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9.15 英语精读

时间:2023-09-16 13:33:39浏览次数:53  
标签:his her Yu into 9.15 Jennie 精读 英语

9.15 精读




  Noverlist Yu Hua, widely regarded as a luminary in modern Chinese literature, has a knack for comdy, particulary in interviews.

  Though neraly sixty-four, Yu, who wears his hair short and spiky, looks relatively young. He speaks in emphatic bursts, his face often flushing red, and he is quick to laugh.   Yu Hua is a shameless joker, in the best sense of both words. He'll make you laugh before making you cry.


  1. luminary n.专家,权威,有影响的人物

  2. knack [næk] n.技能,本领; 习惯; 癖好;

  3. wears his hair short and spiky 用wear修饰发型

  4. He speaks in emphatic bursts

  5. his face often flushing red 脸红的表达

  6. Yu Hua is a shameless joker, in the best sense of both words 优秀表达





  Three songs into the night, it appeared that Jennie had a microphone glitch, causing her to be called off stage.   Jennie smoothly worded her exit from the stage and then rushed to staff members, who quickly fixed the issue.   Jennie then lingered on the stairs while timing her re-entry into the performance before effortlessly re-joining the members and the choreography without missing a beat.


  1. Three songs into the night 唱到第三首歌的时候(演唱会在傍晚)

  2. it appeared that ... 看来似乎...

  3. Jennie had a microphone glitch 麦克风小故障

  4. smoothly worked her exit from the stage

    1. her exit 作名词,work表示充满努力的完成了某个过程/动作

    2. egg:She worked her way up to the position of CEO.

  5. lingered on the stairs while timing her re-entry into the performance

    1. linger [ˈlɪŋɡər] 徘徊; 逗留;花很长时间做(某事); 持续看(或思考);

    2. time 选择…的时机

  6. the choreography without missing a beat

    1. choreography [ˌkɔːriˈɑːɡrəfi] n.编舞; 舞蹈设计; (尤指芭蕾舞的)编舞艺术; 本句中指一段舞蹈

  7. before 有时候不翻译成“在...之前”,而是一种承接关系,译成“然后”更合适。


From: https://www.cnblogs.com/coding-inspirations/p/17706631.html


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