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Global warming

时间:2023-10-30 17:23:41浏览次数:33  
标签:Global glaciers there ice water sea warming

Global warming refers to the phenomenon of climate change that causes the temperature of the Earth's atmosphere to rise due to the greenhouse effect.

 Glacier ice exists on all the continents except Australia.

Mountain glaciers are very se nsitive indicators of climate change, the glaciers and the ice serve many functions.

During the Arctic winter, the air is colder than the water, the ice helps to insulate the water from the atmosphere, where there is no ice there's a huge heat flow from the water to the atmosphere, which causes the air temperature to go up

The ice restricts the energy of the wind from causing waves near the ice.

The ice acts as a mass exchange preventing ocean water from evaporatin go into the atmosphere, and since ice is white, it reflects the sun's energy and kee ps the system cool, without ice, the temperature of the earth would be likely to in crease, perhaps significantly.

Even a modest of 2 to 4 degrees, Fahrenheit could have a profound effect, some regions of the world might experience more rainfall which leads to floods, which would have impact on agriculture and forest growth. 

Fertile wet lands could be lost due to rises in sea level, and low-lying areas might experience flooding from melting water run off, higher temperatures in most area s of the world could become fertile breeding grounds.


There are many things affecting the balance of temperature.Such as precipitation, humidity wind speed, slope, and reflectivity, which we call natural phenomenon.

Except those things, there is a major thing,'human activity', for example, ‘fossil fuel', there is an evidence of melting data There are many things affecting the balance of te mperature.Such as‘precipitation', humidity', ‘wind speed', ‘slope', and ‘reflectivit y', which we call natural phenomenon.Except those things, there is a major thing,'human activity', for example, ‘fossil fuel', there is an evidence of melting data which suggests that since 1850 some alpine glaciers have lost between30% and 40% of their surface area and about 50% of their volume, similar findings have be en reported in other glaciers around the world.

Global compilations show that sea level has risen about 1/10 of an inch per year, which may not sound like a lot, but by the year 2100, sea level may rise by almost two feet, if this warming trend con tinues.So what we should do to protect our planet? We should follow the advice, ‘ car pool', ‘using transportation', ‘by bike’, ‘planting trees', and so on. ch suggests that since 1850 some alpine glaciers have lost between30% and 40% of their surface area and about 50% of their volume, similar findings have be en reported in other glaciers around the world.Global compilations show that sea level has risen about 1/10 of an inch per year, which may not sound like a lot, but by the year 2100, sea level may rise by almost two feet, if this warming trend continues.

So what we should do to protect our planet? We should follow the advice, ‘ car pool', ‘using transportation', ‘by bike’, ‘planting trees', and so on.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/Zyt12345678/p/17798344.html


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