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School Manners

时间:2023-08-17 22:47:12浏览次数:34  
标签:do School when manners Manners teacher he


School Manners         Manners in the schoolroom, as everywhere are important to happy relations with the group. Western manners here differ only slightly from good Chinese manners.   Greeting the Teacher           If you are in very large class, it may not be necessary to greet the teacher on arriving, but it is always quite proper if you happen to catch the teacher’s eyes as you enter. In a small class the teacher will probably notice each one as he arrives, and you should smile and say:“Good morning, Dr. Fenn.”Western manners do not require you to stand up when the teacher comes in or when you answer a question, nor do you need to stand still at the door for a moment when you come in.        One usually does no address one’s teacher by his first name, either in speech or in writing. If one’s teacher’s name is Gordon Agnew, it is not proper to say “Gordon”, nor to write“Dear Mr Gordon”. And one never speaks to one’s teacher as “Teacher”. It is quite proper to say“Sir”to a man, but if your teacher is a woman, you must use her surname.   Laughing at Others          It is bad manners to laugh at others’ mistake or accidents. You can realize why if you think how you feel yourself when laughed at. It is very bad manners to laugh at any unfortunate student who has a peculiarity of walking or talking or any deformity of the body. Such persons should be treated with real kindness. Make them feel that you do not notice their misfortune.       And be friendly. Snobbishness----looking down on others—is one of the worst forms of rudeness, because it puts such a ridiculous value on oneself. Take it for granted that the next person is as good as or better than yourself. If he hasn’t as many brains he may be making much more of the ones he has. The chances are that you will discover qualities you can admire in the person you are tempted to laugh at, if you are friendly and openhearted.   Thinking of Others           Good manners are especially important in the library. The general rule is: Do not do anything that might disturb your neighbor. Scraping chairs and shuffling feel are impolite, as well as talking or laughing while others are trying to walk. If you have a bad cold you might disturb people by coughing or sneezing, it is better for you to take out a book and read it at home.   Helping the Teacher           Most teachers are sincerely anxious to help their students in any way they can, and it is polite for the students to help the teacher when they see something they can do, especially if the teacher is woman and the student a young man. Sometimes the blackboard needs to be erased, or the door or window shut or opened. Sometimes there are papers to collect or distribute. This kind of help is always appreciated.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/wangprince2017/p/17639079.html


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