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Getting Started with Eclipse and Counterclockwise

时间:2023-07-03 16:37:57浏览次数:47  
标签:Hit Install Started Eclipse labrepl Counterclockwise Clojure software


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  • Install Eclipse (If you do not have Eclipse installed, or you want to make isolated tests of the Clojure plugin for Eclipse)
  • Grab the Eclipse ZIP file from http://www.eclipse.org/downloads . If you do not know which "package" to get, pick the "Eclipse IDE for Java Developers" one since it ships out of the box with Git support
  • Unzip it somewhere. The executable is eclipse (linux) or eclipse.exe (windows) located in the eclipse/ directory created by the unzip operation
  • The first time Eclipse is run, it will ask you for a location on your disk where eclipse will put its metadata and will create new projects by default.
  • Install Counterclockwise (the Clojure plugin for Eclipse)
  • You install it via the “software update center”, that is:
  • Menu Help > Install new software…
  • Paste the following Counterclockwise url in the “Work with:” textbox: http://ccw.cgrand.net/updatesite/
  • Hit Enter
  • Select counterclockwise, verify the “Contact all update sites during …” chekbox is checked, click next, accept licence, etc., restart Eclipse
  • Go to menu Window > Reset Perspective ... this will reset the way the views are layout, and also and and place correctly the views contributed by counterclockwise (for now - July 2010 -, the Namespace Browser viewer, placed "behind" the code outline view)
  • Create and run a simple Clojure project (Hello World)
  • Open the Java perspective: Window > Open Perspective > Java (a perspective is a predefined layout of views, suitable for a particular type of development)
  • Create a Clojure project: File > New > Project... > Clojure Project, name it firstClojureProject
  • Create a Clojure source code file in the src/ directory: File > New > File, twist down firstClojureProject in the file creation wizard and select "src" as the ** the parent folder, and name the file helloworld.clj
  • Type code in it to define a function: (defn hello [who] (str "Hello " who " !")) (leave the (ns helloworld) call at the beginning of the file), save the file
  • Run it: Select the firstClojureProject>src>helloworld.clj file, then menu Run > Run as > Clojure REPL. this evaluates the code and starts a REPL
  • Call your function (Hit Ctrl+Enter to send the expression to the REPL server):

    > 1:1 helloworld=> (hello "Betty") [Ctrl+Enter] > "Hello Betty !"

Installing and running the labrepl environment for learning Clojure

  • If you have installed the "Eclipse IDE for Java Developers" package, you can skip the "Install EGit" and "Install m2e" following steps, since your package already ships with those "Eclipse Features"
  • Install EGit, Git support in Eclipse (optional if you already use another git client)
  • You install it via the “software update center”, that is:
  • Menu Help > Install new software…
  • Paste the following EGit url in the “Work with:” textbox: http://download.eclipse.org/egit/updates
  • Hit Enter
  • Select “Eclipse EGit feature”, verify the “Contact all update sites during …” chekbox is checked, click next, accept licence, etc., restart Eclipse
  • Install m2e, Maven support in Eclipse
  • You install it via the “software update center”, that is:
  • Menu Help > Install new software…
  • Paste the following maven2eclipse (m2e) url in the “Work with:” textbox: http://m2eclipse.sonatype.org/sites/m2e
  • Hit Enter
  • Select Maven Integration for Eclipse, verify the “Contact all update sites during …” chekbox is checked, click next, accept licence, etc., restart Eclipse
  • Note: for Maven, you need to have a JDK installed on your computer (not just a JRE), and configure it as the JVM for use when running Eclipse. (Maven gives a warning when Maven is used.)
  • Grab labrepl from git via EGit
  • Menu File > Import … > Git > Projects From Git; Hit Next
  • URI: git://github.com/relevance/labrepl.git ; Hit Next ; Hit Next ; Check "Import as General Project" ; Hit Finish
  • Enable Clojure Support
  • Right-click the "labrepl" project in Package Explorer and choose "Enable/disable Clojure language support"
  • Run the labrepl
  • Right click on project “labrepl” in the Package Explorer
  • Run as > Clojure REPL
  • In the REPL Console:

    (require 'labrepl) (labrepl/-main)

  • Open your favorite Browser with URL localhost:8080
  • Enjoy the labs!


From: https://blog.51cto.com/u_16174476/6612632


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