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some proxy demo

时间:2023-07-17 12:34:24浏览次数:28  
标签:return target demo some propKey proxy WatchName console result



let rawindexof = String.prototype.indexOf
String.prototype.indexOf = function (str) {
    var res = rawindexof.call(this, str)
    console.log(`[String] "${this}" is indexof "${str}", res is ${res}`)
    return res
let mydocument = {
    "head": {},
    "documentElement": {
        "getAttribute": function () {
    "readyState": "complete",
    "addEventListener": function () {
    "createElement": function () {
        return {}
    "getElementsByTagName": function (str) {
        if (str === "meta") {
            let metaRes = []
            metaRes["meta-pro"] = {
                "content": {
                    "length": 6
            return metaRes
let mynavigator = {
    userAgent: "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/91.0.4472.77 Safari/537.36",
    platform: "Linux x86_64",
    appCodeName: "Mozilla",
    languages: ["en-US", "en"],
    cookieEnabled: true,
    webdriver: false,
let mysrceen = {
    height: 852,
    width: 1918,
    colorDepth: 24,
let mylocation = {
    "protocol": "https:",
    "href": "http://www.dtasecurity.cn/flightlist",
    "pathname": "/flightlist",
    "host": "www.dtasecurity.cn",
    "hostname": "www.dtasecurity.cn",
let mywindow = {
    XMLHttpRequest: function () {
    sessionStorage: {},
    localStorage: {},
    navigator: mynavigator,
    scrollTo: function () {
    addEventListener: function () {
    attachEvent: function () {
    screen: mysrceen,
    location: mylocation,
    chrome: {},
    document: mydocument,

let Image = function () {
let rawstringify = JSON.stringify;
JSON.stringify = function (Object) {
    if ((Object?.value ?? Object) === global) {
        return "global"
    } else {
        return rawstringify(Object)

function checkproxy() {
    window.a = {
        "b": {
            "c": {
                "d": 123
    window.a.b.c.d = 456
    // window.btoa("123")
    // window.atob.name
    "c" in window.a
    delete window.a.b
    Object.defineProperty(window, "b", {
        value: "bbb"
    Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window, "b")
    Object.setPrototypeOf(window, {"dta": "dta"})
    // for (let windowKey in window) {
    //     windowKey
    // }

function getMethodHandler(WatchName) {
    let methodhandler = {
        apply(target, thisArg, argArray) {
            let result = Reflect.apply(target, thisArg, argArray)
            console.log(`[${WatchName}] apply function name is [${target.name}], argArray is [${argArray}], result is [${result}].`)
            return result
        construct(target, argArray, newTarget) {
            var result = Reflect.construct(target, argArray, newTarget)
            console.log(`[${WatchName}] construct function name is [${target.name}], argArray is [${argArray}], result is [${JSON.stringify(result)}].`)
            return result;
    return methodhandler

function getObjhandler(WatchName) {
    let handler = {
        get(target, propKey, receiver) {
            let result = Reflect.get(target, propKey, receiver)
            if (result instanceof Object) {
                if (typeof result === "function") {
                    console.log(`[${WatchName}] getting propKey is [${propKey}] , it is function`)
                    //return new Proxy(result,getMethodHandler(WatchName))
                } else {
                    console.log(`[${WatchName}] getting propKey is [${propKey}], result is [${JSON.stringify(result)}]`);
                return new Proxy(result, getObjhandler(`${WatchName}.${propKey}`))
            console.log(`[${WatchName}] getting propKey is [${propKey?.description ?? propKey}], result is [${result}]`);
            return result;
        set(target, propKey, value, receiver) {
            if (value instanceof Object) {
                console.log(`[${WatchName}] setting propKey is [${propKey}], value is [${JSON.stringify(value)}]`);
            } else {
                console.log(`[${WatchName}] setting propKey is [${propKey}], value is [${value}]`);
            return Reflect.set(target, propKey, value, receiver);
        has(target, propKey) {
            var result = Reflect.has(target, propKey);
            console.log(`[${WatchName}] has propKey [${propKey}], result is [${result}]`)
            return result;
        deleteProperty(target, propKey) {
            var result = Reflect.deleteProperty(target, propKey);
            console.log(`[${WatchName}] delete propKey [${propKey}], result is [${result}]`)
            return result;
        getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, propKey) {
            var result = Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, propKey);
            console.log(`[${WatchName}] getOwnPropertyDescriptor  propKey [${propKey}] result is [${JSON.stringify(result)}]`)
            return result;
        defineProperty(target, propKey, attributes) {
            var result = Reflect.defineProperty(target, propKey, attributes);
            console.log(`[${WatchName}] defineProperty propKey [${propKey}] attributes is [${JSON.stringify(attributes)}], result is [${result}]`)
            return result
        getPrototypeOf(target) {
            var result = Reflect.getPrototypeOf(target)
            console.log(`[${WatchName}] getPrototypeOf result is [${JSON.stringify(result)}]`)
            return result;
        setPrototypeOf(target, proto) {
            console.log(`[${WatchName}] setPrototypeOf proto is [${JSON.stringify(proto)}]`)
            return Reflect.setPrototypeOf(target, proto);
        preventExtensions(target) {
            console.log(`[${WatchName}] preventExtensions`)
            return Reflect.preventExtensions(target);
        isExtensible(target) {
            var result = Reflect.isExtensible(target)
            console.log(`[${WatchName}] isExtensible, result is [${result}]`)
            return result;
        ownKeys(target) {
            var result = Reflect.ownKeys(target)
            console.log(`[${WatchName}] invoke ownkeys, result is [${JSON.stringify(result)}]`)
            return result
        apply(target, thisArg, argArray) {
            let result = Reflect.apply(target, thisArg, argArray)
            console.log(`[${WatchName}] apply function name is [${target.name}], argArray is [${argArray}], result is [${result}].`)
            return result
        construct(target, argArray, newTarget) {
            var result = Reflect.construct(target, argArray, newTarget)
            console.log(`[${WatchName}] construct function name is [${target.name}], argArray is [${argArray}], result is [${JSON.stringify(result)}].`)
            return result;
    return handler;

const navigator = new Proxy(Object.create(mynavigator), getObjhandler("navigator"));
const screen = new Proxy(Object.create(mysrceen), getObjhandler("screen"));
const location = new Proxy(mylocation, getObjhandler("location"));
const document = new Proxy(mydocument, getObjhandler("document"));
const window = new Proxy(Object.assign(global, mywindow), getObjhandler("window"));

module.exports = {


From: https://www.cnblogs.com/angdh/p/17559764.html


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