry will become a star industry in China in the future.


From: https://www.cnblogs.com/JXNUjxnu/p/17823334.html


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