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Global warming

时间:2023-10-30 13:55:04浏览次数:32  
标签:means energy Global emission reduction emissions carbon warming

Definition of Global warming:

A sound ecology and environment is not just a natural asset, but also an economic asset, and it affects the potential and momentum of economic and social development. We need to speed up efforts to foster a green way of development and secure a win-win of economic growth and environmental protection, so as to build a homeland of coordinated advancement of economy and the environment.

The methods for climate changes:

China's emission reduction measures to address climate change: mainly through market means, supplemented by administrative means.

1、Carbon emissions trading

Carbon emissions trading, as an important market tool, regulates the real or implied price of carbon through policies. Policies can stimulate manufacturers and consumers to invest heavily. Low emission products, technologies, and processes can help reduce emissions.

2、Energy Supply Department

The proportion of zero carbon or low-carbon energy supply, such as renewable energy, nuclear energy, and fossil energy using carbon capture and storage technology (CCS), in the primary energy supply needs to be significantly increased to achieve decarbonization in power generation devices. Coal power that does not use carbon capture and storage technology should be phased out as much as possible.

3、Energy application field

Reduce demand in the energy sector by relying on energy-saving technologies, improved transportation, behavioral changes, improved infrastructure, and urban development; Apply new technologies and knowledge, formulate and issue energy efficiency policies, building regulations and standards, and promote the reduction of energy use in the construction sector; The industrial sector improves energy efficiency, reduces unit energy emissions, recycles materials, and reduces product demand based on existing measures such as technological upgrading and upgrading.

4、Agriculture and Forestry

Afforestation, reducing deforestation, and sustainable forest management are one of the effective means of reducing emissions. The most effective means in the field of agriculture are farmland and pasture management, as well as the restoration of organic soil. Urbanization not only brings income growth, but also high energy consumption and emissions. It is necessary to improve energy efficiency, land planning, and cross departmental collaborative measures to achieve emission reduction.

5、Department collaboration

There is a strong interdependence between energy supply and energy end user departments in terms of emission reduction pace. Early implementation of systematic and cross departmental emission reduction strategies can reduce costs and improve effectiveness.



From: https://www.cnblogs.com/rjxrjx/p/17797665.html


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