HACK: Learning a Parametric Head and Neck Model for High-fidelity Animation
FLAME也对脖子进行了建模,不过只是用一个joint点来描述相对于脖子的运动,HACK则是在脖子处用了7个joints来描述脖子,以扩充模型对脖子的表达能力。之所以去建模脖子,也是因为在对人脸的数字化应用场景中,人头部的动作表达尚有不足,一些情绪如紧张时吞咽口水等细节没法用现有模型表达,因此对喉咙部分的shape建模,pose中以解剖学为先验增加更多joints,加上头部建模, 弥补其不足。
\[\mathrm{G}(\boldsymbol{\beta}, \boldsymbol{\psi}, \boldsymbol{\theta}, \eta, \tau)=\operatorname{LBS}(T(\boldsymbol{\beta}, \boldsymbol{\psi}, \boldsymbol{\theta}, \eta, \tau), J(\boldsymbol{\beta}), \boldsymbol{\theta}, \boldsymbol{W}) \]其中Blend shape:
\[\begin{aligned}T(\boldsymbol{\beta}, \boldsymbol{\psi}, \boldsymbol{\theta}, \eta, \tau)= & \overline{\mathrm{T}}+\mathrm{B}_{\mathrm{S}}(\boldsymbol{\beta} ; \mathcal{S})+\mathrm{B}_{\mathrm{E}}\left(\boldsymbol{\psi} ; \mathcal{E}_{\boldsymbol{\beta}}\right)+\mathrm{B}_{\mathrm{P}}\left(\boldsymbol{\theta} ; \boldsymbol{P}_{\boldsymbol{\beta}}\right) \\& +L(\boldsymbol{\beta}, \eta, \tau ; \mathcal{L})\end{aligned} \]其余的\(J,\theta,W\),遵循和FLAME一样的建模方式。
对于expression基,使用FACS先验,由FACS的weights绑定到对应基的区域,同时为了使expression的基更加person-specific,使用一个网络去预测给定person的表情基。这样做的好处是使得表情基在对于特定的人有着更强的细节上的表达能力。直接预测表情基(有表情的数据减去中性数据)是很困难的,因为点特别多,基的维数就是点的数目,于是文章希望预测更低维的对表情基进一步PCA之后的基的系数,这组系数和表情基相乘就是最终的表情基。我大致把该过程画了一下,以最终生成id1的blend shape为例,Beta和id basis相乘得到S,网络由Beta预测表情基的系数,和表情基线形组合成新的基,新的基以FACS weights作为参数,得到E。
\[L(\boldsymbol{\beta}, \eta, \tau ; \mathcal{L})=\{\mathrm{v}(u, v)\}, \mathrm{v}(u, v)=\eta \cdot \sum_{i=1}^{|\boldsymbol{\beta}|} \mathrm{L}_i(u, v+\tau) \]喉咙部分的建模,应用解刨学先验,用超声波扫描得到脊柱的三维点云,请专家标注joint点的位置,和虚拟的脊柱进行配准,配准时认为脊柱的运动是刚体运动,估计刚体运动的参数,最后和rest pose配准,配准时在表面标注点配准。
\[E_{\mathrm{rec}}=\sum_{i=1}^{\left|\mathcal{D}_{\mathrm{H}}\right|} \sum_{j=1}^{\left|\mathcal{T}_{\mathrm{H}}^p(i)\right|}\left\|\mathrm{G}(\boldsymbol{\beta}(i), \boldsymbol{\psi}(i, j), \boldsymbol{\theta}(i, j), \eta(i), \tau(i, j))-\mathcal{T}_{\mathrm{H}}^p(i, j)\right\|_2^2 \]之后就能得到一组组deformation的系数序列。
import numpy as np
import cv2
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import json
import roma
import helper
bones = json.load(open("model/bones_neutral.json"))
bone_names = list(bones.keys())
obj_template = helper.read_obj(r"model/000_generic_neutral_mesh_newuv.obj")
for name in bones:
bone = bones[name]
parent = bone["parent"]
L2P_rotation = np.array(bone["matrix"])
head_in_p = (np.array(bone["head"]) + ([0, bones[parent]["length"], 0] if parent is not None else 0))
L2P_transformation = np.identity(4)
L2P_transformation[:3, :3] = L2P_rotation
L2P_transformation[:3, 3] = head_in_p
bone["L2P_transformation"] = torch.tensor(L2P_transformation, dtype=torch.float32)
def update_L2W_transformation(name):
bone = bones[name]
transformation_name = "L2W_transformation"
local_pose_transformation = torch.eye(4)[None]
if transformation_name in bone:
return bone[transformation_name]
parent = bone["parent"]
L2W_transformation = bone["L2P_transformation"] @ local_pose_transformation
