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9.20 英语精读

时间:2023-09-20 16:47:42浏览次数:45  
标签:sell 精读 BLACKPINK adj 吸引力 9.20 appeal 英语 out



  BLACKPINK's global appeal has never been a subjective matter. It is arguably the most well-recognised and successful all-girl group from the K-pop capital of South Korea.

  BLACKPINK has now added another feather to their cap, achieving a feat previously only conquered by the likes of Beyonce and Taylor Swift. The KPOP group manageed to sell out, with little to no effort, two consecutive nights in the MetLife Stadium, which has a seating capacity of 82,500, and certainly is a daunting venue to most perfomers because they are unsure or afraid that they might not sell it out.



  1. BLACKPINK's global appeal has never been a subjective matter

    1. 优秀表达 BLACKPINK的全球吸引力从来不是一个主观的事情

    2. global appeal 全球范围的吸引力

      1. appeal [əˈpiːl] n.上诉,呼吁,恳求; 吸引力;感染力; 启发; v.上诉; 呼吁; 申诉; 有吸引力; 恳求; 启发; 有感染力; 引起兴趣

      2. appealing [əˈpiːlɪŋ] adj.有吸引力的;吸引人的;有感染力的;恳求的;可怜的;希望同情的

  2. arguably adv. (常用于形容词比较级或最高级前)可论证地,按理;

  3. the most well-recognised and successful all-girl group 最受人认可以及最成功的女子团体

    1. well-recognised adj.广为认可的,众所周知的,表示某个事物或者人受到了广泛的认可和赞扬。

  4. add another feather to their cap 表示某人或某组织取得了一项新成就或者获得了一些新的荣誉

  5. achieve a feat

    1. feat n. 壮举; 技艺; 功绩; 武艺; 英勇事迹; adj.合适的; 灵巧的; 整洁的;

  6. conquered by the likes of ...

    1. sth conquered by ... 被...征服

    2. the likes of Taylor Swift 像泰勒·斯威夫特这样的人

  7. sell out two consecutive nights

    1. 售罄门票可以用sell out tickets来表示

    2. 而本句中的sell out two consecutive nights则是一个非常有用的表达,非常地道

  8. a dauting venue

    1. dauting [ˈdɔːntɪŋ] adj.令人生畏的;使人畏惧的;令人胆怯的;让人气馁的 v. 使胆怯;使气馁;使失去信心

    2. venue [ˈvenju] n.地点;聚会地点(如音乐厅、体育比赛场馆、会场)

  9. sell it out

    1. it在本句中代表的是MetLife Stadium

    2. 把整个体育馆的门票售罄可以表达为 sell out the stadium

  10. stadium [ˈsteɪdiəm] n.体育场; 运动场

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/coding-inspirations/p/17717708.html


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