1 Introduction
usual class in decision tree:ID3,C4.5,CART
ID3:/Informattion Entropy,基于信息熵和信息增益
C4.5:/信息增益率,base on the ID3
CART:/基尼系数,using regress or class
2 achieving
1.1 ID3 decision tree
D-training set,a-attribute
$p_{i}:the\ i\ sample\ take\ part\ in\ the\ D$
$Information\ Gain:Gain(D,a)=Ent(D)-Ent(D|a)$
chosing the max of vartex of Gain
1.2 C4.5 decision tree
defect of id3:when the class of sample are overmach,it's class less precison.
base on the Intrinsic Value
$intrinsic\ value\ of\ a:$
1.3 CART decision tree
CART(Classification and regression tree),using the Gini index todevide sample.
sklearn model in 'python' using cart mathods
-Classification tree:aimed data divide or scatter
-Regression tree:aimed data continuous
3 sample
4 code
5 problem
标签:frac,decision,tree,Decision,Tree,MT,Ent,Gain,sum From: https://www.cnblogs.com/TangBao111/p/17659559.html