if parent is not None:
L2W_transformation = update_L2W_transformation(parent) @ L2W_transformation
bone[transformation_name] = L2W_transformation
return L2W_transformation
def update_L2W_transformation_pose(L2W_transformation_pose, L2P_transformation, ith_bone, pose_matrix):
L2W_transformation_pose: list of N_bones
name = bone_names[ith_bone]
bone = bones[name]
if L2W_transformation_pose[ith_bone] is not None:
return L2W_transformation_pose[ith_bone]
local_pose_transformation = torch.eye(4, device=pose_matrix.device)[None].repeat(pose_matrix.shape[0], 1, 1)
local_pose_transformation[:, :3, :3] = pose_matrix[:, bone_names.index(name)]
L2W_transformation = L2P_transformation[ith_bone] @ local_pose_transformation
parent = bone["parent"]
if parent is not None:
ith_parent = bone_names.index(parent)
print(f"update parent {ith_parent} with {ith_bone}")
# update_L2W_transformation_pose调用顺序是从root到叶子节点的,这里再调用只是为了拿parent的L2W_transformation_pose,进去之后就返回了
L2W_transformation = update_L2W_transformation_pose(L2W_transformation_pose, L2P_transformation, ith_parent, pose_matrix) @ L2W_transformation
L2W_transformation_pose[ith_bone] = L2W_transformation
return L2W_transformation_pose[ith_bone]
N_bones = 8
L2P_transformation = torch.stack([bones[bone_names[i]]["L2P_transformation"] for i in range(len(bone_names))])
L2W_transformation = torch.zeros(1, N_bones, 4, 4) # [1, Nb, 4, 4]
for name in bones:
L2W_transformation[:, bone_names.index(name)] = update_L2W_transformation(name)
W2L_transformation = torch.linalg.inv(L2W_transformation)
def uv1d_construct_delta(uv1d, tau):
uv1d: [1, 1, 256, 256]
tau: [B, 1]
return: [B, 14062, 1]
grid = getattr(uv1d_construct_delta, "grid", None)
if grid is None:
obj = obj_template
uv = obj.vts # (14269, 2)
uv[:, 1] = 1 - uv[:, 1]
uv = uv * 2 - 1 # 点 (-1,1) 存的是在uv空间中的坐标
fv = obj.fvs # 平面 (14062,4)
fvt = obj.fvts # 纹理
grid = np.ones((1, 1, 14062, 2)) * 2 # sample 14062个点,默认值2超出边界
for i in range(len(fv)):
for j in range(4):
if grid[0][0][fv[i][j]][0] == 2:
grid[0][0][fv[i][j]] = uv[fvt[i][j]] # 拿到坐标
grid = torch.tensor(grid).to(uv1d)
setattr(uv1d_construct_delta, "grid", grid)
# grid的y坐标加上2*tau
grid = grid + F.pad(tau * 2, [1, 0])[:, None, None, :]
output = torch.nn.functional.grid_sample(uv1d.expand(grid.shape[0], -1, -1, -1), grid, mode='bilinear', padding_mode="border", align_corners=True)
# output range [0,1]
return output[:, 0, 0, :, None]
class PCA(nn.Module):
# 基
def __init__(self, mean, diff):
self.register_buffer("mean", torch.tensor(mean[None]).to(torch.float32))
self.register_buffer("diff", torch.tensor(diff[None]).to(torch.float32))
def forward(self, a=None, clip=999):
if a is None:
return self.mean
return self.mean + (a.reshape([a.shape[0], a.shape[1]] + [1] * (len(self.diff.shape) - 2)) * self.diff)[:, :clip].sum(dim=1)
def load_pca(path):
pca = np.load(path, allow_pickle=True).item()
mean = pca["mean"]
VT_std = pca["VT_std"]
pca = PCA(mean, VT_std)
return pca
class HACK(nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
W = torch.tensor(np.load("model/weight_map_smooth.npy"), dtype=torch.float32) # [Nb, 14062]
W = W / W.sum(axis=0, keepdims=True)
self.register_buffer("W", W, persistent=False)
T = torch.tensor(obj_template.vs, dtype=torch.float32) # [14062, 3]
self.register_buffer("T", T)
P = torch.zeros(N_bones, 3, 3, 14062, 3) # [N_bones, 3, 3, 14062, 3]
self.register_buffer("P", P)
L = torch.tensor(cv2.imread("model/Lc_mid.png", cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE) / 255, dtype=torch.float32)[None, None] # [1, 1, 256, 256]
self.register_buffer("L", L, persistent=False)
ts = torch.tensor(np.load("model/ts_larynx.npy"), dtype=torch.float32) # [3]
self.register_buffer("ts", ts, persistent=False)
self.register_buffer("L2P_transformation", L2P_transformation, persistent=False)
self.register_buffer("W2L_transformation", W2L_transformation, persistent=False)
blendshapes = torch.tensor(np.load("model/blendshape.npy"), dtype=torch.float32)
neutral = blendshapes[:1]
blendshapes = blendshapes[1:] - neutral
self.register_buffer("E", blendshapes, persistent=False)
def get_L_tau(self, tau):
tau>0 means upper
dist = uv1d_construct_delta(self.L, tau)
# self.ts tensor([ 0.0000, -0.4534, 0.8913]
# ts控制方向,并非竖直移动
L_tau = dist * self.ts
return L_tau
def forward(self, theta, tau, alpha, bsw, T=None, P=None, E=None):
theta: [B, Nb, 3]
tau: [B, 1]
alpha: [B, 1]
bsw: [B, 55]
return: [B, Nv, 3]
B = theta.shape[0]
theta_matrix = roma.rotvec_to_rotmat(theta) # [B, Nb, 3, 3]
# 减去静默状态(eye)之后pose基的系数
theta_matrix_zero = theta_matrix - torch.cat([theta_matrix[:, :1], (torch.eye(3).to(theta)[None, None]).expand(B, N_bones - 1, 3, 3)], dim=1)
P = self.P if P is None else P
# blend pose
P_theta = (theta_matrix_zero[:, :, :, :, None, None] * P).sum(dim=(1, 2, 3))
L2W_transformation_pose = [None] * N_bones
# 计算前向运动学的累乘旋转矩阵,theta_matrix是相对于joint的变换(local),最终转变为相对根节点parent的变换(world)
# l2p: local to parent
# l2w: local to world
for ith_bone in range(len(bone_names)):
print(f"setting {ith_bone}")
update_L2W_transformation_pose(L2W_transformation_pose, self.L2P_transformation, ith_bone, theta_matrix)
L2W_transformation_pose = torch.stack(L2W_transformation_pose, dim=1) # [B, Nb, 4, 4]
# 世界系的点先转到joint系
W2L2pWs = L2W_transformation_pose @ self.W2L_transformation # [B, Nb, 4, 4]
W2L2pW_weighted = (W2L2pWs[:, :, None, :, :] * self.W[None, :, :, None, None]).sum(axis=1) # [B, 14062, 4, 4]
T = self.T if T is None else T
E = self.E if E is None else E
# blend
# bsw是FACS系数
T_theta = T + P_theta + (E[:, :, :] * bsw[:, :, None, None]).sum(dim=1) + self.get_L_tau(tau) * alpha[:, :, None]
# 齐次系下skinning
T_transformed = (W2L2pW_weighted @ F.pad(T_theta, [0, 1], value=1)[:, :, :, None])[:, :, :3, 0] # [B, 14062, 3]
data = {
"T_transformed": T_transformed,
return data
From: https://www.cnblogs.com/aoru45/p/17652945.html